예제 #1
  * @param $data array
  * @param format string, either rss or atom
 protected function createFeed(View $view, Request $request)
     $feed = new Feed();
     $data = $view->getData();
     $item = current($data);
     $annotationData = $this->reader->read($item);
     if ($item && ($feedData = $annotationData->getFeed())) {
         $class = get_class($item);
         $feed->setFeedLink($this->urlGen->generateCollectionUrl($class, $request->getRequestFormat()), $request->getRequestFormat());
     } else {
         $feed->setTitle('Camdram feed');
         $feed->setDescription('Camdram feed');
     $lastModified = null;
     $accessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
     // Add one or more entries. Note that entries must be manually added once created.
     foreach ($data as $document) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $entry->setTitle($accessor->getValue($document, $feedData->getTitleField()));
         $entry->setDescription($this->twig->render($feedData->getTemplate(), array('entity' => $document)));
         if ($accessor->isReadable($document, $feedData->getUpdatedAtField())) {
             $entry->setDateModified($accessor->getValue($document, $feedData->getUpdatedAtField()));
         if (!$lastModified || $entry->getDateModified() > $lastModified) {
             $lastModified = $entry->getDateModified();
     return $feed->export($request->getRequestFormat());
예제 #2
  * @param string $format
  * @return mixed|void
 public function setHeaders($format = 'atom')
     $this->feed->setFeedLink(route('feed.index', ['format' => $format]), $format);
     $this->feed->addAuthor(['name' => 'Yuuki Takezawa', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
     $this->format = $format;
예제 #3
  * Handle rss page
 public function rssAction()
     // set page and max blog per page
     $page = 1;
     $maxPage = 10;
     // get blog entries
     $blogList = $this->getBlogService()->fetchList($page, $maxPage);
     // create feed
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle('Luigis Pizza-Blog');
     $feed->setFeedLink('http://luigis-pizza.local/blog/rss', 'atom');
     $feed->addAuthor(array('name' => 'Luigi Bartoli', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'uri' => 'http://luigis-pizza.local'));
     $feed->setDescription('Luigis Pizza-Blog Beiträge');
     // add blog entries
     foreach ($blogList as $blog) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $entry->setLink('http://luigis-pizza.local/blog/' . $blog->getUrl());
     // create feed model
     $feedmodel = new FeedModel();
     return $feedmodel;
예제 #4
 public function feedAction()
     /* @var \UthandoNews\Options\NewsOptions $options */
     $options = $this->getService('UthandoNewsOptions');
     /* @var \UthandoNews\Options\FeedOptions $feedOptions */
     $feedOptions = $this->getService('UthandoNewsFeedOptions');
     $newService = $this->getService();
     $newsItems = $newService->search(['sort' => $options->getSortOrder()]);
     $uri = $this->getRequest()->getUri();
     $base = sprintf('%s://%s', $uri->getScheme(), $uri->getHost());
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setFeedLink($base . $this->url()->fromRoute('home'), 'atom');
     $feed->setLink($base . $this->url()->fromRoute('home'));
     /* @var \UthandoNews\Model\News $item */
     foreach ($newsItems as $item) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $entry->addAuthor(['name' => $item->getArticle()->getUser()->getFullName()]);
         $entry->setLink($base . $this->url()->fromRoute('news', ['news-item' => $item->getArticle()->getSlug()]));
     $feedModel = new FeedModel();
     return $feedModel;
  * @return FeedModel
 public function rssAction()
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle('Sample Blog');
     $feed->setFeedLink($this->getUrl() . '/news/rss', 'atom');
     $feed->addAuthor(array('name' => 'Sample Blog Inc.', 'email' => 'contact@' . $this->getRequest()->getUri()->getHost(), 'uri' => $this->getUrl()));
     $feed->setDescription('Description of this feed');
     $news = $this->getNewsTable()->top();
     foreach ($news as $row) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $entry->setLink($this->getUrl() . '/news/read/' . $row->news_id);
     $feed_model = new FeedModel();
     return $feed_model;
 public function generateXmlFeed()
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setLink($this->generateUrl('home', [], true));
     $feed->setFeedLink($this->generateUrl('feed', [], true), 'atom');
     $feed->addAuthor(['name' => 'Geert Eltink', 'uri' => 'https://xtreamwayz.com']);
     $feed->setCopyright(sprintf('Copyright (c) 2005-%s Geert Eltink. All Rights Reserved.', date('Y')));
     $feed->setDescription('A web developer\'s playground, notes and thoughts.');
     $feed->setId($this->generateUrl('home', [], true));
     $posts = array_slice(array_reverse($this->postRepository->findAll()), 0, 5);
     /** @var \App\Domain\Post\Post $post */
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $entry->setLink($this->generateUrl('blog.post', ['id' => $post->getId()], true));
         $entry->setId($this->generateUrl('blog.post', ['id' => $post->getId()], true));
         if ($post->getModified()) {
         } else {
         $entry->addAuthor(['name' => 'Geert Eltink', 'uri' => 'https://xtreamwayz.com']);
     return $feed->export('atom');
  * RSS feed for recently added modules
  * @return FeedModel
 public function feedAction()
     // Prepare the feed
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle('ZF2 Modules');
     $feed->setDescription('Recently added modules.');
     $feed->setFeedLink('http://modules.zendframework.com/feed', 'atom');
     // Get the recent modules
     $page = 1;
     $mapper = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('zfmodule_mapper_module');
     $repositories = $mapper->pagination($page, self::MODULES_PER_PAGE, null, 'created_at', 'DESC');
     // Load them into the feed
     foreach ($repositories as $module) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         if ($module->getDescription() == '') {
             $moduleDescription = "No Description available";
         } else {
             $moduleDescription = $module->getDescription();
     // Render the feed
     $feedmodel = new FeedModel();
     return $feedmodel;
예제 #8
  * Generates a feed from Canale
  * @param  Canale $canale
  * @return Feed
 public function generateFeed(Canale $canale, Router $router, $legacy = true)
     $context = $router->getContext();
     $base = $context->getScheme() . '://' . $context->getHost() . '/v2.php?do=ShowPermalink&id_notizia=';
     $idCanale = $canale->getIdCanale();
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle($nome = $canale->getTitolo());
     $feed->setDescription('Feed ' . $nome);
     $feed->setLink($router->generate('rss', array('idCanale' => $idCanale), true));
     $newsRepository = $this->repository;
     $news = $newsRepository->findByCanale($idCanale, 20);
     $news = is_array($news) ? $news : array();
     foreach ($news as $item) {
         $this->newsToEntry($feed, $item, $base, $router, $legacy);
     return $feed;
예제 #9
  * RSS feed
  * @param Request $request
  * @return Response
  * @Route("/blog/rss", name="blog_rss")
 public function rssAction(Request $request)
     $feed = new Feed();
     $config = $this->container->getParameter('stfalcon_blog.config');
     $feed->setLink($this->generateUrl('blog_rss', array(), true));
     $posts = $this->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getRepository("StfalconBlogBundle:Post")->getAllPublishedPosts($request->getLocale());
     /** @var Post $post */
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $entry = new Entry();
         $entry->setLink($this->generateUrl('blog_post_view', array('slug' => $post->getSlug()), true));
     $response = new Response($feed->export('rss'));
     $response->headers->add(array('Content-Type' => 'application/xml'));
     return $response;
  * RSS feed for recently added modules
  * @return FeedModel
 public function feedAction()
     $url = $this->plugin('url');
     // Prepare the feed
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle('ZF2 Modules');
     $feed->setDescription('Recently added ZF2 modules');
     $feed->setFeedLink($url->fromRoute('feed', [], ['force_canonical' => true]), 'atom');
     $feed->setLink($url->fromRoute('home', [], ['force_canonical' => true]));
     // Get the recent modules
     $page = 1;
     $modules = $this->moduleMapper->pagination($page, self::MODULES_PER_PAGE, null, 'created_at', 'DESC');
     // Load them into the feed
     $mapper = new Mapper\ModuleToFeed($feed, $url);
     // Render the feed
     $feedmodel = new FeedModel();
     return $feedmodel;
예제 #11
 public function feedAction()
      * @var NewsDao $newsDao
     $newsDao = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('dao_news_news');
     $newsList = $newsDao->getNewsListForFeed();
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle('Ginosi\'s News');
     $feed->setFeedLink('//www.ginosi.com/news/feed', 'rss');
     $feed->setDescription('Ginosi\'s News');
     foreach ($newsList as $row) {
         preg_match('/<p>(.*)<\\/p>/', $row->getEn(), $matches);
         if (isset($matches[1]) && !is_null($matches[1])) {
             $desc = $matches[1];
         } else {
             $contents = preg_split('/\\n/', $row->getEn());
             $desc = $contents[0];
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $entry->setLink("//" . DomainConstants::WS_DOMAIN_NAME . "/news/" . Helper::urlForSite($row->getEn_title()));
      * Render the resulting feed to Atom 1.0 and assign to $out.
      * You can substitute "atom" with "rss" to generate an RSS 2.0 feed.
     $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Application')->getEventManager()->attach(\Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent::EVENT_RENDER, function ($event) {
         $event->getResponse()->getHeaders()->addHeaderLine('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
     }, -10000);
     return (new FeedModel())->setFeed($feed);
예제 #12
 private function generateFeed(string $type, string $fileBase, string $baseUri, string $title, string $landingRoute, string $feedRoute, array $routeOptions, Traversable $posts)
     $routeOptions['type'] = $type;
     $landingUri = $baseUri . $this->generateUri($landingRoute, $routeOptions);
     $feedUri = $baseUri . $this->generateUri($feedRoute, $routeOptions);
     $feed = new FeedWriter();
     $feed->setFeedLink($feedUri, $type);
     if ($type === 'rss') {
     $parser = new Parser(null, new CommonMarkParser());
     $latest = false;
     foreach ($posts as $details) {
         $document = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($details['path']));
         $post = $document->getYAML();
         $html = $document->getContent();
         $author = $this->getAuthor($post['author']);
         if (!$latest) {
             $latest = $post;
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         // $entry->setLink($baseUri . $this->generateUri('blog.post', ['id' => $post['id']]));
         $entry->setLink($baseUri . sprintf('/blog/%s.html', $post['id']));
         $entry->setDateModified(new DateTime($post['updated']));
         $entry->setDateCreated(new DateTime($post['created']));
         $entry->setContent($this->createContent($html, $post));
     // Set feed date
     $feed->setDateModified(new DateTime($latest['updated']));
     // Write feed to file
     $file = sprintf('%s%s.xml', $fileBase, $type);
     $file = str_replace(' ', '+', $file);
     file_put_contents($file, $feed->export($type));
예제 #13
 public function indexAction()
     $moduleConfig = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config');
     $feedClassMap = $moduleConfig['feed_class_map'];
     $appServiceLoader = $this->recoverAppServiceLoader();
     $configurations = $appServiceLoader->recoverService('configurations');
     $input = array_merge($configurations, $appServiceLoader->getProperties());
     $resourceClassName = isset($feedClassMap[$this->params()->fromRoute('resource')]) ? $feedClassMap[$this->params()->fromRoute('resource')] : null;
     if (empty($resourceClassName) or !class_exists($resourceClassName)) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('home', array('lang' => 'it'));
      * @var \Feed\Model\FeedBuilderAbstract $resourceClassInstance
     $resourceClassInstance = new $resourceClassName();
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setFeedLink($resourceClassInstance->getFeedLink(), $resourceClassInstance->getFeedType());
     // $feed->addAuthor($resourceClassInstance->getAuthor());
     $data = $resourceClassInstance->formatRecords($resourceClassInstance->recoverRecords());
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
     $feedmodel = new FeedModel();
     return $feedmodel;
예제 #14
파일: ResultFeed.php 프로젝트: tillk/vufind
  * Represent the current search results as a feed.
  * @param \VuFind\Search\Base\Results $results     Search results to convert to
  * feed
  * @param string                      $currentPath Base path to display in feed
  * (leave null to load dynamically using currentpath view helper)
  * @return Feed
 public function __invoke($results, $currentPath = null)
     // Determine base URL if not already provided:
     if (is_null($currentPath)) {
         $currentPath = $this->getView()->plugin('currentpath')->__invoke();
     $serverUrl = $this->getView()->plugin('serverurl');
     $baseUrl = $serverUrl($currentPath);
     // Create the parent feed
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle($this->translate('Results for') . ' ' . $results->getParams()->getDisplayQuery());
     $feed->setLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->setViewParam(null, false));
     $feed->setFeedLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->getParams(false), $results->getParams()->getView());
     $feed->setDescription($this->translate('Showing') . ' ' . $results->getStartRecord() . '-' . $results->getEndRecord() . ' ' . $this->translate('of') . ' ' . $results->getResultTotal());
     $params = $results->getParams();
     // add atom links for easier paging
     $feed->addOpensearchLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->setPage(1, false), 'first', $params->getView());
     if ($params->getPage() > 1) {
         $feed->addOpensearchLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->setPage($params->getPage() - 1, false), 'previous', $params->getView());
     $lastPage = ceil($results->getResultTotal() / $params->getLimit());
     if ($params->getPage() < $lastPage) {
         $feed->addOpensearchLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->setPage($params->getPage() + 1, false), 'next', $params->getView());
     $feed->addOpensearchLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->setPage($lastPage, false), 'last', $params->getView());
     // add opensearch fields
     $feed->setOpensearchStartIndex($results->getStartRecord() - 1);
     $records = $results->getResults();
     foreach ($records as $current) {
         $this->addEntry($feed, $current);
     return $feed;
예제 #15
파일: FeedTest.php 프로젝트: pnaq57/zf2demo
     * @covers Zend\Feed\Writer\Feed::export
    public function testExportRss()
        $writer = new Writer\Feed();
        $export = $writer->export('rss');
        $feed = <<<'EOT'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
    <generator>Zend_Feed_Writer %version% (http://framework.zend.com)</generator>

        $feed = str_replace('%version%', Version::VERSION, $feed);
        $feed = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $feed);
        $this->assertEquals($feed, $export);
예제 #16
use Adrenth\RssFetcher\Models\Item;
use Adrenth\RssFetcher\Models\Source;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use Zend\Feed\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Zend\Feed\Writer\Entry;
use Zend\Feed\Writer\Feed;
Route::get('/feeds/{path}', function ($path) {
    /** @type FeedModel $model */
    $model = FeedModel::where('path', '=', $path)->first();
    if ($model === null) {
        return Response::make('Not Found', 404);
    $feed = new Feed();
    $feed->setTitle($model->getAttribute('title'))->setDescription($model->getAttribute('description'))->setBaseUrl(Url::to('/'))->setGenerator('OctoberCMS/Adrenth.RssFetcher')->setId('Adrenth.RssFecther.' . $model->getAttribute('id'))->setLink(Url::to('/feeds/' . $path))->setFeedLink(Url::to('/feeds/' . $path), $model->getAttribute('type'))->setDateModified()->addAuthor(['name' => 'OctoberCMS']);
    /** @type Collection $sources */
    $sources = $model->sources;
    $ids = Arr::pluck($sources->toArray(), 'id');
    $items = [];
    Source::with(['items' => function ($builder) use(&$items, $model) {
        $items = $builder->where('is_published', '=', 1)->whereDate('pub_date', '=', date('Y-m-d'))->orderBy('pub_date', 'desc')->limit($model->getAttribute('max_items'))->get();
    }])->whereIn('id', $ids)->where('is_enabled', '=', 1)->get();
    /** @type Item $item */
    foreach ($items as $item) {
        try {
            $entry = new Entry();
            $entry->setId((string) $item->getAttribute('id'))->setTitle($item->getAttribute('title'))->setDescription($item->getAttribute('description'))->setLink($item->getAttribute('link'))->setDateModified($item->getAttribute('pub_date'));
            $comments = $item->getAttribute('comments');
            if (!empty($comments)) {
예제 #17
  * Atom/rssを出力
  * string $page ページ名(ページ名が入っている場合はキャッシュは無効)
  * string $type rssかatomか。
  * boolean $force キャッシュ生成しない
  * return void
 public static function getFeed($page = '', $type = 'rss', $force = false)
     global $vars, $site_name, $site_logo, $modifier, $modifierlink, $_string, $cache;
     static $feed;
     // rss, atom以外はエラー
     if (!($type === 'rss' || $type === 'atom')) {
         throw new Exception('Recent::getFeed(): Unknown feed type.');
     $content_type = $type === 'rss' ? 'application/rss+xml' : 'application/atom+xml';
     $body = '';
     if (empty($page)) {
         // recentキャッシュの更新チェック
         if ($cache['wiki']->getMetadata(self::RECENT_CACHE_NAME)['mtime'] > $cache['wiki']->getMetadata(self::FEED_CACHE_NAME)['mtime']) {
             $force = true;
         if ($force) {
             // キャッシュ再生成
         } else {
             if (!empty($feed)) {
                 // メモリにキャッシュがある場合
             } else {
                 if ($cache['wiki']->hasItem(self::FEED_CACHE_NAME)) {
                     // キャッシュから最終更新を読み込む
                     $feed = $cache['wiki']->getItem(self::FEED_CACHE_NAME);
     if (empty($feed)) {
         // Feedを作る
         $feed = new Feed();
         // Wiki名
         // Wikiのアドレス
         // サイトのロゴ
         //	'title'=>$site_name,
         //	'uri'=>$site_logo,
         //	'link'=>Router::get_script_absuri()
         // Feedの解説
         $feed->setDescription(sprintf($_string['feed_description'], $site_name));
         // Feedの発行者など
         $feed->addAuthor(array('name' => $modifier, 'uri' => $modifierlink));
         // feedの更新日時(生成された時間なので、この実装で問題ない)
         // Feedの生成
         $feed->setGenerator(S_APPNAME, S_VERSION, 'http://pukiwiki.logue.be/');
         if (empty($page)) {
             // feedのアドレス
             // ※Zend\Feedの仕様上、&が自動的に&amp;に変更されてしまう
             $feed->setFeedLink(Router::get_cmd_uri('feed') . '&type=atom', 'atom');
             $feed->setFeedLink(Router::get_cmd_uri('feed'), 'rss');
             // PubSubHubbubの送信
             foreach (Ping::$pubsubhubbub_server as $uri) {
         } else {
             $r_page = rawurlencode($page);
             $feed->setFeedLink(Router::get_cmd_uri('feed') . '&type=atom&refer=' . $r_page, 'atom');
             $feed->setFeedLink(Router::get_cmd_uri('feed') . '&refer=' . $r_page, 'rss');
         $i = 0;
         // エントリを取得
         foreach (self::get() as $_page => $time) {
             // ページ名が指定されていた場合、そのページより下位の更新履歴のみ出力
             if (!empty($page) && strpos($_page, $page . '/') === false) {
             $wiki = Factory::Wiki($_page);
             if ($wiki->isHidden()) {
             $entry = $feed->createEntry();
             // ページのタイトル
             // ページのアドレス
             // ページの更新日時
             // ページの要約
             // 項目を追加
             if ($i >= self::RECENT_MAX_SHOW_PAGES) {
         if (empty($page)) {
             // キャッシュに保存
             $cache['wiki']->setItem(self::FEED_CACHE_NAME, $feed);
     $headers = Header::getHeaders($content_type);
     Header::writeResponse($headers, 200, $feed->export($type));
     //header('Content-Type: ' . $content_type);
     //echo $body;
예제 #18
  * Builds the desired feed
  * @param string $title
  * @param string $description
  * @param array  $items
  * @return \Zend\Feed\Writer\Feed
 protected function buildFeed(Request $req, $title, $description, $url, $items)
     $feed = new Feed();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $this->populateEntry($entry, $item);
     if ($req->getRequestFormat() == 'atom') {
         $feed->setFeedLink($req->getUri(), $req->getRequestFormat());
     if ($feed->count()) {
     } else {
         $feed->setDateModified(new \DateTime());
     return $feed;
예제 #19
  * RSS feed for all news
  * Get all news from two months back in time
  * @return array|FeedModel
 public function rssNewsAction()
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
     $groupService = $sm->get('Stjornvisi\\Service\\Group');
     //  item is in storage
     if (($group = $groupService->get($this->params()->fromRoute('name', 0))) != null) {
         $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
         $newsService = $sm->get('Stjornvisi\\Service\\News');
         $from = new DateTime();
         $from->sub(new DateInterval('P2M'));
         $to = new DateTime();
         $to->add(new DateInterval('P2M'));
         $feed = new Feed();
         $feed->setTitle('Feed Example');
         $feed->setFeedLink('http://ourdomain.com/rss', 'atom');
         $feed->addAuthor(['name' => 'Stjórnvísi', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'uri' => 'http://stjornvisi.is']);
         $feed->setDateModified(new DateTime());
         $data = [];
         foreach ($newsService->getRangeByGroup($group->id, $from, $to) as $row) {
             //create entry...
             $entry = $feed->createEntry();
             $entry->setDescription($row->body . '.');
         $feedmodel = new FeedModel();
         return $feedmodel;
         //ITEM NOT FOUND
     } else {
         return $this->notFoundAction();
예제 #20
 public function rssAction()
     $feed = new Feed();
     $type = $this->params('type');
     $age = (int) $this->params('age');
     $maxAge = new DateTime($age . ' days ago');
     $entities = $this->getEntityManager()->findEntitiesByTypeName($type);
     $chain = new FilterChain();
     $chain->attach(new EntityAgeCollectionFilter($maxAge));
     $chain->attach(new NotTrashedCollectionFilter());
     $entities = $chain->filter($entities);
     $data = $this->normalize($entities);
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         try {
             $entry = $feed->createEntry();
             foreach ($item['categories'] as $keyword) {
                 $entry->addCategory(['term' => $keyword]);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             // Invalid Item, do not add
     $feed->setLink($this->url()->fromRoute('home', [], ['force_canonical' => true]));
     $feed->setFeedLink($this->url()->fromRoute('entity/api/rss', ['type' => $type, 'age' => $age], ['force_canonical' => true]), 'atom');
     $feedModel = new FeedModel();
     return $feedModel;
예제 #21
파일: FeedTest.php 프로젝트: narixx/zf2
 public function testSetTitleThrowsExceptionOnInvalidParameter()
     $writer = new Writer\Feed();
     try {
     } catch (Writer\Exception $e) {
  * Returns a data object for a feed.
  * @return \Zend\Feed\Writer\Feed
 protected function getFeed()
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setFeedLink('http://localhost/feed.xml', 'atom');
     return $feed;
예제 #23
  * Gets RSS feed of published posts
  * @param void
  * @return Zend\Feed\Writer\Feed
 public function getRssFeed()
     $qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
     $qb->select('p')->from(self::ENTITY_POST, 'p')->where('p.isPublished = :published')->orderBy('p.dateAdded', 'DESC')->setMaxResults(10)->setParameters(array('published' => 1));
     $query = $qb->getQuery();
     $result = $query->getResult();
     $feed = new Feed();
     $feed->setTitle("Rob's Blog");
     $feed->setFeedLink('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/blog/rss', 'atom');
     $feed->addAuthor(array('name' => 'Rob', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'uri' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
     $feed->setDescription("A PHP developer's blog");
     $feed->setLink('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
     foreach ($result as $post) {
         $entry = $feed->createEntry();
         $entry->setLink(sprintf('http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '/blog/view?title=%s', strtolower(urlencode($post->getTitle()))));
         $entry->setDescription(substr(strip_tags($post->getContent()), 0, 150) . '...');
     return $feed;
예제 #24
  * Represent the current search results as a feed.
  * @param \VuFind\Search\Base\Results $results     Search results to convert to
  * feed
  * @param string                      $currentPath Base path to display in feed
  * (leave null to load dynamically using currentpath view helper)
  * @return Feed
 public function __invoke($results, $currentPath = null)
     // Determine base URL if not already provided:
     if (is_null($currentPath)) {
         $currentPath = $this->getView()->plugin('currentpath')->__invoke();
     $serverUrl = $this->getView()->plugin('serverurl');
     $baseUrl = $serverUrl($currentPath);
     // Create the parent feed
     $feed = new Feed();
     $translator = $this->getTranslator();
     $feed->setTitle($translator('Results for') . ' ' . $results->getParams()->getDisplayQuery());
     $feed->setLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->setViewParam(null, false));
     $feed->setFeedLink($baseUrl . $results->getUrlQuery()->getParams(false), $results->getParams()->getView());
     $records = $results->getResults();
     $feed->setDescription($translator('Displaying the top') . ' ' . count($records) . ' ' . $translator('search results of') . ' ' . $results->getResultTotal() . ' ' . $translator('found'));
     foreach ($records as $current) {
         $this->addEntry($feed, $current);
     return $feed;