예제 #1
  * Executes the event. This function must handle all exceptions. 
  * If the function doesn't catch an exception, the exception 
  * will terminate the whole process.
  * @access public
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Framework $framework
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Request\RequestAbstract $request
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Response\Response $response
 public function execute(Framework $framework, RequestAbstract $request, Response $response)
     if ($response->hasOutput()) {
     $output = '                                                         ' . PHP_EOL . '                  _     ________  ______  ____  ____     ' . PHP_EOL . '    _______ _ __ (_)   /_  __/ / / / __ \\/ __ )/ __ \\    ' . PHP_EOL . '   |_  / _ \\ \'_ \\| |    / / / / / / /_/ / __  / / / /    ' . PHP_EOL . '    / /  __/ |_) | |   / / / /_/ / _, _/ /_/ / /_/ /     ' . PHP_EOL . '   /___\\___| .__/|_|  /_/  \\____/_/ |_/_____/\\____/      ' . PHP_EOL . '           |_|                                           ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '             (C) Copyright ' . date('Y') . ' by zepi' . PHP_EOL . '               https://turbo.zepi.net                   ' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '________________________________________________________' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($response->getOutputParts() as $part) {
         $output .= $part . PHP_EOL;