예제 #1
use UserFrosting as UF;
// Front page
$app->get('/', function () use($app) {
    // This if-block detects if mod_rewrite is enabled.
    // This is just an anti-noob device, remove it if you know how to read the docs and/or breathe through your nose.
    if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_TYPE']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_TYPE'] == "Apache" && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_MOD_REWRITE'])) {
    // Check that we can connect to the DB.  Again, you can remove this if you know what you're doing.
    if (!UF\Database::testConnection()) {
        // In case the error is because someone is trying to reinstall with new db info while still logged in, log them out
        // TODO: log out from remember me as well.
        $controller = new UF\AccountController($app);
        return $controller->pageDatabaseError();
    // Forward to installation if not complete
    // TODO: Is there any way to detect that installation was complete, but the DB is malfunctioning?
    if (!isset($app->site->install_status) || $app->site->install_status == "pending") {
    // Forward to the user's landing page (if logged in), otherwise take them to the home page
    // This is probably where you, the developer, would start making changes if you need to change the default behavior.
    if ($app->user->isGuest()) {
        $controller = new UF\AccountController($app);
        // If this is the first the root user is logging in, take them to site settings
    } else {
        if ($app->user->id == $app->config('user_id_master') && $app->site->install_status == "new") {
            $app->site->install_status = "complete";