public function __construct(Translator $translate) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'recipient', 'type' => 'hidden']); $this->add(['name' => 'agree', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => ['use_hidden_element' => false]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Authorize')]]); }
public function __construct(Translator $translate) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Your password')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'password_verify', 'type' => 'password', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Verify your password')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translate->translate('Activate')]]); }
public function __construct(Translator $translator, Fieldset $exam) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'exams', 'type' => 'Collection', 'options' => ['count' => 0, 'allow_add' => true, 'allow_remove' => true, 'target_element' => $exam]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit']); $this->get('submit')->setLabel($translator->translate('Finalize uploads')); }
public function __construct(Translator $translate) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(array('name' => 'query', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => array('label' => $translate->translate('Search query')))); $this->add(array('name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => array('value' => $translate->translate('Search')))); $this->initFilters(); }
/** * @param array $processLog * @param array $processDefinitions * @param TranslatorInterface $translator */ private static function addPrcessName(array &$processLog, array &$processDefinitions, TranslatorInterface $translator) { if (isset($processDefinitions[$processLog['start_message']])) { $processLog['process_name'] = $processDefinitions[$processLog['start_message']]['name']; } else { $processLog['process_name'] = $translator->translate('Unknown'); } }
public function __construct(Translator $translator) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'dutchQuestion', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Dutch question')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'englishQuestion', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('English question')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'options', 'type' => 'Zend\\Form\\Element\\Collection', 'options' => ['count' => 2, 'should_create_template' => true, 'allow_add' => true, 'target_element' => ['type' => 'Frontpage\\Form\\PollOption']]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translator->translate('Submit')]]); }
public function __construct(Translator $translator) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'author', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Author')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'content', 'type' => 'textarea', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Content')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translator->translate('Comment')]]); $this->get('submit')->setLabel($translator->translate('Comment')); }
public function __construct(Translator $translate) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'old_password', 'type' => 'password', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Old password')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('New password')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'password_verify', 'type' => 'password', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Verify new password')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translate->translate('Change password')]]); }
public function __construct(Translator $translate) { parent::__construct(); $this->translate = $translate; $this->add(['name' => 'lidnr', 'type' => 'number', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Membership number')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'email', 'type' => 'email', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('E-mail address')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translate->translate('Register')]]); $this->initFilters(); }
public function __construct(Translator $translate) { parent::__construct(); $this->translate = $translate; $this->add(array('name' => 'login', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => array('label' => $translate->translate('Membership number or email address')))); $this->add(array('name' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', 'options' => array('label' => $translate->translate('Your password')))); $this->add(array('name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => array('value' => $translate->translate('Login')))); $this->initFilters(); }
/** * Process an incoming request and/or response. * * Accepts a server-side request and a response instance, and does * something with them. * * If the response is not complete and/or further processing would not * interfere with the work done in the middleware, or if the middleware * wants to delegate to another process, it can use the `$out` callable * if present. * * If the middleware does not return a value, execution of the current * request is considered complete, and the response instance provided will * be considered the response to return. * * Alternately, the middleware may return a response instance. * * Often, middleware will `return $out();`, with the assumption that a * later middleware will return a response. * * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param null|callable $out * @return null|Response */ public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { $matchedRoute = $this->router->match($request); $params = $matchedRoute->getMatchedParams(); // Determine the language to use based on the lang parameter $lang = isset($params['lang']) ? $params['lang'] : 'en'; $this->translator->setLocale($lang); return $out($request, $response); }
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $apiKey = $input->getArgument('apiKey'); try { $this->apiKeyService->disable($apiKey); $output->writeln(sprintf($this->translator->translate('API key %s properly disabled'), '<info>' . $apiKey . '</info>')); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>' . $this->translator->translate('API key "%s" does not exist.') . '</error>', $apiKey)); } }
public function __construct(Translator $translate) { parent::__construct(); $this->translate = $translate; $this->add(['name' => 'login', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Membership number or email address')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'password', 'type' => 'password', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Your password')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translate->translate('Login')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'remember', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'options' => ['label' => $translate->translate('Remember me'), 'checked_value' => 1, 'unchecked_value' => 0, 'checked' => true]]); $this->add(['name' => 'redirect', 'type' => 'hidden']); $this->initFilters(); }
public function __construct(Translator $translator) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'course', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Course code')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'date', 'type' => 'date', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Summary date')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'author', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Author')]]); $this->add(['type' => 'Zend\\Form\\Element\\Select', 'name' => 'language', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Language'), 'value_options' => [ExamModel::EXAM_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH => $translator->translate('English'), ExamModel::EXAM_LANGUAGE_DUTCH => $translator->translate('Dutch')]]]); $this->add(['name' => 'upload', 'type' => 'file', 'option' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Summary to upload')]]); $this->get('upload')->setLabel($translator->translate('Summary to upload')); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translator->translate('Submit')]]); }
public function __construct(Translator $translator, MeetingMapper $mapper) { parent::__construct(); $this->translator = $translator; $this->add(['name' => 'meeting', 'type' => 'hidden', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Meeting')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'name', 'type' => 'text']); $this->get('name')->setLabel($translator->translate('Document name')); $this->add(['name' => 'upload', 'type' => 'file']); $this->get('upload')->setLabel($translator->translate('Document to upload')); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translator->translate('Upload document')]]); }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param callable|null $out * @return null|Response */ public function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { try { $params = $this->queryToListParams($request->getQueryParams()); $shortUrls = $this->shortUrlService->listShortUrls(...$params); return new JsonResponse(['shortUrls' => $this->serializePaginator($shortUrls)]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error('Unexpected error while listing short URLs.' . PHP_EOL . $e); return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'message' => $this->translator->translate('Unexpected error occurred')], 500); } }
public function __construct(Translator $translator) { parent::__construct(); $this->add(['name' => 'email', 'type' => 'email', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Email')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'website', 'type' => 'url', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Website')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'shortDutchDescription', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Short dutch description')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'shortEnglishDescription', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Short english description')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'dutchDescription', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Long dutch description')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'englishDescription', 'type' => 'text', 'options' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Long english description')]]); $this->add(['name' => 'upload', 'type' => 'file', 'option' => ['label' => $translator->translate('Cover photo to upload')]]); $this->get('upload')->setLabel($translator->translate('Cover photo to upload')); $this->add(['name' => 'submit', 'type' => 'submit', 'attributes' => ['value' => $translator->translate('Save')]]); }
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $shortCode = $input->getArgument('shortCode'); try { $longUrl = $this->urlShortener->shortCodeToUrl($shortCode); if (!isset($longUrl)) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>' . $this->translator->translate('No URL found for short code "%s"') . '</error>', $shortCode)); return; } $output->writeln(sprintf('%s <info>%s</info>', $this->translator->translate('Long URL:'), $longUrl)); } catch (InvalidShortCodeException $e) { $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>' . $this->translator->translate('Provided short code "%s" has an invalid format.') . '</error>', $shortCode)); } }
protected function processUrl($url, OutputInterface $output) { try { $output->write(sprintf($this->translator->translate('Processing URL %s...'), $url)); $this->previewGenerator->generatePreview($url); $output->writeln($this->translator->translate(' <info>Success!</info>')); } catch (PreviewGenerationException $e) { $messages = [' <error>' . $this->translator->translate('Error') . '</error>']; if ($output->isVerbose()) { $messages[] = '<error>' . $e->__toString() . '</error>'; } $output->writeln($messages); } }
public function renderMenu($class = 'pull-left left-menu') : string { $pages = isset($this->config['menu']) ? $this->config['menu'] : []; $listElements = []; $elementPattern = '<li class="%s"><a href="%s" %s>%s</a></li>'; $currentRoute = $this->routeAssembler->getCurrentRouteResult(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $active = isset($page['route']) && $currentRoute->getMatchedRouteName() === $page['route'] ? 'active' : ''; $target = isset($page['target']) ? 'target="_blank"' : ''; $route = $page['uri'] ?? $this->routeAssembler->assembleUrl($page['route'], true); $listElements[] = sprintf($elementPattern, $active, $route, $target, $this->translator->translate($page['label'])); } return sprintf('<ul class="%s">%s</ul>', $class, implode('', $listElements)); }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param callable|null $out * @return null|Response */ protected function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { $shortCode = $request->getAttribute('shortCode'); $bodyParams = $request->getParsedBody(); if (!isset($bodyParams['tags'])) { return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 'message' => $this->translator->translate('A list of tags was not provided')], 400); } $tags = $bodyParams['tags']; try { $shortUrl = $this->shortUrlService->setTagsByShortCode($shortCode, $tags); return new JsonResponse(['tags' => $shortUrl->getTags()->toArray()]); } catch (InvalidShortCodeException $e) { return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::getRestErrorCodeFromException($e), 'message' => sprintf($this->translator->translate('No URL found for short code "%s"'), $shortCode)], 404); } }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param callable|null $out * @return null|Response */ public function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { $authData = $request->getParsedBody(); if (!isset($authData['apiKey'])) { return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 'message' => $this->translator->translate('You have to provide a valid API key under the "apiKey" param name.')], 400); } // Authenticate using provided API key $apiKey = $this->apiKeyService->getByKey($authData['apiKey']); if (!isset($apiKey) || !$apiKey->isValid()) { return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::INVALID_API_KEY_ERROR, 'message' => $this->translator->translate('Provided API key does not exist or is invalid.')], 401); } // Generate a JSON Web Token that will be used for authorization in next requests $token = $this->jwtService->create($apiKey); return new JsonResponse(['token' => $token]); }
/** * render * * @param string $userId * @param array $messages * @param bool $showDefaultMessage * * @return string */ protected function render($userId, $messages, $showDefaultMessage = false) { $messageHtml = ''; $messageHtml .= '<div class="rcmMessage userMessageList" data-ng-controller="rcmMessageList">'; foreach ($messages as $userMessage) { /** @var \RcmMessage\Entity\Message $message */ $message = $userMessage->getMessage(); $cssName = $this->getCssName($message->getLevel()); $messageSubject = $message->getSubject(); $messageBody = $message->getMessage(); $messageHtml .= ' <div class="alert' . $cssName . '" ng-hide="hiddenUserMessageIds[\'' . $userId . ':' . $userMessage->getId() . '\']" role="alert"> <button type="button" class="close" ng-click="dismissUserMessage(' . $userId . ', ' . $userMessage->getId() . ')" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button> <span class="subject"> ' . $this->htmlPurifier->purify($this->translator->translate($messageSubject)) . ': </span> <span class="body"> ' . $this->htmlPurifier->purify($this->translator->translate($messageBody)) . ' </span> </div> '; } $messageHtml .= '</div>'; return $messageHtml; }
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $shortCode = $input->getArgument('shortCode'); $startDate = $this->getDateOption($input, 'startDate'); $endDate = $this->getDateOption($input, 'endDate'); $visits = $this->visitsTracker->info($shortCode, new DateRange($startDate, $endDate)); $table = new Table($output); $table->setHeaders([$this->translator->translate('Referer'), $this->translator->translate('Date'), $this->translator->translate('Remote Address'), $this->translator->translate('User agent')]); foreach ($visits as $row) { $rowData = $row->jsonSerialize(); // Unset location info unset($rowData['visitLocation']); $table->addRow(array_values($rowData)); } $table->render(); }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param callable|null $out * @return null|Response */ public function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { $shortCode = $request->getAttribute('shortCode'); $startDate = $this->getDateQueryParam($request, 'startDate'); $endDate = $this->getDateQueryParam($request, 'endDate'); try { $visits = $this->visitsTracker->info($shortCode, new DateRange($startDate, $endDate)); return new JsonResponse(['visits' => ['data' => $visits]]); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $this->logger->warning('Provided nonexistent shortcode' . PHP_EOL . $e); return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::getRestErrorCodeFromException($e), 'message' => sprintf($this->translator->translate('Provided short code %s does not exist'), $shortCode)], 404); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error('Unexpected error while parsing short code' . PHP_EOL . $e); return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'message' => $this->translator->translate('Unexpected error occurred')], 500); } }
/** * Get holdings structure for holdings * * @param Integer $fieldName * @return Array[] */ protected function getStructuredHoldingsStructure($fieldName, $data = array()) { //$data = array(); $fields = $this->holdings ? $this->holdings->getFields($fieldName) : false; $mapping = array('B' => 'network', 'F' => 'institution_chb'); if (is_array($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $index => $field) { $item = $this->extractFieldData($field, $mapping); $networkCode = $item['network']; $institution = $item['institution_chb']; $groupCode = $this->getGroup($institution); // Prevent display of untranslated and ungrouped institutions $institutionLabel = $this->translator->translate($institution, 'institution'); if ($groupCode == 'unknown' || $institutionLabel === $institution) { if ($groupCode === 'unknown') { $this->swissbibLogger->logUngroupedInstitution($institution); } continue; } // Make sure group is present if (!isset($data[$groupCode])) { $data[$groupCode] = array('label' => $groupCode, 'networkCode' => $networkCode, 'institutions' => array()); } // Make sure institution is present if (!isset($data[$groupCode]['institutions'][$institution])) { $data[$groupCode]['institutions'][$institution] = array('label' => $institution, 'bibinfolink' => $this->getBibInfoLink($institution)); } } } return $data; }
/** * @param Translator $translator * @return array */ public function getOptions(Translator $translator) { $options = []; foreach ($this->getStates() as $state) { $options[$state] = $translator->translate($state); } return $options; }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Response $response * @param callable|null $out * @return null|Response */ public function dispatch(Request $request, Response $response, callable $out = null) { $shortCode = $request->getAttribute('shortCode'); try { $longUrl = $this->urlShortener->shortCodeToUrl($shortCode); if (!isset($longUrl)) { return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 'message' => sprintf($this->translator->translate('No URL found for short code "%s"'), $shortCode)], 404); } return new JsonResponse(['longUrl' => $longUrl]); } catch (InvalidShortCodeException $e) { $this->logger->warning('Provided short code with invalid format.' . PHP_EOL . $e); return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::getRestErrorCodeFromException($e), 'message' => sprintf($this->translator->translate('Provided short code "%s" has an invalid format'), $shortCode)], 400); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error('Unexpected error while resolving the URL behind a short code.' . PHP_EOL . $e); return new JsonResponse(['error' => RestUtils::UNKNOWN_ERROR, 'message' => $this->translator->translate('Unexpected error occurred')], 500); } }
public function indexAction() { /** @var string|null $id */ $id = $this->params('id'); $resume = $this->repository->find($id); if (!$resume) { $this->getResponse()->setStatusCode(Response::STATUS_CODE_404); return ['message' => sprintf($this->translator->translate('Resume with id "%s" not found'), $id)]; } /* @todo REMOVE THIS * @codeCoverageIgnoreStart */ if (!$resume->getDateCreated()) { $resume->setDateCreated(); } /* @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd */ $this->acl($resume, 'view'); return ['resume' => $resume]; }
/** * Format a facet field according to the settings * * @param string $facet Facet field * @param string $value Facet value * * @return string Formatted field */ protected function formatFacetField($facet, $value) { if (in_array($facet, $this->translatedFacets)) { $value = $this->translator->translate($value); } $allLevels = isset($this->displayStyles[$facet]) ? $this->displayStyles[$facet] == 'full' : false; $separator = isset($this->separators[$facet]) ? $this->separators[$facet] : '/'; $value = $this->facetHelper->formatDisplayText($value, $allLevels, $separator); return $value; }