function __construct() { parent::__construct(Config::getCfg('site')['pagetitle'], "", 0); $boards = Model::get()->getBoards(); $archiveBoards = array_filter($boards, function ($b) { return $b->isArchive(); }); $plainBoards = array_filter($boards, function ($b) { return !$b->isArchive(); }); $html = "<div class='boardlist_big'><h1>Archived Boards</h1><hr style='width:64px;'>"; foreach ($archiveBoards as $b) { $html .= Site::parseHtmlFragment("indexArchiveBoard.html", ["%ago%", "%crawltime%", "%shortname%", "%longname%", "%posts%", "%threads%", "%firstcrawl%"], [ago(time() - $b->getLastCrawl()), $b->getLastCrawl(), $b->getName(), $b->getLongName(), $b->getNoPosts(), $b->getNoThreads(), date("j F Y", $b->getFirstCrawl())]); } $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='/script/boardUpdate.js'></script>"; if (count($plainBoards) > 0) { $html .= "<div class='boardlist_big'><h1>Boards</h1><hr style='width:64px;'>"; foreach ($plainBoards as $b) { $html .= Site::parseHtmlFragment("indexBoard.html", ["%ago%", "%crawltime%", "%shortname%", "%longname%", "%posts%", "%threads%", "%firstcrawl%"], [ago(time() - $b->getLastCrawl()), $b->getLastCrawl(), $b->getName(), $b->getLongName(), $b->getNoPosts(), $b->getNoThreads(), date("j F Y", $b->getFirstCrawl())]); } $html .= "</div>"; } $this->setBody($html); }
function __construct($message = "") { parent::__construct("404 ;_;", "", 0); $this->setBody("<h1>404 ;_;</h1><div class='centertext' style='font-size:1.5em;'>{$message}</div><br><br>"); $this->appendToBody("<p style='text-align:center;'><img src='/image/404.png' alt='file not found' /></p>"); header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct("Report Queue", el('h2', "Reports"), Config::getCfg('permissions')['delete']); $reports = Model::get()->getReports(); $html = "<table class='reportTable'><tr><th colspan='3'>Report Queue</th></tr><tr><th style='width:3em;'>Times</th><th>Post</th><th style='width:20em;'>Options</th></tr>"; foreach ($reports as $report) { $hash = bin2hex($report['md5']); $html .= "<tr id='report{$report['no']}'>"; $html .= "<td>" . $report['count'] . "</td>"; $html .= "<td><a href='{$report['threadid']}#p{$report['no']}' data-board='{$report['board']}' data-thread='{$report['threadid']}' data-post='{$report['no']}' class='quotelink noEmbed'>>>{$report['no']}</a></td>"; $html .= "<td><a class='button' href='javascript:deletePost({$report['no']},\"{$report['board']}\");' >Delete Post</a> "; $html .= "<a class='button' href='javascript:banImage(\"{$hash}\");' id='ban{$hash}'>Ban Image</a> "; $html .= "<a class='button' href='javascript:deleteReport({$report['no']},\"{$report['board']}\");'>Delete Report</a> "; $html .= "<a class='button' href='javascript:banReporter({$report['no']},\"{$report['board']}\");'>Ban Reporter</a></td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; } $html .= "</table>"; if (Site::getUser()->getPrivilege() >= Config::getCfg('permissions')['owner']) { $html .= "<br><table class='reportTable'><tr><th colspan='3'>Last Few Deleted Posts</th></tr><tr><th style='width:3em;'>Board</th><th>Post</th><th style='width:7em;'>Options</th></tr>"; foreach (Model::get()->getBoards() as $board) { $lastFew = OldModel::getLastNDeletedPosts($board->getName(), 5); foreach ($lastFew as $report) { $html .= "<tr id='report{$report['no']}'>"; $html .= "<td>" . $board->getName() . "</td>"; $html .= "<td>>>{$report['no']} ({$report['name']}{$report['trip']})</td>"; $html .= "<td><a class='button' href='javascript:restorePost({$report['no']},\"{$board->getName()}\");' >Restore Post</a></td>"; $html .= "</tr>"; } } $html .= "</table>"; } $this->appendToBody($html); }
public function __construct(Board $board) { parent::__construct("/{$board->getName()}/ - {$board->getLongName()}", "", $board->getPrivilege()); $boardBanner = div("", "boardBanner centertext")->append(div("/{$board->getName()}/ - {$board->getLongName()}", "boardTitle")); if ($board->isArchive()) { $boardBanner->append(a("View this board on 4chan", '//' . $board->getName())); } $this->appendToBody("<hr>" . $boardBanner . "<hr>"); $this->board = $board; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct("b-stats news", "", 0); $this->appendToBody("<h2>News</h2>"); $articles = Model::get()->getAllNewsArticles(); foreach ($articles as $article) { $date = date("Y-m-d g:i a", $article['time']); $content = nl2br($article['content']); $this->appendToBody(Site::parseHtmlFragment("article.html", ['_author_', '_id_', '_title_', '_content_', '_date_'], [$article['username'], $article['article_id'], $article['title'], $content, $date])); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct("Dashboard", "", 1); if (isset($_GET['success'])) { $error = "<br>Successfully changed."; } else { if (isset($_GET['failure'])) { $error = "<br>Password change unsuccessful."; } else { $error = ""; } } $user = Site::getUser(); $this->appendToBody(Site::parseHtmlFragment("dashboard.html", ['<!-- username -->', '<!-- privilege -->', '<!-- theme -->', '<!-- error -->'], [$user->getUsername(), $user->getPrivilege(), $user->getTheme(), $error])); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct("Apply for Access", "", 0); $db = Config::getMysqliConnectionRW(); $err = ''; if (isset($_POST['username'])) { if (post('captcha') == $_SESSION['captcha']) { $username = $db->real_escape_string(post('username')); $password = md5(post('password')); $email = $db->real_escape_string(post('email')); $reason = $db->real_escape_string(post('why')); $ip = Site::ip(); $db->query("INSERT INTO `request` (`ip`,`username`,`password`,`email`,`reason`,`time`) VALUES ('{$ip}','{$username}',UNHEX('{$password}'),'{$email}','{$reason}',UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"); header('Location: /'); exit; } else { $err = 'Invalid captcha.'; } } $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `request` WHERE `ip`='" . Site::ip() . "'"); if ($q->num_rows === 0) { $_SESSION['captcha'] = rand(100000, 999999); if ($err != '') { $this->appendToBody("<p class='center'>{$err}</p>"); } $this->appendToBody(Site::parseHtmlFragment('reqForm.html', ['__captcha__'], ['<img src="/captcha" alt="captcha">'])); } else { $r = $q->fetch_assoc(); if ($r['accepted'] == 0) { $this->appendToBody("<h2>Hold Your Horses</h2><p class='center'>You have successfully applied. Check this page or your email for your status.</p>"); } else { if ($r['accepted'] == -1) { $this->appendToBody("<h2>Oh noes ;_;</h2><p class='center'>Sorry, your application has been reviewed and denied. Now that you have seen this message, you may submit a new application.</p>"); $db->query("DELETE FROM `request` WHERE `ip`='" . Site::ip() . "'"); } else { if ($r['accepted'] == 1) { $this->appendToBody("<h2>Congratulations</h2><p class='center'>Your application was reviewed and accepted.<br>You may now log in with the username and password that you chose.</p>"); } } } } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct("Server Control Panel", "", Site::LEVEL_TERRANCE); $this->appendToBody(Site::parseHtmlFragment("scp.html", ['<!-- uptime -->'], [`uptime` . '<br>' . human_filesize(disk_free_space(__DIR__), 2) . " free"])); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct("FAQ", "", 0); $this->setBody(Site::parseHtmlFragment("faq.html")); }
use View\Pages\FourOhFour; define("START_TIME", microtime(true)); require_once 'inc/config.php'; require_once 'inc/globals.php'; try { // Page router try { if (Site::backupInProgress() && $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] != '') { die((new Page("Backup in Progress", "<h2>Backing Up</h2><div class='centertext'>Please come back later.</div>"))->display()); } if (Site::isBanned()) { die((new Banned())->display()); } Router::route(strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?')); } catch (NotFoundException $ex) { echo (new FourOhFour($ex->getMessage()))->display(); } catch (PermissionException $ex) { die((new FancyPage("/b/ stats: ACCESS DENIED", Site::parseHtmlFragment('accessDenied.html', ['__privilege__', '__required__'], [$ex->has, $ex->required]), 0))->display()); } catch (PDOException $ex) { $page = new Page("Database Error", ""); $page->appendToBody(div('There was an error with the database.<br>' . 'It may be misconfigured.', 'centertext') . div($ex->getMessage() . nl2br($ex->getTraceAsString()), 'centertext')); header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"); echo $page->display(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $page = new FancyPage("Error", "", 0); $page->setBody("<h1>Error</h1>" . "<div class='centertext'>" . "Your request could not be processed. The following error was encountered: " . "<br>" . $ex->getMessage() . " at " . $ex->getFile() . ":" . $ex->getLine() . "</div>"); echo $page->display(); } } catch (Throwable $err) { echo "There was a serious error encountered. The server admin likely broke a configuration file, or something." . "<br><br>" . $err->getMessage() . " in " . $err->getFile() . " at line " . $err->getLine(); }