/** * getImgTag - get a full HTML img tag to display a flag based on county code * * @param Response $response \Xoops\Core\Service\Response object * @param string $countryCode ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code to select flag * @param array $attributes array of attribute name => value pairs for img tag * @param string $size 'small', 'medium' or 'large' * * @return void - response->value set to image tag */ public function getImgTag(Response $response, $countryCode, $attributes = array(), $size = 'large') { $url = $this->getFlagUrl($countryCode, $size); $imgTag = new Img(array('src' => $url, 'alt' => $countryCode)); $imgTag->setAttributes($attributes); $response->setValue($imgTag->render()); }
/** * getImgTag - get a full HTML img tag to display a QR Code image of supplied text * * @param Response $response \Xoops\Core\Service\Response object * @param string $qrText text to encode in QR Code * @param array $attributes array of attribute name => value pairs for img tag * * @return void - response->value set to image tag */ public function getImgTag(Response $response, $qrText, $attributes = array()) { $url = $this->getQRUrl($qrText); $imgTag = new Img(array('src' => $url)); $imgTag->setAttributes($attributes); $response->setValue($imgTag->render()); }
/** * getImgTag - get a full HTML img tag to display a thumbnail of the supplied image * * @param Response $response \Xoops\Core\Service\Response object * @param string $imgPath path to image to be thumbed * @param integer $width maximum width of thumbnail in pixels, 0 to use default * @param integer $height maximum height of thumbnail in pixels, 0 to use default * @param array $attributes array of attribute name => value pairs for img tag * * @return void - response->value set to image tag */ public function getImgTag(Response $response, $imgPath, $width = 0, $height = 0, $attributes = array()) { $url = $this->getThumbnailUrl($imgPath, $width, $height); $imgTag = new Img(array('src' => $url)); $imgTag->setAttributes($attributes); $response->setValue($imgTag->render()); }