function doanim(Player $player, $numparams, $params) { $fs = 4.0; $opt1 = 1; $opt2 = 0; $opt3 = 0; $opt4 = 0; $opt5 = -1; if ($numparams > 2) { $fs = $params[3]; if ($numparams > 3) { $opt1 = $params[4]; if ($numparams > 4) { $opt2 = $params[5]; if ($numparams > 5) { $opt3 = $params[6]; if ($numparams > 6) { $opt4 = $params[7]; if ($numparams > 7) { $opt5 = $params[8]; } } } } } } ApplyAnimation($player->id, $params[1], $params[2], $fs, $opt1, $opt2, $opt3, $opt4, $opt5); }
private function ApplyAnimation() { ApplyAnimation($this->id, $this->animation->lib, $this->animation->anim, 4.0, $this->animation->loop, $this->animation->movex, $this->animation->movey, $this->animation->continue, $this->animation->time); if ($this->animation->steptime > 1) { $this->animtimer = AddTimer(array('Player', 'AnimationStep_static'), $this->animation->steptime, 0, $this); } }
/** TODO: Remove this and use a well-done function with Animations class and Skins manager */ public static function cmdAutoWalk(Player $player, $numparams, $params) { if ($player->GetSex() == 'M') { ApplyAnimation($player->id, "PED", "WALK_gang1", 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); } else { ApplyAnimation($player->id, "PED", "WOMAN_walksexy", 4.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); } return COMMAND_BREAK; }