public function getFileAndPutWithStoreKeeper($key, $dirToSearch = null) { try { $fileInfo = $this->checkFileExists($key, $dirToSearch); StoreKeeper::putFileInfoWithStoreKeeper($key, $fileInfo); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw $e; } return $this->saveInStore($key, new $fileInfo['fullFileName']()); }
/** * Heart of the application. * Optimus takes you through application as per url. * * @throws \LP\Framework\Exceptions\RouteNotFoundException * @throws \Lp\Framework\Exceptions\DuplicateFileNameException */ public function letsRoll() { try { $goto = Router::reduce(Request::howYouWantToGo(), Request::whereYouWantToGo()); $classArray = array(); if ($controller = StoreKeeper::getFromStore(StoreKeeper::STORE_TYPE_CONTROLLER, $goto['path']['controller'])) { $classArray = array($controller, $goto['path']['action']); } elseif (empty($classArray)) { $classArray = array(new IndexController(), self::DEFAULT_ACTION); } call_user_func_array($classArray, $goto['params']); } catch (RouteNotFoundException $rnfe) { var_dump($rnfe); } catch (DuplicateFileNameException $dfne) { var_dump($dfne); } catch (\Exception $e) { var_dump($e); } }
/** * Common load function. * * @param null $name name of the class to load. * @param int $storeType type of class store. * @return null|\stdClass $object * @throws \Exception */ private function load($name = null, $storeType) { $object = null; try { $object = StoreKeeper::getFromStore($storeType, $name); } catch (DuplicateFileNameException $dfne) { throw new \Exception("File not found {$dfne}"); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw $e; } if (is_null($object) || !$object instanceof BaseModel) { throw new \Exception("Class {$name} not found"); } return $object; }