예제 #1
파일: Boolean.php 프로젝트: nresni/Ariadne
     * Optimize query in the context of specified index
     * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $index
     * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\Query\AbstractQuery
    public function optimize(Lucene\SearchIndex $index)
        $subqueries = array();
        $signs      = array();

        // Optimize all subqueries
        foreach ($this->_subqueries as $id => $subquery) {
            $subqueries[] = $subquery->optimize($index);
            $signs[]      = ($this->_signs === null)? true : $this->_signs[$id];

        // Remove insignificant subqueries
        foreach ($subqueries as $id => $subquery) {
            if ($subquery instanceof Insignificant) {
                // Insignificant subquery has to be removed anyway
        if (count($subqueries) == 0) {
            // Boolean query doesn't has non-insignificant subqueries
            return new Insignificant();
        // Check if all non-insignificant subqueries are prohibited
        $allProhibited = true;
        foreach ($signs as $sign) {
            if ($sign !== false) {
                $allProhibited = false;
        if ($allProhibited) {
            return new Insignificant();

        // Check for empty subqueries
        foreach ($subqueries as $id => $subquery) {
            if ($subquery instanceof EmptyResult) {
                if ($signs[$id] === true) {
                    // Matching is required, but is actually empty
                    return new EmptyResult();
                } else {
                    // Matching is optional or prohibited, but is empty
                    // Remove it from subqueries and signs list

        // Check, if reduced subqueries list is empty
        if (count($subqueries) == 0) {
            return new EmptyResult();

        // Check if all non-empty subqueries are prohibited
        $allProhibited = true;
        foreach ($signs as $sign) {
            if ($sign !== false) {
                $allProhibited = false;
        if ($allProhibited) {
            return new EmptyResult();

        // Check, if reduced subqueries list has only one entry
        if (count($subqueries) == 1) {
            // It's a query with only one required or optional clause
            // (it's already checked, that it's not a prohibited clause)

            if ($this->getBoost() == 1) {
                return reset($subqueries);

            $optimizedQuery = clone reset($subqueries);

            return $optimizedQuery;

        // Prepare first candidate for optimized query
        $optimizedQuery = new self($subqueries, $signs);

        $terms        = array();
        $tsigns       = array();
        $boostFactors = array();

        // Try to decompose term and multi-term subqueries
        foreach ($subqueries as $id => $subquery) {
            if ($subquery instanceof Term) {
                $terms[]        = $subquery->getTerm();
                $tsigns[]       = $signs[$id];
                $boostFactors[] = $subquery->getBoost();

                // remove subquery from a subqueries list
           } else if ($subquery instanceof MultiTerm) {
                $subTerms = $subquery->getTerms();
                $subSigns = $subquery->getSigns();

                if ($signs[$id] === true) {
                    // It's a required multi-term subquery.
                    // Something like '... +(+term1 -term2 term3 ...) ...'

                    // Multi-term required subquery can be decomposed only if it contains
                    // required terms and doesn't contain prohibited terms:
                    // ... +(+term1 term2 ...) ... => ... +term1 term2 ...
                    // Check this
                    $hasRequired   = false;
                    $hasProhibited = false;
                    if ($subSigns === null) {
                        // All subterms are required
                        $hasRequired = true;
                    } else {
                        foreach ($subSigns as $sign) {
                            if ($sign === true) {
                                $hasRequired   = true;
                            } else if ($sign === false) {
                                $hasProhibited = true;
                    // Continue if subquery has prohibited terms or doesn't have required terms
                    if ($hasProhibited  ||  !$hasRequired) {

                    foreach ($subTerms as $termId => $term) {
                        $terms[]        = $term;
                        $tsigns[]       = ($subSigns === null)? true : $subSigns[$termId];
                        $boostFactors[] = $subquery->getBoost();

                    // remove subquery from a subqueries list

                } else { // $signs[$id] === null  ||  $signs[$id] === false
                    // It's an optional or prohibited multi-term subquery.
                    // Something like '... (+term1 -term2 term3 ...) ...'
                    // or
                    // something like '... -(+term1 -term2 term3 ...) ...'

                    // Multi-term optional and required subqueries can be decomposed
                    // only if all terms are optional.
                    // Check if all terms are optional.
                    $onlyOptional = true;
                    if ($subSigns === null) {
                        // All subterms are required
                        $onlyOptional = false;
                    } else {
                        foreach ($subSigns as $sign) {
                            if ($sign !== null) {
                                $onlyOptional = false;

                    // Continue if non-optional terms are presented in this multi-term subquery
                    if (!$onlyOptional) {

                    foreach ($subTerms as $termId => $term) {
                        $terms[]  = $term;
                        $tsigns[] = ($signs[$id] === null)? null  /* optional */ :
                                                            false /* prohibited */;
                        $boostFactors[] = $subquery->getBoost();

                    // remove subquery from a subqueries list

        // Check, if there are no decomposed subqueries
        if (count($terms) == 0 ) {
            // return prepared candidate
            return $optimizedQuery;

        // Check, if all subqueries have been decomposed and all terms has the same boost factor
        if (count($subqueries) == 0  &&  count(array_unique($boostFactors)) == 1) {
            $optimizedQuery = new MultiTerm($terms, $tsigns);

            return $optimizedQuery;

        // This boolean query can't be transformed to Term/MultiTerm query and still contains
        // several subqueries

        // Separate prohibited terms
        $prohibitedTerms        = array();
        foreach ($terms as $id => $term) {
            if ($tsigns[$id] === false) {
                $prohibitedTerms[]        = $term;


        if (count($terms) == 1) {
            $clause = new Term(reset($terms));

            $subqueries[] = $clause;
            $signs[]      = reset($tsigns);

            // Clear terms list
            $terms = array();
        } else if (count($terms) > 1  &&  count(array_unique($boostFactors)) == 1) {
            $clause = new MultiTerm($terms, $tsigns);

            $subqueries[] = $clause;
            // Clause sign is 'required' if clause contains required terms. 'Optional' otherwise.
            $signs[]      = (in_array(true, $tsigns))? true : null;

            // Clear terms list
            $terms = array();

        if (count($prohibitedTerms) == 1) {
            // (boost factors are not significant for prohibited clauses)
            $subqueries[] = new Term(reset($prohibitedTerms));
            $signs[]      = false;

            // Clear prohibited terms list
            $prohibitedTerms = array();
        } else if (count($prohibitedTerms) > 1) {
            // prepare signs array
            $prohibitedSigns = array();
            foreach ($prohibitedTerms as $id => $term) {
                // all prohibited term are grouped as optional into multi-term query
                $prohibitedSigns[$id] = null;

            // (boost factors are not significant for prohibited clauses)
            $subqueries[] = new MultiTerm($prohibitedTerms, $prohibitedSigns);
            // Clause sign is 'prohibited'
            $signs[]      = false;

            // Clear terms list
            $prohibitedTerms = array();

        /** @todo Group terms with the same boost factors together */

        // Check, that all terms are processed
        // Replace candidate for optimized query
        if (count($terms) == 0  &&  count($prohibitedTerms) == 0) {
            $optimizedQuery = new self($subqueries, $signs);

        return $optimizedQuery;
예제 #2
     * Optimize query in the context of specified index
     * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $index
     * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\Query\AbstractQuery
    public function optimize(Lucene\SearchIndex $index)
        // Check, that index contains all phrase terms
        foreach ($this->_terms as $term) {
            if (!$index->hasTerm($term)) {
                return new EmptyResult();

        if (count($this->_terms) == 1) {
            // It's one term query
            $optimizedQuery = new Term(reset($this->_terms));

            return $optimizedQuery;

        if (count($this->_terms) == 0) {
            return new EmptyResult();

        return $this;
예제 #3
파일: Phrase.php 프로젝트: navassouza/zf2
  * Re-write query into primitive queries in the context of specified index
  * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndexInterface $index
  * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\Query\AbstractQuery
 public function rewrite(Lucene\SearchIndexInterface $index)
     // Allow to use wildcards within phrases
     // They are either removed by text analyzer or used as a part of keyword for keyword fields
     //        if (strpos($this->_phrase, '?') !== false || strpos($this->_phrase, '*') !== false) {
     //            require_once 'Zend/Search/Lucene/Search/QueryParserException.php';
     //            throw new Zend_Search_Lucene_Search_QueryParserException('Wildcards are only allowed in a single terms.');
     //        }
     // Split query into subqueries if field name is not specified
     if ($this->_field === null) {
         $query = new Query\Boolean();
         if (Lucene\Lucene::getDefaultSearchField() === null) {
             $searchFields = $index->getFieldNames(true);
         } else {
             $searchFields = array(Lucene\Lucene::getDefaultSearchField());
         foreach ($searchFields as $fieldName) {
             $subquery = new Phrase($this->_phrase, $this->_phraseEncoding, $fieldName);
         $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
         return $query;
     // Recognize exact term matching (it corresponds to Keyword fields stored in the index)
     // encoding is not used since we expect binary matching
     $term = new Index\Term($this->_phrase, $this->_field);
     if ($index->hasTerm($term)) {
         $query = new Query\Term($term);
         $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
         return $query;
     // tokenize phrase using current analyzer and process it as a phrase query
     $tokens = Analyzer::getDefault()->tokenize($this->_phrase, $this->_phraseEncoding);
     if (count($tokens) == 0) {
         $this->_matches = array();
         return new Query\Insignificant();
     if (count($tokens) == 1) {
         $term = new Index\Term($tokens[0]->getTermText(), $this->_field);
         $query = new Query\Term($term);
         $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
         return $query;
     //It's non-trivial phrase query
     $position = -1;
     $query = new Query\Phrase();
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         $position += $token->getPositionIncrement();
         $term = new Index\Term($token->getTermText(), $this->_field);
         $query->addTerm($term, $position);
     $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
     return $query;
예제 #4
  * Optimize query in the context of specified index
  * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $index
  * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\Query\AbstractQuery
 public function optimize(Lucene\SearchIndex $index)
     $terms = $this->_terms;
     $signs = $this->_signs;
     foreach ($terms as $id => $term) {
         if (!$index->hasTerm($term)) {
             if ($signs === null || $signs[$id] === true) {
                 // Term is required
                 return new EmptyResult();
             } else {
                 // Term is optional or prohibited
                 // Remove it from terms and signs list
     // Check if all presented terms are prohibited
     $allProhibited = true;
     if ($signs === null) {
         $allProhibited = false;
     } else {
         foreach ($signs as $sign) {
             if ($sign !== false) {
                 $allProhibited = false;
     if ($allProhibited) {
         return new EmptyResult();
      * @todo make an optimization for repeated terms
      * (they may have different signs)
     if (count($terms) == 1) {
         // It's already checked, that it's not a prohibited term
         // It's one term query with one required or optional element
         $optimizedQuery = new Term(reset($terms));
         return $optimizedQuery;
     if (count($terms) == 0) {
         return new EmptyResult();
     $optimizedQuery = new MultiTerm($terms, $signs);
     return $optimizedQuery;
예제 #5
파일: Term.php 프로젝트: alab1001101/zf2
  * Re-write query into primitive queries in the context of specified index
  * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $index
  * @throws \Zend\Search\Lucence\Search\Exception\QueryParserException
  * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\Query\AbstractQuery
 public function rewrite(Lucene\SearchIndex $index)
     if ($this->_field === null) {
         $query = new Query\MultiTerm();
         $hasInsignificantSubqueries = false;
         if (Lucene\Lucene::getDefaultSearchField() === null) {
             $searchFields = $index->getFieldNames(true);
         } else {
             $searchFields = array(Lucene\Lucene::getDefaultSearchField());
         foreach ($searchFields as $fieldName) {
             $subquery = new Term($this->_word, $this->_encoding, $fieldName);
             $rewrittenSubquery = $subquery->rewrite($index);
             foreach ($rewrittenSubquery->getQueryTerms() as $term) {
             if ($rewrittenSubquery instanceof Query\Insignificant) {
                 $hasInsignificantSubqueries = true;
         if (count($query->getTerms()) == 0) {
             $this->_matches = array();
             if ($hasInsignificantSubqueries) {
                 return new Query\Insignificant();
             } else {
                 return new Query\EmptyResult();
         $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
         return $query;
     // -------------------------------------
     // Recognize exact term matching (it corresponds to Keyword fields stored in the index)
     // encoding is not used since we expect binary matching
     $term = new Index\Term($this->_word, $this->_field);
     if ($index->hasTerm($term)) {
         $query = new Query\Term($term);
         $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
         return $query;
     // -------------------------------------
     // Recognize wildcard queries
     /** @todo check for PCRE unicode support may be performed through Zend_Environment in some future */
     if (@preg_match('/\\pL/u', 'a') == 1) {
         $word = iconv($this->_encoding, 'UTF-8', $this->_word);
         $wildcardsPattern = '/[*?]/u';
         $subPatternsEncoding = 'UTF-8';
     } else {
         $word = $this->_word;
         $wildcardsPattern = '/[*?]/';
         $subPatternsEncoding = $this->_encoding;
     $subPatterns = preg_split($wildcardsPattern, $word, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
     if (count($subPatterns) > 1) {
         // Wildcard query is recognized
         $pattern = '';
         foreach ($subPatterns as $id => $subPattern) {
             // Append corresponding wildcard character to the pattern before each sub-pattern (except first)
             if ($id != 0) {
                 $pattern .= $word[$subPattern[1] - 1];
             // Check if each subputtern is a single word in terms of current analyzer
             $tokens = Analyzer\Analyzer::getDefault()->tokenize($subPattern[0], $subPatternsEncoding);
             if (count($tokens) > 1) {
                 throw new QueryParserException('Wildcard search is supported only for non-multiple word terms');
             foreach ($tokens as $token) {
                 $pattern .= $token->getTermText();
         $term = new Index\Term($pattern, $this->_field);
         $query = new Query\Wildcard($term);
         // Get rewritten query. Important! It also fills terms matching container.
         $rewrittenQuery = $query->rewrite($index);
         $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
         return $rewrittenQuery;
     // -------------------------------------
     // Recognize one-term multi-term and "insignificant" queries
     $tokens = Analyzer\Analyzer::getDefault()->tokenize($this->_word, $this->_encoding);
     if (count($tokens) == 0) {
         $this->_matches = array();
         return new Query\Insignificant();
     if (count($tokens) == 1) {
         $term = new Index\Term($tokens[0]->getTermText(), $this->_field);
         $query = new Query\Term($term);
         $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
         return $query;
     //It's not insignificant or one term query
     $query = new Query\MultiTerm();
      * @todo Process $token->getPositionIncrement() to support stemming, synonyms and other
      * analizer design features
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         $term = new Index\Term($token->getTermText(), $this->_field);
         $query->addTerm($term, true);
         // all subterms are required
     $this->_matches = $query->getQueryTerms();
     return $query;
예제 #6
파일: Fuzzy.php 프로젝트: stunti/zf2
  * Re-write query into primitive queries in the context of specified index
  * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\IndexInterface $index
  * @return \Zend\Search\Lucene\Search\Query\AbstractQuery
  * @throws \Zend\Search\Lucene\Exception
 public function rewrite(Lucene\IndexInterface $index)
     $this->_matches = array();
     $this->_scores = array();
     $this->_termKeys = array();
     if ($this->_term->field === null) {
         // Search through all fields
         $fields = $index->getFieldNames(true);
     } else {
         $fields = array($this->_term->field);
     $prefix = Index\Term::getPrefix($this->_term->text, $this->_prefixLength);
     $prefixByteLength = strlen($prefix);
     $prefixUtf8Length = Index\Term::getLength($prefix);
     $termLength = Index\Term::getLength($this->_term->text);
     $termRest = substr($this->_term->text, $prefixByteLength);
     // we calculate length of the rest in bytes since levenshtein() is not UTF-8 compatible
     $termRestLength = strlen($termRest);
     $scaleFactor = 1 / (1 - $this->_minimumSimilarity);
     $maxTerms = Lucene\Lucene::getTermsPerQueryLimit();
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         if ($prefix != '') {
             $index->skipTo(new Index\Term($prefix, $field));
             while ($index->currentTerm() !== null && $index->currentTerm()->field == $field && substr($index->currentTerm()->text, 0, $prefixByteLength) == $prefix) {
                 // Calculate similarity
                 $target = substr($index->currentTerm()->text, $prefixByteLength);
                 $maxDistance = isset($this->_maxDistances[strlen($target)]) ? $this->_maxDistances[strlen($target)] : $this->_calculateMaxDistance($prefixUtf8Length, $termRestLength, strlen($target));
                 if ($termRestLength == 0) {
                     // we don't have anything to compare.  That means if we just add
                     // the letters for current term we get the new word
                     $similarity = $prefixUtf8Length == 0 ? 0 : 1 - strlen($target) / $prefixUtf8Length;
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($target) == 0) {
                         $similarity = $prefixUtf8Length == 0 ? 0 : 1 - $termRestLength / $prefixUtf8Length;
                     } else {
                         if ($maxDistance < abs($termRestLength - strlen($target))) {
                             //just adding the characters of term to target or vice-versa results in too many edits
                             //for example "pre" length is 3 and "prefixes" length is 8.  We can see that
                             //given this optimal circumstance, the edit distance cannot be less than 5.
                             //which is 8-3 or more precisesly abs(3-8).
                             //if our maximum edit distance is 4, then we can discard this word
                             //without looking at it.
                             $similarity = 0;
                         } else {
                             $similarity = 1 - levenshtein($termRest, $target) / ($prefixUtf8Length + min($termRestLength, strlen($target)));
                 if ($similarity > $this->_minimumSimilarity) {
                     $this->_matches[] = $index->currentTerm();
                     $this->_termKeys[] = $index->currentTerm()->key();
                     $this->_scores[] = ($similarity - $this->_minimumSimilarity) * $scaleFactor;
                     if ($maxTerms != 0 && count($this->_matches) > $maxTerms) {
                         throw new Lucene\Exception('Terms per query limit is reached.');
         } else {
             $index->skipTo(new Index\Term('', $field));
             while ($index->currentTerm() !== null && $index->currentTerm()->field == $field) {
                 // Calculate similarity
                 $target = $index->currentTerm()->text;
                 $maxDistance = isset($this->_maxDistances[strlen($target)]) ? $this->_maxDistances[strlen($target)] : $this->_calculateMaxDistance(0, $termRestLength, strlen($target));
                 if ($maxDistance < abs($termRestLength - strlen($target))) {
                     //just adding the characters of term to target or vice-versa results in too many edits
                     //for example "pre" length is 3 and "prefixes" length is 8.  We can see that
                     //given this optimal circumstance, the edit distance cannot be less than 5.
                     //which is 8-3 or more precisesly abs(3-8).
                     //if our maximum edit distance is 4, then we can discard this word
                     //without looking at it.
                     $similarity = 0;
                 } else {
                     $similarity = 1 - levenshtein($termRest, $target) / min($termRestLength, strlen($target));
                 if ($similarity > $this->_minimumSimilarity) {
                     $this->_matches[] = $index->currentTerm();
                     $this->_termKeys[] = $index->currentTerm()->key();
                     $this->_scores[] = ($similarity - $this->_minimumSimilarity) * $scaleFactor;
                     if ($maxTerms != 0 && count($this->_matches) > $maxTerms) {
                         throw new Lucene\Exception('Terms per query limit is reached.');
     if (count($this->_matches) == 0) {
         return new EmptyResult();
     } else {
         if (count($this->_matches) == 1) {
             return new Term(reset($this->_matches));
         } else {
             $rewrittenQuery = new Boolean();
             array_multisort($this->_scores, SORT_DESC, SORT_NUMERIC, $this->_termKeys, SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $this->_matches);
             $termCount = 0;
             foreach ($this->_matches as $id => $matchedTerm) {
                 $subquery = new Term($matchedTerm);
                 if ($termCount >= self::MAX_CLAUSE_COUNT) {
             return $rewrittenQuery;