Exemplo n.º 1
  * @route ajax/authors_get_photo
 public function getAuthorsPhoto()
     $auth_bp = $this->blueprint('Author');
     $file_bp = $this->blueprint('Files');
     if (IDE_HACKS) {
         $db = \Airship\get_database();
         $auth_bp = new Author($db);
         $file_bp = new Files($db);
     $authorId = (int) ($_POST['author'] ?? 0);
     if (!$this->isSuperUser()) {
         $authors = $auth_bp->getAuthorIdsForUser($this->getActiveUserId());
         if (!\in_array($authorId, $authors)) {
             \Airship\json_response(['status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => \__('You do not have permission to access this author\'s posts.')]);
     if (!\Airship\all_keys_exist(['context', 'author'], $_POST)) {
         \Airship\json_response(['status' => 'ERROR', 'message' => 'Insufficient parameters']);
     $file = $auth_bp->getPhotoData($authorId, $_POST['context']);
     if (empty($file)) {
         // No file selected
         \Airship\json_response(['status' => 'OK', 'message' => '', 'photo' => null]);
     $cabin = $file_bp->getFilesCabin((int) $file['fileid']);
     \Airship\json_response(['status' => 'OK', 'message' => '', 'photo' => \Airship\LensFunctions\cabin_url($cabin) . 'files/author/' . $file['slug'] . '/' . $auth_bp->getPhotoDirName() . '/' . $file['filename']]);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param string $token
  * @return string
 protected function recoveryMessage(string $token) : string
     return \__("To recover your account, visit the URL below.") . "\n\n" . \Airship\LensFunctions\cabin_url() . 'forgot-password/' . $token . "\n\n" . \__("This access token will expire in an hour.");
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Read a blog post
  * @param string $year
  * @param string $month
  * @param string $slug
  * @route blog/{year}/{month}/{slug}
 public function readPost(string $year, string $month, string $slug)
     $blogPost = $this->blog->getBlogPost($year, $month, $slug);
     $post = $this->post(new CommentFilter(), true);
     if ($post) {
         if ($this->addComment($post, (int) $blogPost['postid'])) {
             \Airship\redirect(\Airship\LensFunctions\cabin_url() . 'blog/' . $year . '/' . $month . '/' . $slug . '#comments');
     $mathJAX = \strpos($blogPost['body'], '$$') !== false;
     $blogPost['series'] = $this->blog->getPostsSeries((int) $blogPost['postid']);
     $args = ['meta' => \json_decode($blogPost['metadata'] ?? '[]', true), 'pageTitle' => $blogPost['title'], 'blogpost' => $blogPost, 'author' => $this->blog->getAuthor($blogPost['author']), 'config' => $this->config(), 'mathjax' => $mathJAX];
     if (!empty($blogPost['cache'])) {
         $args['cached'] = true;
         $this->stasis('blog/read', $args);
     } else {
         $comments = $this->blog->getCommentTree((int) $blogPost['postid']);
         $args['comments'] = $comments;
         $this->lens('blog/read', $args);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Get an author profile's avatar
 * @param int $authorId
 * @param string $which
 * @return string
function get_avatar(int $authorId, string $which) : string
    static $cache = [];
    static $db = null;
    if (!$db) {
        $db = \Airship\get_database();
    // If someone comments 100 times, we only want to look up their avatar once.
    $key = CryptoUtil::hash(\http_build_query(['author' => $authorId, 'which' => $which]));
    if (!isset($cache[$key])) {
        $file = $db->row("SELECT\n                 f.*,\n                 a.slug\n             FROM\n                 hull_blog_author_photos p\n             JOIN\n                 hull_blog_authors a\n                 ON p.author = a.authorid\n             JOIN\n                 hull_blog_photo_contexts c\n                 ON p.context = c.contextid\n             JOIN\n                 airship_files f\n                 ON p.file = f.fileid\n             WHERE\n                 c.label = ? AND a.authorid = ?\n             ", $which, $authorId);
        if (empty($file)) {
            $cache[$key] = '';
        } else {
            if (empty($file['directory'])) {
                $cabin = $file['cabin'];
            } else {
                $dirId = $file['directory'];
                do {
                    $dir = $db->row("SELECT parent, cabin FROM airship_dirs WHERE directoryid = ?", $dirId);
                    $dirId = $dir['parent'];
                } while (!empty($dirId));
                $cabin = $dir['cabin'];
            $cache[$key] = \Airship\LensFunctions\cabin_url($cabin) . 'files/author/' . $file['slug'] . '/photos/' . $file['filename'];
    return $cache[$key];
Exemplo n.º 5
  * If a redirect exists at this path, serve it.
  * @param string $uri
  * @return bool
 public function serveRedirect(string $uri) : bool
     $lookup = $this->db->row('SELECT * FROM airship_custom_redirect WHERE oldpath = ?', $uri);
     if (empty($lookup)) {
         return false;
     if ($lookup['same_cabin']) {
         // Internal redirects only. Don't create open redirect vulnerabilities.
         \Airship\redirect(\Airship\LensFunctions\cabin_url($lookup['cabin']) . \trim($lookup['newpath'], '/'));
     // Cross-cabin redirects can point to other domains.
     \Airship\redirect(\rtrim($lookup['newpath'], '/'));
     return true;