예제 #1
  * @param ActiveRecord $model
  * @param array $actions Custom actions array in the form of
  * ```php
  * 'name' => function() {
  * }
  * ```
  * @param bool $addDefaultActions If true default actions will be added
  * @return \yii\web\Response
  * @throws BadRequestHttpException
 protected function getCreateUpdateResponse($model, $actions = [], $addDefaultActions = true)
     $defaultActions = [AdminHtml::ACTION_SAVE_AND_STAY => function () use($model) {
         /** @var Controller | CrudControllerTrait $this */
         return $this->redirect(['update', 'id' => $model->getPrimaryKey()]);
     }, AdminHtml::ACTION_SAVE_AND_CREATE => function () use($model) {
         /** @var Controller | CrudControllerTrait $this */
         if ($url = Url::previous($this->createUrlParam)) {
             Url::remember(null, $this->createUrlParam);
             return $this->redirect($url);
         return $this->redirect(['create']);
     }, AdminHtml::ACTION_SAVE_AND_LEAVE => function () use($model) {
         /** @var Controller | CrudControllerTrait $this */
         if ($url = \Yii::$app->request->get('return')) {
             return $this->redirect($url);
         if ($url = Url::previous($this->indexUrlParam)) {
             Url::remember(null, $this->indexUrlParam);
             return $this->redirect($url);
         return $this->redirect(['index']);
     if ($addDefaultActions) {
         $actions = array_merge($defaultActions, $actions);
     $actionName = \Yii::$app->request->post(AdminHtml::ACTION_BUTTON_NAME, AdminHtml::ACTION_SAVE_AND_LEAVE);
     if (isset($actions[$actionName])) {
         return call_user_func($actions[$actionName]);
     } else {
         throw new BadRequestHttpException('Unknown action: ' . $actionName);
예제 #2
  * @param integer $type
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $object
 public function run($type, $object)
     $pkey = $object->primaryKey();
     $pkey = $pkey[0];
     $data = ['table' => $object->tableName(true), 'model_id' => $object->getPrimaryKey(), 'type' => $type, 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())];
     switch ($type) {
         case self::EVT_INSERT:
             $data['field_name'] = $pkey;
         case self::EVT_UPDATE:
             foreach ($this->updatedFields as $updatedFieldKey => $updatedFieldValue) {
                 $data['field_name'] = $updatedFieldKey;
                 $data['old_value'] = $updatedFieldValue;
                 $data['new_value'] = $object->{$updatedFieldKey};
         case self::EVT_DELETE:
             $data['field_name'] = $pkey;
         case self::EVT_UPDATE_PK:
             $data['field_name'] = $pkey;
             $data['old_value'] = $object->getOldPrimaryKey();
             $data['new_value'] = $object->{$pkey};
  * @param $direction string
  * @param $model ActiveRecord
  * @return array
 protected function getUrl($direction, ActiveRecord $model)
     $url = !empty($this->url) ? $this->url : ['order'];
     $url['direction'] = $direction;
     $url['attribute'] = $this->attribute;
     $url['id'] = $model->getPrimaryKey();
     return $url;
 public function run()
     $buttons = [];
     $translations = $this->model->translations;
     foreach ($translations as $translationModel) {
         /** @var ActiveRecord | TranslatableInterface $translationModel */
         // if ($translationModel->equals($this->model)) continue;
         $lang = $translationModel->language;
         $buttons[$lang] = Html::a($lang, ['update', 'id' => $translationModel->getPrimaryKey()], ['class' => 'btn btn-xs' . ($this->model->language == $lang ? ' btn-primary' : ' btn-default'), 'data-pjax' => '0']);
     $unsupportedLanguages = array_diff(Yii::$app->acceptedLanguages, array_keys($buttons));
     foreach ($unsupportedLanguages as $lang) {
         $buttons[$lang] = Html::a($lang, ['create', 'language' => $lang, 'sourceId' => $this->model->getPrimaryKey()], ['class' => 'btn btn-danger btn-xs', 'data-pjax' => '0']);
     return implode(' ', $buttons);
예제 #5
  * @param  ActiveRecord $activeRecord
  * @param               $attribute
  * @param null $extension
  * @return string
 public function getFilenameFor($activeRecord, $attribute, $extension = null)
     $path = Inflector::camel2id((new \ReflectionClass($activeRecord))->getShortName());
     $basename = implode('-', $activeRecord->getPrimaryKey(true)) . '-' . $attribute;
     if ($extension) {
         $basename .= '.' . $extension;
     return $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $basename;
예제 #6
 /** Render widget */
 public function run()
     if ($this->apiRoute === null) {
         throw new Exception('$apiRoute must be set.', 500);
     $images = array();
     foreach ($this->behavior->getImages() as $image) {
         $images[] = array('id' => $image->id, 'rank' => $image->rank, 'name' => (string) $image->name, 'description' => (string) $image->description, 'preview' => $image->getUrl('preview'));
     $baseUrl = [$this->apiRoute, 'type' => $this->behavior->type, 'behaviorName' => $this->behaviorName, 'galleryId' => $this->model->getPrimaryKey()];
     $opts = array('hasName' => $this->behavior->hasName ? true : false, 'hasDesc' => $this->behavior->hasDescription ? true : false, 'uploadUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'ajaxUpload']), 'deleteUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'delete']), 'updateUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'changeData']), 'arrangeUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'order']), 'nameLabel' => Yii::t('bupy7/gallery/manager/core', 'Name'), 'descriptionLabel' => Yii::t('bupy7/gallery/manager/core', 'Description'), 'photos' => $images);
     $opts = Json::encode($opts);
     $view = $this->getView();
     $this->options['id'] = $this->id;
     $this->options['class'] = 'gallery-manager';
     return $this->render('manager');
예제 #7
  * Initialize widget with default options.
  * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
 public function initDefaults()
     $this->voteUrl = isset($this->voteUrl) ?: Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createUrl(['vote/default/vote']);
     $this->targetId = isset($this->targetId) ?: $this->model->getPrimaryKey();
     if (!isset($this->aggregateModel)) {
         $this->aggregateModel = $this->isBehaviorIncluded() ? $this->model->getVoteAggregate($this->entity) : VoteAggregate::findOne(['entity' => $this->getModule()->encodeEntity($this->entity), 'target_id' => $this->targetId]);
     if (!isset($this->userValue)) {
         $this->userValue = $this->isBehaviorIncluded() ? $this->model->getUserValue($this->entity) : null;
  * Append to operation internal handler
  * @param bool $append
  * @throws Exception
 protected function insertIntoInternal($append)
     $this->owner->setAttribute($this->parentAttribute, $this->node->getPrimaryKey());
     if ($this->sortable !== false) {
         if ($append) {
         } else {
예제 #9
 /** Render widget */
 public function run()
     if ($this->apiRoute === null) {
         throw new Exception('$apiRoute must be set.', 500);
     $images = array();
     foreach ($this->behavior->getImages($this->sort) as $image) {
         $images[] = array('id' => $image->id, 'rank' => $image->rank, 'preview' => $image->getUrl('preview'));
     $baseUrl = [$this->apiRoute, 'type' => $this->behavior->type, 'behaviorName' => $this->behaviorName, 'galleryId' => $this->model->getPrimaryKey()];
     $opts = array('uploadUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'ajaxUpload']), 'deleteUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'delete']), 'updateUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'changeData']), 'arrangeUrl' => Url::to($baseUrl + ['action' => 'order']), 'photos' => $images, 'prepend' => $this->prepend);
     $opts = Json::encode($opts);
     $view = $this->getView();
     $view->registerJs("(function(){\$('#{$this->id}').galleryManager({$opts});})();", \yii\web\View::POS_READY);
     $this->options['id'] = $this->id;
     $this->options['class'] = 'gallery-manager';
     if ($this->view) {
         return $this->render($this->view);
     return $this->render('galleryManager');
예제 #10
  * Loads a specific translation model
  * @param string $language the language to return
  * @return null|\yii\db\ActiveQuery|static
 private function getNewTranslation($language)
     $translation = null;
     /** @var \yii\db\ActiveQuery $relation */
     $relation = $this->owner->getRelation($this->relation);
     /** @var ActiveRecord $class */
     $class = $relation->modelClass;
     //if ($translation === null) {
     $translation = new $class();
     $translation->{key($relation->link)} = $this->owner->getPrimaryKey();
     $translation->{$this->languageAttribute} = $language;
     return $translation;
예제 #11
  * Deletes this notification
 public function delete(\humhub\modules\user\models\User $user = null)
     $condition = [];
     $condition['class'] = $this->className();
     if ($user !== null) {
         $condition['user_id'] = $user->id;
     if ($this->originator !== null) {
         $condition['originator_user_id'] = $this->originator->id;
     if ($this->source !== null) {
         $condition['source_pk'] = $this->source->getPrimaryKey();
         $condition['source_class'] = $this->source->className();
예제 #12
  * Creates an activity
  * @throws \yii\base\Exception
 public function create()
     if ($this->moduleId == "") {
         throw new \yii\base\InvalidConfigException("No moduleId given!");
     if (!$this->source instanceof \yii\db\ActiveRecord) {
         throw new \yii\base\InvalidConfigException("Invalid source object given!");
     $model = new Activity();
     $model->class = $this->className();
     $model->module = $this->moduleId;
     $model->content->visibility = $this->visibility;
     $model->object_model = $this->source->className();
     $model->object_id = $this->source->getPrimaryKey();
     // Automatically determine content container
     if ($this->container == null) {
         if ($this->source instanceof ContentActiveRecord || $this->source instanceof ContentAddonActiveRecord) {
             $this->container = $this->source->content->container;
             // Take visibility from Content/Addon
             $model->content->visibility = $this->source->content->visibility;
         } elseif ($this->source instanceof ContentContainerActiveRecord) {
             $this->container = $this->source;
         } else {
             throw new \yii\base\InvalidConfigException("Could not determine content container for activity!");
     $model->content->container = $this->container;
     // Automatically determine originator - if not set
     if ($this->originator !== null) {
         $model->content->user_id = $this->originator->id;
     } elseif ($this->source instanceof ContentActiveRecord) {
         $model->content->user_id = $this->source->content->user_id;
     } elseif ($this->source instanceof ContentAddonActiveRecord) {
         $model->content->user_id = $this->source->created_by;
     } else {
         throw new \yii\base\InvalidConfigException("Could not determine originator for activity!");
     if (!$model->validate() || !$model->save()) {
         throw new \yii\base\Exception("Could not save activity!" . $model->getErrors());
  * @param $position
  * @return bool
  * @throws \yii\db\Exception
 public function insertTo($position)
     if ($this->getValue() == $position) {
         return true;
     // 59 -> 56 = 58 57 56
     // 56 -> 59 = 57 58 59
     $start = $this->getValue();
     $end = $position;
     if ($start == null || $start == 0) {
         return true;
     $direction = $start > $end ? static::DirectionDown : static::DirectionUp;
     $query = $this->getQuery();
     $query->andWhere(['between', $this->attributeName, min($start, $end), max($start, $end)]);
      * @var ISortableActiveRecord[]|ActiveRecord[] $items
     $items = $query->all();
     $transaction = $this->owner->getDb()->beginTransaction();
     try {
         foreach ($items as $index => $item) {
             if ($item->getPrimaryKey() == $this->owner->getPrimaryKey()) {
             } else {
                 $item->getSortBehavior()->setSort($item->getSortBehavior()->getValue() + ($direction == static::DirectionDown ? 1 : -1));
         /* @TODO сделать фикс позиций, что бы не перескакивало и не было дублей */
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * Save related model
  * @param array $translations
  * @since 2.0.0
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 private function saveTranslations($translations = [])
     /** @var ActiveRecord $owner */
     /** @var ActiveRecord $translation */
     foreach ($this->availableLanguages as $language) {
         if (!isset($translations[$language])) {
             $translation = new $this->translateClassName();
             $translation->{$this->languageField} = $language;
             $translation->{$this->translateForeignKey} = $this->owner->getPrimaryKey();
         } else {
             $translation = $translations[$language];
         foreach ($this->attributes as $attribute) {
             $value = $this->getTranslateAttribute($attribute, $language);
             if ($value !== null) {
                 $translation->{$attribute} = $value;
예제 #15
 public function run()
     return ModalIFrame::widget(['modalOptions' => ['header' => Yii::t('gromver.platform', 'Item Versions Manager - "{title}" (ID:{id})', ['title' => $this->model->title, 'id' => $this->model->getPrimaryKey()]), 'size' => Modal::SIZE_LARGE], 'buttonContent' => Html::a('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-hdd"></i> ' . Yii::t('gromver.platform', 'Versions'), ['/grom/version/default/item', 'item_id' => $this->model->getPrimaryKey(), 'item_class' => $this->model->className()], ['class' => 'btn btn-default btn-sm'])]);
예제 #16
  * @param SyncService $service
  * @param ActiveRecord $model
  * @param array $data
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception
 protected function createSyncModel(SyncService $service, ActiveRecord $model, array $data = array())
     $syncModel = new SyncModel();
     $syncModel->attributes = ['model_id' => $model->getPrimaryKey(), 'service_name' => $service->getName(), 'service_id_author' => $data['service_id_author'], 'service_id_post' => $data['service_id_post'], 'time_created' => !empty($data['time_created']) ? $data['time_created'] : time()];
     $flag = $syncModel->save();
     if ($syncModel->hasErrors()) {
         throw new InvalidConfigException(Yii::t('SyncSocial', 'Wrong sync model configuration for SyncSocial extension'));
     return $flag;
예제 #17
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $model
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $relatedModel
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveQuery $relation
  * @return array array with three arrays: create, search and index routes
 public static function getRelationRoutes($model, $relatedModel, $relation)
     if (($route = Yii::$app->crudModelsMap[$relatedModel::className()]) === null) {
         return [null, null, null];
     $allowCreate = Yii::$app->user->can($relatedModel::className() . '.create');
     if ($allowCreate && $model->isNewRecord && $relation->multiple) {
         foreach ($relation->link as $left => $right) {
             if (!$relatedModel->getTableSchema()->getColumn($left)->allowNull) {
                 $allowCreate = false;
     if (!$allowCreate) {
         $createRoute = null;
     } else {
         $createRoute = [$route . '/update'];
         if ($relation->multiple) {
             $createRoute['hide'] = implode(',', array_keys($relation->link));
             $scope = $relatedModel->formName();
             $primaryKey = $model->getPrimaryKey(true);
             foreach ($relation->link as $left => $right) {
                 if (!isset($primaryKey[$right])) {
                 $createRoute[$scope][$left] = $primaryKey[$right];
     $parts = explode('\\', $relatedModel::className());
     $relatedModelClass = array_pop($parts);
     $relatedSearchModelClass = implode('\\', $parts) . '\\search\\' . $relatedModelClass;
     $searchRoute = !class_exists($relatedSearchModelClass) ? null : [$route . '/relation', 'per-page' => 10, 'relation' => $relation->inverseOf, 'id' => Action::exportKey($model->getPrimaryKey()), 'multiple' => $relation->multiple ? 'true' : 'false'];
     $indexRoute = [$route . '/index'];
     return [$createRoute, $searchRoute, $indexRoute];
예제 #18
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $model
 public function addDirtyModel($model)
     // --- debug - start ------------------------------------------------------
     // make sure there's always only one instance referencing a DB record
     $dsn = $model->getDb()->dsn;
     $table = $model->tableName();
     $pk = $model->getPrimaryKey();
     $modelId = "{$dsn}:{$table}:{$pk}";
     if (array_key_exists($modelId, $this->_dirtyModelsInfo)) {
         $storedModel = $this->_dirtyModelsInfo[$modelId];
         if ($storedModel !== $model) {
             throw new \yii\base\NotSupportedException("Can't handle two instances for tabel '{$table}', id '{$pk}' (dsn '{$dsn}').");
     $this->_dirtyModelsInfo[$modelId] = $model;
     // --- debug - end --------------------------------------------------------
예제 #19
  * @return string
 public function getAttributeName()
     return $this->owner->fieldPrefix . strval($this->attributeModel->getPrimaryKey());
예제 #20
  * Converts a model's (composite) primary key to string.
  * @param  ActiveRecord  $model model
  * @return string        serialized primary key
  * @internal
 private function serializeKey(&$model)
     return serialize($model->getPrimaryKey());
예제 #21
  * @param string $modelClass
  * @param ActiveRecord $model
  * @param ActionSearch $searchModel
  * @param array $tablesMap
  * @return SqlDataProvider
 private static function getKeysDataprovider($modelClass, $model, $searchModel, $tablesMap)
     /** @var \yii\db\ActiveRecord $staticModel */
     $staticModel = new $modelClass();
     /** @var TrackableBehavior $behavior */
     $behavior = $staticModel->getBehavior('trackable');
     $conditions = ['AND', 'a.statement_only = FALSE', ['IN', '(a.relation_id::regclass)', array_keys($tablesMap['related'])]];
     $params = [];
     if ($model !== null) {
         $conditions[] = "a.row_data @> (:key)::jsonb";
         $params[':key'] = json_encode($model->getPrimaryKey(true));
     if ($searchModel !== null) {
         list($conditions, $params) = $searchModel->getConditions($conditions, $params, $tablesMap['all']);
     $subQuery = (new Query())->select(['key_type' => new Expression("'c'"), 'id' => 'a.changeset_id', 'action_date' => 'MAX(a.action_date)'])->from($behavior->auditTableName . ' a')->where($conditions)->andWhere("key_type = 'c'")->groupBy('changeset_id')->union((new Query())->select(['key_type' => new Expression("'t'"), 'id' => 'a.transaction_id', 'action_date' => 'MAX(a.action_date)'])->from($behavior->auditTableName . ' a')->where($conditions)->andWhere("key_type = 't'")->groupBy('transaction_id'), true)->union((new Query())->select(['key_type' => new Expression("'a'"), 'id' => 'a.action_id', 'action_date' => 'a.action_date'])->from($behavior->auditTableName . ' a')->where($conditions)->andWhere("key_type = 'a'"), true);
     $query = (new Query())->select(['key_type', 'id'])->from(['a' => $subQuery]);
     $countQuery = clone $query;
     $countQuery->select(['COUNT(DISTINCT ROW(a.key_type, a.id))']);
     $command = $query->orderBy('a.action_date DESC')->createCommand($staticModel->getDb());
     return new SqlDataProvider(['sql' => $command->getSql(), 'params' => $command->params, 'totalCount' => $countQuery->scalar($staticModel->getDb()), 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 20], 'key' => function ($model) {
         return $model['key_type'] . $model['id'];
  * Returns all files belongs to a given HActiveRecord Object.
  * @todo Add chaching
  * @param HActiveRecord $object
  * @return Array of File instances
 public static function getFilesOfObject(\yii\db\ActiveRecord $object)
     return self::findAll(array('object_id' => $object->getPrimaryKey(), 'object_model' => $object->className()));
예제 #23
  * Creates a login history entry.
  * @param ActiveRecord $account account instance.
  * @param boolean $success whether login was successful.
 protected function createHistoryEntry(ActiveRecord $account, $success)
     $dataContract = Module::getInstance()->getDataContract();
     $dataContract->createLoginHistory(['accountId' => $account->getPrimaryKey(), 'success' => $success, 'numFailedAttempts' => $success ? 0 : $dataContract->getAccountNumFailedLoginAttempts($account)]);
  * Destroys the relationship between two models.
  * The model with the foreign key of the relationship will be deleted if `$delete` is true.
  * Otherwise, the foreign key will be set null and the model will be saved without validation.
  * @param string $name the case sensitive name of the relationship.
  * @param ActiveRecord $model the model to be unlinked from the current one.
  * @param boolean $delete whether to delete the model that contains the foreign key.
  * If false, the model's foreign key will be set null and saved.
  * If true, the model containing the foreign key will be deleted.
  * @throws InvalidCallException if the models cannot be unlinked
 public function unlink($name, $model, $delete = false)
     $relation = $this->getRelation($name);
     if ($relation->via !== null) {
         if (is_array($relation->via)) {
             /** @var ActiveRelation $viaRelation */
             list($viaName, $viaRelation) = $relation->via;
             $viaClass = $viaRelation->modelClass;
         } else {
             $viaRelation = $relation->via;
             $viaTable = reset($relation->via->from);
         $columns = [];
         foreach ($viaRelation->link as $a => $b) {
             $columns[$a] = $this->{$b};
         foreach ($relation->link as $a => $b) {
             $columns[$b] = $model->{$a};
         if (is_array($relation->via)) {
             /** @var $viaClass ActiveRecord */
             if ($delete) {
             } else {
                 $nulls = [];
                 foreach (array_keys($columns) as $a) {
                     $nulls[$a] = null;
                 $viaClass::updateAll($nulls, $columns);
         } else {
             /** @var $viaTable string */
             $command = static::getDb()->createCommand();
             if ($delete) {
                 $command->delete($viaTable, $columns)->execute();
             } else {
                 $nulls = [];
                 foreach (array_keys($columns) as $a) {
                     $nulls[$a] = null;
                 $command->update($viaTable, $nulls, $columns)->execute();
     } else {
         $p1 = $model->isPrimaryKey(array_keys($relation->link));
         $p2 = $this->isPrimaryKey(array_values($relation->link));
         if ($p1 && $p2 || $p2) {
             foreach ($relation->link as $a => $b) {
                 $model->{$a} = null;
             $delete ? $model->delete() : $model->save(false);
         } elseif ($p1) {
             foreach ($relation->link as $b) {
                 $this->{$b} = null;
             $delete ? $this->delete() : $this->save(false);
         } else {
             throw new InvalidCallException('Unable to unlink models: the link does not involve any primary key.');
     if (!$relation->multiple) {
     } elseif (isset($this->_related[$name])) {
         /** @var ActiveRecord $b */
         foreach ($this->_related[$name] as $a => $b) {
             if ($model->getPrimaryKey() == $b->getPrimaryKey()) {
 public static function getBs(ActiveRecord $a)
      * @var $class ActiveRecord
     $class = static::bClass();
     $classPk = $class::primaryKey()[0];
     $pivId = static::bIdAttr();
     $r = $class::find()->leftJoin(static::tableName() . ' p', "{{{$classPk}}}={{p}}.{{{$pivId}}}")->where([static::aIdAttr() => $a->getPrimaryKey()]);
     $r->multiple = true;
     if (static::bOrderAttr() !== false) {
     return $r;
예제 #26
  * Attaches a given list of files to an record (HActiveRecord).
  * This is used when uploading files before the record is created yet.
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $object is a HActiveRecord
  * @param string $files is a comma seperated list of newly uploaded file guids
 public static function attachPrecreated($object, $files)
     if (!$object instanceof \yii\db\ActiveRecord) {
         throw new Exception('Invalid object given - require instance of \\yii\\db\\ActiveRecord!');
     // Attach Files
     foreach (explode(",", $files) as $fileGuid) {
         $file = self::findOne(['guid' => trim($fileGuid)]);
         if ($file != null && $file->object_model == "") {
             $file->object_model = $object->className();
             $file->object_id = $object->getPrimaryKey();
             if (!$file->save()) {
                 throw new Exception("Could not save precreated file!");
예제 #27
  * Returns a value indicating whether the given active record is the same as the current one.
  * The comparison is made by comparing the table names and the primary key values of the two active records.
  * If one of the records [[isNewRecord|is new]] they are also considered not equal.
  * @param ActiveRecord $record record to compare to
  * @return boolean whether the two active records refer to the same row in the same database table.
 public function equals($record)
     if ($this->isNewRecord || $record->isNewRecord) {
         return false;
     return $this->tableName() === $record->tableName() && $this->getPrimaryKey() === $record->getPrimaryKey();
예제 #28
 public function run()
     return \gromver\widgets\ModalIFrame::widget(['options' => $this->options, 'label' => '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-hdd"></i> ' . Yii::t('gromver.platform', 'Versions'), 'url' => ['/grom/version/backend/default/item', 'item_id' => $this->model->getPrimaryKey(), 'item_class' => $this->model->className()]]);
예제 #29
  * Creates a password history entry.
  * @param Account $account model instance.
 public function createHistoryEntry(ActiveRecord $account)
     Module::getInstance()->getDataContract()->createPasswordHistory(['accountId' => $account->getPrimaryKey(), 'password' => $account->password]);
예제 #30
  * Called after successful {@link performTransition()} execution.
  * @param \yii\db\ActiveRecord $model
 public function afterTransition($model)
     $id = $this->exportKey($model->getPrimaryKey(true));
     $response = Yii::$app->getResponse();
     $response->getHeaders()->set('Location', Url::toRoute([$this->viewAction, 'id' => $id], true));