예제 #1
  * Returns format for defined $dateElement.
  * @param string $dateElement Possible values are: date, year, month, day, time, hour, minutes, seconds, meridiem.
  * @return mixed
 private function getFormatFor($dateElement)
     if ($this->dateTimeFormat->keyExists($dateElement)) {
         return $this->dateTimeFormat->key($dateElement);
     return self::$formatters->key($dateElement)->first();
예제 #2
  * Instantiate service using given service name
  * @param string $serviceName
  * @return object
  * @throws ServiceManagerException
 private function instantiateService($serviceName)
     // Make sure service is registered
     if (!$this->registeredServices->keyExists($serviceName)) {
         throw new ServiceManagerException(ServiceManagerException::SERVICE_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND, [$serviceName]);
     // Get service config from registered services array
     $config = $this->registeredServices->key($serviceName);
     // Check circular referencing
     if ($this->references->keyExists($serviceName)) {
         throw new ServiceManagerException(ServiceManagerException::SERVICE_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE, [$serviceName]);
     // Set service name reference for circular referencing checks
     $this->references->key($serviceName, $serviceName);
     // Compile ConfigObject into ServiceConfig
     $configCompiler = new ConfigCompiler($serviceName, $config, $this->parameters);
     $this->compiledConfig->key($serviceName, $configCompiler->compile());
      * @var $config ServiceConfig
     $config = $this->compiledConfig->key($serviceName);
     // Construct service container and get service instance
     $serviceCreator = new ServiceCreator($config);
     $service = $serviceCreator->getService();
     // Unset service name reference
     // Store instance if this service has a CONTAINER scope
     if ($config->getScope() == ServiceScope::CONTAINER) {
         $this->instantiatedServices->key($serviceName, $service);
     return $service;
예제 #3
  * Get entity attribute
  * @param string $attribute
  * @throws EntityException
  * @return AbstractAttribute
 public function getAttribute($attribute)
     if (!$this->attributes->keyExists($attribute)) {
         throw new EntityException(EntityException::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, [$attribute, get_class($this)]);
     return $this->attributes[$attribute];
예제 #4
  * Build a UrlObject from array parts.
  * @param ArrayObject|array $parts Url parts, possible keys are: 'scheme', 'host', 'port', 'path' and 'query'
  * @throws UrlObjectException
  * @return UrlObject
 static function buildUrl($parts)
     $parts = new ArrayObject($parts);
     ### PARSE PARTS ###
     // scheme
     $scheme = $parts->key('scheme', '', true);
     // host
     $host = $parts->key('host', '', true);
     // port
     $port = $parts->key('port', '', true);
     // path
     $path = $parts->key('path', '', true);
     // parse query string
     $query = '';
     if ($parts->keyExists('query')) {
         if (self::isString($parts->key('query'))) {
             parse_str($parts->key('query'), $queryData);
         } else {
             $queryData = $parts->key('query');
         if (self::isArray($queryData)) {
             $query = $queryData;
     ### BUILD URL   ###
     $url = '';
     // scheme
     if ($scheme && $scheme != '') {
         $url .= $scheme . '://';
     // host
     if ($host && $host != '') {
         $url .= $host;
     // port
     if ($port != '') {
         $url .= ':' . $port;
     // path
     if ($path != '') {
         $url .= $path;
     // query
     if (self::isArray($query)) {
         $query = http_build_query($query);
         if ($query != "") {
             $url .= '?' . $query;
     try {
         return new UrlObject($url);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new UrlObjectException($e->getMessage());
예제 #5
  * Fire event
  * @param string      $eventName Event to fire. You can also use wildcards to fire multiple events at once, ex: 'event.*'
  * @param array|Event $data Array or Event object
  * @param null        $resultType If specified, the event results will be filtered using given class/interface name
  * @param null|int    $limit Number of results to return
  * @return array Array of results from EventListeners
 public function fire($eventName, $data = null, $resultType = null, $limit = null)
     if ($this->suppressEvents) {
         return null;
     if ($this->str($eventName)->endsWith('*')) {
         return $this->fireWildcardEvents($eventName, $data, $resultType);
     if (!$this->events->keyExists($eventName)) {
         return null;
     $eventListeners = $this->events->key($eventName);
     if (!$this->isInstanceOf($data, '\\Webiny\\Component\\EventManager\\Event')) {
         $data = new Event($data);
     return $this->eventProcessor->process($eventListeners, $data, $resultType, $limit);
예제 #6
  * Merge current config with given config
  * @param array|ArrayObject|ConfigObject $config ConfigObject or array of ConfigObject to merge with
  * @throws ConfigException
  * @return $this
 public function mergeWith($config)
     if ($this->isArray($config) || $this->isArrayObject($config)) {
         $configs = StdObjectWrapper::toArray($config);
         // Make sure it's an array of ConfigObject
         if (!$this->isInstanceOf($this->arr($configs)->first()->val(), $this)) {
             $configs = [Config::getInstance()->php($configs)];
     } elseif ($this->isInstanceOf($config, $this)) {
         $configs = [$config];
     } else {
         throw new ConfigException('Invalid parameter passed to ConfigObject mergeWith($config) method! Expecting a ConfigObject or array.');
     /** @var ConfigObject $value */
     foreach ($configs as $config) {
         // If it's a PHP array or ArrayObject, convert it to ConfigObject
         if ($this->isArray($config) || $this->isArrayObject($config)) {
             $config = Config::getInstance()->php($config);
         foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
             if ($this->data->keyExists($key)) {
                 if ($this->isNumber($key)) {
                     $this->data[] = $value;
                 } elseif ($this->isInstanceOf($value, $this) && $this->isInstanceOf($this->data[$key], $this)) {
                 } else {
                     if ($this->isInstanceOf($value, $this)) {
                         $this->data[$key] = new static($value->toArray(), false);
                     } else {
                         $this->data[$key] = $value;
             } else {
                 if ($this->isInstanceOf($value, $this)) {
                     $this->data[$key] = new static($value->toArray(), false);
                 } else {
                     $this->data[$key] = $value;
     return $this;
예제 #7
  * Extend $config with $parentConfig
  * @param ArrayObject $config       Child config object
  * @param ArrayObject $parentConfig Parent config object
  * @return ArrayObject
 private function extendConfig(ArrayObject $config, ArrayObject $parentConfig)
     $configCalls = null;
     $overrideCalls = false;
     // Get calls arrays
     if ($config->keyExists('Calls')) {
         $configCalls = $config->key('Calls');
     } elseif ($config->keyExists('!Calls')) {
         $configCalls = $config->key('!Calls');
         $overrideCalls = true;
     $parentCalls = $parentConfig->key('Calls', [], true);
     // Merge basic values
     $config = $parentConfig->merge($config);
     // Remove unnecessary keys
     // Merge calls
     if (!$this->isNull($configCalls) && !$this->isNull($parentCalls)) {
         if ($overrideCalls) {
             $config->key('!Calls', $configCalls);
         foreach ($configCalls as $call) {
             $call = $this->arr($call);
             if ($call->keyExists(2)) {
                 $parentCalls[$call[2]] = $call->val();
             } else {
                 $parentCalls[] = $call->val();
         $config->key('Calls', $parentCalls);
     } elseif ($this->isNull($configCalls) && !$this->isNull($parentCalls)) {
         $config->key('Calls', $parentCalls);
     } elseif (!$this->isNull($configCalls) && $this->isNull($parentCalls)) {
         $config->key('Calls', $configCalls);
     return $config;
예제 #8
  * @dataProvider arraySet1
 public function testKey($array)
     $a = new ArrayObject($array);
     $searchResult = $a->keyExists('NonExistingKey');
     $this->assertSame(false, $searchResult);
예제 #9
  * (PHP 5 &gt;= 5.0.0)<br/>
  * Whether a offset exists
  * @link http://php.net/manual/en/arrayaccess.offsetexists.php
  * @param mixed $offset <p>
  *                      An offset to check for.
  *                      </p>
  * @return boolean true on success or false on failure.
  * </p>
  * <p>
  * The return value will be casted to boolean if non-boolean was returned.
 public function offsetExists($offset)
     return $this->data->keyExists($offset);
예제 #10
  * Checks if current option contains the given attribute.
  * @param string $name Attribute name.
  * @return bool
 public function hasAttribute($name)
     return $this->attributes->keyExists($name);