public function deleteRemovedRows($owner, array $arrId) { $where = new Where(); $where->equalTo('IR_InvoiceId', $owner); if (!empty($arrId)) { $where->notIn('IR_Id', $arrId); } $this->delete($where); }
public function deleteRemovedPostAddresses($owner, array $arrId) { $where = new Where(); $where->equalTo('PA_Owner', $owner); if (!empty($arrId)) { $where->notIn('PA_Id', $arrId); } $this->delete($where); }
public function deleteRemovedPhoneNumbers($owner, array $arrId) { $where = new Where(); $where->equalTo('PN_Owner', $owner); if (!empty($arrId)) { $where->notIn('PN_Id', $arrId); } $this->delete($where); }
public function delNotExistCategory($names = array(), $storeID) { if (empty($names)) { return false; } $where = new Where(); $where->notIn('storeCategoryName', $names); $where->equalTo('storeID', $storeID); return $this->delete($where); }
/** * @param array $currency * @return \Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet */ public function getNewOpeningData(array $currency) { $tableGateway = new TableGateway('vw_account_voucher', $this->adapter); $results = $tableGateway->select(function (Select $select) use($currency) { $where = new Where(); if (empty($currency)) { $where->equalTo('status', 'A'); } else { $where->notIn('currency', $currency)->AND->equalTo('status', 'A'); } $select->columns(array('type', 'currency', 'amount' => new Expression('SUM(amount)')))->where($where)->group(array('type', 'currency'))->order('currency asc'); }); return $results; }
/** * @param $countryId * @param int $selectedId * @return \Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet */ public function getApartmentsForCountryForSelect($countryId = false, $selectedId = 0) { $prototype = $this->resultSetPrototype->getArrayObjectPrototype(); $this->resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype(new \ArrayObject()); $result = $this->fetchAll(function (Select $select) use($countryId, $selectedId) { $where = new Where(); $nestedWhere = new Where(); $nestedWhere->notIn('id', [Constants::TEST_APARTMENT_1, Constants::TEST_APARTMENT_2])->AND->notEqualTo('status', AccommodationService::APARTMENT_STATUS_DISABLED); if ($selectedId) { $where->NEST->equalTo($this->getTable() . '.id', $selectedId)->orPredicate($nestedWhere)->UNNEST; } else { $where->addPredicate($nestedWhere); } $select->columns(['id', 'name']); if ($countryId) { $where->equalTo('country_id', $countryId); } $select->where($where); }); $this->resultSetPrototype->setArrayObjectPrototype($prototype); return $result; }
public function deleteItemsNotInArray($id, $itemsIds) { $where = new Where(); $where->equalTo('order_id', $id); $where->notIn('id', $itemsIds); $this->tableGatewayItems->delete($where); }
/** * @param $fromDate * @param $toDate * @param int $currency * @param bool|false $paginated * @param string $filter * @param string $orderBy * @param string $order * @param array $skipTypes * @return \Zend\Db\ResultSet\ResultSet|Paginator */ public function getVouchersByDate($fromDate, $toDate, $currency = 0, $skipTypes = array(), $paginated = false, $filter = '', $orderBy = 'voucherNo', $order = 'ASC') { if ($paginated) { $select = new Select($this->table); $where = new Where(); $where->in('status', array('A', 'C', 'F'))->AND->between('approvedDate', $fromDate, $toDate)->AND->literal("concat_ws(' ',requester, description, voucherNo, accountType, amount, voucherDate) LIKE ?", '%' . $filter . '%'); if (!empty($skipTypes)) { $where->notIn('accountTypeId', $skipTypes); } if ($currency > 0) { $where->equalTo('currencyId', $currency); } $select->where($where); $select->order($orderBy . ' ' . $order); return $this->paginateWith($select); } $results = $this->select(function (Select $select) use($fromDate, $toDate) { $where = new Where(); $where->in('status', array('A', 'C', 'F'))->AND->between('approvedDate', $fromDate, $toDate); $select->where($where)->order('voucherNo asc'); }); return $results; }
/** * @param int $resId * @param int $start * @param int $length * @param array $order * @param array $search * @param int $status * @return \DDD\Domain\Task\Task[] */ public function getTasksOnReservationForDatatable($resId, $start, $length, $order, $search, $status) { $result = $this->fetchAll(function (Select $select) use($resId, $start, $length, $order, $search, $status) { $like = $search['value']; $where = new Where(); if ($status == 1) { $where->notIn('task_status', [TaskService::STATUS_CANCEL, TaskService::STATUS_VERIFIED, TaskService::STATUS_DONE]); } else { if ($status == 2) { $where->in('task_status', [TaskService::STATUS_CANCEL, TaskService::STATUS_VERIFIED, TaskService::STATUS_DONE]); } } $where->equalTo('', $resId); $columns = ['priority', 'title', 'task_status', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'id', 'task_type']; $orderColumns = ['priority', 'task_status', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'title', 'task_type', 'creator_name', 'responsible_name']; $nestedWhere = new Where(); $nestedWhere->like('title', '%' . $like . '%')->or->like($this->getTable() . '.start_date', '%' . $like . '%')->or->like($this->getTable() . '.end_date', '%' . $like . '%')->or->like('creator_users.firstname', '%' . $like . '%')->or->like('creator_users.lastname', '%' . $like . '%'); $where->addPredicate($nestedWhere); $orderList = []; foreach ($order as $entity) { $orderList[] = $orderColumns[$entity['column']] . ' ' . $entity['dir']; } $select->columns($columns)->join(['reservations' => DbTables::TBL_BOOKINGS], $this->getTable() . '.res_id =', [], Select::JOIN_INNER)->join(['task_types' => DbTables::TBL_TASK_TYPE], $this->getTable() . '.task_type =', ['task_type_name' => 'name'], Select::JOIN_INNER)->join(['creators' => DbTables::TBL_TASK_STAFF], new Expression($this->getTable() . '.id = creators.task_id AND creators.type = ' . TaskService::STAFF_CREATOR), [], Select::JOIN_INNER)->join(['creator_users' => DbTables::TBL_BACKOFFICE_USERS], 'creators.user_id =', ['creator_id' => 'id', 'creator_name' => new Expression('CONCAT(creator_users.firstname, " ", creator_users.lastname)')], Select::JOIN_INNER)->join(['responsibles' => DbTables::TBL_TASK_STAFF], new Expression($this->getTable() . '.id = responsibles.task_id AND responsibles.type = ' . TaskService::STAFF_RESPONSIBLE), [], Select::JOIN_LEFT)->join(['responsible_users' => DbTables::TBL_BACKOFFICE_USERS], 'responsibles.user_id =', ['responsible_id' => 'id', 'responsible_name' => new Expression('CONCAT(responsible_users.firstname, " ", responsible_users.lastname)')], Select::JOIN_LEFT)->where($where)->order($orderList)->group($this->getTable() . '.id')->offset((int) $start)->limit((int) $length)->quantifier(new Expression('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS')); }); $statement = $this->adapter->query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS() as total'); $result2 = $statement->execute(); $row = $result2->current(); $total = $row['total']; return ['result' => $result, 'total' => $total]; }