public function render(ElementInterface $element = null) { if ($element->getMessages()) { $element->setAttribute('class', 'error ' . $element->getAttribute('class')); } return parent::render($element); }
/** * Returns the control group open tag * @param ElementInterface $element * @return string */ public function openTag(ElementInterface $element) { $class = 'controls'; $id = 'controls-' . $element->getName(); $html = sprintf('<div class="%s" id="%s">', $class, $id); return $html; }
public function render(ElementInterface $element) { if ($element->getOption('static')) { return $this->getView()->formElementStatic($element); } return parent::render($element); }
/** * Render a form <input> element from the provided $element * * @param ElementInterface $element * @param String $buttonContent * @throws Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element, $buttonContent = null) { //$view = $this->getView(); //$view->headScript()->appendFile($view->basePath('/Core/js/bootstrap-switch.js')); if (null === $buttonContent) { $buttonContent = $element->getLabel(); if (null === $buttonContent) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects either button content as the second argument, ' . 'or that the element provided has a label value; neither found', __METHOD__)); } if (null !== ($translator = $this->getTranslator())) { $buttonContent = $translator->translate($buttonContent, $this->getTranslatorTextDomain()); } $element->setLabel(''); } //$escape = $this->getEscapeHtmlHelper(); //$translator = $this->getTranslator(); //$name = $element->getName(); $value = $element->getValue(); $checkedBoole = $value == 1 || $value == 'on'; //$checked = $checkedBoole?'checked="checked"':''; $checkedClass = $checkedBoole ? 'active"' : ''; $buttonContent = '<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">' . PHP_EOL . '<span class="btn btn-default ' . $checkedClass . '">' . PHP_EOL . parent::render($element) . $buttonContent . PHP_EOL . '</span>' . PHP_EOL . '</div>' . PHP_EOL; //$buttonContent = '<div><div class="processing yk-hidden"><span class="fa-spin yk-icon-spinner yk-icon"></span> ' . // $translator->translate('processing', $this->getTranslatorTextDomain()) . '</div><div class="default">' . $escape($buttonContent) . '</div></div>'; return $buttonContent; }
public function render(ElementInterface $element) { /* just a reminder. the types are: checkbox, color, date, datetime, datetime-local, email, file, hidden image, month, multi_checkbox, number, password, radio, range, reset search, select, submit, tel, text, textarea, time, url, week */ $labelHelper = $this->getLabelHelper(); $escapeHelper = $this->getEscapeHtmlHelper(); $elementHelper = $this->getElementHelper(); $elementErrorHelper = $this->getElementErrorHelper(); $descriptionHelper = $this->getDescriptionHelper(); $groupWrapper = $groupWrapper ?: $this->groupWrapper; $controlWrapper = $controlWrapper ?: $this->controlWrapper; $id = $element->getAttribute('id') ?: $element->getAttribute('name'); $html = ""; $label = $element->getAttribute('label'); if ($label) { $html .= $labelHelper->openTag(array('for' => $id, 'class' => 'control-label')); // todo allow for not escaping the label $html .= $escapeHelper($label); $html .= $labelHelper->closeTag(); } $html .= sprintf($controlWrapper, $id, $elementHelper->render($element), $descriptionHelper->render($element), $elementErrorHelper->render($element)); $addtClass = $element->getMessages() ? ' error' : ''; echo $element->getLabel(); die; $output .= parent::render($element); return $output; }
/** * Render a form <input> element from the provided $element * * @param ElementInterface $element * @throws Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $name = $element->getName(); if ($name === null || $name === '') { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has an assigned name; none discovered', __METHOD__)); } $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); $attributes['type'] = $this->getType($element); $attributes['name'] = $name; if (array_key_exists('multiple', $attributes) && $attributes['multiple']) { $attributes['name'] .= '[]'; } $value = $element->getValue(); if (is_array($value) && isset($value['name']) && !is_array($value['name'])) { $attributes['value'] = $value['name']; } elseif (is_string($value)) { $attributes['value'] = $value; } $size = $element->getOption('size'); if (empty($size)) { return sprintf('<input %s%s', $this->createAttributesString($attributes), $this->getInlineClosingBracket()); } return sprintf('<div class="col-lg-%s col-md-%s col-sm-%s col-xs-%s"> <input %s%s </div>', $size, $size, $size, $size, $this->createAttributesString($attributes), $this->getInlineClosingBracket()); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { if (!$element instanceof LoginFieldElement) { return ''; } $fields = $element->getFields(); if (1 == count($fields)) { $element->setAttribute('placeholder', current($fields)); return parent::render($element); } $template = $element->getOption('template') ?: '<div class="input-group">%s</div>'; $pattern = <<<EOT <input name="%s[0]" %s%s <span class="input-group-addon"> <select class="pull-right" name="%s[1]"> %s </select> </span> EOT; $name = $element->getName(); list($value, $field) = $element->getValue(); $attributes = array_replace($element->getAttributes(), array('type' => 'text', 'value' => $value)); if (!isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] = 'form-control'; } $attribString = $this->createAttributesString($attributes); $patternField = '<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>' . PHP_EOL; $fieldString = ''; foreach ($fields as $key => $label) { $class = $field == $key ? ' selected' : ''; $fieldString .= sprintf($patternField, $key, $class, $label); } $html = sprintf($template, sprintf($pattern, $name, $attribString, $this->getInlineClosingBracket(), $name, $fieldString)); return $html; }
public function render(ElementInterface $element) { if (in_array($element->getAttribute('type'), array('html'))) { return $element->getValue(); } return parent::render($element); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $captcha = $element->getCaptcha(); if ($captcha === null || !$captcha instanceof CaptchaAdapter) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has a "captcha" attribute' . ' of type Zend\\Captcha\\Image; none found', __METHOD__)); } // Generates ID, but NOT word and image $captcha->generate(); // Generates URL to access image, and image won't be generated until the URL is accessed $imgSrc = $captcha->getImgUrl() . '?id=' . $captcha->getId(); $imgAttributes = array('width' => $captcha->getWidth(), 'height' => $captcha->getHeight(), 'src' => $imgSrc, 'onclick' => sprintf('this.src=\'%s&refresh=\'+Math.random()', $imgSrc), 'style' => 'cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle;', 'alt' => __('CAPTCHA image'), 'title' => __('Click to refresh CAPTCHA')); if ($element->hasAttribute('id')) { $imgAttributes['id'] = $element->getAttribute('id') . '-image'; } else { $imgAttributes['id'] = $captcha->getId() . '-image'; } $closingBracket = $this->getInlineClosingBracket(); $img = sprintf('<img %s%s', $this->createAttributesString($imgAttributes), $closingBracket); $position = $this->getCaptchaPosition(); $separator = $this->getSeparator(); $captchaInput = $this->renderCaptchaInputs($element); $pattern = '%s%s%s'; if ($position == static::CAPTCHA_PREPEND) { return sprintf($pattern, $captchaInput, $separator, $img); } return sprintf($pattern, $img, $separator, $captchaInput); }
/** * Render a form radio-group element from the provided $element * * @param ElementInterface $element * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { if (!$element instanceof RadioGroup) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s requires that the element is of type Zork\\Form\\Element\\RadioGroup', __METHOD__)); } $name = $element->getName(); if (empty($name) && $name !== 0) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has an assigned name; none discovered', __METHOD__)); } $options = $element->getValueOptions(); if (empty($options)) { if (($translator = $this->getTranslator()) !== null) { return '<i>' . $translator->translate('default.empty', 'default') . '</i>'; } else { return ''; } } if (($emptyOption = $element->getEmptyOption()) !== null) { $options = array('' => $emptyOption) + $options; } $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); $value = $element->getValue(); $additionalAttribures = array('type' => 'radio', 'name' => $name, 'required' => empty($attributes['required']) ? null : 'required'); $this->validTagAttributes = $this->validRadioGroupAttributes; return sprintf('<div %s>%s</div>', $this->createAttributesString($attributes), $this->renderRadios($options, $value, $additionalAttribures, $element->getOption('option_attribute_filters'))); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function remove($elementOrFieldset) { if (!parent::has($elementOrFieldset) && $elementOrFieldset === 'identity' && $this->identityElement) { $elementOrFieldset = $this->identityElement->getName(); } return parent::remove($elementOrFieldset); }
/** * Renders a form element label from an element * @param \Zend\Form\ElementInterface $element * @param array|null $displayOptions * @return string * @throws \Zend\Form\Exception\DomainException */ public function render(ElementInterface $element, array $displayOptions = array()) { $labelContent = $element->getLabel(); if (empty($labelContent)) { throw new DomainException(sprintf('%s: No label set in the element.', __METHOD__)); } //Translate if (null !== ($translator = $this->getTranslator())) { $labelContent = $translator->translate($labelContent, $this->getTranslatorTextDomain()); } //Escape $escaperHtml = $this->getEscapeHtmlHelper(); $labelContent = $escaperHtml($labelContent); //Label attributes $labelAttributes = $element->getLabelAttributes(); if (empty($labelAttributes)) { $labelAttributes = array(); } $labelAttributes = $this->genUtil->addWordsToArrayItem('control-label', $labelAttributes, 'class'); if (array_key_exists('required', $displayOptions) && $displayOptions['required']) { $labelAttributes = $this->genUtil->addWordsToArrayItem('required', $labelAttributes, 'class'); } $element->setLabelAttributes($labelAttributes); $formLabelHelper = $this->formLabelHelper; return $formLabelHelper($element, $labelContent); }
/** * Render a form <input> element from the provided $element * * @param ElementInterface $element * @throws Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $name = $element->getName(); if ($name === null || $name === '') { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has an assigned name; none discovered', __METHOD__)); } $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); $attributes['name'] = $name; $attributes['type'] = $this->getType($element); $attributes['value'] = $element->getValue(); //ADD OPTIONS // this should really be in Stjonvisi\Form\Element\Img // but it gets overwritten at some point, so the simplest // thing was to add it here. // TODO place this i a more generic place $element->setOption('max', $this->getMaxSize())->setOption('url', '/skrar/mynd')->setOption('accept', 'image/*')->setOption('mime', '/image\\/jpg|jpeg|png|gif/'); //OPTIONS // options are used to set attributes and values // to the custom element. We therefore need to remove // label, label_attributes and label_options before we // can convert them into an attribute string. $options = $element->getOptions(); unset($options['label']); unset($options['label_attributes']); unset($options['label_options']); $strings = array_map(function ($key, $value) { return sprintf('%s="%s"', $key, $value); }, array_keys($options), $options); return sprintf('<stjornvisi-img %s><input %s%s</stjornvisi-img>', implode(' ', $strings), $this->createAttributesString($attributes), $this->getInlineClosingBracket()); }
/** * Render a form checkbox-group element from the provided $element * * @param \Zend\Form\ElementInterface $element * @throws \Zend\Form\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Zend\Form\Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { if (!$element instanceof TagBanners) { throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s requires that the element is of type Grid\\Banner\\Form\\Element\\TagBanners', __METHOD__)); } $name = $element->getName(); if (empty($name) && $name !== 0) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has an assigned name; none discovered', __METHOD__)); } $appService = $this->getAppServiceHelper(); $tagModel = $appService('Grid\\Tag\\Model\\Tag\\Model'); $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); $value = (array) $element->getValue(); $groups = array(); foreach ($value as $tagId => $banners) { $tag = $tagModel->find($tagId); if ($tag && $tag->locale) { $locale = 'locale.sub.' . $tag->locale; if ($this->isTranslatorEnabled() && $this->hasTranslator()) { $locale = $this->getTranslator()->translate($locale, 'locale'); } } $label = $tag ? $tag->name . (isset($locale) ? ' (' . $locale . ')' : '') : '#' . $tagId; $groups[] = array('header' => $label, 'markup' => $this->renderBanners($name . '[' . $tagId . ']', $banners), 'attributes' => array('data-tagid' => $tagId)); } unset($attributes['name']); return $this->renderBannerGroups($name . '[__tagid__]', $attributes, $groups); }
public function __invoke(ElementInterface $element = null) { if ($element && !$element->hasAttribute('class')) { $this->addClasses($element, ['btn', 'btn-default']); } return parent::__invoke($element); }
/** * Override * * Render the captcha * * @param ElementInterface $element * @throws Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { //we could also set the separator here to break between the inputs and the image. //$this->setSeparator('') $captcha = $element->getCaptcha(); if ($captcha === null || !$captcha instanceof CaptchaAdapter) { throw new DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has a "captcha" attribute of type Recruitment\\Model\\CaptchaImage; none found', __METHOD__)); } $captcha->generate(); $imgAttributes = array('width' => $captcha->getWidth(), 'height' => $captcha->getHeight(), 'alt' => $captcha->getImgAlt(), 'src' => $captcha->getImgUrl() . $captcha->getId() . $captcha->getSuffix(), 'class' => 'thumbnail center-block'); if ($element->hasAttribute('id')) { $imgAttributes['id'] = $element->getAttribute('id') . '-image'; } $closingBracket = $this->getInlineClosingBracket(); $img = sprintf('<img %s%s ', $this->createAttributesString($imgAttributes), $closingBracket); $position = $this->getCaptchaPosition(); $separator = $this->getSeparator(); $captchaInput = $this->renderCaptchaInputs($element); $pattern = '%s' . '<div class="input-group">' . '%s%s' . '<span class="input-group-btn">' . '<button id="' . $element->getAttribute('id') . '-refresh' . '" class="btn btn-default" type="button">' . '<i class="ion-loop"></i>' . '</button>' . '</span>' . '</div>'; if ($position == self::CAPTCHA_PREPEND) { return sprintf($pattern, $captchaInput, $separator, $img); } return sprintf($pattern, $img, $separator, $captchaInput); }
public function init(ElementInterface $element) { $this->formElement = $element; if ($element->hasAttribute('template')) { $this->template = $element->getAttribute('template'); } }
/** * Render a collection by iterating through all fieldsets and elements * * @param ElementInterface $element * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $renderer = $this->getView(); if (!method_exists($renderer, 'plugin')) { // Bail early if renderer is not pluggable return ''; } $markup = ''; $templateMarkup = ''; $escapeHtmlHelper = $this->getEscapeHtmlHelper(); $elementHelper = $this->getElementHelper(); $fieldsetHelper = $this->getFieldsetHelper(); if ($element instanceof CollectionElement && $element->shouldCreateTemplate()) { $templateMarkup = $this->renderTemplate($element); } foreach ($element->getIterator() as $elementOrFieldset) { if ($elementOrFieldset instanceof FieldsetInterface) { $markup .= $fieldsetHelper($elementOrFieldset); } elseif ($elementOrFieldset instanceof ElementInterface) { $markup .= $elementHelper($elementOrFieldset); } } // If $templateMarkup is not empty, use it for simplify adding new element in JavaScript if (!empty($templateMarkup)) { $markup .= $templateMarkup; } // Every collection is wrapped by a fieldset if needed if ($this->shouldWrap) { //Esto fue lo que se modificó para que trabajara con <div> en vez de <fieldset> - wyanez $markup = sprintf('<div>%s</div>', $markup); } return $markup; }
/** * Render editor * * @param ElementInterface $element * * @throws \Zend\Form\Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $renderer = $this->getView(); if (!method_exists($renderer, 'plugin')) { // Bail early if renderer is not pluggable return ''; } $name = $element->getName(); if (empty($name) && $name !== 0) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has an assigned name;' . ' none discovered', __METHOD__)); } $options = $element->getOptions(); /* $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); $attributes['value'] = $element->getValue(); $options['attributes'] = $attributes; */ $editorType = $element->getOption('editor') ?: 'textarea'; $editor = EditorFactory::load($editorType, $options); $html = ''; if ($editor) { $html = $editor->setView($renderer)->render($element); } if (!$html) { $html = $renderer->formTextarea($element); } return $html; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function render($content, array $attribs = [], ElementInterface $element = null, FormInterface $form = null) { if ($element) { $element->setOption('input_group', true); } return parent::render($content, $attribs, $element, $form); }
/** * Render ReCaptcha form elements * * @param ElementInterface $element * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); if (!isset($attributes['captcha']) || !$attributes['captcha'] instanceof CaptchaAdapter ) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf( '%s requires that the element has a "captcha" attribute implementing Zend\Captcha\AdapterInterface; none found', __METHOD__ )); } $captcha = $attributes['captcha']; unset($attributes['captcha']); $name = $element->getName(); $id = isset($attributes['id']) ? $attributes['id'] : $name; $challengeName = empty($name) ? 'recaptcha_challenge_field' : $name . '[recaptcha_challenge_field]'; $responseName = empty($name) ? 'recaptcha_response_field' : $name . '[recaptcha_response_field]'; $challengeId = $id . '-challenge'; $responseId = $id . '-response'; $markup = $captcha->getService()->getHtml($name); $hidden = $this->renderHiddenInput($challengeName, $challengeId, $responseName, $responseId); $js = $this->renderJsEvents($challengeId, $responseId); return $hidden . $markup . $js; }
/** * Render a form <select> element from the provided $element * * @param ElementInterface $element * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $name = $element->getName(); if (empty($name)) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has an assigned name; none discovered', __METHOD__)); } $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); if (!isset($attributes['options']) || !is_array($attributes['options']) && !$attributes['options'] instanceof Traversable) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s requires that the element has an array or Traversable "options" attribute; none found', __METHOD__)); } $options = (array) $attributes['options']; unset($attributes['options']); $value = array(); if (isset($attributes['value'])) { $value = $attributes['value']; $value = $this->validateMultiValue($value, $attributes); unset($attributes['value']); } $attributes['name'] = $name; if (array_key_exists('multiple', $attributes) && $attributes['multiple']) { $attributes['name'] .= '[]'; } $this->validTagAttributes = $this->validSelectAttributes; return sprintf('<select %s>%s</select>', $this->createAttributesString($attributes), $this->renderOptions($options, $value)); }
/** * Render validation errors for the provided $element * * @param ElementInterface $element * @param array $attributes * @throws Exception\DomainException * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element, array $attributes = array()) { $messages = $element->getMessages(); if (empty($messages)) { return ''; } if (!is_array($messages) && !$messages instanceof Traversable) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf('%s expects that $element->getMessages() will return an array or Traversable; received "%s"', __METHOD__, is_object($messages) ? get_class($messages) : gettype($messages))); } // Prepare attributes for opening tag $attributes = array_merge($this->attributes, $attributes); $attributes = $this->createAttributesString($attributes); if (!empty($attributes)) { $attributes = ' ' . $attributes; } // Flatten message array $escapeHtml = $this->getEscapeHtmlHelper(); $messagesToPrint = array(); $self = $this; array_walk_recursive($messages, function ($item) use(&$messagesToPrint, $escapeHtml, $self) { if (null !== ($translator = $self->getTranslator())) { $item = $translator->translate($item, $self->getTranslatorTextDomain()); } $messagesToPrint[] = $escapeHtml($item); }); if (empty($messagesToPrint)) { return ''; } // Generate markup $markup = sprintf($this->getMessageOpenFormat(), $attributes); $markup .= implode($this->getMessageSeparatorString(), $messagesToPrint); $markup .= $this->getMessageCloseString(); return $markup; }
public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $eleWrapClass = ['col-sm-10']; $label = $element->getLabel(); $labelHtml = ''; if (!empty($label)) { // label $element->setLabelAttributes(['class' => 'col-sm-2 control-label']); $labelHelper = $this->getLabelHelper(); $labelHtml = $labelHelper($element); } else { $eleWrapClass[] = 'col-md-offset-2'; } // element $element->setAttribute('class', 'form-control'); $elementHelper = $this->getElementHelper(); $errorHtml = ''; $errorClass = ''; if (count($element->getMessages()) > 0) { $errorHelper = $this->getElementErrorsHelper(); $errorHtml = $errorHelper($element); $errorClass = 'has-error'; } $elementHtml = sprintf($this->eleWrap, implode(' ', $eleWrapClass), $elementHelper($element), $errorHtml); return sprintf($this->wrap, $errorClass, $labelHtml, $elementHtml); }
/** * Render the captcha * * @param ElementInterface $element * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); if (!isset($attributes['captcha']) || !$attributes['captcha'] instanceof CaptchaAdapter ) { throw new Exception\DomainException(sprintf( '%s requires that the element has a "captcha" attribute of type Zend\Captcha\Figlet; none found', __METHOD__ )); } $captcha = $attributes['captcha']; $captcha->generate(); $figlet = sprintf( '<pre>%s</pre>', $captcha->getFiglet()->render($captcha->getWord()) ); $position = $this->getCaptchaPosition(); $separator = $this->getSeparator(); $captchaInput = $this->renderCaptchaInputs($element); $pattern = '%s%s%s'; if ($position == self::CAPTCHA_PREPEND) { return sprintf($pattern, $captchaInput, $separator, $figlet); } return sprintf($pattern, $figlet, $separator, $captchaInput); }
public function render(ElementInterface $element) { if ($element->getOption('use-switch')) { $element->setAttribute('data-switch', '1'); } return parent::render($element); }
public function __invoke(ElementInterface $element) { $elementHelper = $this->getElementHelper(); $name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]+/', '', $element->getName()); $result = '<div id="custom' . $name . '">' . $elementHelper($element) . '</div>'; return $result; }
public function render(ElementInterface $element) { $attributes = $element->getAttributes(); if (isset($attributes['custom'])) { $custom = $attributes['custom']; unset($attributes['custom']); $element->setAttributes($attributes); } $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; // Check on name for now if ($attributes['type'] === 'text' && $attributes['name'] === 'email') { $prefix .= '<div class="input-group">'; $prefix .= '<span class="input-group-addon">@</span>'; $suffix .= '<span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon2"></span>'; $suffix .= '</div>'; } elseif ($attributes['type'] === 'text' && $attributes['name'] === 'keyword') { $prefix .= '<div class="input-group">'; $suffix .= '<span class="input-group-btn">'; $suffix .= sprintf('<button class="btn btn-default" type="submit">%s</button>', $custom['label']); $suffix .= '</span>'; } return $prefix . parent::render($element) . $suffix; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function render($content, array $attribs = [], ElementInterface $element = null, FormInterface $form = null) { if (!$content && !($content = $element->getOption('description'))) { return ''; } return parent::render($content, $attribs, $element, $form); }
/** * @see \Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormRadio::render() * @param \Zend\Form\ElementInterface $oElement * @return string */ public function render(ElementInterface $oElement) { $aElementOptions = $oElement->getOptions(); if (isset($aElementOptions['disable-twb']) && $aElementOptions['disable-twb'] == true) { $sSeparator = $this->getSeparator(); $this->setSeparator(''); $sReturn = parent::render($oElement); $this->setSeparator($sSeparator); return $sReturn; } if (isset($aElementOptions['inline']) && $aElementOptions['inline'] == true) { $sSeparator = $this->getSeparator(); $this->setSeparator(''); $oElement->setLabelAttributes(array('class' => 'radio-inline')); $sReturn = sprintf('%s', parent::render($oElement)); $this->setSeparator($sSeparator); return $sReturn; } if (isset($aElementOptions['btn-group']) && $aElementOptions['btn-group'] == true) { $this->setSeparator(''); $oElement->setLabelAttributes(array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')); return sprintf('<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">%s</div>', parent::render($oElement)); } return sprintf(self::$checkboxFormat, parent::render($oElement)); }