예제 #1
     * Generates the "edit panels" which can be shown for a page or records on a page when the Admin Panel is enabled for a backend users surfing the frontend.
     * With the "edit panel" the user will see buttons with links to editing, moving, hiding, deleting the element
     * This function is used for the cObject EDITPANEL and the stdWrap property ".editPanel"
     * @param string $content A content string containing the content related to the edit panel. For cObject "EDITPANEL" this is empty but not so for the stdWrap property. The edit panel is appended to this string and returned.
     * @param array $conf TypoScript configuration properties for the editPanel
     * @param string $currentRecord The "table:uid" of the record being shown. If empty string then $this->currentRecord is used. For new records (set by $conf['newRecordFromTable']) it's auto-generated to "[tablename]:NEW
     * @param array $dataArr Alternative data array to use. Default is $this->data
     * @param string $table
     * @param array $allow
     * @param int $newUID
     * @param array $hiddenFields
     * @return string The input content string with the editPanel appended. This function returns only an edit panel appended to the content string if a backend user is logged in (and has the correct permissions). Otherwise the content string is directly returned.
    public function editPanel($content, array $conf, $currentRecord = '', array $dataArr = array(), $table = '', array $allow = array(), $newUID = 0, array $hiddenFields = array())
        $hiddenFieldString = $command = '';
        // Special content is about to be shown, so the cache must be disabled.
        $this->frontendController->set_no_cache('Frontend edit panel is shown', TRUE);
        $formName = 'TSFE_EDIT_FORM_' . substr($this->frontendController->uniqueHash(), 0, 4);
        $formTag = '<form name="' . $formName . '" id ="' . $formName . '" action="' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')) . '" method="post" enctype="' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['form_enctype']) . '" onsubmit="return TBE_EDITOR.checkSubmit(1);">';
        $sortField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['sortby'];
        $labelField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['label'];
        $hideField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['enablecolumns']['disabled'];
        $panel = '';
        if (isset($allow['toolbar']) && $this->backendUser->adminPanel instanceof AdminPanelView) {
            $panel .= $this->backendUser->adminPanel->ext_makeToolBar();
        if (isset($allow['edit'])) {
            $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-open', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_editRecord')));
            $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'edit', $dataArr['_LOCALIZED_UID'] ? $table . ':' . $dataArr['_LOCALIZED_UID'] : $currentRecord);
        // Hiding in workspaces because implementation is incomplete
        if (isset($allow['move']) && $sortField && $this->backendUser->workspace === 0) {
            $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-move-up', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_moveUp')));
            $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'up');
            $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-move-down', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_moveDown')));
            $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'down');
        // Hiding in workspaces because implementation is incomplete
        // Hiding for localizations because it is unknown what should be the function in that case
        if (isset($allow['hide']) && $hideField && $this->backendUser->workspace === 0 && !$dataArr['_LOCALIZED_UID']) {
            if ($dataArr[$hideField]) {
                $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-edit-unhide', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_unhide')));
                $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'unhide');
            } else {
                $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-edit-hide', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_hide')));
                $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'hide', '', $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_hideConfirm'));
        if (isset($allow['new'])) {
            if ($table === 'pages') {
                $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-page-new', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_newSubpage')));
                $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'new', $currentRecord, '');
            } else {
                $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-document-new', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_newRecordAfter')));
                $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'new', $currentRecord, '', $newUID);
        // Hiding in workspaces because implementation is incomplete
        // Hiding for localizations because it is unknown what should be the function in that case
        if (isset($allow['delete']) && $this->backendUser->workspace === 0 && !$dataArr['_LOCALIZED_UID']) {
            $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIcon('actions-edit-delete', array('title' => $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_delete')));
            $panel .= $this->editPanelLinkWrap($icon, $formName, 'delete', '', $this->backendUser->extGetLL('p_deleteConfirm'));
        // Final
        $labelTxt = $this->cObj->stdWrap($conf['label'], $conf['label.']);
        foreach ((array) $hiddenFields as $name => $value) {
            $hiddenFieldString .= '<input type="hidden" name="TSFE_EDIT[' . htmlspecialchars($name) . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"/>' . LF;
        $panel = '<!-- BE_USER Edit Panel: -->
								' . $formTag . $hiddenFieldString . '
									<input type="hidden" name="TSFE_EDIT[cmd]" value="" />
									<input type="hidden" name="TSFE_EDIT[record]" value="' . $currentRecord . '" />
									<div class="typo3-editPanel">' . $panel . ($labelTxt ? '<div class="typo3-editPanel-label">' . sprintf($labelTxt, htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($dataArr[$labelField], 50))) . '</div>' : '') . '
        // Wrap the panel
        if ($conf['innerWrap']) {
            $panel = $this->cObj->wrap($panel, $conf['innerWrap']);
        if ($conf['innerWrap.']) {
            $panel = $this->cObj->stdWrap($panel, $conf['innerWrap.']);
        // Wrap the complete panel
        if ($conf['outerWrap']) {
            $panel = $this->cObj->wrap($panel, $conf['outerWrap']);
        if ($conf['outerWrap.']) {
            $panel = $this->cObj->stdWrap($panel, $conf['outerWrap.']);
        if ($conf['printBeforeContent']) {
            $finalOut = $panel . $content;
        } else {
            $finalOut = $content . $panel;
        $hidden = $this->isDisabled($table, $dataArr) ? ' typo3-feedit-element-hidden' : '';
        $outerWrapConfig = isset($conf['stdWrap.']) ? $conf['stdWrap.'] : array('wrap' => '<div class="typo3-feedit-element' . $hidden . '">|</div>');
        $finalOut = $this->cObj->stdWrap($finalOut, $outerWrapConfig);
        return $finalOut;