Exemplo n.º 1
function bb_content__GenerateShortcode($tagnum, $tag, $pos, $pos2, $depth, &$data, $options)
    global $bb_widget, $g_bb_content_shortcodes;
    $str = substr($tag, $pos + 1);
    $taginfo = BB_HTMLParseTag("<" . $tag);
    if (isset($taginfo["id"])) {
        $sid = $taginfo["id"];
        $pos = strrpos($sid, "_");
        if ($pos !== false) {
            $sid = substr($sid, $pos + 1);
        $sid = (int) $sid;
        if (isset($bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]) && isset($bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]["_sn"])) {
            $sname = $bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid]["_sn"];
            if (isset($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname])) {
                if (!isset($g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname]["instance"])) {
                    if (!$g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname]["cache"]) {
                        $bb_widget->body_cached = false;
                    $shortcode = "bb_content_shortcode_" . $sname;
                    $g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname]["instance"] = new $shortcode();
                $info = $bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid];
                bb_content_shortcode_cache_profile_pre($sname, $options["__parent"], $sid, $depth);
                $data2 = $g_bb_content_shortcodes[$sname]["instance"]->GenerateShortcode($options["__parent"], $sid, $depth);
                $data .= bb_content_shortcode_cache_profile_post($sname, $options["__parent"], $sid, $depth, $data2);
                $bb_widget->shortcodes[$sid] = $info;
    $data .= $str;
Exemplo n.º 2
function BB_HTMLTransformForWYMEditor($data, $options)
    if (isset($options["backtrack_stack_callback"]) && !function_exists($options["backtrack_stack_callback"])) {
    if (isset($options["inline_tag_callback"]) && !function_exists($options["inline_tag_callback"])) {
    if (isset($options["p_tag_callback"]) && !function_exists($options["p_tag_callback"])) {
    if (isset($options["shortcode_callback"]) && !function_exists($options["shortcode_callback"])) {
    // Process special classes and make the HTML look pretty.
    $bodytags = array("p" => false, "ul" => true, "ol" => true, "li" => false, "h1" => false, "h2" => false, "h3" => false, "h4" => false, "h5" => false, "h6" => false, "pre" => false, "blockquote" => true);
    $depth = "\n";
    $tags = explode("<", $data);
    $data = "";
    $stack = array();
    $skiptag = "";
    $replacetag = array("", "");
    $floatused = false;
    foreach ($tags as $tagnum => $tag) {
        $pos = strpos($tag, ">");
        if ($pos === false) {
            $data .= $tag;
        } else {
            $pos2 = strpos($tag, " ");
            if ($pos2 === false) {
                $pos2 = strlen($tag);
            $name = substr($tag, 0, $pos < $pos2 ? $pos : $pos2);
            if (substr($name, 0, 1) != "/") {
                $closetag = false;
            } else {
                $name = substr($name, 1);
                $closetag = true;
            if ($name == "img" && isset($options["shortcode_callback"])) {
                $options["shortcode_callback"]($tagnum, $tag, $pos, $pos2, $depth, $data, $options);
            } else {
                if (!isset($bodytags[$name])) {
                    if (!$closetag) {
                        if (isset($options["link_target"]) && $name == "a") {
                            $taginfo = BB_HTMLParseTag("<" . $tag);
                            $taginfo["target"] = $options["link_target"];
                            $tag = substr(BB_HTMLMakeTag($taginfo), 1) . substr($tag, $pos + 1);
                        if (isset($options["inline_tag_callback"])) {
                            $options["inline_tag_callback"]($tagnum, $tag, $pos, $pos2, $name, $closetag, $stack, $depth, $skiptag, $replacetag, $data, $options);
                    $data .= $skiptag == $name ? "" : "<" . ($replacetag[0] == $name ? $replacetag[1] : $tag);
                    if ($skiptag == $name) {
                        $skiptag = "";
                    if ($replacetag[0] == $name) {
                        $replacetag = array("", "");
                } else {
                    if ($closetag) {
                        if (!$bodytags[$name]) {
                            $data .= $skiptag == $name ? "" : "<" . ($replacetag[0] == $name ? $replacetag[1] : $tag);
                        } else {
                            if ($name == "blockquote" && BB_HTMLTransformForWYMEditor_BacktrackStack("blockquote", $stack, $depth, $data, $options) && count($stack)) {
                                $stack = array_slice($stack, 0, -1);
                            $depth = substr($depth, 0, -1);
                            $data .= $skiptag == $name ? "" : ($data != "" ? $depth : "") . "<" . ($replacetag[0] == $name ? $replacetag[1] : $tag);
                        if ($skiptag == $name) {
                            $skiptag = "";
                        if ($replacetag[0] == $name) {
                            $replacetag = array("", "");
                    } else {
                        $newdepth = $depth;
                        if ($name == "blockquote") {
                            $stack[] = "blockquote";
                        } else {
                            if ($name == "p" && $pos2 < $pos) {
                                // Process special classes.  If the 'p' tag ever accepts more than 'class', the extraction code here will need rewriting (replace with BB_HTMLParseTag).
                                $pos3 = strpos($tag, "\"", $pos2 + 1);
                                if ($pos3 !== false && $pos3 < $pos) {
                                    $pos4 = strpos($tag, "\"", $pos3 + 1);
                                    if ($pos4 !== false && $pos4 < $pos) {
                                        $classes = substr($tag, $pos3 + 1, $pos4 - $pos3 - 1);
                                        $classes = BB_HTMLClassExplode($classes);
                                        if (!$floatused && (isset($classes["float-left"]) || isset($classes["float-right"]))) {
                                            $floatused = true;
                                        if (isset($classes["wrap-shortcode"])) {
                                            $classes["shortcode"] = "shortcode";
                                            $tag = "div" . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\"" : "") . substr($tag, $pos);
                                            $replacetag = array("p", "/div>");
                                        } else {
                                            if (isset($classes["wrap-start"])) {
                                                $stack[] = "wrap";
                                                $classes["wrap"] = "wrap";
                                                $str = substr($tag, $pos + 1);
                                                $tag = "div" . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\">" : ">");
                                                $newdepth .= "\t";
                                                if ($str == "" && $tags[$tagnum + 1] == "/p>") {
                                                    $skiptag = "p";
                                                } else {
                                                    $tag .= $newdepth . "<p>" . $str;
                                            } else {
                                                if (isset($classes["wrap-end"])) {
                                                    if (BB_HTMLTransformForWYMEditor_BacktrackStack("wrap", $stack, $depth, $data, $options) && count($stack)) {
                                                        $stack = array_slice($stack, 0, -1);
                                                        $str = substr($tag, $pos + 1);
                                                        $tag = "/div>";
                                                        $closetag = true;
                                                        $newdepth = $depth = substr($depth, 0, -1);
                                                        if ($str == "" && $tags[$tagnum + 1] == "/p>") {
                                                            $skiptag = "p";
                                                        } else {
                                                            $tag .= (strlen($depth) == 1 ? "\n" : "") . $depth . "<p" . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\">" : ">") . $str;
                                                } else {
                                                    if (isset($classes["table-row"])) {
                                                        $rowspan = $colspan = 1;
                                                        foreach ($classes as $class) {
                                                            if (substr($class, 0, 8) == "rowspan-") {
                                                                $rowspan = (int) substr($class, 8);
                                                            } else {
                                                                if (substr($class, 0, 8) == "colspan-") {
                                                                    $colspan = (int) substr($class, 8);
                                                        if ($rowspan < 1) {
                                                            $rowspan = 1;
                                                        if ($colspan < 1) {
                                                            $colspan = 1;
                                                        $td = ($rowspan > 1 ? " rowspan=\"" . $rowspan . "\"" : "") . ($colspan > 1 ? " rowspan=\"" . $colspan . "\"" : "");
                                                        $str = substr($tag, $pos + 1);
                                                        if (count($stack) && $stack[count($stack) - 1] == "table") {
                                                            $tag = "/td>" . substr($depth, 0, -2) . "</tr>" . substr($depth, 0, -2) . "<tr>" . substr($depth, 0, -1) . "<td" . $td . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\">" : ">");
                                                            $newdepth = $depth;
                                                            $depth = substr($depth, 0, -1);
                                                        } else {
                                                            $stack[] = "table";
                                                            $tag = "table>" . $depth . "\t<tr>" . $depth . "\t\t<td" . $td . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\">" : ">");
                                                            $newdepth .= "\t\t\t";
                                                        if ($str == "" && $tags[$tagnum + 1] == "/p>") {
                                                            $skiptag = "p";
                                                        } else {
                                                            $tag .= $newdepth . "<p>" . $str;
                                                    } else {
                                                        if (isset($classes["table-cell"])) {
                                                            $rowspan = $colspan = 1;
                                                            foreach ($classes as $class) {
                                                                if (substr($class, 0, 8) == "rowspan-") {
                                                                    $rowspan = (int) substr($class, 8);
                                                                } else {
                                                                    if (substr($class, 0, 8) == "colspan-") {
                                                                        $colspan = (int) substr($class, 8);
                                                            if ($rowspan < 1) {
                                                                $rowspan = 1;
                                                            if ($colspan < 1) {
                                                                $colspan = 1;
                                                            $td = ($rowspan > 1 ? " rowspan=\"" . $rowspan . "\"" : "") . ($colspan > 1 ? " rowspan=\"" . $colspan . "\"" : "");
                                                            $str = substr($tag, $pos + 1);
                                                            if (count($stack) && $stack[count($stack) - 1] == "table") {
                                                                $tag = "/td>" . substr($depth, 0, -1) . "<td" . $td . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\">" : ">");
                                                                $newdepth = $depth;
                                                                $depth = substr($depth, 0, -1);
                                                            } else {
                                                                $stack[] = "table";
                                                                $tag = "table>" . $depth . "\t<tr>" . $depth . "\t\t<td" . $td . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\">" : ">");
                                                                $newdepth .= "\t\t\t";
                                                            if ($str == "" && $tags[$tagnum + 1] == "/p>") {
                                                                $skiptag = "p";
                                                            } else {
                                                                $tag .= $newdepth . "<p>" . $str;
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (isset($classes["table-end"])) {
                                                                if (BB_HTMLTransformForWYMEditor_BacktrackStack("table", $stack, $depth, $data, $options) && count($stack)) {
                                                                    $stack = array_slice($stack, 0, -1);
                                                                    $str = substr($tag, $pos + 1);
                                                                    $depth = substr($depth, 0, -1);
                                                                    $newdepth = substr($depth, 0, -2);
                                                                    $tag = "/td>" . substr($depth, 0, -1) . "</tr>" . $newdepth . "</table>";
                                                                    if ($str == "" && $tags[$tagnum + 1] == "/p>") {
                                                                        $skiptag = "p";
                                                                    } else {
                                                                        $tag .= (strlen($newdepth) == 1 ? "\n" : "") . $newdepth . "<p" . (count($classes) ? " class=\"" . implode(" ", $classes) . "\">" : ">") . $str;
                                                            } else {
                                                                if (isset($options["p_tag_callback"])) {
                                                                    $options["p_tag_callback"]($tagnum, $tag, $pos, $pos2, $name, $closetag, $stack, $depth, $skiptag, $replacetag, $data, $options);
                        $data .= ($data != "" ? (!$closetag && strlen($depth) == 1 ? "\n" : "") . $depth : "") . "<" . $tag;
                        if ($bodytags[$name]) {
                            $depth .= "\t";
                        } else {
                            $depth = $newdepth;
    BB_HTMLTransformForWYMEditor_BacktrackStack("", $stack, $depth, $data, $options);
    if ($floatused) {
        $data .= "\n<p class=\"float-clear\"></p>";
    // Last second transformation of single tags from XHTML to HTML (e.g. <img /> to <img>).
    if (isset($options["doctype"]) && strtolower(substr($options["doctype"], 0, 6)) == "html 4") {
        $data = str_replace("/>", ">", str_replace(" />", ">", $data));
    return "\n" . $data . "\n";