예제 #1
 public function test_it_should_evaluate_without_arguments_if_all_needed_were_defined()
     $sum = f\curryN(0, function ($a, $b) {
         return $a + $b;
     }, [1, 2]);
     $this->assertSame(3, $sum());
 public function test_it_should_sum_all_from_one_list_with_single_element()
     // sum <$> [1, 2] <*> [4, 5]
     $sum = f\curryN(2, 'example\\sum');
     $a = Listt::of([1, 2]);
     $b = Listt::of([4, 5]);
     $result = f\map($sum, $a)->ap($b);
     $this->assertEquals(Listt::of([5, 6, 6, 7]), $result);
  * @dataProvider provideData
 public function test_it_should_extract_elements_which_exists($data)
     // $get :: String a -> [b] -> Maybe b
     $get = f\curryN(2, function ($key, $array) {
         return isset($array[$key]) ? m\just($array[$key]) : m\nothing();
     $listOfFirstImages = f\pipeline(Listt::of, f\map(m\maybeNull), f\bind(f\bind($get('meta'))), f\bind(f\bind($get('images'))), f\bind(f\bind($get(0))), f\join);
     $result = $listOfFirstImages($data);
     $this->assertEquals(Listt::of([m\just('//first.jpg'), m\just('//third.jpg'), m\nothing()]), $result);
예제 #4
 * tryCatch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a
 * @param M\IO $io
 * @param callable $catchFunction
 * @return M\IO
function tryCatch(M\IO $io = null, callable $catchFunction = null)
    return call_user_func_array(f\curryN(2, function (M\IO $io, callable $catchFunction) {
        return M\IO::of(function () use($io, $catchFunction) {
            try {
                return $io->run();
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                return call_user_func($catchFunction, $e);
    }), func_get_args());
예제 #5
  * Generic test to verify if a type obey the applicative laws.
  * @param callable $assertEqual   Asserting function (Applicative $a1, Applicative $a2, $message)
  * @param callable $pure          Applicative "constructor"
  * @param Applicative $u Applicative f => f (a -> b)
  * @param Applicative $v Applicative f => f (a -> b)
  * @param Applicative $w Applicative f => f (a -> b)
  * @param callable $f             (a -> b)
  * @param mixed $x                Value to put into a applicative
 public static function test(callable $assertEqual, callable $pure, Applicative $u, Applicative $v, Applicative $w, callable $f, $x)
     // identity: pure id <*> v = v
     $assertEqual($pure(f\identity)->ap($v), $v, 'identity');
     // homomorphism: pure f <*> pure x = pure (f x)
     $assertEqual($pure($f)->ap($pure($x)), $pure($f($x)), 'homomorphism');
     // interchange: u <*> pure x = pure ($ x) <*> u
     $assertEqual($u->ap($pure($x)), $pure(f\applicator($x))->ap($u), 'interchange');
     // composition: pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w = u <*> (v <*> w)
     $compose = f\curryN(2, f\compose);
     $assertEqual($pure($compose)->ap($u)->ap($v)->ap($w), $u->ap($v->ap($w)), 'composition');
예제 #6
 * Open $maybe monad
 * fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
 * @param mixed $default
 * @param Maybe $maybe
 * @return mixed
function fromMaybe($default = null, Maybe $maybe = null)
    return call_user_func_array(f\curryN(2, function ($default, Maybe $maybe) {
        return maybe($default, f\identity, $maybe);
    }), func_get_args());
예제 #7
  * @dataProvider provideSetoidLaws
 public function test_it_should_obay_monoid_laws($a, $b, $c)
     MonoidLaws::test(f\curryN(3, [$this, 'assertEquals']), $a, $b, $c);
예제 #8
  * @dataProvider provideRandomizedData
 public function test_it_should_obey_monoid_laws(Monoid $x, Monoid $y, Monoid $z)
     MonoidLaws::test(f\curryN(3, [$this, 'assertEquals']), $x, $y, $z);
예제 #9
  * @dataProvider provideFunctorTestData
 public function test_it_should_obey_functor_laws(callable $f, callable $g, Functor $x)
     FunctorLaws::test(f\curryN(3, [$this, 'assertEquals']), $f, $g, $x);
예제 #10
 * Adapt function that may throws exceptions to Either monad.
 * tryCatch :: Exception e => (a -> b) -> (e -> c) -> a -> Either c b
 * @param callable $function      (a -> b)
 * @param callable $catchFunction (e -> c)
 * @param mixed $value            a
 * @return Either|\Closure
function tryCatch(callable $function = null, callable $catchFunction = null, $value = null)
    return call_user_func_array(f\curryN(3, function (callable $function, callable $catchFunction, $value) {
        return f\tryCatch(f\compose(right, $function), f\compose(left, $catchFunction), $value);
    }), func_get_args());
예제 #11
  * @dataProvider provideApplicativeTestData
 public function test_it_should_obey_applicative_laws($pure, Applicative $u, Applicative $v, Applicative $w, callable $f, $x, $state)
     ApplicativeLaws::test(function (State $a, State $b, $message) use($state) {
         $this->assertEquals($a->runState($state), $b->runState($state), $message);
     }, f\curryN(1, $pure), $u, $v, $w, $f, $x);