function UpdateAll($ts_fee_id)
    global $conn;
    global $ts_fee_project;
    $count = 0;
    $updated_rows = 1;
    while ($updated_rows > 0) {
        $sql_all = "SELECT ts_fee_id, ts_fee_commence, ts_fee_pre, ts_fee_time_end, ts_fee_pre_lag FROM intranet_timesheet_fees WHERE ts_fee_project = {$ts_fee_project} AND ts_fee_id != {$ts_fee_id} AND ts_fee_pre > 0 ORDER BY ts_fee_pre";
        $result_all = mysql_query($sql_all, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
        //echo "<p>$sql_all</p>";
        while ($array_all = mysql_fetch_array($result_all)) {
            $ts_fee_id = $array_all['ts_fee_id'];
            $ts_fee_pre = $array_all['ts_fee_pre'];
            $ts_fee_pre_lag = $array_all['ts_fee_pre_lag'];
            //echo "<h3>ID: $ts_fee_id - $ts_fee_pre</h3>";
            // Work out the conclusion of the previous linked stage
            $sql_previous = "SELECT ts_fee_id, ts_fee_commence, ts_fee_pre, ts_fee_time_end FROM intranet_timesheet_fees WHERE ts_fee_project = {$ts_fee_project} AND ts_fee_id = {$ts_fee_pre} LIMIT 1";
            $result_previous = mysql_query($sql_previous, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
            $array_previous = mysql_fetch_array($result_previous);
            $newdate = AssessDays($array_previous['ts_fee_commence']) + $array_previous['ts_fee_time_end'] + $ts_fee_pre_lag;
            $newdate = date("Y-n-j", $newdate);
            //echo "<p>$sql_previous</p>";
            //echo "<p>New Start: " . $newdate . "</p>";
            $sql_push = "UPDATE intranet_timesheet_fees SET ts_fee_commence = '{$newdate}' WHERE ts_fee_id = {$ts_fee_id} AND ts_fee_project = {$ts_fee_project}";
            $result_push = mysql_query($sql_push, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
            $updated_rows = mysql_affected_rows();
            //if ($updated_rows == 0 && $user_usertype_current > 2) { echo "<p>[$count] " . $sql_push . "(Updated Rows: $updated_rows)</p>"; } else { echo "<p>[$count] " . $sql_push . "(Updated Rows: $updated_rows)</p>";}
            //echo "<p>$sql_push<br />Affected rows: " .  $updated_rows . "</p>";
            if ($_POST[datum] == 1) {
                $sql_datum = "UPDATE intranet_timesheet_fees SET ts_datum_commence = '{$newdate}' WHERE ts_fee_id = {$ts_fee_id} LIMIT 1";
                $result_datum = mysql_query($sql_datum, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
        if ($updated_rows == 0) {
        // This is a horrible way of breaking the loop if necessary
        if ($count > 100) {
echo "<h3>Date of fee stage commencement</h3>";
echo "<p><input type=\"date\" name=\"ts_fee_commence\" value=\"{$ts_fee_commence}\" /></p>";
echo "</fieldset>";
if ($ts_fee_id != "" && $proj_active == 1) {
    echo "<fieldset><legend>Change Project</legend><p>You can move this fee stage to another project here:</p>";
    $data_project = $ts_fee_project;
    $result_data = "ts_fee_project";
    include_once "dropdowns/inc_data_dropdown_projects.php";
} else {
    echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ts_fee_project\" value=\"{$ts_fee_project}\" />";
echo "</fieldset>";
if ($ts_fee_id > 0) {
    echo "<fieldset><legend>Datum</legend>";
    if ($ts_datum_commence != NULL) {
        echo "<p>Current Datum: " . TimeFormat(AssessDays($ts_datum_commence)) . " to " . TimeFormat(AssessDays($ts_datum_commence) + $ts_datum_length) . "</p>";
    if ($ts_datum_commence == NULL) {
        $checked = " checked=\"checked\" ";
    } else {
    echo "<p><input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"1\" name=\"datum\" {$checked} />&nbsp;Reset the datum to these new dates?</p>";
    echo "</fieldset>";
echo "<fieldset><legend>Change Project</legend>";
echo "<p>You can move this fee stage to another project by selecting it from below. Note that this will break any links with other fee stages in the current project.</p>";
$sql6 = "SELECT proj_num, proj_name, proj_id FROM intranet_projects WHERE proj_active = 1 ORDER BY proj_num DESC";
$result6 = mysql_query($sql6, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<select name=\"ts_fee_proj_change\">";
while ($array6 = mysql_fetch_array($result6)) {
 $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM intranet_timesheet_invoice WHERE invoice_id = '{$ts_fee_invoice}' LIMIT 1";
 $result2 = mysql_query($sql2, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $array2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
 $invoice_id = $array2['invoice_id'];
 $invoice_ref = $array2['invoice_ref'];
 $invoice_date = $array2['invoice_date'];
 $proj_fee_total = $proj_value * ($proj_fee_percentage / 100);
 if ($ts_fee_percentage > 0) {
     $ts_fee_calc = $proj_fee_total * ($ts_fee_percentage / 100);
 } else {
     $ts_fee_calc = $ts_fee_value;
 $fee_total = $fee_total + $ts_fee_calc;
 //  This bit needs re-writing to cross out any completed stages
 // if ($proj_riba > $riba_order) { $highlight = $highlight."text-decoration: line-through;"; }
 $prog_begin = AssessDays($ts_fee_commence);
 if ($prog_begin > 0) {
     $prog_end = $prog_begin + $ts_fee_time_end;
 } else {
     $prog_begin = time();
 // Calculate the time we are through the stage
 if (time() > $prog_begin && time() < $prog_end) {
     $percent_complete = time() - $prog_begin;
     $percent_complete = $percent_complete / $ts_fee_time_end;
 } elseif (time() > $prog_end) {
     $percent_complete = 1;
 } else {
     $percent_complete = 0;
 $percent_complete = $percent_complete * 100;
        //echo "<p>" . date("Y-m-d",$counter_time) . " (Weekend: " . $weekend . ", Bank Holiday: " . $bank_holiday . ", Existing: " . $existing_holiday . ")</p>";
        if ($weekend == "no" and $bank_holiday == "no" and $holidays_existingholidays == "no") {
            $inserted = $inserted++;
        if ($weekend == "no" and $bank_holiday == "no" and $holidays_existingholidays == "no" and $insert == "yes") {
            $sql_holidays = "INSERT INTO intranet_user_holidays (holiday_id, holiday_user, holiday_date, holiday_month, holiday_year, holiday_approved, holiday_timestamp, holiday_length, holiday_paid, holiday_datestamp, holiday_assigned) VALUES ( NULL, {$user}, " . date("j", $counter_time) . "," . date("n", $counter_time) . "," . date("Y", $counter_time) . ", NULL," . $counter_time . "," . $length . "," . $paid . ",'" . date("Y-m-d", $counter_time) . "','" . date("Y", $counter_time) . "')";
            $result_holidays = mysql_query($sql_holidays, $conn);
            echo "<li>" . date("l j F Y", $counter_time) . " </li>";
        } elseif ($weekend == "no" and $bank_holiday == "no" and $holidays_existingholidays == "no" and $insert != "yes") {
            echo "<li>" . date("l j F Y", $counter_time) . "</li>";
            $inserted = $inserted++;
        } elseif ($bank_holiday == "yes") {
            echo "<li>" . date("l j F Y", $counter_time) . " is a bank holiday</li>";
        } elseif ($holidays_existingholidays == "yes" && $weekend == "no") {
            echo "<li>" . Date("l j F Y", $counter_time) . " is already booked as holiday</li>";
        if ($weekend == "no" && $bank_holiday == "no" && $existing_holiday == "no") {
        $counter_time = $counter_time + 86400;
    echo "</ul>";
    //if ($inserted == 0) { echo "<p>No holidays requested.</p>"; }
    return $counter_days;
$holiday_begin = $_POST[holiday_day_start];
$time_begin = AssessDays($holiday_begin);
$holiday_back = $_POST[holiday_day_back];
$time_back = AssessDays($holiday_back);
         $condition_submitted = "- None -";
         $background = " style=\"background: rgba(255,0,0,0.5);\" ";
     if ($array_conditions['condition_submitted_ref']) {
         $condition_submitted = $condition_submitted . "<br />(Ref. " . $array_conditions['condition_submitted_ref'] . ")";
     if ($array_conditions['condition_submitted'] != "0000-00-00" && $array_conditions['condition_approved'] != "0000-00-00") {
         $background = " style=\"background: rgba(0,255,0,0.5);\" ";
     if (!$background) {
         $background = " style=\"background: rgba(150,150,150,0.5);\" ";
     if ($array_conditions['condition_decision_date'] == "0000-00-00") {
         $condition_decision_date = "- None -";
     } else {
         $condition_decision_date = date("j M Y", AssessDays($array_conditions['condition_decision_date']));
     if ($array_conditions['company_name'] != NULL) {
         $company_name = $array_conditions['company_name'];
     } else {
         $company_name = $pref_practice;
     echo "<tr id=\"{$showdetail}\"><td {$background}><a href=\"" . $array_conditions['condition_link'] . "\">" . $array_conditions['condition_ref'] . "</a></td><td {$background}><a href=\"index2.php?page=project_planningcondition_edit&amp;proj_id={$proj_id}&amp;condition_id=" . $array_conditions['condition_id'] . "\"><img src=\"images/button_edit.png\" alt=\"Edit Planning Condition\" /></a></td><td {$background}><a href=\"index2.php?page=project_planningcondition_list&amp;proj_id={$proj_id}&amp;showdetail=" . $array_conditions['condition_id'] . "#" . $array_conditions['condition_id'] . "\">" . $array_conditions['condition_number'] . "</a></td><td {$background}>" . $company_name . "</td><td {$background}>" . $array_conditions['condition_type'] . "</td><td {$background}>" . $condition_decision_date . "</td><td {$background}>" . $condition_submitted . "</td><td {$background}>" . $condition_approved . "</td></tr>";
     if ($showdetail > 0 && $array_conditions['condition_text'] != NULL) {
         echo "<tr><td>Details:</td><td colspan=\"7\">" . nl2br($array_conditions['condition_text']) . "</td></tr>";
     if ($showdetail > 0 && $array_conditions['condition_note'] != NULL) {
         echo "<tr><td>Notes:</td><td colspan=\"7\"><span class=\"minitext\">" . nl2br($array_conditions['condition_note']) . "</span></td></tr>";
 echo "</table>";
     $pdf->SetFillColor(254, 240, 120);
 } elseif ($array_conditions['condition_type'] == "Pre-Occupation" && $array_conditions['condition_submitted'] != "0000-00-00") {
     $condition_submitted = date("j M Y", AssessDays($array_conditions['condition_submitted']));
     $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 120);
 } elseif ($array_conditions['condition_type'] == "Pre-Occupation" && $array_conditions['condition_submitted'] == "0000-00-00") {
     $condition_submitted = "- None -";
     $pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 120);
 } else {
     $condition_submitted = "Not submitted";
     $pdf->SetFillColor(254, 120, 120);
 if ($array_conditions['condition_submitted'] != "0000-00-00" && $array_conditions['condition_approved'] != "0000-00-00") {
     $pdf->SetFillColor(200, 254, 150);
 if ($array_conditions['condition_decision_date'] > 0) {
     $condition_decision_date = AssessDays($array_conditions['condition_decision_date']);
 if ($array_conditions['condition_decision_date'] == "0000-00-00") {
     $condition_decision_date = "- None -";
 } else {
     $condition_decision_date = "Approval Date: " . date("j M Y", $condition_decision_date);
 if ($array_conditions['company_name'] != NULL) {
     $company_name = $array_conditions['company_name'];
 } elseif ($array_conditions['condition_type'] == "Informative Only") {
 } else {
     $company_name = $pref_practice;
 if ($current_ref != $array_conditions['condition_ref']) {
         $pdf->Cell(0, 4, $cost_unassigned, 0, 1, L);
         $pdf->Cell(0, 1, '', 0, 1);
     } else {
         $pdf->Cell(0, 1, '', 0, 1);
     // Now include the project checklist completion
     $pdf->Cell(13, 2, 'Checklist', 0, 0, R);
 // This prints the fee stages
 // First establish the width of the fee stage bar
 $sql_fee_stage = "SELECT ts_fee_value, ts_fee_stage, ts_fee_commence, ts_fee_time_end FROM intranet_timesheet_fees WHERE ts_fee_id = {$ts_fee_id} AND ts_fee_prospect = 100 ";
 $result_fee_stage = mysql_query($sql_fee_stage, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $array_fee_stage = mysql_fetch_array($result_fee_stage);
 $fee_stage = $array_fee_stage['ts_fee_value'];
 $fee_commence = AssessDays($array_fee_stage['ts_fee_commence']);
 $fee_time_end = $array_fee_stage['ts_fee_time_end'] + $fee_commence;
 if ($fee_commence < time() && $fee_time_end > time()) {
     //$percent_complete = (time() - $fee_commence) / ($fee_time_end);
     //$percent_complete = round ($percent_complete,0) . "%";
 } else {
     //$percent_complete = $fee_time_end;
 // Now establish the width of the timesheet hours to date for this fee stage only
 $sql_cost_total = " SELECT SUM(ts_cost_factored * (1 - user_prop_target)) FROM intranet_timesheet, intranet_user_details WHERE user_id = ts_user AND `ts_stage_fee` = {$ts_fee_id} AND `ts_project` = {$proj_id} = 100";
 $result_cost_total = mysql_query($sql_cost_total, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $array_cost_total = mysql_fetch_array($result_cost_total);
 $cost_total = $array_cost_total['SUM(ts_cost_factored * (1 - user_prop_target))'];
 $sql_cost_stage = " SELECT SUM(ts_cost_factored * (1 - user_prop_target)) FROM intranet_timesheet , intranet_user_details WHERE user_id = ts_user AND `ts_stage_fee` = {$ts_fee_id} AND `ts_project` = {$proj_id}  ";
 $result_cost_stage = mysql_query($sql_cost_stage, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
 $array_cost_stage = mysql_fetch_array($result_cost_stage);

$issue_date = AssessDays($_POST[set_date]);
$issue_set = time();
$total = 0;
// Establish the two arrays from the submission page
$array_contact_id = $_POST['contact_id'];
$array_company_id = $_POST['company_id'];
$array_issue_to = $_POST['issue_to'];
$array_drawing = $_POST['drawing_id'];
$array_revision = $_POST['revision_id'];
$array_issued = $_POST['drawing_issued'];
$issue_method = $_POST['issue_method'];
$issue_format = $_POST['issue_format'];
$issue_comment = $_POST['issue_comment'];
$issue_project = $_POST['issue_project'];
$issue_checked = $_POST['set_checked'];
if ($_POST[issue_reason] == NULL) {
    $issue_reason = CleanUp($_POST[issue_revision_other]);
} else {
    $issue_reason = $_POST[issue_reason];
$issue_timestamp = time();
// First add the actual drawing set to the database
$sql_set = "INSERT INTO intranet_drawings_issued_set (\n\t\t\t\t\tset_id,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_date,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_project,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_reason,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_user,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_comment,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_timestamp,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_method,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_format,\n\t\t\t\t\tset_checked\n\t\t\t\t\t) values (\n\t\t\t\t\t'NULL',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_date}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_project}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_reason}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$_COOKIE['user']}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_comment}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_timestamp}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_method}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_format}',\n\t\t\t\t\t'{$issue_checked}'\n\t\t\t\t\t)";
$result_set = mysql_query($sql_set, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$issue_set = mysql_insert_id();
// Loop through each of the contacts selected
$count = 0;
while ($count < count($array_contact_id)) {
    $issue_contact = $array_contact_id[$count];
$bankholiday_timestamp = $array_bankholidays['bankholiday_timestamp'];
echo "<p>The next Bank Holiday is <a href=\"index2.php?page=datebook_view_day&amp;time={$bankholiday_timestamp}\">" . TimeFormat($bankholiday_timestamp) . ".</a></p>";
$sql_holiday = "SELECT user_holidays, user_user_added, user_user_ended FROM intranet_user_details WHERE user_id = {$user_id} AND holiday_paid = 1 LIMIT 1";
$result_holiday = mysql_query($sql_holiday, $conn);
$array_holiday = mysql_fetch_array($result_holiday);
$user_holidays = $array_holiday['user_holidays'];
$user_user_added = $array_holiday['user_user_added'];
$user_user_ended = $array_holiday['user_user_ended'];
$beginning_of_year = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this_year);
$end_of_year = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $this_year + 1);
echo "<h2>Holiday Request</h2>";
$holiday_remaining = UserHolidays($user_id, "yes");
if ($_POST[assess] == 1) {
    echo "<fieldset><legend>Confirm Holiday Request</legend>";
    $holiday_day_start = AssessDays($_POST[holiday_day_start]);
    $holiday_day_back = AssessDays($_POST[holiday_day_back]);
    $holiday_count = CheckHolidays($holiday_day_start, $holiday_day_back, "no", $user_id, $_POST[holiday_length], $paid);
    $holiday_remaining = $holiday_remaining - $holiday_count;
    //echo "<p>This will leave you with " . $holiday_remaining . " remaining holidays this year.</p>";
    echo "<p><form action=\"index2.php?page=holiday_request\" method=\"post\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"holiday_request\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"assess\" value=\"2\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$time_begin}\" name=\"holiday_begin\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$_POST['holiday_length']}\" name=\"holiday_length\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$time_back}\" name=\"holiday_back\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$user_id}\" name=\"user_id\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$paid}\" name=\"paid\" /><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Confirm\" /></p>";
    echo "</fieldset>";
if ($_POST[assess] == 2) {
    echo "<fieldset><legend>Holiday Request Confirmed</legend>";
    echo "<p>You have requested the following days holiday:</p>";
    $holiday_count = CheckHolidays($_POST[holiday_begin], $_POST[holiday_back], "yes", $user_id, $_POST[holiday_length], $paid);
    $holiday_remaining = $user_holidays - $holiday_count;
    echo "<p>Please note that your holiday request cannot be confirmed until it has been approved in writing.</p><p><a href=\"pdf_holiday_request.php\">Please click here</a> to download the request form.</p>";
    echo "</fieldset>";
if ($_POST[assess] < 1) {

if ($_POST[user_id] > 0) {
    $user_id = $_POST[user_id];
} else {
    $user_id = "";
$user_user_added = AssessDays($_POST[user_user_added], 8);
$user_user_ended = AssessDays($_POST[user_user_ended], 18);
$user_address_county = addslashes($_POST[user_address_county]);
$user_address_postcode = addslashes($_POST[user_address_postcode]);
$user_address_town = addslashes($_POST[user_address_town]);
$user_address_3 = addslashes($_POST[user_address_3]);
$user_address_2 = addslashes($_POST[user_address_2]);
$user_address_1 = addslashes($_POST[user_address_1]);
$user_name_first = addslashes($_POST[user_name_first]);
$user_name_second = addslashes($_POST[user_name_second]);
$user_username = addslashes($_POST[user_username]);
$user_email = addslashes($_POST[user_email]);
$user_initials = addslashes($_POST[user_initials]);
if ($user_id > 0) {
    if ($_POST[update_user_password] == "yes" && $_POST[update_user_password] != NULL) {
        $user_password = md5($_POST[user_password]);
        $update_password = "******";
    } else {
    $sql = "UPDATE intranet_user_details SET\n\tuser_address_county = '{$user_address_county}',\n\tuser_address_postcode = '{$user_address_postcode}',\n\tuser_address_town = '{$user_address_town}',\n\tuser_address_3 = '{$user_address_3}',\n\tuser_address_2 = '{$user_address_2}',\n\tuser_address_1 = '{$user_address_1}',\n\tuser_name_first = '{$user_name_first}',\n\tuser_name_second = '{$user_name_second}',\n\tuser_num_extension = '{$_POST['user_num_extension']}',\n\tuser_num_mob = '{$_POST['user_num_mob']}',\n\tuser_num_home = '{$_POST['user_num_home']}',\n\tuser_email = '{$user_email}',\n\tuser_usertype = '{$_POST['user_usertype']}',\n\tuser_active = '{$_POST['user_active']}',\n\tuser_username = '******',\n\tuser_user_rate = '{$_POST['user_user_rate']}',\n\tuser_user_timesheet = '{$_POST['user_user_timesheet']}',\n\tuser_user_added = '{$user_user_added}',\n\tuser_user_ended = '{$user_user_ended}',\n\tuser_holidays = '{$_POST['user_holidays']}',\n\tuser_initials = '{$user_initials}',\n\tuser_prop_target = '{$_POST['user_prop_target']}',\n\tuser_user_timesheet = '{$_POST['user_user_timesheet']}',\n\tuser_timesheet_hours = '{$_POST['user_timesheet_hours']}'\n\t{$update_password}\n\tWHERE user_id = '{$user_id}' LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
} elseif ($user_id == NULL && $user_usertype_current > 3) {
    $user_password = md5($_POST[user_password]);
 function Datum($start, $duration, $color_array)
     global $current_time;
     global $pdf;
     global $colwidth;
     global $rowheight;
     $y = $pdf->GetY();
     $y = $y - $rowheight;
     $datum_start = BeginWeek(AssessDays($start));
     if ($datum_start < $current_time) {
         $duration = $duration - ($current_time - $datum_start);
     $duration = round($duration / 604800, 0) * $colwidth;
     if ($datum_start < $current_time) {
         $datum_start = 0;
     } else {
         $datum_start = $datum_start - $current_time;
     $datum_start = round($datum_start / 604800, 0);
     $datum_start = $datum_start * $colwidth;
     if ($datum_start + $duration > 230) {
         $duration = 230 - $datum_start;
     if ($datum_start > 0 && $datum_start < 230) {
         $pdf->Cell($datum_start, $rowheight, '', 0, 0, L, FALSE);
     if ($color_array == NULL) {
     } else {
         $pdf->SetDrawColor($color_array[0], $color_array[1], $color_array[2]);
     if ($datum_start < 230 && $datum_start + $duration > 0) {
         $pdf->Cell($duration, $rowheight, '', T, 1, L, FALSE);
     } else {
         $pdf->Cell(0, $rowheight, '', 0, 1, L, FALSE);