/** * Loads the image and returns an instance of Image class. * * @param string|File $image This can either be image file name that corresponds to File $key parameter, * or it can be an instance of Webiny\Component\Storage\File\File. * @param string|Storage $storage This can either be the name of the storage service or it can be an * instance of Webiny\Component\Storage\Storage. * NOTE: This parameter is not required if you pass the $image as * instance of Webiny\Component\Storage\File\File. * * @return ImageInterface */ public function image($image, $storage = 'local') { if ($image instanceof File) { return ImageLoader::load($image->getContents()); } else { if (!$storage instanceof Storage) { $storage = ServiceManager::getInstance()->getService('Storage.' . $storage); } $file = new File($image, $storage); return ImageLoader::load($file->getContents()); } }
public function testLoad() { $image = ImageLoader::load(base64_decode('R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7')); $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Webiny\\Component\\Image\\ImageInterface', $image); }