예제 #1
 protected function scannedUPC($entry)
     $upcID = $entry->objectID;
     Log::debug("upcID: {$upcID}");
     // gather relevant data
     $podID = Session::get('podID');
     $articleID = Session::get('articleID');
     Log::debug("podID: {$podID}, articleID: {$articleID}");
     $pod = $this->purchaseOrderDetailRepository->find($podID);
     $article = $this->articleRepository->find($articleID);
     //$upc = $this->upcRepository->find($upcID);
     $locationID = $this->findLocationID();
     // produce error message if $upcID not part of this pod & article
     $upcs = $this->upcRepository->getArticleUPCs($articleID, 0);
     foreach ($upcs as $individual) {
         if ($individual->objectID == $upcID) {
             $upc = $individual;
     if (!isset($upc)) {
         $responseKey = ['key' => 'scannedUPC', 'upcID' => $upcID, 'error' => Lang::get('internal.errors.upc.notOfArticle', ['Text' => $entry->Text, 'article' => $article->Client_SKU]), 'mode' => self::RECEIVE_UPC, 'time' => Carbon::now()];
         return $responseKey;
     Log::debug("build our responseKey");
     // build our responseKey
     $responseKey = ['key' => 'scannedUPC', 'upcID' => $upcID, 'Description' => $upc->Description, 'mode' => self::RECEIVE_UPC, 'time' => Carbon::now()];
     // is there any received inventory for this UPC in this Location?
     $filter = ['Status' => Config::get('constants.inventory.status.received'), 'locationID' => $locationID];
     if (isset($article->split) and $article->split == 'N') {
         $filter['articleID'] = $article->objectID;
     } else {
         $filter['Item'] = $upc->objectID;
         $filter['Order_Line'] = $pod->objectID;
     $inventory = $this->inventoryRepository->filterOn($filter, 1);
     Log::debug("looking for inventory: ");
     if (isset($inventory)) {
         // what tote is this inventory in?
         $totes = $this->toteRepository->filterOn(['THOU.container.child' => $inventory->objectID]);
         if (isset($totes) and count($totes) > 0) {
             $responseKey['key'] = 'scannedUPCinTote';
             $responseKey['cartonID'] = $totes[0]->Carton_ID;
     Log::debug("return our responseKey");
     // return our responseKey
     return $responseKey;
예제 #2
  * Confirm a Purchase Order
  * 1. VITaL receives ONLY “expected” inventory on UPC level (no over or short receipts)
  * 2. VITaL processes required +/- adjustments using HH reason code
  *    Adjustments processed under user ID that executed PO close
  * 3. VITaL stores / writes PO / article / UPC / variance details for vendor compliance reporting
  *    Report to be scoped
  * @param $podID
 public function confirm($poID)
     Log::debug(__METHOD__ . "(" . __LINE__ . "):  confirm: {$poID}");
     $purchaseOrder = $this->purchaseOrderRepository->find($poID);
     // scan each Purchase Order Detail line
     $filter = ['Order_Number' => $purchaseOrder->objectID];
     $purchaseOrderDetails = $this->purchaseOrderDetailRepository->filterOn($filter);
     if (isset($purchaseOrderDetails) && count($purchaseOrderDetails)) {
         // foreach purchaseOrderDetail record, merge with Article
         foreach ($purchaseOrderDetails as $purchaseOrderDetail) {
             //scan each UPC in the Article
             $article = $this->articleRepository->find($purchaseOrderDetail->SKU);
             // $received is calculated from Inventory in status received
             $invFilter = ['Status' => [Config::get('constants.inventory.status.received'), Config::get('constants.inventory.status.putAway')], 'Order_Line' => $purchaseOrderDetail->objectID];
             $upcs = $this->upcRepository->getArticleUPCs($article->objectID);
             foreach ($upcs as $upc) {
                 # accumulate expected and received
                 $expected = $purchaseOrderDetail->Expected_Qty * $upc->Quantity;
                 $invFilter['Item'] = $upc->objectID;
                 // $received is calculated from ReceiptHistory counting Received UPC into Tote... entries
                 $filter = ['POD' => $purchaseOrderDetail->objectID, 'UPC' => $upc->objectID, 'Activity' => preg_replace('/ - .*/', '', Lang::get('internal.receiptHistory.putUPCinTote', ['time' => '%', 'upcSKU' => '%', 'n' => '%', 'ofn' => '%']))];
                 $received = $this->receiptHistoryRepository->countOn($filter);
                 # where expected and received differ, insert an adjustment record for the differences
                 if ($expected != $received) {
                     $objectID = $purchaseOrderDetail->objectID;
                     // attempt to get an Inventory->objectID
                     $inventory = $this->inventoryRepository->filterOn($invFilter, 1);
                     if (isset($inventory) && count($inventory) > 0 && isset($inventory[0]->objectID)) {
                         $objectID = $inventory[0]->objectID;
                     // insert an adjustment
                     $this->insertAdjustment($objectID, $expected, $received, $poID);
                 $this->insertVendorCompliance($purchaseOrder->Purchase_Order, $purchaseOrderDetail->objectID, $article->objectID, $upc->objectID, $expected, $received);
             // we are done with the Purchase Order Detail
             $status = Config::get('constants.purchaseOrderDetail.status.confirmed');
             $this->purchaseOrderDetailRepository->update($purchaseOrderDetail->objectID, ['Status' => $status]);
     // we are done with the Purchase Order
     $status = Config::get('constants.purchaseOrder.status.confirmed');
     $this->purchaseOrderRepository->update($purchaseOrder->objectID, ['Status' => $status]);
예제 #3
  * Implement destroy($id)
 public function destroy($id)
     Log::debug(__METHOD__ . "(" . __LINE__ . "):  id: " . $id);
     $article = $this->articleRepository->find($id);
     $deleted = false;
     if (isset($article)) {
          * In the case of an Article delete request
          * 1. make sure there are no UPCs for this Article
          * 2. make sure there are no Inventory records that reference this Article
          * 3. make sure there are no Inbound_Order_Detail lines that reference this Article
          * ok to delete
         $upcs = $this->upcRepository->getArticleUPCs($id);
         Log::debug(__METHOD__ . "(" . __LINE__ . "):  UPCs: " . (isset($upcs) ? count($upcs) : 'none'));
         if (isset($upcs) and count($upcs) > 0) {
             $children = Lang::get('labels.titles.UPCs');
             $model = Lang::get('labels.titles.Article');
             $errors = [[Lang::get('internal.errors.deleteHasChildren', ['Model' => $model, 'Children' => $children])]];
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors($errors)->withInput();
         $inventories = $this->inventoryRepository->filterOn(['THOU.articleID' => $id]);
         Log::debug(__METHOD__ . "(" . __LINE__ . "):  Inventories: " . (isset($inventories) ? count($inventories) : 'none'));
         if (isset($inventories) and count($inventories) > 0) {
             $children = Lang::get('labels.titles.Inventories');
             $model = Lang::get('labels.titles.Article');
             $errors = [[Lang::get('internal.errors.deleteHasChildren', ['Model' => $model, 'Children' => $children])]];
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors($errors)->withInput();
         $pods = $this->purchaseOrderDetailRepository->filterOn(['SKU' => $id]);
         Log::debug(__METHOD__ . "(" . __LINE__ . "):  PODs: " . (isset($pods) ? count($pods) : 'none'));
         if (isset($pods) and count($pods) > 0) {
             $children = Lang::get('labels.titles.PurchaseOrderDetails');
             $model = Lang::get('labels.titles.Article');
             $errors = [[Lang::get('internal.errors.deleteHasChildren', ['Model' => $model, 'Children' => $children])]];
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors($errors)->withInput();
         Log::debug(__METHOD__ . "(" . __LINE__ . "):  delete: " . $id);
         $deleted = $this->articleRepository->delete($id);
     Log::debug(__METHOD__ . "(" . __LINE__ . "):  deleted: " . ($deleted ? 'yes' : 'no'));
     return $this->index();