function Attachments() { global $CFG; // What are they wanting to do? switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'add': AddAttachment(); case 'remove': RemoveAttachment(); case 'edit': EditAttachment(); } // Are they coming for the first time or submitting information? if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { // Submitting information, so store it. $aOptions['maxsize'] = (int) $_REQUEST['maxsize']; // Validate the information, and submit it to the database if everything's okay. UpdateAttachments($aOptions); } else { // Coming for the first time, so set the defaults. $aOptions['maxsize'] = $CFG['uploads']['maxsize']; } // Template require "./skins/{$CFG['skin']}/admincp/attachments.tpl.php"; // Send the page. exit; }
$where = getTicketSearchQuery(); $params = array(array('id' => "{$customerid}", 'sessionid' => "{$sessionid}", 'user_name' => "{$username}", 'onlymine' => $onlymine, 'where' => "{$where}", 'match' => "{$match_condition}")); $result = $client->call('get_tickets_list', $params, $Server_Path, $Server_Path); include "TicketsList.php"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['fun'] == 'newticket') { include "NewTicket.php"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['fun'] == 'updatecomment' || $_REQUEST['fun'] == 'close_ticket' || $_REQUEST['fun'] == 'uploadfile') { if ($_REQUEST['fun'] == 'updatecomment') { UpdateComment(); } if ($_REQUEST['fun'] == 'close_ticket') { $ticketid = $_REQUEST['ticketid']; $res = Close_Ticket($ticketid); } if ($_REQUEST['fun'] == 'uploadfile') { $upload_status = AddAttachment(); if ($upload_status != '') { echo $upload_status; exit(0); } } ?> <script> var ticketid = <?php echo Zend_Json::encode($_REQUEST['ticketid']); ?> ; window.location.href = "index.php?module=HelpDesk&action=index&fun=detail&ticketid="+ticketid </script> <?php } elseif ($_REQUEST['fun'] == 'detail') {