예제 #1
 private function getProperties()
     $classProperties = array();
     $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'table', 'defaultvalue' => $this->data['_tbname'], 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Name of database table ', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', 'string' . ' ' . 'Name of DB Table'))))));
     $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'id', 'defaultvalue' => 'array' !== $this->data['_primaryKey']['phptype'] ? $this->data['_primaryKey']['field'] : eval('return ' . $this->data['_primaryKey']['field'] . ';'), 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Primary key name', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', 'string|array' . ' ' . 'Primary key name'))))));
     $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'sequence', 'defaultvalue' => 'array' !== $this->data['_primaryKey']['phptype'], 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Is primary Key auto increment', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', 'boolean' . ' ' . 'Is primary Key auto increment'))))));
     return $classProperties;
  * @param \Protobuf\Compiler\Entity             $entity
  * @param \google\protobuf\FieldDescriptorProto $field
  * @return string
 protected function generateExtensionField(Entity $entity, FieldDescriptorProto $field)
     $name = $field->getName();
     $number = $field->getNumber();
     $docBlock = $this->getDocBlockType($field);
     $type = $this->getFieldTypeName($field);
     $label = $this->getFieldLabelName($field);
     $property = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(['static' => true, 'name' => $name, 'visibility' => PropertyGenerator::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => ['shortDescription' => "Extension field : {$name} {$label} {$type} = {$number}", 'tags' => [['name' => 'var', 'description' => '\\Protobuf\\Extension']]]]);
     return $property;
  * @param \Protobuf\Compiler\Entity $entity
  * @return string[]
 public function generateConstants(Entity $entity)
     $constants = [];
     $descriptor = $entity->getDescriptor();
     $values = $descriptor->getValueList() ?: [];
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         $name = $value->getName();
         $number = $value->getNumber();
         $constant = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(['const' => true, 'defaultvalue' => $number, 'name' => $name . '_VALUE', 'docblock' => ['shortDescription' => "{$name} = {$number}"]]);
         $constants[] = $constant;
     return $constants;
예제 #4
  * @param ContextInterface|PropertyContext $context
  * @throws AssemblerException
 public function assemble(ContextInterface $context)
     $class = $context->getClass();
     $property = $context->getProperty();
     try {
         // It's not possible to overwrite a property in zend-code yet!
         if ($class->hasProperty($property->getName())) {
         $class->addPropertyFromGenerator(PropertyGenerator::fromArray(['name' => $property->getName(), 'visibility' => PropertyGenerator::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(['tags' => [['name' => 'var', 'description' => $property->getType()]]])]));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw AssemblerException::fromException($e);
예제 #5
 private function getProperties()
     $classProperties = array();
     $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'primary_key', 'defaultvalue' => 'array' !== $this->data['_primaryKey']['phptype'] ? $this->data['_primaryKey']['field'] : eval('return ' . $this->data['_primaryKey']['field'] . ';'), 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Primary key name', 'longDescription' => '', 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', $this->data['_primaryKey']['phptype'] . ' primary_key'))))));
     foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {
         $comment = !empty($column['comment']) ? $column['comment'] : null;
         $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => $column['capital'], 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => $column['capital'], 'longDescription' => $comment, 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', $column['phptype'] . ' ' . $column['capital']))))));
     foreach ($this->data['foreignKeysInfo'] as $key) {
         if (!is_array($key['column_name'])) {
             $name = $this->data['relationNameParent'][$key['key_name']] . $this->_getCapital($key['column_name']);
             $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => $name, 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Parent relation', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', $this->data['className'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'] . ' ' . $name))))));
     foreach ($this->data['dependentTables'] as $key) {
         $name = $this->data['relationNameDependent'][$key['key_name']];
         $longDescr = sprintf('Type:  %s relationship', $key['type'] == 'one' ? 'One-to-One' : 'One-to-Many');
         $classProperties[] = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => $name, 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Dependent relation ', 'longDescription' => $longDescr, 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', $this->data['classNameDependent'][$key['key_name']]['foreign_tbl_name'] . ' ' . $name))))));
     return $classProperties;
예제 #6
    public function getClassArrayRepresentation()
        $this->data = $this->getData();
        return array('name' => 'Manager', 'namespacename' => $this->data['_namespace'] . '\\Table', 'extendedclass' => $this->tableGatewayClass, 'flags' => ClassGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Application Model DbTables', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'package', 'description' => $this->data['_namespace']), array('name' => 'author', 'description' => $this->data['_author']), array('name' => 'copyright', 'description' => $this->data['_copyright']), array('name' => 'license', 'description' => $this->data['_license'])))), 'properties' => array(array('entity', null, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED), array('container', null, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED), PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'wasInTransaction', 'defaultvalue' => false, 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'True if we were already in a transaction when try to start a new one', 'longDescription' => '', 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', 'bool'))))))), 'methods' => array(array('name' => '__construct', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'adapter')), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'entity', 'type' => 'Entity'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->adapter = $adapter;' . "\n" . '$this->entity = $entity;' . "\n" . '$this->featureSet = new Feature\\FeatureSet();' . "\n" . '$this->initialize();', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Constructor', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('adapter', array('Adapter')), new ParamTag('entity', array('Entity')))))), array('name' => 'setContainer', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'c', 'type' => 'Container'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->container = $c;' . "\n" . 'return $this;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Inject container', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('c', array('Container')), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getContainer', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->container;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'Container')))))), array('name' => 'all', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$select = $this->select();' . '$result = array();' . PHP_EOL . 'foreach ($select as $v) {' . PHP_EOL . '     $result[] = $v->getArrayCopy();' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'return $result;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getPrimaryKeyName', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->id;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array|string')))))), array('name' => 'getTableName', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->table;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array|string')))))), array('name' => 'findBy', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'criteria', 'defaultvalue' => array(), 'type' => 'array')), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'order', 'defaultvalue' => null)), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'limit', 'defaultvalue' => null)), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'offset', 'defaultvalue' => null)), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'toEntity', 'defaultvalue' => false))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$r = $this->sql->select()->where($criteria);' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($order) {' . PHP_EOL . '      $r->order($order);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($limit) {' . PHP_EOL . '      $r->limit($limit);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($offset) {' . PHP_EOL . '      $r->offset($offset);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . '$result = $this->selectWith($r)->toArray();' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($toEntity) {' . PHP_EOL . '    foreach($result as &$v){' . PHP_EOL . '        $entity =  clone $this->entity;' . PHP_EOL . '        $v = $entity->exchangeArray($v);' . PHP_EOL . '    }' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'return $result;' . PHP_EOL, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Find by criteria', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('criteria', array('array'), 'Search criteria'), new ParamTag('order', array('string'), 'sorting option'), new ParamTag('limit', array('int'), 'limit option'), new ParamTag('offset', array('int'), 'offset option'), new ParamTag('toEntity', array('boolean'), 'return entity result'), new ReturnTag(array('array'), ''))))), array('name' => 'countBy', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'criteria', 'defaultvalue' => array(), 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$r = $this->sql->select()->columns(array("count" => new Expression("count(*)")))->where($criteria);' . PHP_EOL . 'return  (int)current($this->selectWith($r)->toArray())["count"];' . PHP_EOL, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Count by criteria', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('criteria', array('array'), 'Criteria'), new ReturnTag(array('int'), ''))))), array('name' => 'deleteEntity', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'entity', 'type' => 'Entity')), 'useTransaction = true'), 'flags' => array(MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, MethodGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT), 'body' => null, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Converts database column name to php setter/getter function name', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('entity', array('Entity')), new ParamTag('useTransaction', array('boolean')), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'int')))))), array('name' => 'beginTransaction', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'body' => <<<'BODY'
if ($this->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->inTransaction()) {
    $this->wasInTransaction = true;

, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Begin a transaction', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array()))), array('name' => 'rollback', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'body' => <<<'BODY'
if ($this->wasInTransaction) {
    throw new \Exception('Inside transaction rollback call');
, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Rollback a transaction', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array()))), array('name' => 'commit', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'body' => <<<'BODY'
if (!$this->wasInTransaction) {
, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => ' Commit a transaction', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array())))));
예제 #7
  * @configkey name           string        [required] Class Name
  * @configkey filegenerator  FileGenerator File generator that holds this class
  * @configkey namespacename  string        The namespace for this class
  * @configkey docblock       string        The docblock information
  * @configkey flags          int           Flags, one of ClassGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT ClassGenerator::FLAG_FINAL
  * @configkey extendedclass  string        Class which this class is extending
  * @configkey implementedinterfaces 
  * @configkey properties
  * @configkey methods
  * @static
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @param array $array
  * @return ClassGenerator
 public static function fromArray(array $array)
     if (!isset($array['name'])) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Class generator requires that a name is provided for this object');
     $cg = new static($array['name']);
     foreach ($array as $name => $value) {
         // normalize key
         switch (strtolower(str_replace(array('.', '-', '_'), '', $name))) {
             case 'containingfile':
             case 'namespacename':
             case 'docblock':
                 $cg->setDocblock(!$value instanceof DocblockGenerator ?: DocblockGenerator::fromArray($value));
             case 'flags':
             case 'extendedclass':
             case 'implementedinterfaces':
             case 'properties':
                 foreach ($value as $pValue) {
                     $cg->setProperty(!$pValue instanceof PropertyGenerator ?: PropertyGenerator::fromArray($pValue));
             case 'methods':
                 foreach ($value as $mValue) {
                     $cg->setMethod(!$mValue instanceof MethodGenerator ?: MethodGenerator::fromArray($mValue));
     return $cg;
예제 #8
 public function testCreateFromArray()
     $propertyGenerator = PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'SampleProperty', 'const' => true, 'defaultvalue' => 'foo', 'docblock' => array('shortdescription' => 'foo'), 'abstract' => true, 'final' => true, 'static' => true, 'visibility' => PropertyGenerator::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED));
     $this->assertEquals('SampleProperty', $propertyGenerator->getName());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Zend\\Code\\Generator\\ValueGenerator', $propertyGenerator->getDefaultValue());
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Zend\\Code\\Generator\\DocBlockGenerator', $propertyGenerator->getDocBlock());
     $this->assertEquals(PropertyGenerator::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED, $propertyGenerator->getVisibility());