routeMiddleware() 공개 메소드

Uses the router to route the incoming request, injecting the request with: - the route result object (under a key named for the RouteResult class) - attributes for each matched routing parameter On completion, it calls on the next middleware (typically the dispatchMiddleware()). If routing fails, $next() is called; if routing fails due to HTTP method negotiation, the response is set to a 405, injected with an Allow header, and $next() is called with its $error argument set to the value 405 (invoking the next error middleware).
public routeMiddleware ( Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request, Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response, callable $next ) : Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
$request Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface
$response Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
$next callable
리턴 Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
  * @dataProvider routerAdapters
  * @group 74
 public function testWithOnlyRootPathRouteDefinedRoutingToSubPathsShouldReturn404($adapter)
     $app = new Application(new $adapter());
     $app->route('/', function ($req, $res, $next) {
         return $res;
     }, ['GET']);
     $next = function ($req, $res) {
         return $res;
     $request = new ServerRequest(['REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET'], [], '/foo', 'GET');
     $response = new Response();
     $result = $app->routeMiddleware($request, $response, $next);
     $this->assertInstanceOf(Response::class, $result);
     $this->assertNotEquals(405, $result->getStatusCode());
 public function testRoutingSuccessResolvingToInvokableMiddlewareCallsIt()
     $request = new ServerRequest();
     $response = new Response();
     $result = RouteResult::fromRouteMatch('/foo', __NAMESPACE__ . '\\TestAsset\\InvokableMiddleware', []);
     // No container for this one, to ensure we marshal only a potential object instance.
     $app = new Application($this->router->reveal());
     $next = function ($request, $response) {
         $this->fail('Should not enter $next');
     $test = $app->routeMiddleware($request, $response, $next);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Psr\\Http\\Message\\ResponseInterface', $test);
     $this->assertEquals(__NAMESPACE__ . '\\TestAsset\\InvokableMiddleware', $test->getHeaderLine('X-Invoked'));