예제 #1
  * Small wrapper around ZendXml to turn their exceptions into picoFeed
  * exceptions
  * @param $input the xml to load
  * @param $dom pass in a dom document or use null/omit if simpleXml should
  * be used
 private static function scan($input, $dom = null)
     try {
         return Security::scan($input, $dom);
     } catch (\ZendXml\Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
         throw new XmlEntityException($e->getMessage());
예제 #2
  * Converts XML to JSON.
  * Converts an XML formatted string into a JSON formatted string.
  * The caller of this function needs to provide only the first parameter,
  * which is an XML formatted string.
  * The second parameter, also optional, allows the user to select if the
  * XML attributes in the input XML string should be included or ignored
  * during the conversion.
  * This function converts the XML formatted string into a PHP array via a
  * recursive function; it then converts that array to json via
  * Json::encode().
  * NOTE: Encoding native javascript expressions via Zend\Json\Expr is not
  * possible.
  * @deprecated by https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/pull/6778
  * @param string $xmlStringContents XML String to be converted.
  * @param  bool $ignoreXmlAttributes Include or exclude XML attributes in
  *     the conversion process.
  * @return string JSON formatted string on success.
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException If the input not a XML formatted string.
 public static function fromXml($xmlStringContents, $ignoreXmlAttributes = true)
     // Load the XML formatted string into a Simple XML Element object.
     $simpleXmlElementObject = XmlSecurity::scan($xmlStringContents);
     // If it is not a valid XML content, throw an exception.
     if (!$simpleXmlElementObject) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Function fromXml was called with invalid XML');
     // Call the recursive function to convert the XML into a PHP array.
     $resultArray = static::processXml($simpleXmlElementObject, $ignoreXmlAttributes);
     // Convert the PHP array to JSON using Json::encode.
     return Json::encode($resultArray);
예제 #3
파일: Result.php 프로젝트: tillk/vufind
  * Constructor
  * @param string $data XML Result
  * @throws \ZendRest\Client\Exception\ResultException
  * @return void
 public function __construct($data)
     set_error_handler(array($this, 'handleXmlErrors'));
     $this->_sxml = XmlSecurity::scan($data);
     if ($this->_sxml === false) {
         if ($this->_errstr === null) {
             $message = "An error occured while parsing the REST response with simplexml.";
         } else {
             $message = "REST Response Error: " . $this->_errstr;
             $this->_errstr = null;
         throw new Exception\ResultException($message);
예제 #4
파일: Json.php 프로젝트: eltondias/Relogio
  * fromXml - Converts XML to JSON
  * Converts a XML formatted string into a JSON formatted string.
  * The value returned will be a string in JSON format.
  * The caller of this function needs to provide only the first parameter,
  * which is an XML formatted String. The second parameter is optional, which
  * lets the user to select if the XML attributes in the input XML string
  * should be included or ignored in xml2json conversion.
  * This function converts the XML formatted string into a PHP array by
  * calling a recursive (protected static) function in this class. Then, it
  * converts that PHP array into JSON by calling the "encode" static function.
  * NOTE: Encoding native javascript expressions via Zend\Json\Expr is not possible.
  * @static
  * @access public
  * @param string $xmlStringContents XML String to be converted
  * @param  bool $ignoreXmlAttributes Include or exclude XML attributes in
  * the xml2json conversion process.
  * @return mixed - JSON formatted string on success
  * @throws \Zend\Json\Exception\RuntimeException if the input not a XML formatted string
 public static function fromXml($xmlStringContents, $ignoreXmlAttributes = true)
     // Load the XML formatted string into a Simple XML Element object.
     $simpleXmlElementObject = XmlSecurity::scan($xmlStringContents);
     // If it is not a valid XML content, throw an exception.
     if (!$simpleXmlElementObject) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Function fromXml was called with an invalid XML formatted string.');
     // End of if ($simpleXmlElementObject == null)
     $resultArray = null;
     // Call the recursive function to convert the XML into a PHP array.
     $resultArray = static::_processXml($simpleXmlElementObject, $ignoreXmlAttributes);
     // Convert the PHP array to JSON using Zend\Json\Json encode method.
     // It is just that simple.
     $jsonStringOutput = static::encode($resultArray);
     return $jsonStringOutput;
예제 #5
  * Load a response from an XML response
  * Attempts to load a response from an XMLRPC response, autodetecting if it
  * is a fault response.
  * @param string $response
  * @throws Exception\ValueException if invalid XML
  * @return bool True if a valid XMLRPC response, false if a fault
  * response or invalid input
 public function loadXml($response)
     if (!is_string($response)) {
         $this->fault = new Fault(650);
         return false;
     try {
         $xml = XmlSecurity::scan($response);
     } catch (\ZendXml\Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
         $this->fault = new Fault(651);
         return false;
     if (!empty($xml->fault)) {
         // fault response
         $this->fault = new Fault();
         return false;
     if (empty($xml->params)) {
         // Invalid response
         $this->fault = new Fault(652);
         return false;
     try {
         if (!isset($xml->params) || !isset($xml->params->param) || !isset($xml->params->param->value)) {
             throw new Exception\ValueException('Missing XML-RPC value in XML');
         $valueXml = $xml->params->param->value->asXML();
         $value = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($valueXml, AbstractValue::XML_STRING);
     } catch (Exception\ValueException $e) {
         $this->fault = new Fault(653);
         return false;
     return true;
예제 #6
  * Protected method that queries REST service and returns SimpleXML response set
  * @throws Exception\RuntimeException
  * @param  string $service  Name of Audioscrobbler service file we're accessing
  * @param  string $params   Parameters that we send to the service if needded
  * @return \SimpleXMLElement Result set
 protected function getInfo($service, $params = null)
     $service = (string) $service;
     $params = (string) $params;
     if ($params === '') {
     } else {
     $response = $this->getHttpClient()->send();
     $responseBody = $response->getBody();
     if (strpos($responseBody, 'No such path') !== false) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Could not find: ' . $this->getHttpClient()->getUri());
     } elseif (strpos($responseBody, 'No user exists with this name') !== false) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('No user exists with this name');
     } elseif (!$response->isSuccess()) {
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The web service ' . $this->getHttpClient()->getUri() . ' returned the following status code: ' . $response->getStatusCode());
     set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'));
     $simpleXmlElementResponse = XmlSecurity::scan(str_replace('&', '&', $responseBody));
     if (!$simpleXmlElementResponse) {
         $exception = new Exception\RuntimeException('Response failed to load with SimpleXML');
         $exception->error = $this->error;
         $exception->response = $responseBody;
         throw $exception;
     return $simpleXmlElementResponse;
예제 #7
파일: Fault.php 프로젝트: tillk/vufind
  * Load an XMLRPC fault from XML
  * @param string $fault
  * @return bool Returns true if successfully loaded fault response, false
  * if response was not a fault response
  * @throws Exception\ExceptionInterface if no or faulty XML provided, or if fault
  * response does not contain either code or message
 public function loadXml($fault)
     if (!is_string($fault)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid XML provided to fault');
     $xmlErrorsFlag = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
     try {
         $xml = XmlSecurity::scan($fault);
     } catch (\ZendXml\Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
         // Unsecure XML
         throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Failed to parse XML fault: ' . $e->getMessage(), 500, $e);
     if (!$xml instanceof SimpleXMLElement) {
         $errors = libxml_get_errors();
         $errors = array_reduce($errors, function ($result, $item) {
             if (empty($result)) {
                 return $item->message;
             return $result . '; ' . $item->message;
         }, '');
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Failed to parse XML fault: ' . $errors, 500);
     // Check for fault
     if (!$xml->fault) {
         // Not a fault
         return false;
     if (!$xml->fault->value->struct) {
         // not a proper fault
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid fault structure', 500);
     $structXml = $xml->fault->value->asXML();
     $struct = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($structXml, AbstractValue::XML_STRING);
     $struct = $struct->getValue();
     if (isset($struct['faultCode'])) {
         $code = $struct['faultCode'];
     if (isset($struct['faultString'])) {
         $message = $struct['faultString'];
     if (empty($code) && empty($message)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Fault code and string required');
     if (empty($code)) {
         $code = '404';
     if (empty($message)) {
         if (isset($this->internal[$code])) {
             $message = $this->internal[$code];
         } else {
             $message = 'Unknown Error';
     return true;
예제 #8
  * Overwrites standard __wakeup method to make this object unserializable.
  * Restores object status before serialization.
  * Converts XML string into a DomDocument object and creates a valid
  * DOMXpath instance for given DocDocument.
  * @return void
 public function __wakeup()
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $dom = XmlSecurity::scan($this->xml, $dom);
     $this->xml = null;
     // reset XML content
예제 #9
  * Object constructor
  * @param string  $fileName
  * @param boolean $storeContent
  * @throws \ZendSearch\Lucene\Exception\ExtensionNotLoadedException
  * @throws \ZendSearch\Lucene\Exception\RuntimeException
 private function __construct($fileName, $storeContent)
     if (!class_exists('ZipArchive', false)) {
         throw new ExtensionNotLoadedException('MS Office documents processing functionality requires Zip extension to be loaded');
     // Document data holders
     $sharedStrings = array();
     $worksheets = array();
     $documentBody = array();
     $coreProperties = array();
     // Open AbstractOpenXML package
     $package = new \ZipArchive();
     // Read relations and search for officeDocument
     $relationsXml = $package->getFromName('_rels/.rels');
     if ($relationsXml === false) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Invalid archive or corrupted .xlsx file.');
     $relations = XmlSecurity::scan($relationsXml);
     foreach ($relations->Relationship as $rel) {
         if ($rel["Type"] == AbstractOpenXML::SCHEMA_OFFICEDOCUMENT) {
             // Found office document! Read relations for workbook...
             $workbookRelations = XmlSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/_rels/" . basename($rel["Target"]) . ".rels")));
             $workbookRelations->registerXPathNamespace("rel", AbstractOpenXML::SCHEMA_RELATIONSHIP);
             // Read shared strings
             $sharedStringsPath = $workbookRelations->xpath("rel:Relationship[@Type='" . self::SCHEMA_SHAREDSTRINGS . "']");
             $sharedStringsPath = (string) $sharedStringsPath[0]['Target'];
             $xmlStrings = XmlSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/" . $sharedStringsPath)));
             if (isset($xmlStrings) && isset($xmlStrings->si)) {
                 foreach ($xmlStrings->si as $val) {
                     if (isset($val->t)) {
                         $sharedStrings[] = (string) $val->t;
                     } elseif (isset($val->r)) {
                         $sharedStrings[] = $this->_parseRichText($val);
             // Loop relations for workbook and extract worksheets...
             foreach ($workbookRelations->Relationship as $workbookRelation) {
                 if ($workbookRelation["Type"] == self::SCHEMA_WORKSHEETRELATION) {
                     $worksheets[str_replace('rId', '', (string) $workbookRelation["Id"])] = XmlSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/" . dirname($workbookRelation["Target"]) . "/" . basename($workbookRelation["Target"]))));
     // Sort worksheets
     // Extract contents from worksheets
     foreach ($worksheets as $sheetKey => $worksheet) {
         foreach ($worksheet->sheetData->row as $row) {
             foreach ($row->c as $c) {
                 // Determine data type
                 $dataType = (string) $c["t"];
                 switch ($dataType) {
                     case "s":
                         // Value is a shared string
                         if ((string) $c->v != '') {
                             $value = $sharedStrings[intval($c->v)];
                         } else {
                             $value = '';
                     case "b":
                         // Value is boolean
                         $value = (string) $c->v;
                         if ($value == '0') {
                             $value = false;
                         } elseif ($value == '1') {
                             $value = true;
                         } else {
                             $value = (bool) $c->v;
                     case "inlineStr":
                         // Value is rich text inline
                         $value = $this->_parseRichText($c->is);
                     case "e":
                         // Value is an error message
                         if ((string) $c->v != '') {
                             $value = (string) $c->v;
                         } else {
                             $value = '';
                         // Value is a string
                         $value = (string) $c->v;
                         // Check for numeric values
                         if (is_numeric($value) && $dataType != 's') {
                             if ($value == (int) $value) {
                                 $value = (int) $value;
                             } elseif ($value == (double) $value) {
                                 $value = (double) $value;
                             } elseif ($value == (double) $value) {
                                 $value = (double) $value;
                 $documentBody[] = $value;
     // Read core properties
     $coreProperties = $this->extractMetaData($package);
     // Close file
     // Store filename
     $this->addField(Field::Text('filename', $fileName, 'UTF-8'));
     // Store contents
     if ($storeContent) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text('body', implode(' ', $documentBody), 'UTF-8'));
     } else {
         $this->addField(Field::UnStored('body', implode(' ', $documentBody), 'UTF-8'));
     // Store meta data properties
     foreach ($coreProperties as $key => $value) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text($key, $value, 'UTF-8'));
     // Store title (if not present in meta data)
     if (!isset($coreProperties['title'])) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text('title', $fileName, 'UTF-8'));
예제 #10
  * Object constructor
  * @param string  $fileName
  * @param boolean $storeContent
  * @throws \ZendSearch\Lucene\Exception\ExtensionNotLoadedException
  * @throws \ZendSearch\Lucene\Exception\RuntimeException
 private function __construct($fileName, $storeContent)
     if (!class_exists('ZipArchive', false)) {
         throw new ExtensionNotLoadedException('MS Office documents processing functionality requires Zip extension to be loaded');
     // Document data holders
     $documentBody = array();
     $coreProperties = array();
     // Open AbstractOpenXML package
     $package = new \ZipArchive();
     // Read relations and search for officeDocument
     $relationsXml = $package->getFromName('_rels/.rels');
     if ($relationsXml === false) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Invalid archive or corrupted .docx file.');
     $relations = XMLSecurity::scan($relationsXml);
     foreach ($relations->Relationship as $rel) {
         if ($rel["Type"] == AbstractOpenXML::SCHEMA_OFFICEDOCUMENT) {
             // Found office document! Read in contents...
             $contents = XMLSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel['Target']) . '/' . basename($rel['Target']))));
             $contents->registerXPathNamespace('w', self::SCHEMA_WORDPROCESSINGML);
             $paragraphs = $contents->xpath('//w:body/w:p');
             foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph) {
                 $runs = $paragraph->xpath('.//w:r/*[name() = "w:t" or name() = "w:br"]');
                 if ($runs === false) {
                     // Paragraph doesn't contain any text or breaks
                 foreach ($runs as $run) {
                     if ($run->getName() == 'br') {
                         // Break element
                         $documentBody[] = ' ';
                     } else {
                         $documentBody[] = (string) $run;
                 // Add space after each paragraph. So they are not bound together.
                 $documentBody[] = ' ';
     // Read core properties
     $coreProperties = $this->extractMetaData($package);
     // Close file
     // Store filename
     $this->addField(Field::Text('filename', $fileName, 'UTF-8'));
     // Store contents
     if ($storeContent) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text('body', implode('', $documentBody), 'UTF-8'));
     } else {
         $this->addField(Field::UnStored('body', implode('', $documentBody), 'UTF-8'));
     // Store meta data properties
     foreach ($coreProperties as $key => $value) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text($key, $value, 'UTF-8'));
     // Store title (if not present in meta data)
     if (!isset($coreProperties['title'])) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text('title', $fileName, 'UTF-8'));
    public function testScanXmlWithDTD()
        $xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE results [
<!ELEMENT results (result+)>
<!ELEMENT result (#PCDATA)>
        $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0');
        $result = XmlSecurity::scan($xml, $dom);
        $this->assertTrue($result instanceof DOMDocument);
예제 #12
  * Convert XML to SimpleXml
  * If user wants DomDocument they can use dom_import_simplexml
  * @return SimpleXml Object
 public function readXmlString()
     $string = $this->_stream->readLongUTF();
     return \ZendXml\Security::scan($string);
예제 #13
  * Object constructor
  * @param string  $fileName
  * @param boolean $storeContent
  * @throws \ZendSearch\Lucene\Exception\ExtensionNotLoadedException
  * @throws \ZendSearch\Lucene\Exception\RuntimeException
 private function __construct($fileName, $storeContent)
     if (!class_exists('ZipArchive', false)) {
         throw new ExtensionNotLoadedException('MS Office documents processing functionality requires Zip extension to be loaded');
     // Document data holders
     $slides = array();
     $slideNotes = array();
     $documentBody = array();
     $coreProperties = array();
     // Open AbstractOpenXML package
     $package = new \ZipArchive();
     // Read relations and search for officeDocument
     $relationsXml = $package->getFromName('_rels/.rels');
     if ($relationsXml === false) {
         throw new RuntimeException('Invalid archive or corrupted .pptx file.');
     $relations = XmlSecurity::scan($relationsXml);
     foreach ($relations->Relationship as $rel) {
         if ($rel["Type"] == AbstractOpenXML::SCHEMA_OFFICEDOCUMENT) {
             // Found office document! Search for slides...
             $slideRelations = XmlSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/_rels/" . basename($rel["Target"]) . ".rels")));
             foreach ($slideRelations->Relationship as $slideRel) {
                 if ($slideRel["Type"] == self::SCHEMA_SLIDERELATION) {
                     // Found slide!
                     $slides[str_replace('rId', '', (string) $slideRel["Id"])] = XmlSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/" . dirname($slideRel["Target"]) . "/" . basename($slideRel["Target"]))));
                     // Search for slide notes
                     $slideNotesRelations = XmlSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/" . dirname($slideRel["Target"]) . "/_rels/" . basename($slideRel["Target"]) . ".rels")));
                     foreach ($slideNotesRelations->Relationship as $slideNoteRel) {
                         if ($slideNoteRel["Type"] == self::SCHEMA_SLIDENOTESRELATION) {
                             // Found slide notes!
                             $slideNotes[str_replace('rId', '', (string) $slideRel["Id"])] = XmlSecurity::scan($package->getFromName($this->absoluteZipPath(dirname($rel["Target"]) . "/" . dirname($slideRel["Target"]) . "/" . dirname($slideNoteRel["Target"]) . "/" . basename($slideNoteRel["Target"]))));
     // Sort slides
     // Extract contents from slides
     foreach ($slides as $slideKey => $slide) {
         // Register namespaces
         $slide->registerXPathNamespace("p", self::SCHEMA_PRESENTATIONML);
         $slide->registerXPathNamespace("a", self::SCHEMA_DRAWINGML);
         // Fetch all text
         $textElements = $slide->xpath('//a:t');
         foreach ($textElements as $textElement) {
             $documentBody[] = (string) $textElement;
         // Extract contents from slide notes
         if (isset($slideNotes[$slideKey])) {
             // Fetch slide note
             $slideNote = $slideNotes[$slideKey];
             // Register namespaces
             $slideNote->registerXPathNamespace("p", self::SCHEMA_PRESENTATIONML);
             $slideNote->registerXPathNamespace("a", self::SCHEMA_DRAWINGML);
             // Fetch all text
             $textElements = $slideNote->xpath('//a:t');
             foreach ($textElements as $textElement) {
                 $documentBody[] = (string) $textElement;
     // Read core properties
     $coreProperties = $this->extractMetaData($package);
     // Close file
     // Store filename
     $this->addField(Field::Text('filename', $fileName, 'UTF-8'));
     // Store contents
     if ($storeContent) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text('body', implode(' ', $documentBody), 'UTF-8'));
     } else {
         $this->addField(Field::UnStored('body', implode(' ', $documentBody), 'UTF-8'));
     // Store meta data properties
     foreach ($coreProperties as $key => $value) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text($key, $value, 'UTF-8'));
     // Store title (if not present in meta data)
     if (!isset($coreProperties['title'])) {
         $this->addField(Field::Text('title', $fileName, 'UTF-8'));
예제 #14
파일: Response.php 프로젝트: tillk/vufind
  * Gets the SimpleXML document object for this response
  * @return \SimpleXMLElement
 public function getSimpleXMLDocument()
     try {
         $body = $this->_httpResponse->getBody();
     } catch (Http\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {
         $body = false;
     return XmlSecurity::scan($body);
예제 #15
function plugin_showrss_get_rss($target, $cachehour = 6, $raw = false)
    global $cache;
    $time = UTIME;
    $xml = null;
    $cache_name = PLUGIN_SHOWRSS_CACHE_PREFIX . md5($target);
    $reason = 'Failed fetching RSS from the server.';
    // デフォルトのエラー
    $recreate = false;
    if ($cache['raw']->hasItem($cache_name)) {
        $cache_meta = $cache['raw']->getMetadata($cache_name);
        $time = $cache_meta['mtime'];
        // キャッシュの時刻
        if (UTIME - $time >= $cachehour * 360) {
    if (!$cache['raw']->hasItem($cache_name)) {
        // キャッシュが有効期限を過ぎてた場合
        try {
            // file_get_contentsでException飛ばすメモ
            // https://gist.github.com/mia-0032/4374687
            $data = file_get_contents($target);
            $warning = ob_get_contents();
            if ($warning) {
                throw new Exception($warning);
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            // ファイルが取得できなかった
            return array(false, UTIME, $e->getMessage());
        $cache['raw']->setItem($cache_name, $data);
    } else {
        $data = $cache['raw']->getItem($cache_name);
    // ZendXmlでXMLの XML eXternal Entity (XXE) とXML Entity Expansion (XEE)の脆弱性をついた攻撃を排除
    $xml = XmlSecurity::scan($data);
    if (!$xml instanceof \SimpleXMLElement) {
        return array(false, UTIME, 'Invalied XML.');
    // 出力
    return $raw ? array($xml->asXML(), $time, $reason) : array($xml, $time, null);
예제 #16
  * Convert XML to SimpleXml
  * If user wants DomDocument they can use dom_import_simplexml
  * @return SimpleXml Object
 public function readXmlString()
     $xmlReference = $this->readInteger();
     $length = $xmlReference >> 1;
     $string = $this->_stream->readBytes($length);
     return \ZendXml\Security::scan($string);