public function provideGetExceptionMessage()
     $result0 = Result::newError(array());
     $result1 = Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Eeek!', null, 'too-long', array(8))));
     $result2 = Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Eeek!', null, 'too-long', array(array('eekwiki', 'Eek'))), Error::newError('Foo!', null, 'too-short', array(array('foowiki', 'Foo')))));
     return array('ChangeOpValidationException(0)' => array(new ChangeOpValidationException($result0), 'wikibase-validator-invalid', array()), 'ChangeOpValidationException(1)' => array(new ChangeOpValidationException($result1), 'wikibase-validator-too-long', array('8')), 'ChangeOpValidationException(2)' => array(new ChangeOpValidationException($result2), 'wikibase-validator-too-long', array('eekwiki|Eek')));
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param mixed $value The value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     $isValid = is_int($value) || is_float($value);
     if ($isValid) {
         return Result::newSuccess();
     return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Bad type, expected an integer or float value', null, 'bad-type', array('number', gettype($value)))));
  * @see ValueValidator::validate
  * @param string $value The value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     if ($this->normalizer !== null) {
         $value = call_user_func($this->normalizer, $value);
     if (!in_array($value, $this->allowed, true)) {
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Not a legal value: ' . $value, null, $this->errorCode, array($value))));
     return Result::newSuccess();
 public function validEntityProvider()
     $success = Result::newSuccess();
     $failure = Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Foo!')));
     $good = $this->getMock('Wikibase\\Repo\\Validators\\EntityValidator');
     $bad = $this->getMock('Wikibase\\Repo\\Validators\\EntityValidator');
     return array(array(array($good, $bad), false), array(array($bad, $good), false), array(array($good, $good), true), array(array(), true));
  * @param string|DataValue $value
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     if ($value instanceof DataValue) {
         $value = $value->getArrayValue();
     if (preg_match($this->regex, $value)) {
         return Result::newSuccess();
     } else {
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError("doesn't match " . $this->regex)));
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param int|float $value The numeric value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     if ($value < $this->min) {
         // XXX: having to provide an array is quite inconvenient
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Value out of range, the minimum value is ' . $this->min, null, 'too-low', array($this->min, $value))));
     if ($value > $this->max) {
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Value out of range, the maximum value is ' . $this->max, null, 'too-high', array($this->max, $value))));
     return Result::newSuccess();
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param string $value The value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     $length = call_user_func($this->measure, $value);
     if ($length < $this->minLength) {
         // XXX: having to provide an array is quite inconvenient
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Too short, minimum length is ' . $this->minLength, null, 'too-short', array($this->minLength, $value))));
     if ($length > $this->maxLength) {
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Too long, maximum length is ' . $this->maxLength, null, 'too-long', array($this->maxLength, $this->truncateValue($value)))));
     return Result::newSuccess();
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param string $value The value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     $match = preg_match($this->expression, $value);
     if ($match === 0 && !$this->inverse) {
         // XXX: having to provide an array is quite inconvenient
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Pattern match failed: ' . $this->expression, null, $this->errorCode, array($value))));
     if ($match === 1 && $this->inverse) {
         // XXX: having to provide an array is quite inconvenient
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Negative pattern matched: ' . $this->expression, null, $this->errorCode, array($value))));
     return Result::newSuccess();
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param mixed $value The value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     $type = gettype($value);
     if ($type === $this->type) {
         return Result::newSuccess();
     if (is_object($value)) {
         $type = get_class($value);
         if (is_a($value, $this->type)) {
             return Result::newSuccess();
     return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Bad type, expected ' . $this->type, null, 'bad-type', array($this->type, $type))));
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param array $data The data array to validate
  * @return Result
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function validate($data)
     if (!is_array($data)) {
         //XXX: or should this just be reported as invalid?
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('DataValue is not represented as an array');
     if (!isset($data[$this->field])) {
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Required field ' . $this->field . ' not set', $this->field, 'missing-field', array($this->field))));
     $fieldValue = $data[$this->field];
     $result = $this->validator->validate($fieldValue);
     // TODO: include the field name in the error report
     return $result;
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param string $value The value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     $result = Result::newSuccess();
     try {
         $entityId = $this->idParser->parse($value);
         if ($this->forbiddenTypes === null || in_array($entityId->getEntityType(), $this->forbiddenTypes)) {
             // The label looks like a valid ID - we don't like that!
             $error = Error::newError('Looks like an Entity ID: ' . $value, null, $this->errorCode, array($value));
             $result = Result::newError(array($error));
     } catch (EntityIdParsingException $parseException) {
         // All fine, the parsing did not work, so there is no entity id :)
     return $result;
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param mixed $value The value to validate
  * @return Result
 public function validate($value)
     $result = null;
     foreach ($this->validators as $validator) {
         $subResult = $validator->validate($value);
         if ($subResult->isValid()) {
             return $subResult;
         } else {
             $result = $result ? Result::merge($result, $subResult) : $subResult;
     if (!$result) {
         $result = Result::newError(array(Error::newError("No validators", null, 'no-validators')));
     return $result;
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param EntityIdValue|EntityId $value The ID to validate
  * @return Result
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function validate($value)
     if ($value instanceof EntityIdValue) {
         $value = $value->getEntityId();
     if (!$value instanceof EntityId) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Expected an EntityId object");
     $actualType = $value->getEntityType();
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->entityType !== null && $actualType !== $this->entityType) {
         $errors[] = Error::newError("Wrong entity type: " . $actualType, null, 'bad-entity-type', array($actualType));
     if (!$this->entityLookup->hasEntity($value)) {
         $errors[] = Error::newError("Entity not found: " . $value, null, 'no-such-entity', array($value));
     return empty($errors) ? Result::newSuccess() : Result::newError($errors);
  * @see ValueValidator::validate()
  * @param string $url
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @return Result
 public function validate($url)
     if (!is_string($url)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$url must be a string.');
     // See RFC 3986, section-3.1.
     if (!preg_match('/^([-+.a-z\\d]+):/i', $url, $matches)) {
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Malformed URL, can\'t find scheme name.', null, 'bad-url', array($url))));
     // Should we also check for and fail on whitespace in $value?
     $scheme = strtolower($matches[1]);
     if (isset($this->validators[$scheme])) {
         $validator = $this->validators[$scheme];
     } elseif (isset($this->validators['*'])) {
         $validator = $this->validators['*'];
     } else {
         return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Unsupported URL scheme', null, 'bad-url-scheme', array($scheme))));
     return $validator->validate($url);
예제 #15
 protected function makeChangeOpsMerge(Item $fromItem, Item $toItem, array $ignoreConflicts = array(), $siteLookup = null)
     if ($siteLookup === null) {
         $siteLookup = MockSiteStore::newFromTestSites();
     // A validator which makes sure that no site link is for page 'DUPE'
     $siteLinkUniquenessValidator = $this->getMock('Wikibase\\Repo\\Validators\\EntityValidator');
     $siteLinkUniquenessValidator->expects($this->any())->method('validateEntity')->will($this->returnCallback(function (Item $item) {
         $siteLinks = $item->getSiteLinkList();
         foreach ($siteLinks as $siteLink) {
             if ($siteLink->getPageName() === 'DUPE') {
                 return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('SiteLink conflict')));
         return Result::newSuccess();
     $constraintProvider = $this->getMockBuilder('Wikibase\\Repo\\Validators\\EntityConstraintProvider')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $changeOpFactoryProvider = new ChangeOpFactoryProvider($constraintProvider, $this->mockProvider->getMockGuidGenerator(), $this->mockProvider->getMockGuidValidator(), $this->mockProvider->getMockGuidParser($toItem->getId()), $this->mockProvider->getMockSnakValidator(), $this->mockProvider->getMockTermValidatorFactory(), $siteLookup);
     return new ChangeOpsMerge($fromItem, $toItem, $ignoreConflicts, $constraintProvider, $changeOpFactoryProvider, $siteLookup);
 public function provideGetResultStatus()
     return array(array(Result::newSuccess()), array(Result::newError(array())), array(Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Bla bla')))), array(Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Foo'), Error::newError('Bar')))));
 public function provideValidate()
     $p1 = new PropertyId('P1');
     // numeric
     $p2 = new PropertyId('P2');
     // alphabetic
     $p3 = new PropertyId('P3');
     // bad
     $p4 = new PropertyId('P4');
     // property with bad data type
     $cases = array();
     $snak = new PropertyNoValueSnak($p1);
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'PropertyNoValueSnak');
     $snak = new PropertySomeValueSnak($p2);
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'PropertySomeValueSnak');
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p1, new StringValue('123'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'valid numeric value');
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p2, new StringValue('abc'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'valid alphabetic value');
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p2, new StringValue('123'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'invalid alphabetic value', Error::newError('doesn\'t match /^[A-Z]+$/i', null, 'invalid', array()));
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p1, new StringValue('abc'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'invalid numeric value', Error::newError('doesn\'t match /^\\d+$/', null, 'invalid', array()));
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p1, new UnDeserializableValue('abc', 'string', 'ooops'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'bad value', Error::newError('Bad snak value: ooops', null, 'bad-value', array('ooops')));
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p1, new UnknownValue('abc'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'wrong value type', Error::newError('Bad value type: unknown, expected string', null, 'bad-value-type', array('unknown', 'string')));
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p3, new StringValue('abc'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'bad property', Error::newError('Property P3 not found!', null, 'no-such-property', array('P3')));
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($p4, new StringValue('abc'));
     $cases[] = array($snak, 'bad data type', Error::newError('Bad data type: fiddlediddle', null, 'bad-data-type', array('fiddlediddle')));
     return $cases;
예제 #18
 public function testValidate()
     $item = new Item();
     $guid = 'guid';
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak(new PropertyId('P7'), new StringValue('INVALID'));
     $guidGenerator = new GuidGenerator();
     $error = Error::newError('Testing', 'test', 'test-error', array());
     $result = Result::newError(array($error));
     $snakValidator = $this->getMockBuilder('Wikibase\\Repo\\Validators\\SnakValidator')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $changeOps = new ChangeOps();
     $changeOps->add(new ChangeOpMainSnak($guid, $snak, $guidGenerator, $snakValidator));
     $result = $changeOps->validate($item);
     $this->assertFalse($result->isValid(), 'isValid()');
예제 #19
  * Validates the given data value using the given data type.
  * @param DataValue $dataValue
  * @param string    $dataTypeId
  * @return Result
 public function validateDataValue(DataValue $dataValue, $dataTypeId)
     $dataValueType = $this->dataTypeFactory->getType($dataTypeId)->getDataValueType();
     if ($dataValue instanceof UnDeserializableValue) {
         $result = Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Bad snak value: ' . $dataValue->getReason(), null, 'bad-value', array($dataValue->getReason()))));
     } elseif ($dataValueType != $dataValue->getType()) {
         $result = Result::newError(array(Error::newError('Bad value type: ' . $dataValue->getType() . ', expected ' . $dataValueType, null, 'bad-value-type', array($dataValue->getType(), $dataValueType))));
     } else {
         $result = Result::newSuccess();
     //XXX: DataTypeValidatorFactory should expose only one validator, which would be a CompositeValidator
     foreach ($this->validatorFactory->getValidators($dataTypeId) as $validator) {
         $subResult = $validator->validate($dataValue);
         //XXX: Some validators should be fatal and cause us to abort the loop.
         //     Others shouldn't.
         if (!$subResult->isValid()) {
             //TODO: Don't bail out immediately. Accumulate errors from all validators.
             //      We need Result::merge() for this.
             return $subResult;
     return $result;
 public function detectLabelDescriptionConflicts($entityType, array $labels, array $descriptions = null, EntityId $entityId = null)
     if ($entityId && $entityId->getSerialization() === 'P666') {
         // simulated conflicts always conflict with P666, so if these are
         // ignored as self-conflicts, we don't need to check any labels.
         $labels = array();
     foreach ($labels as $lang => $text) {
         if ($descriptions !== null && (!isset($descriptions[$lang]) || $descriptions[$lang] !== 'DUPE')) {
         if ($text === 'DUPE') {
             return Result::newError(array(Error::newError('found conflicting terms', 'label', 'label-with-description-conflict', array('label', $lang, $text, 'P666'))));
     return Result::newSuccess();