public function __construct($table = null) { //initiating R App::getInstance()->getContainer()->get('RedBean'); if (!is_null($table)) { $this->_table = $table; } elseif (empty($this->_table)) { $class = get_called_class(); $class = explode('\\', $class); $class = array_pop($class); $this->_table = strtolower(Inflect::pluralize($class)); } $this->_bean = R::dispense($this->_table); if ($this->_timestamps) { $this->_bean->{'created_at'} = Carbon::now(); } }
/** * Hash a string * * @param string $string Plain text string. * * @return bool|string Returns the hash, or FALSE on failure. */ function zHash($string) { return password_hash($string, \ZigiPhp\App::getConfig('hash')['algo'], \ZigiPhp\App::getConfig('hash')['options']); }
<?php use ZigiPhp\App; define('MF_START', microtime(true)); define('PUBLIC_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(PUBLIC_PATH)); define('APP_PATH', ROOT_PATH . '/app'); require_once ROOT_PATH . '/bootstrap/autoload.php'; /** * setting error reporting to maximum */ error_reporting(-1); @ini_set('display_errors', 1); /** * intiating app */ $app = new App(); $app->run();
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpIllegalArrayKeyTypeInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpDeprecationInspection */ $STATIC_METHOD_TYPES = [ \ZigiPhp\Helpers\Collection::get('') => [ %s ], ]; } TAG; error_reporting(-1); @ini_set('display_errors', 1); define('PUBLIC_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); define('APP_PATH', ROOT_PATH . '/app'); require_once ROOT_PATH . '/bootstrap/autoload.php'; $app = new App(); $keys = array_keys($app->getContainer()->__toArray()); $result = []; foreach ($keys as $key) { $value = $app->getContainer()->get($key); if (gettype($value) == 'object') { $result[] = sprintf("'{$key}' instanceof %s", get_class($value)); } else { $result[] = sprintf("'{$key}' instanceof %s", gettype($value)); } } $result = implode(',', $result); file_put_contents(ROOT_PATH . '/.phpstorm.meta.php', sprintf($data, $result));
public function dispatch() { $match = App::getInstance()->getContainer()->get('Router')->match(); self::route($match); }
<?php /** * Blade service provider * @return \Philo\Blade\Blade */ use ZigiPhp\App; return function () { $blade = new \Philo\Blade\Blade(App::getConfig('blade')['viewPath'], App::getConfig('blade')['cachePath']); $blade->getCompiler()->directive('trans', function ($expression) { return '<?php echo \\ZigiPhp\\Helpers\\I18n::__' . $expression . '; ?>'; }); $blade->getCompiler()->directive('form', function ($expression) { return '<?php ob_start(); ?>'; }); $blade->getCompiler()->directive('endform', function () { return '<?php \\ZigiPhp\\Helpers\\Form::create(ob_get_clean()); ?>'; }); return $blade; };
<?php /** * RedBean service provider * @return \RedBeanPHP\ToolBox */ use ZigiPhp\App; return function () { return \RedBeanPHP\R::setup(App::getConfig('redbean')['dsn'], App::getConfig('redbean')['username'], App::getConfig('redbean')['password'], App::getConfig('redbean')['frozen']); };
<?php /** * @return PHPMailer */ return function () { $mailer = new \PHPMailer(); if (isset(\ZigiPhp\App::getConfig('mail')['type'])) { switch (\ZigiPhp\App::getConfig('mail')['type']) { case 'sendmail': $mailer->isSendmail(); break; case 'qmail': $mailer->isQmail(); break; case 'smtp': $mailer->isSMTP(); if (isset(\ZigiPhp\App::getConfig('mail')['options'])) { foreach (\ZigiPhp\App::getConfig('mail')['options'] as $option => $value) { $mailer->{$option} = $value; } } break; } } return $mailer; };