/** * Retrive similarity used by index reader * * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\Similarity\AbstractSimilarity */ public function getSimilarity() { return AbstractSimilarity::getDefault(); }
/** * Adds a document to this segment. * * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\Document $document * @throws LuceneException\UnsupportedMethodCallException */ public function addDocument(Document $document) { $storedFields = array(); $docNorms = array(); $similarity = AbstractSimilarity::getDefault(); foreach ($document->getFieldNames() as $fieldName) { $field = $document->getField($fieldName); if ($field->storeTermVector) { /** * @todo term vector storing support */ throw new LuceneException\UnsupportedMethodCallException('Store term vector functionality is not supported yet.'); } if ($field->isIndexed) { if ($field->isTokenized) { $analyzer = Analyzer\Analyzer::getDefault(); $analyzer->setInput($field->value, $field->encoding); $position = 0; $tokenCounter = 0; while (($token = $analyzer->nextToken()) !== null) { $tokenCounter++; $term = new Index\Term($token->getTermText(), $field->name); $termKey = $term->key(); if (!isset($this->_termDictionary[$termKey])) { // New term $this->_termDictionary[$termKey] = $term; $this->_termDocs[$termKey] = array(); $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } else { if (!isset($this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount])) { // Existing term, but new term entry $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } } $position += $token->getPositionIncrement(); $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount][] = $position; } if ($tokenCounter == 0) { // Field contains empty value. Treat it as non-indexed and non-tokenized $field = clone $field; $field->isIndexed = $field->isTokenized = false; } else { $docNorms[$field->name] = chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($field->name, $tokenCounter) * $document->boost * $field->boost)); } } else { if (($fieldUtf8Value = $field->getUtf8Value()) == '') { // Field contains empty value. Treat it as non-indexed and non-tokenized $field = clone $field; $field->isIndexed = $field->isTokenized = false; } else { $term = new Index\Term($fieldUtf8Value, $field->name); $termKey = $term->key(); if (!isset($this->_termDictionary[$termKey])) { // New term $this->_termDictionary[$termKey] = $term; $this->_termDocs[$termKey] = array(); $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } else { if (!isset($this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount])) { // Existing term, but new term entry $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount] = array(); } } $this->_termDocs[$termKey][$this->_docCount][] = 0; // position $docNorms[$field->name] = chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($field->name, 1) * $document->boost * $field->boost)); } } } if ($field->isStored) { $storedFields[] = $field; } $this->addField($field); } foreach ($this->_fields as $fieldName => $field) { if (!$field->isIndexed) { continue; } if (!isset($this->_norms[$fieldName])) { $this->_norms[$fieldName] = str_repeat(chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($fieldName, 0))), $this->_docCount); } if (isset($docNorms[$fieldName])) { $this->_norms[$fieldName] .= $docNorms[$fieldName]; } else { $this->_norms[$fieldName] .= chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($fieldName, 0))); } } $this->addStoredFields($storedFields); }
/** * Returns norm vector, encoded in a byte string * * @param string $fieldName * @return string */ public function normVector($fieldName) { $fieldNum = $this->getFieldNum($fieldName); if ($fieldNum == -1 || !$this->_fields[$fieldNum]->isIndexed) { $similarity = AbstractSimilarity::getDefault(); return str_repeat(chr($similarity->encodeNorm($similarity->lengthNorm($fieldName, 0))), $this->_docCount); } if (!isset($this->_norms[$fieldNum])) { $this->_loadNorm($fieldNum); } return $this->_norms[$fieldNum]; }