예제 #1
  * Renders the review module user dependent with all workspaces.
  * The module will show all records of one workspace.
  * @return void
 public function indexAction()
     /** @var WorkspaceService $wsService */
     $wsService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(WorkspaceService::class);
     $this->view->assign('showGrid', !($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace === 0 && !$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()));
     $this->view->assign('showAllWorkspaceTab', true);
     $this->view->assign('pageUid', GeneralUtility::_GP('id'));
     if (GeneralUtility::_GP('id')) {
         $pageRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord('pages', GeneralUtility::_GP('id'));
         $this->view->assign('pageTitle', BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pageRecord));
     $this->view->assign('showLegend', !($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace === 0 && !$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()));
     $wsList = $wsService->getAvailableWorkspaces();
     $activeWorkspace = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace;
     $performWorkspaceSwitch = false;
     // Only admins see multiple tabs, we decided to use it this
     // way for usability reasons. Regular users might be confused
     // by switching workspaces with the tabs in a module.
     if (!$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()) {
         $wsCur = array($activeWorkspace => true);
         $wsList = array_intersect_key($wsList, $wsCur);
     } else {
         if ((string) GeneralUtility::_GP('workspace') !== '') {
             $switchWs = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('workspace');
             if (in_array($switchWs, array_keys($wsList)) && $activeWorkspace != $switchWs) {
                 $activeWorkspace = $switchWs;
                 $performWorkspaceSwitch = true;
             } elseif ($switchWs == WorkspaceService::SELECT_ALL_WORKSPACES) {
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'isLiveWorkspace', (int) $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace === 0);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'workspaceTabs', $this->prepareWorkspaceTabs($wsList, $activeWorkspace));
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'activeWorkspaceId', $activeWorkspace);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('FormEngine', 'moduleUrl', BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit'));
     $this->view->assign('performWorkspaceSwitch', $performWorkspaceSwitch);
     $this->view->assign('workspaceList', $wsList);
     $this->view->assign('activeWorkspaceUid', $activeWorkspace);
     $this->view->assign('activeWorkspaceTitle', WorkspaceService::getWorkspaceTitle($activeWorkspace));
     if ($wsService->canCreatePreviewLink(GeneralUtility::_GP('id'), $activeWorkspace)) {
         $buttonBar = $this->view->getModuleTemplate()->getDocHeaderComponent()->getButtonBar();
         $iconFactory = $this->view->getModuleTemplate()->getIconFactory();
         $showButton = $buttonBar->makeLinkButton()->setHref('#')->setOnClick('TYPO3.Workspaces.Actions.generateWorkspacePreviewLinksForAllLanguages();return false;')->setTitle($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:workspaces/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:tooltip.generatePagePreview'))->setIcon($iconFactory->getIcon('module-workspaces-action-preview-link', Icon::SIZE_SMALL));
     $this->view->assign('showPreviewLink', $wsService->canCreatePreviewLink(GeneralUtility::_GP('id'), $activeWorkspace));
     $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->setAndSaveSessionData('tx_workspace_activeWorkspace', $activeWorkspace);
  * Iterates through elements of $each and renders child nodes
  * @param array 	$record 		The tt_content record
  * @param boolean 	$oncludeTitle 	If title should be included in output,
  * @return string
 public function render($record)
     $shortcutContent = '';
     $tableName = 'tt_content';
     if (is_array($record)) {
         $altText = BackendUtility::getRecordIconAltText($record, $tableName);
         $iconImg = IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord($tableName, $record, array('title' => $altText));
         if ($this->getBackendUser()->recordEditAccessInternals($tableName, $record)) {
             $iconImg = BackendUtility::wrapClickMenuOnIcon($iconImg, $tableName, $record['uid'], 1, '', '+copy,info,edit,view');
         $link = $this->linkEditContent(htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($tableName, $record)), $record);
         $shortcutContent = $iconImg . $link;
     return $shortcutContent;
  * Transforms the rows for the deleted Records into the Array View necessary for ExtJS Ext.data.ArrayReader
  * @param array     $rows   Array with table as key and array with all deleted rows
  * @param integer	$totalDeleted: Number of deleted records in total, for PagingToolbar
  * @return string   JSON Array
 public function transform($deletedRowsArray, $totalDeleted)
     $total = 0;
     $jsonArray = array('rows' => array());
     // iterate
     if (is_array($deletedRowsArray) && count($deletedRowsArray) > 0) {
         foreach ($deletedRowsArray as $table => $rows) {
             $total += count($deletedRowsArray[$table]);
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $backendUser = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecord('be_users', $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['cruser_id']], 'username', '', FALSE);
                 $jsonArray['rows'][] = array('uid' => $row['uid'], 'pid' => $row['pid'], 'table' => $table, 'crdate' => \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::datetime($row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['crdate']]), 'tstamp' => \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::datetime($row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['tstamp']]), 'owner' => htmlspecialchars($backendUser['username']), 'owner_uid' => $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['cruser_id']], 'tableTitle' => \TYPO3\CMS\Recycler\Utility\RecyclerUtility::getUtf8String($GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['title'])), 'title' => htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Recycler\Utility\RecyclerUtility::getUtf8String(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row))), 'path' => \TYPO3\CMS\Recycler\Utility\RecyclerUtility::getRecordPath($row['pid']));
     $jsonArray['total'] = $totalDeleted;
     return json_encode($jsonArray);
예제 #4
  * Returns the title (based on $code) of a record (from table $table) with the proper link around (that is for "pages"-records a link to the level of that record...)
  * @param string $table Table name
  * @param int $uid UID (not used here)
  * @param string $code Title string
  * @param array $row Records array (from table name)
  * @return string
 public function linkWrapItems($table, $uid, $code, $row)
     if (!$code) {
         $code = '<i>[' . htmlspecialchars($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_core.xlf:labels.no_title')) . ']</i>';
     } else {
         $code = BackendUtility::getRecordTitlePrep($code, $this->fixedL);
     $title = BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row, false, true);
     $ficon = $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord($table, $row, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
     $ATag = '<a href="#" data-close="0" title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('addToList')) . '">';
     $ATag_alt = '<a href="#" data-close="1" title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->getLanguageService()->getLL('addToList')) . '">';
     $ATag_e = '</a>';
     $out = '<span data-uid="' . htmlspecialchars($row['uid']) . '" data-table="' . htmlspecialchars($table) . '" data-title="' . htmlspecialchars($title) . '" data-icon="' . htmlspecialchars($ficon) . '">';
     $out .= $ATag . $this->iconFactory->getIcon('actions-edit-add', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . $ATag_e . $ATag_alt . $code . $ATag_e;
     $out .= '</span>';
     return $out;
  * Prepares the list of frontend users.
  * @param array $params
  * @param object $pObj
 public function users(array &$params, $pObj)
     if (GeneralUtility::inList('be_groups,fe_groups', $params['table'])) {
         $databaseConnection = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
         $userTable = $params['table'] === 'be_groups' ? 'be_users' : 'fe_users';
         /** @var \TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\AbstractDatabaseRecordList $recordList */
         $recordList = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Recordlist\\RecordList\\AbstractDatabaseRecordList');
         $recordList->start(0, $userTable, 0);
         $queryParts = $recordList->makeQueryArray($userTable, 0);
         $queryParts['WHERE'] = '1=1' . BackendUtility::deleteClause($userTable);
         $result = $databaseConnection->exec_SELECT_queryArray($queryParts);
         while (($row = $databaseConnection->sql_fetch_assoc($result)) !== FALSE) {
             $label = BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($userTable, $row);
             $params['items'][] = array($label, $row['uid']);
예제 #6
  * Renders the review module user dependent with all workspaces.
  * The module will show all records of one workspace.
  * @return void
 public function indexAction()
     $wsService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\WorkspaceService::class);
     $this->view->assign('showGrid', !($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace === 0 && !$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()));
     $this->view->assign('showAllWorkspaceTab', TRUE);
     $this->view->assign('pageUid', GeneralUtility::_GP('id'));
     if (GeneralUtility::_GP('id')) {
         $pageRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord('pages', GeneralUtility::_GP('id'));
         $this->view->assign('pageTitle', BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pageRecord));
     $this->view->assign('showLegend', !($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace === 0 && !$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()));
     $wsList = $wsService->getAvailableWorkspaces();
     $activeWorkspace = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace;
     $performWorkspaceSwitch = FALSE;
     // Only admins see multiple tabs, we decided to use it this
     // way for usability reasons. Regular users might be confused
     // by switching workspaces with the tabs in a module.
     if (!$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isAdmin()) {
         $wsCur = array($activeWorkspace => TRUE);
         $wsList = array_intersect_key($wsList, $wsCur);
     } else {
         if ((string) GeneralUtility::_GP('workspace') !== '') {
             $switchWs = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('workspace');
             if (in_array($switchWs, array_keys($wsList)) && $activeWorkspace != $switchWs) {
                 $activeWorkspace = $switchWs;
                 $performWorkspaceSwitch = TRUE;
             } elseif ($switchWs == WorkspaceService::SELECT_ALL_WORKSPACES) {
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'isLiveWorkspace', (int) $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace === 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'workspaceTabs', $this->prepareWorkspaceTabs($wsList, $activeWorkspace));
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('Workspaces', 'activeWorkspaceId', $activeWorkspace);
     $this->pageRenderer->addInlineSetting('FormEngine', 'moduleUrl', BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit'));
     $this->view->assign('performWorkspaceSwitch', $performWorkspaceSwitch);
     $this->view->assign('workspaceList', $wsList);
     $this->view->assign('activeWorkspaceUid', $activeWorkspace);
     $this->view->assign('activeWorkspaceTitle', WorkspaceService::getWorkspaceTitle($activeWorkspace));
     $this->view->assign('showPreviewLink', $wsService->canCreatePreviewLink(GeneralUtility::_GP('id'), $activeWorkspace));
     $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->setAndSaveSessionData('tx_workspace_activeWorkspace', $activeWorkspace);
  * Transforms the rows for the deleted records
  * @param array $deletedRowsArray Array with table as key and array with all deleted rows
  * @param int $totalDeleted Number of deleted records in total
  * @return string JSON array
 public function transform($deletedRowsArray, $totalDeleted)
     $total = 0;
     $jsonArray = array('rows' => array());
     if (is_array($deletedRowsArray)) {
         $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
         $iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
         foreach ($deletedRowsArray as $table => $rows) {
             $total += count($deletedRowsArray[$table]);
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $pageTitle = $this->getPageTitle((int) $row['pid']);
                 $backendUser = BackendUtility::getRecord('be_users', $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['cruser_id']], 'username', '', false);
                 $jsonArray['rows'][] = array('uid' => $row['uid'], 'pid' => $row['pid'], 'icon' => $iconFactory->getIconForRecord($table, $row, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render(), 'pageTitle' => $pageTitle, 'table' => $table, 'crdate' => BackendUtility::datetime($row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['crdate']]), 'tstamp' => BackendUtility::datetime($row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['tstamp']]), 'owner' => htmlspecialchars($backendUser['username']), 'owner_uid' => $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['cruser_id']], 'tableTitle' => $lang->sL($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['title']), 'title' => htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row)), 'path' => RecyclerUtility::getRecordPath($row['pid']));
     $jsonArray['total'] = $totalDeleted;
     return $jsonArray;
  * Transforms the rows for the deleted records
  * @param array $deletedRowsArray Array with table as key and array with all deleted rows
  * @param int $totalDeleted Number of deleted records in total
  * @return string JSON array
 public function transform($deletedRowsArray, $totalDeleted)
     $total = 0;
     $jsonArray = array('rows' => array());
     if (is_array($deletedRowsArray)) {
         $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
         $backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
         foreach ($deletedRowsArray as $table => $rows) {
             $total += count($deletedRowsArray[$table]);
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $pageTitle = $this->getPageTitle((int) $row['pid']);
                 $backendUser = BackendUtility::getRecord('be_users', $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['cruser_id']], 'username', '', FALSE);
                 $jsonArray['rows'][] = array('uid' => $row['uid'], 'pid' => $row['pid'], 'icon' => IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord($table, $row), 'pageTitle' => RecyclerUtility::getUtf8String($pageTitle), 'table' => $table, 'crdate' => BackendUtility::datetime($row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['crdate']]), 'tstamp' => BackendUtility::datetime($row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['tstamp']]), 'owner' => htmlspecialchars($backendUser['username']), 'owner_uid' => $row[$GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['cruser_id']], 'tableTitle' => RecyclerUtility::getUtf8String($lang->sL($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['title'])), 'title' => htmlspecialchars(RecyclerUtility::getUtf8String(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row))), 'path' => RecyclerUtility::getRecordPath($row['pid']));
     $jsonArray['total'] = $totalDeleted;
     return $jsonArray;
예제 #9
  * Main method
  * @param CLickMenu $backRef
  * @param array $menuItems
  * @param string $table
  * @param int $uid
  * @return array
 public function main($backRef, array $menuItems, $table = '', $uid = 0)
     if ($table === 'tt_content') {
         // add "paste reference after" if user is allowed to use CType shortcut
         if ($this->getBackendUser()->checkAuthMode('tt_content', 'CType', 'shortcut', 'explicitAllow')) {
             if ($menuItems['pasteafter']) {
                 $selItem = $backRef->clipObj->getSelectedRecord();
                 $targetItem = BackendUtility::getRecordRaw('tt_content', 'uid = ' . $uid, 'colPos,tx_gridelements_container,tx_gridelements_columns');
                 $elInfo = array(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($selItem['_RECORD_TITLE'], $this->getBackendUser()->uc['titleLen']), $backRef->root ? $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename'] : GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $backRef->rec), $this->getBackendUser()->uc['titleLen']), $backRef->clipObj->currentMode());
                 $menuItems['pasteafter'] = $this->DB_paste($backRef, $table, -$uid, 'after', $elInfo, $targetItem, false);
                 if ($backRef->clipObj->currentMode() === 'copy') {
                     $menuItems['pastereference'] = $this->DB_paste($backRef, $table, -$uid, 'after', $elInfo, $targetItem, true);
     return $menuItems;
  * Returns the title of a record (from table $table) with the proper link around (that is for "pages"-records a link to the level of that record)
  * @param string $table Table name
  * @param integer $uid UID
  * @param string $title Title string
  * @param array $row Records array (from table name)
  * @return string
 public function linkWrapItems($table, $uid, $title, $row)
     // if we handle translation records, make sure that we refer to the localisation parent with their uid
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']) && array_key_exists('transOrigPointerField', $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl'])) {
         $transOrigPointerField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['transOrigPointerField'];
         if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::convertToPositiveInteger($row[$transOrigPointerField]) > 0) {
             $uid = $row[$transOrigPointerField];
     $currentImage = '';
     if ($this->browselistObj->curUrlInfo['recordTable'] === $table && $this->browselistObj->curUrlInfo['recordUid'] === $uid) {
         $currentImage = '<img' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/blinkarrow_right.gif', 'width="5" height="9"') . ' class="c-blinkArrowL" alt="" />';
     $title = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row, FALSE, TRUE);
     if (@$this->browselistObj->mode === 'rte') {
         //used in RTE mode:
         $aOnClick = 'return link_spec(\'' . $this->linkHandler . ':' . $table . ':' . $uid . '\');';
     } else {
         //used in wizard mode
         $aOnClick = 'return link_folder(\'' . $this->linkHandler . ':' . $table . ':' . $uid . '\');';
     return '<a href="#" onclick="' . $aOnClick . '">' . $title . $currentImage . '</a>';
  * Rendering the information
  * @param    BrowseTreeView $tree The Page tree data
  * @return    string        HTML for the information table.
 protected function renderModule(BrowseTreeView $tree)
     $rows = [];
     $cache = CacheUtility::getCache();
     foreach ($tree->tree as $row) {
         $cacheEntries = $cache->getByTag('sfc_pageId_' . $row['row']['uid']);
         if ($cacheEntries) {
             $isFirst = true;
             foreach ($cacheEntries as $identifier => $info) {
                 $cell = ['uid' => $row['row']['uid'], 'title' => $isFirst ? $row['HTML'] . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $row['row'], true) : $row['HTML_depthData'], 'identifier' => $identifier, 'info' => $info, 'depthData' => $row['depthData']];
                 $isFirst = false;
                 $rows[] = $cell;
         } else {
             $cell = ['uid' => $row['row']['uid'], 'title' => $row['HTML'] . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $row['row'], true), 'depthData' => $row['depthData']];
             $rows[] = $cell;
     /** @var StandaloneView $renderer */
     $renderer = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
     $renderer->assignMultiple(['requestUri' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'), 'rows' => $rows, 'pageId' => $this->pageId]);
     return $renderer->render();
예제 #12
  * For RTE: This displays all content elements on a page and lets you create a link to the element.
  * @return string HTML output. Returns content only if the ->expandPage value is set (pointing to a page uid to show tt_content records from ...)
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function expandPage()
     $out = '';
     // Set page id (if any) to expand
     $expPageId = $this->expandPage;
     // If there is an anchor value (content element reference) in the element reference, then force an ID to expand:
     if (!$this->expandPage && $this->curUrlInfo['cElement']) {
         // Set to the current link page id.
         $expPageId = $this->curUrlInfo['pageid'];
     // Draw the record list IF there is a page id to expand:
     if ($expPageId && \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MathUtility::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($expPageId) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isInWebMount($expPageId)) {
         // Set header:
         $out .= $this->barheader($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('contentElements') . ':');
         // Create header for listing, showing the page title/icon:
         $mainPageRec = BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', $expPageId);
         $picon = IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord('pages', $mainPageRec);
         $picon .= BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $mainPageRec, TRUE);
         $out .= $picon . '<br />';
         // Look up tt_content elements from the expanded page:
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid,header,hidden,starttime,endtime,fe_group,CType,colPos,bodytext', 'tt_content', 'pid=' . (int) $expPageId . BackendUtility::deleteClause('tt_content') . BackendUtility::versioningPlaceholderClause('tt_content'), '', 'colPos,sorting');
         $cc = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res);
         // Traverse list of records:
         $c = 0;
         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $icon = IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord('tt_content', $row);
             if ($this->curUrlInfo['act'] == 'page' && $this->curUrlInfo['cElement'] == $row['uid']) {
                 $arrCol = '<img' . IconUtility::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/blinkarrow_left.gif', 'width="5" height="9"') . ' class="c-blinkArrowL" alt="" />';
             } else {
                 $arrCol = '';
             // Putting list element HTML together:
             $out .= '<img' . IconUtility::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/ol/join' . ($c == $cc ? 'bottom' : '') . '.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' alt="" />' . $arrCol . '<a href="#" onclick="return link_typo3Page(\'' . $expPageId . '\',\'#' . $row['uid'] . '\');">' . $icon . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('tt_content', $row, TRUE) . '</a><br />';
             // Finding internal anchor points:
             if (GeneralUtility::inList('text,textpic', $row['CType'])) {
                 $split = preg_split('/(<a[^>]+name=[\'"]?([^"\'>[:space:]]+)[\'"]?[^>]*>)/i', $row['bodytext'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
                 foreach ($split as $skey => $sval) {
                     if ($skey % 3 == 2) {
                         // Putting list element HTML together:
                         $sval = substr($sval, 0, 100);
                         $out .= '<img' . IconUtility::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/ol/line.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' alt="" />' . '<img' . IconUtility::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/ol/join' . ($skey + 3 > count($split) ? 'bottom' : '') . '.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' alt="" />' . '<a href="#" onclick="return link_typo3Page(' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue($expPageId) . ',' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue('#' . $sval) . ';">' . htmlspecialchars(' <A> ' . $sval) . '</a><br />';
     return $out;
예제 #13
  * Adds the record $row from $table.
  * No checking for relations done here. Pure data.
  * @param string $table Table name
  * @param array $row Record row.
  * @param integer $relationLevel (Internal) if the record is added as a relation, this is set to the "level" it was on.
  * @return void
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function export_addRecord($table, $row, $relationLevel = 0)
     \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::workspaceOL($table, $row);
     if (strcmp($table, '') && is_array($row) && $row['uid'] > 0 && !$this->excludeMap[$table . ':' . $row['uid']]) {
         if ($this->checkPID($table === 'pages' ? $row['uid'] : $row['pid'])) {
             if (!isset($this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']])) {
                 // Prepare header info:
                 $headerInfo = array();
                 $headerInfo['uid'] = $row['uid'];
                 $headerInfo['pid'] = $row['pid'];
                 $headerInfo['title'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row), 40);
                 $headerInfo['size'] = strlen(serialize($row));
                 if ($relationLevel) {
                     $headerInfo['relationLevel'] = $relationLevel;
                 // If record content is not too large in size, set the header content and add the rest:
                 if ($headerInfo['size'] < $this->maxRecordSize) {
                     // Set the header summary:
                     $this->dat['header']['records'][$table][$row['uid']] = $headerInfo;
                     // Create entry in the PID lookup:
                     $this->dat['header']['pid_lookup'][$row['pid']][$table][$row['uid']] = 1;
                     // Initialize reference index object:
                     $refIndexObj = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Database\\ReferenceIndex');
                     // Yes to workspace overlays for exporting....
                     $refIndexObj->WSOL = TRUE;
                     // Data:
                     $this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']] = array();
                     $this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['data'] = $row;
                     $this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['rels'] = $refIndexObj->getRelations($table, $row);
                     $this->errorLog = array_merge($this->errorLog, $refIndexObj->errorLog);
                     // Merge error logs.
                     // Add information about the relations in the record in the header:
                     $this->dat['header']['records'][$table][$row['uid']]['rels'] = $this->flatDBrels($this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['rels']);
                     // Add information about the softrefs to header:
                     $this->dat['header']['records'][$table][$row['uid']]['softrefs'] = $this->flatSoftRefs($this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['rels']);
                 } else {
                     $this->error('Record ' . $table . ':' . $row['uid'] . ' was larger than maxRecordSize (' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::formatSize($this->maxRecordSize) . ')');
             } else {
                 $this->error('Record ' . $table . ':' . $row['uid'] . ' already added.');
         } else {
             $this->error('Record ' . $table . ':' . $row['uid'] . ' was outside your DB mounts!');
예제 #14
     * Send an email notification to users in workspace
     * @param array $stat Workspace access array from \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication::checkWorkspace()
     * @param int $stageId New Stage number: 0 = editing, 1= just ready for review, 10 = ready for publication, -1 = rejected!
     * @param string $table Table name of element (or list of element names if $id is zero)
     * @param int $id Record uid of element (if zero, then $table is used as reference to element(s) alone)
     * @param string $comment User comment sent along with action
     * @param DataHandler $tcemainObj TCEmain object
     * @param array $notificationAlternativeRecipients List of recipients to notify instead of be_users selected by sys_workspace, list is generated by workspace extension module
     * @return void
    protected function notifyStageChange(array $stat, $stageId, $table, $id, $comment, DataHandler $tcemainObj, array $notificationAlternativeRecipients = array())
        $workspaceRec = BackendUtility::getRecord('sys_workspace', $stat['uid']);
        // So, if $id is not set, then $table is taken to be the complete element name!
        $elementName = $id ? $table . ':' . $id : $table;
        if (!is_array($workspaceRec)) {
        // Get the new stage title from workspaces library, if workspaces extension is installed
        if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('workspaces')) {
            $stageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\StagesService::class);
            $newStage = $stageService->getStageTitle((int) $stageId);
        } else {
            // @todo CONSTANTS SHOULD BE USED - tx_service_workspace_workspaces
            // @todo use localized labels
            // Compile label:
            switch ((int) $stageId) {
                case 1:
                    $newStage = 'Ready for review';
                case 10:
                    $newStage = 'Ready for publishing';
                case -1:
                    $newStage = 'Element was rejected!';
                case 0:
                    $newStage = 'Rejected element was noticed and edited';
                    $newStage = 'Unknown state change!?';
        if (count($notificationAlternativeRecipients) == 0) {
            // Compile list of recipients:
            $emails = array();
            switch ((int) $stat['stagechg_notification']) {
                case 1:
                    switch ((int) $stageId) {
                        case 1:
                            $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['reviewers']);
                        case 10:
                            $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['adminusers'], TRUE);
                        case -1:
                            // List of elements to reject:
                            $allElements = explode(',', $elementName);
                            // Traverse them, and find the history of each
                            foreach ($allElements as $elRef) {
                                list($eTable, $eUid) = explode(':', $elRef);
                                $rows = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows('log_data,tstamp,userid', 'sys_log', 'action=6 and details_nr=30
												AND tablename=' . $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->fullQuoteStr($eTable, 'sys_log') . '
												AND recuid=' . (int) $eUid, '', 'uid DESC');
                                // Find all implicated since the last stage-raise from editing to review:
                                foreach ($rows as $dat) {
                                    $data = unserialize($dat['log_data']);
                                    $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($dat['userid'], TRUE) + $emails;
                                    if ($data['stage'] == 1) {
                        case 0:
                            $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['members']);
                            $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['adminusers'], TRUE);
                case 10:
                    $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['adminusers'], TRUE);
                    $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['reviewers']) + $emails;
                    $emails = $this->getEmailsForStageChangeNotification($workspaceRec['members']) + $emails;
                    // Do nothing
        } else {
            $emails = $notificationAlternativeRecipients;
        // prepare and then send the emails
        if (count($emails)) {
            // Path to record is found:
            list($elementTable, $elementUid) = explode(':', $elementName);
            $elementUid = (int) $elementUid;
            $elementRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($elementTable, $elementUid);
            $recordTitle = BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($elementTable, $elementRecord);
            if ($elementTable == 'pages') {
                $pageUid = $elementUid;
            } else {
                BackendUtility::fixVersioningPid($elementTable, $elementRecord);
                $pageUid = $elementUid = $elementRecord['pid'];
            // fetch the TSconfig settings for the email
            // old way, options are TCEMAIN.notificationEmail_body/subject
            $TCEmainTSConfig = $tcemainObj->getTCEMAIN_TSconfig($pageUid);
            // new way, options are
            // pageTSconfig: tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.subject
            // userTSconfig: page.tx_version.workspaces.stageNotificationEmail.subject
            $pageTsConfig = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($pageUid);
            $emailConfig = $pageTsConfig['tx_version.']['workspaces.']['stageNotificationEmail.'];
            $markers = array('###RECORD_TITLE###' => $recordTitle, '###RECORD_PATH###' => BackendUtility::getRecordPath($elementUid, '', 20), '###SITE_NAME###' => $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['sitename'], '###SITE_URL###' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL') . TYPO3_mainDir, '###WORKSPACE_TITLE###' => $workspaceRec['title'], '###WORKSPACE_UID###' => $workspaceRec['uid'], '###ELEMENT_NAME###' => $elementName, '###NEXT_STAGE###' => $newStage, '###COMMENT###' => $comment, '###USER_REALNAME###' => $tcemainObj->BE_USER->user['realName'], '###USER_FULLNAME###' => $tcemainObj->BE_USER->user['realName'], '###USER_USERNAME###' => $tcemainObj->BE_USER->user['username']);
            // add marker for preview links if workspace extension is loaded
            if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('workspaces')) {
                $this->workspaceService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\WorkspaceService::class);
                // only generate the link if the marker is in the template - prevents database from getting to much entries
                if (GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($emailConfig['message'], 'LLL:')) {
                    $tempEmailMessage = $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($emailConfig['message']);
                } else {
                    $tempEmailMessage = $emailConfig['message'];
                if (strpos($tempEmailMessage, '###PREVIEW_LINK###') !== FALSE) {
                    $markers['###PREVIEW_LINK###'] = $this->workspaceService->generateWorkspacePreviewLink($elementUid);
                $markers['###SPLITTED_PREVIEW_LINK###'] = $this->workspaceService->generateWorkspaceSplittedPreviewLink($elementUid, TRUE);
            // Hook for preprocessing of the content for formmails:
            if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/version/class.tx_version_tcemain.php']['notifyStageChange-postModifyMarkers'])) {
                foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/version/class.tx_version_tcemain.php']['notifyStageChange-postModifyMarkers'] as $_classRef) {
                    $_procObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($_classRef);
                    $markers = $_procObj->postModifyMarkers($markers, $this);
            // send an email to each individual user, to ensure the
            // multilanguage version of the email
            $emailRecipients = array();
            // an array of language objects that are needed
            // for emails with different languages
            $languageObjects = array($GLOBALS['LANG']->lang => $GLOBALS['LANG']);
            // loop through each recipient and send the email
            foreach ($emails as $recipientData) {
                // don't send an email twice
                if (isset($emailRecipients[$recipientData['email']])) {
                $emailSubject = $emailConfig['subject'];
                $emailMessage = $emailConfig['message'];
                $emailRecipients[$recipientData['email']] = $recipientData['email'];
                // check if the email needs to be localized
                // in the users' language
                if (GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($emailSubject, 'LLL:') || GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($emailMessage, 'LLL:')) {
                    $recipientLanguage = $recipientData['lang'] ? $recipientData['lang'] : 'default';
                    if (!isset($languageObjects[$recipientLanguage])) {
                        // a LANG object in this language hasn't been
                        // instantiated yet, so this is done here
                        /** @var $languageObject \TYPO3\CMS\Lang\LanguageService */
                        $languageObject = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Lang\LanguageService::class);
                        $languageObjects[$recipientLanguage] = $languageObject;
                    } else {
                        $languageObject = $languageObjects[$recipientLanguage];
                    if (GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($emailSubject, 'LLL:')) {
                        $emailSubject = $languageObject->sL($emailSubject);
                    if (GeneralUtility::isFirstPartOfStr($emailMessage, 'LLL:')) {
                        $emailMessage = $languageObject->sL($emailMessage);
                $emailSubject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser::substituteMarkerArray($emailSubject, $markers, '', TRUE, TRUE);
                $emailMessage = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Html\HtmlParser::substituteMarkerArray($emailMessage, $markers, '', TRUE, TRUE);
                // Send an email to the recipient
                /** @var $mail \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\MailMessage */
                $mail = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Mail\MailMessage::class);
                if (!empty($recipientData['realName'])) {
                    $recipient = array($recipientData['email'] => $recipientData['realName']);
                } else {
                    $recipient = $recipientData['email'];
            $emailRecipients = implode(',', $emailRecipients);
            $tcemainObj->newlog2('Notification email for stage change was sent to "' . $emailRecipients . '"', $table, $id);
예제 #15
  * Returns the title (based on $code) of a record (from table $table) with
  * the proper link around (that is for 'tx_commerce_categories'-records
  * a link to the level of that record...)
  * @param string $table Table name
  * @param int $uid Item uid
  * @param string $code Item title (not htmlspecialchars()'ed yet)
  * @param array $row Item row
  * @return string The item title. Ready for HTML output
 public function linkWrapItems($table, $uid, $code, array $row)
     $language = $this->getLanguageService();
     $backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
     // If the title is blank, make a "no title" label:
     if (!strcmp($code, '')) {
         $code = '<i>[' . $language->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.no_title', 1) . ']</i> - ' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row), $backendUser->uc['titleLen']));
     } else {
         $code = htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs($code, $this->fixedL));
     switch ((string) $this->clickTitleMode) {
         case 'edit':
             // If the listed table is 'tx_commerce_categories' we have to
             // request the permission settings for each page:
             if ($table == 'tx_commerce_categories') {
                 $localCalcPerms = $backendUser->calcPerms(BackendUtility::getRecord('tx_commerce_categories', $row['uid']));
                 $permsEdit = $localCalcPerms & 2;
             } else {
                 $permsEdit = $this->calcPerms & 16;
             // "Edit" link: ( Only if permissions to edit the page-record
             // of the content of the parent page ($this->id)
             if ($permsEdit) {
                 $params = '&edit[' . $table . '][' . $row['uid'] . ']=edit';
                 $code = '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::editOnClick($params, $this->backPath, -1)) . '" title="' . $language->getLL('edit', 1) . '">' . $code . '</a>';
         case 'show':
             // "Show" link (only tx_commerce_categories and tx_commerce_products elements)
             if ($table == 'tx_commerce_categories' || $table == 'tx_commerce_products') {
                 $code = '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::viewOnClick($table == 'tx_commerce_products' ? $this->id . '#' . $row['uid'] : $row['uid'])) . '" title="' . $language->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.php:labels.showPage', 1) . '">' . $code . '</a>';
         case 'info':
             // "Info": (All records)
             $code = '<a href="#" onclick="' . htmlspecialchars('top.launchView(\'' . $table . '\', \'' . $row['uid'] . '\'); return false;') . '" title="' . $language->getLL('showInfo', 1) . '">' . $code . '</a>';
             // Output the label now:
             if ($table == 'tx_commerce_categories') {
                 $code = '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($this->listURL($uid, '')) . '">' . $code . '</a>';
     return $code;
  * For RTE: This displays all content elements on a page and lets you create a link to the element.
  * @return	string		HTML output. Returns content only if the ->expandPage value is set (pointing to a page uid to show tt_content records from ...)
 function expandPage()
     $out = '';
     $expPageId = $this->browseLinks->expandPage;
     // Set page id (if any) to expand
     // If there is an anchor value (content element reference) in the element reference, then force an ID to expand:
     if (!$this->browseLinks->expandPage && $this->browseLinks->curUrlInfo['cElement']) {
         $expPageId = $this->browseLinks->curUrlInfo['pageid'];
         // Set to the current link page id.
     // Draw the record list IF there is a page id to expand:
     if ($expPageId && t3lib_utility_Math::canBeInterpretedAsInteger($expPageId) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->isInWebMount($expPageId)) {
         // Set header:
         $out .= $this->browseLinks->barheader($GLOBALS['LANG']->getLL('contentElements') . ':');
         // Create header for listing, showing the page title/icon:
         $titleLen = intval($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen']);
         $mainPageRec = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL('pages', $expPageId);
         $picon = t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord('pages', $mainPageRec);
         $picon .= \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $mainPageRec, TRUE);
         $out .= $picon . '<br />';
         // Look up tt_content elements from the expanded page:
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid,header,hidden,starttime,endtime,fe_group,CType,colPos,bodytext,tx_jfmulticontent_view,tx_jfmulticontent_pages,tx_jfmulticontent_contents', 'tt_content', 'pid=' . intval($expPageId) . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::deleteClause('tt_content') . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::versioningPlaceholderClause('tt_content'), '', 'colPos,sorting');
         $cc = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($res);
         // Traverse list of records:
         $c = 0;
         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $icon = t3lib_iconWorks::getSpriteIconForRecord('tt_content', $row);
             if ($this->browseLinks->curUrlInfo['act'] == 'page' && $this->browseLinks->curUrlInfo['cElement'] == $row['uid']) {
                 $arrCol = '<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/blinkarrow_left.gif', 'width="5" height="9"') . ' class="c-blinkArrowL" alt="" />';
             } else {
                 $arrCol = '';
             // Putting list element HTML together:
             $out .= '<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/ol/join' . ($c == $cc ? 'bottom' : '') . '.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' alt="" />' . $arrCol . '<a href="#" onclick="return link_typo3Page(\'' . $expPageId . '\',\'#' . $row['uid'] . '\');">' . $icon . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('tt_content', $row, TRUE) . '</a><br />';
             $contents = array();
             // get all contents
             switch ($row['tx_jfmulticontent_view']) {
                 case "page":
                     $contents = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(",", $row['tx_jfmulticontent_pages']);
                 case "content":
                     $contents = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(",", $row['tx_jfmulticontent_contents']);
                 case "irre":
                     $resIrre = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tt_content', 'tx_jfmulticontent_irre_parentid=' . intval($row['uid']) . ' AND deleted = 0 AND hidden = 0', '', '');
                     while ($rowIrre = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($resIrre)) {
                         $contents[] = $rowIrre['uid'];
             if (count($contents) > 0) {
                 $out .= '<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/ol/line.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' alt="" />' . '<img' . t3lib_iconWorks::skinImg($GLOBALS['BACK_PATH'], 'gfx/ol/blank.gif', 'width="18" height="16"') . ' alt="" />';
                 foreach ($contents as $key => $content) {
                     $out .= '<a href="#" onclick="return link_typo3Page(\'' . $expPageId . '\',\'#jfmulticontent_c' . $row['uid'] . '-' . ($key + 1) . '\');">' . '&nbsp;' . ($key + 1) . '&nbsp;' . '</a>';
                 $out .= '<br/>';
     return $out;
예제 #17
  * Main method of modfuncreport
  * @return string Module content
 public function main()
     $this->searchLevel = GeneralUtility::_GP('search_levels');
     if (isset($this->pObj->id)) {
         $this->modTS = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->pObj->id, 'mod.linkvalidator');
         $this->modTS = $this->modTS['properties'];
     $update = GeneralUtility::_GP('updateLinkList');
     $prefix = '';
     if (!empty($update)) {
         $prefix = 'check';
     $set = GeneralUtility::_GP($prefix . 'SET');
     if (isset($this->searchLevel)) {
         $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['searchlevel'] = $this->searchLevel;
     } else {
         $this->searchLevel = $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS['searchlevel'];
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['linkvalidator']['checkLinks'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['linkvalidator']['checkLinks'] as $linkType => $value) {
             // Compile list of all available types. Used for checking with button "Check Links".
             if (strpos($this->modTS['linktypes'], $linkType) !== FALSE) {
                 $this->availableOptions[$linkType] = 1;
             // Compile list of types currently selected by the checkboxes
             if ($this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS[$linkType] && empty($set) || $set[$linkType]) {
                 $this->checkOpt[$linkType] = 1;
                 $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS[$linkType] = 1;
             } else {
                 $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS[$linkType] = 0;
     $this->getBackendUser()->pushModuleData('web_info', $this->pObj->MOD_SETTINGS);
     // Localization
     $this->doc->getPageRenderer()->addInlineLanguageLabelFile(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('linkvalidator', 'Resources/Private/Language/Module/locallang.xlf'));
     if ($this->modTS['showCheckLinkTab'] == 1) {
         $this->updateListHtml = '<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="updateLinkList" id="updateLinkList" value="' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('label_update') . '"/>';
     $this->refreshListHtml = '<input class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="refreshLinkList" id="refreshLinkList" value="' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('label_refresh') . '"/>';
     $this->linkAnalyzer = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(LinkAnalyzer::class);
     $brokenLinkOverView = $this->linkAnalyzer->getLinkCounts($this->pObj->id);
     $this->checkOptionsHtml = $this->getCheckOptions($brokenLinkOverView);
     $this->checkOptionsHtmlCheck = $this->getCheckOptions($brokenLinkOverView, 'check');
     $pageTile = '';
     if ($this->pObj->id) {
         $pageRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord('pages', $this->pObj->id);
         $pageTile = '<h1>' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pageRecord)) . '</h1>';
     return '<div id="linkvalidator-modfuncreport">' . $pageTile . $this->createTabs() . '</div>';
예제 #18
  * Make 1st level clickmenu:
  * @param string $table The absolute path
  * @param integer $srcId UID for the current record.
  * @param integer $dstId Destination ID
  * @return string HTML content
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function printDragDropClickMenu($table, $srcId, $dstId)
     $menuItems = array();
     // If the drag and drop menu should apply to PAGES use this set of menu items
     if ($table == 'pages') {
         // Move Into:
         $menuItems['movePage_into'] = $this->dragDrop_copymovepage($srcId, $dstId, 'move', 'into');
         // Move After:
         $menuItems['movePage_after'] = $this->dragDrop_copymovepage($srcId, $dstId, 'move', 'after');
         // Copy Into:
         $menuItems['copyPage_into'] = $this->dragDrop_copymovepage($srcId, $dstId, 'copy', 'into');
         // Copy After:
         $menuItems['copyPage_after'] = $this->dragDrop_copymovepage($srcId, $dstId, 'copy', 'after');
     // If the drag and drop menu should apply to FOLDERS use this set of menu items
     if ($table == 'folders') {
         // Move Into:
         $menuItems['moveFolder_into'] = $this->dragDrop_copymovefolder($srcId, $dstId, 'move');
         // Copy Into:
         $menuItems['copyFolder_into'] = $this->dragDrop_copymovefolder($srcId, $dstId, 'copy');
     // Adding external elements to the menuItems array
     $menuItems = $this->processingByExtClassArray($menuItems, 'dragDrop_' . $table, $srcId);
     // to extend this, you need to apply a Context Menu to a "virtual" table called "dragDrop_pages" or similar
     // Processing by external functions?
     $menuItems = $this->externalProcessingOfDBMenuItems($menuItems);
     // Return the printed elements:
     return $this->printItems($menuItems, \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord($table, $this->rec, array('title' => \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $this->rec, TRUE))));
  * Generates grid list array from given versions.
  * @param array $versions All available version records
  * @param string $filterTxt Text to be used to filter record result
  * @return void
 protected function generateDataArray(array $versions, $filterTxt)
     $workspaceAccess = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->checkWorkspace($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace);
     $swapStage = $workspaceAccess['publish_access'] & 1 ? \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\StagesService::STAGE_PUBLISH_ID : 0;
     $swapAccess = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspacePublishAccess($GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspace) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->workspaceSwapAccess();
     // check for dataArray in cache
     if ($this->getDataArrayFromCache($versions, $filterTxt) === FALSE) {
         /** @var $stagesObj \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\StagesService */
         $stagesObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Workspaces\\Service\\StagesService');
         $defaultGridColumns = array(self::GridColumn_Collection => 0, self::GridColumn_CollectionLevel => 0, self::GridColumn_CollectionParent => '', self::GridColumn_CollectionCurrent => '', self::GridColumn_CollectionChildren => 0);
         foreach ($versions as $table => $records) {
             $hiddenField = $this->getTcaEnableColumnsFieldName($table, 'disabled');
             $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->check('tables_modify', $table);
             foreach ($records as $record) {
                 $origRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($table, $record['t3ver_oid']);
                 $versionRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($table, $record['uid']);
                 $combinedRecord = \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Domain\Model\CombinedRecord::createFromArrays($table, $origRecord, $versionRecord);
                 if ($hiddenField !== NULL) {
                     $recordState = $this->workspaceState($versionRecord['t3ver_state'], $origRecord[$hiddenField], $versionRecord[$hiddenField]);
                 } else {
                     $recordState = $this->workspaceState($versionRecord['t3ver_state']);
                 $isDeletedPage = $table == 'pages' && $recordState == 'deleted';
                 $viewUrl = \TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\WorkspaceService::viewSingleRecord($table, $record['uid'], $origRecord, $versionRecord);
                 $versionArray = array();
                 $versionArray['table'] = $table;
                 $versionArray['id'] = $table . ':' . $record['uid'];
                 $versionArray['uid'] = $record['uid'];
                 $versionArray['workspace'] = $versionRecord['t3ver_id'];
                 $versionArray = array_merge($versionArray, $defaultGridColumns);
                 $versionArray['label_Workspace'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $versionRecord));
                 $versionArray['label_Live'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $origRecord));
                 $versionArray['label_Stage'] = htmlspecialchars($stagesObj->getStageTitle($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']));
                 $tempStage = $stagesObj->getNextStage($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
                 $versionArray['label_nextStage'] = htmlspecialchars($stagesObj->getStageTitle($tempStage['uid']));
                 $tempStage = $stagesObj->getPrevStage($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
                 $versionArray['label_prevStage'] = htmlspecialchars($stagesObj->getStageTitle($tempStage['uid']));
                 $versionArray['path_Live'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordPath($record['livepid'], '', 999));
                 $versionArray['path_Workspace'] = htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordPath($record['wspid'], '', 999));
                 $versionArray['workspace_Title'] = htmlspecialchars(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\WorkspaceService::getWorkspaceTitle($versionRecord['t3ver_wsid']));
                 $versionArray['workspace_Tstamp'] = $versionRecord['tstamp'];
                 $versionArray['workspace_Formated_Tstamp'] = BackendUtility::datetime($versionRecord['tstamp']);
                 $versionArray['t3ver_wsid'] = $versionRecord['t3ver_wsid'];
                 $versionArray['t3ver_oid'] = $record['t3ver_oid'];
                 $versionArray['livepid'] = $record['livepid'];
                 $versionArray['stage'] = $versionRecord['t3ver_stage'];
                 $versionArray['icon_Live'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::mapRecordTypeToSpriteIconClass($table, $origRecord);
                 $versionArray['icon_Workspace'] = \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::mapRecordTypeToSpriteIconClass($table, $versionRecord);
                 $languageValue = $this->getLanguageValue($table, $versionRecord);
                 $versionArray['languageValue'] = $languageValue;
                 $versionArray['language'] = array('cls' => \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::getSpriteIconClasses($this->getSystemLanguageValue($languageValue, 'flagIcon')), 'title' => htmlspecialchars($this->getSystemLanguageValue($languageValue, 'title')));
                 $versionArray['allowedAction_nextStage'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && $stagesObj->isNextStageAllowedForUser($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
                 $versionArray['allowedAction_prevStage'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && $stagesObj->isPrevStageAllowedForUser($versionRecord['t3ver_stage']);
                 if ($swapAccess && $swapStage != 0 && $versionRecord['t3ver_stage'] == $swapStage) {
                     $versionArray['allowedAction_swap'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && $stagesObj->isNextStageAllowedForUser($swapStage);
                 } elseif ($swapAccess && $swapStage == 0) {
                     $versionArray['allowedAction_swap'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify;
                 } else {
                     $versionArray['allowedAction_swap'] = FALSE;
                 $versionArray['allowedAction_delete'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify;
                 // preview and editing of a deleted page won't work ;)
                 $versionArray['allowedAction_view'] = !$isDeletedPage && $viewUrl;
                 $versionArray['allowedAction_edit'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && !$isDeletedPage;
                 $versionArray['allowedAction_editVersionedPage'] = $isRecordTypeAllowedToModify && !$isDeletedPage;
                 $versionArray['state_Workspace'] = $recordState;
                 $versionArray = array_merge($versionArray, $this->getAdditionalColumnService()->getData($combinedRecord));
                 if ($filterTxt == '' || $this->isFilterTextInVisibleColumns($filterTxt, $versionArray)) {
                     $versionIdentifier = $versionArray['id'];
                     $this->dataArray[$versionIdentifier] = $versionArray;
         // Suggested slot method:
         // methodName(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\GridDataService $gridData, array &$dataArray, array $versions)
         $this->emitSignal(self::SIGNAL_GenerateDataArray_BeforeCaching, $this->dataArray, $versions);
         // Enrich elements after everything has been processed:
         foreach ($this->dataArray as &$element) {
             $identifier = $element['table'] . ':' . $element['t3ver_oid'];
             $element['integrity'] = array('status' => $this->getIntegrityService()->getStatusRepresentation($identifier), 'messages' => htmlspecialchars($this->getIntegrityService()->getIssueMessages($identifier, TRUE)));
         $this->setDataArrayIntoCache($versions, $filterTxt);
     // Suggested slot method:
     // methodName(\TYPO3\CMS\Workspaces\Service\GridDataService $gridData, array &$dataArray, array $versions)
     $this->emitSignal(self::SIGNAL_GenerateDataArray_PostProcesss, $this->dataArray, $versions);
  * Builds a complete node including childs
  * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tree\TreeNode $basicNode
  * @param NULL|\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tree\TableConfiguration\DatabaseTreeNode $parent
  * @param int $level
  * @return \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tree\TableConfiguration\DatabaseTreeNode Node object
 protected function buildRepresentationForNode(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tree\TreeNode $basicNode, DatabaseTreeNode $parent = NULL, $level = 0)
     /** @var $node \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tree\TableConfiguration\DatabaseTreeNode */
     $node = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Tree\TableConfiguration\DatabaseTreeNode::class);
     $row = array();
     if ($basicNode->getId() == 0) {
     } else {
         $row = BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL($this->tableName, $basicNode->getId(), '*', '', FALSE);
         $node->setLabel(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($this->tableName, $row) ?: $basicNode->getId());
         $node->setSelected(GeneralUtility::inList($this->getSelectedList(), $basicNode->getId()));
     $node->setSelectable(!GeneralUtility::inList($this->getNonSelectableLevelList(), $level) && !in_array($basicNode->getId(), $this->getItemUnselectableList()));
     $node->setIcon(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\IconUtility::mapRecordTypeToSpriteIconClass($this->tableName, $row));
     if ($basicNode->hasChildNodes()) {
         /** @var $childNodes \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tree\SortedTreeNodeCollection */
         $childNodes = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Tree\SortedTreeNodeCollection::class);
         foreach ($basicNode->getChildNodes() as $child) {
             $childNodes->append($this->buildRepresentationForNode($child, $node, $level + 1));
     return $node;
예제 #21
  * Returns the most important properties of the link validator task as a
  * comma separated string that will be displayed in the scheduler module.
  * @return string
 public function getAdditionalInformation()
     $additionalInformation = array();
     $page = (int) $this->getPage();
     $pageLabel = $page;
     if ($page !== 0) {
         $pageData = BackendUtility::getRecord('pages', $page);
         if (!empty($pageData)) {
             $pageTitle = BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pageData);
             $pageLabel = $pageTitle . ' (' . $page . ')';
     $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
     $additionalInformation[] = $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:linkvalidator/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:tasks.validate.page') . ': ' . $pageLabel;
     $depth = (int) $this->getDepth();
     $additionalInformation[] = $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:linkvalidator/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:tasks.validate.depth') . ': ' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.depth_' . ($depth === 999 ? 'infi' : $depth));
     $additionalInformation[] = $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:linkvalidator/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:tasks.validate.email') . ': ' . $this->getEmail();
     return implode(', ', $additionalInformation);
     * Make reference display (what this elements points to)
     * @param string $table Table name
     * @param string $ref Filename or uid
     * @return string HTML
    protected function makeRefFrom($table, $ref)
        $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
        $rows = $this->getDatabaseConnection()->exec_SELECTgetRows('*', 'sys_refindex', 'tablename=' . $this->getDatabaseConnection()->fullQuoteStr($table, 'sys_refindex') . ' AND recuid=' . (int) $ref);
        // Compile information for title tag:
        $infoData = array();
        $infoDataHeader = '';
        if (!empty($rows)) {
            $infoDataHeader = '
					<th class="col-icon"></th>
					<th class="col-title">' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.title') . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.table') . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.uid') . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.field') . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.flexpointer') . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.softrefKey') . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.sorting') . '</th>
					<th>' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.refString') . '</th>
					<th class="col-control"></th>
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $record = BackendUtility::getRecord($row['ref_table'], $row['ref_uid']);
            if ($record) {
                $icon = $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord($row['tablename'], $record, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
                $actions = $this->getRecordActions($row['ref_table'], $row['ref_uid']);
                $urlParameters = ['edit' => [$row['ref_table'] => [$row['ref_uid'] => 'edit']], 'returnUrl' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI')];
                $url = BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('record_edit', $urlParameters);
                $infoData[] = '
					<td class="col-icon">
						<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '" title="id=' . $record['uid'] . '">
							' . $icon . '
					<td class="col-title">
						<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '" title="id=' . $record['uid'] . '" >
							' . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($row['ref_table'], $record, true) . '
					<td>' . $lang->sL($GLOBALS['TCA'][$row['ref_table']]['ctrl']['title'], true) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['ref_uid']) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($this->getLabelForTableColumn($table, $row['field'])) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['flexpointer']) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['softref_key']) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['sorting']) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['ref_string']) . '</td>
					<td class="col-control">' . $actions . '</td>
            } else {
                $infoData[] = '
					<td class="col-icon"></td>
					<td class="col-title">' . $lang->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:show_item.php.missing_record') . ' (uid=' . (int) $row['recuid'] . ')</td>
					<td>' . $lang->sL($GLOBALS['TCA'][$row['ref_table']]['ctrl']['title'], true) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($this->getLabelForTableColumn($table, $row['field'])) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['flexpointer']) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['softref_key']) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['sorting']) . '</td>
					<td>' . htmlspecialchars($row['ref_string']) . '</td>
					<td class="col-control"></td>
        if (empty($infoData)) {
            return '';
        return '
			<div class="table-fit">
				<table class="table table-striped table-hover">
					<thead>' . $infoDataHeader . '</thead>
					<tbody>' . implode('', $infoData) . '</tbody>
예제 #23
  * Adds the record $row from $table.
  * No checking for relations done here. Pure data.
  * @param string $table Table name
  * @param array $row Record row.
  * @param int $relationLevel (Internal) if the record is added as a relation, this is set to the "level" it was on.
  * @return void
 public function export_addRecord($table, $row, $relationLevel = 0)
     BackendUtility::workspaceOL($table, $row);
     if ((string) $table !== '' && is_array($row) && $row['uid'] > 0 && !$this->excludeMap[$table . ':' . $row['uid']]) {
         if ($this->checkPID($table === 'pages' ? $row['uid'] : $row['pid'])) {
             if (!isset($this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']])) {
                 // Prepare header info:
                 $row = $this->filterRecordFields($table, $row);
                 $headerInfo = array();
                 $headerInfo['uid'] = $row['uid'];
                 $headerInfo['pid'] = $row['pid'];
                 $headerInfo['title'] = GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $row), 40);
                 $headerInfo['size'] = strlen(serialize($row));
                 if ($relationLevel) {
                     $headerInfo['relationLevel'] = $relationLevel;
                 // If record content is not too large in size, set the header content and add the rest:
                 if ($headerInfo['size'] < $this->maxRecordSize) {
                     // Set the header summary:
                     $this->dat['header']['records'][$table][$row['uid']] = $headerInfo;
                     // Create entry in the PID lookup:
                     $this->dat['header']['pid_lookup'][$row['pid']][$table][$row['uid']] = 1;
                     // Initialize reference index object:
                     $refIndexObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ReferenceIndex::class);
                     // Yes to workspace overlays for exporting....
                     $refIndexObj->WSOL = true;
                     $relations = $refIndexObj->getRelations($table, $row);
                     $relations = $this->fixFileIDsInRelations($relations);
                     $relations = $this->removeSoftrefsHavingTheSameDatabaseRelation($relations);
                     // Data:
                     $this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']] = array();
                     $this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['data'] = $row;
                     $this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['rels'] = $relations;
                     // Add information about the relations in the record in the header:
                     $this->dat['header']['records'][$table][$row['uid']]['rels'] = $this->flatDBrels($this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['rels']);
                     // Add information about the softrefs to header:
                     $this->dat['header']['records'][$table][$row['uid']]['softrefs'] = $this->flatSoftRefs($this->dat['records'][$table . ':' . $row['uid']]['rels']);
                 } else {
                     $this->error('Record ' . $table . ':' . $row['uid'] . ' was larger than maxRecordSize (' . GeneralUtility::formatSize($this->maxRecordSize) . ')');
             } else {
                 $this->error('Record ' . $table . ':' . $row['uid'] . ' already added.');
         } else {
             $this->error('Record ' . $table . ':' . $row['uid'] . ' was outside your DB mounts!');
예제 #24
  * Creating the module output.
  * @return void
 public function main()
     $lang = $this->getLanguageService();
     if ($this->page_id) {
         $backendUser = $this->getBackendUser();
         // Get record for element:
         $elRow = BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL($this->table, $this->moveUid);
         // Headerline: Icon, record title:
         $headerLine = '<span ' . BackendUtility::getRecordToolTip($elRow, $this->table) . '>' . $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord($this->table, $elRow, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</span>';
         $headerLine .= BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($this->table, $elRow, true);
         // Make-copy checkbox (clicking this will reload the page with the GET var makeCopy set differently):
         $onClick = 'window.location.href=' . GeneralUtility::quoteJSvalue(GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(array('makeCopy' => !$this->makeCopy))) . ';';
         $headerLine .= '<div><input type="hidden" name="makeCopy" value="0" />' . '<input type="checkbox" name="makeCopy" id="makeCopy" value="1"' . ($this->makeCopy ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . ' onclick="' . htmlspecialchars($onClick) . '" /> <label for="makeCopy" class="t3-label-valign-top">' . $lang->getLL('makeCopy', 1) . '</label></div>';
         // Add the header-content to the module content:
         $this->content .= '<div>' . $headerLine . '</div>';
         // Reset variable to pick up the module content in:
         $code = '';
         // IF the table is "pages":
         if ((string) $this->table == 'pages') {
             // Get page record (if accessible):
             $pageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($this->page_id, $this->perms_clause);
             if (is_array($pageInfo) && $backendUser->isInWebMount($pageInfo['pid'], $this->perms_clause)) {
                 // Initialize the position map:
                 $posMap = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(PageMovingPagePositionMap::class);
                 $posMap->moveOrCopy = $this->makeCopy ? 'copy' : 'move';
                 // Print a "go-up" link IF there is a real parent page (and if the user has read-access to that page).
                 if ($pageInfo['pid']) {
                     $pidPageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($pageInfo['pid'], $this->perms_clause);
                     if (is_array($pidPageInfo)) {
                         if ($backendUser->isInWebMount($pidPageInfo['pid'], $this->perms_clause)) {
                             $code .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(array('uid' => (int) $pageInfo['pid'], 'moveUid' => $this->moveUid))) . '">' . $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-view-go-up', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pidPageInfo, true) . '</a><br />';
                         } else {
                             $code .= $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord('pages', $pidPageInfo, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pidPageInfo, true) . '<br />';
                 // Create the position tree:
                 $code .= $posMap->positionTree($this->page_id, $pageInfo, $this->perms_clause, $this->R_URI);
         // IF the table is "tt_content":
         if ((string) $this->table == 'tt_content') {
             // First, get the record:
             $tt_content_rec = BackendUtility::getRecord('tt_content', $this->moveUid);
             // ?
             if (!$this->input_moveUid) {
                 $this->page_id = $tt_content_rec['pid'];
             // Checking if the parent page is readable:
             $pageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($this->page_id, $this->perms_clause);
             if (is_array($pageInfo) && $backendUser->isInWebMount($pageInfo['pid'], $this->perms_clause)) {
                 // Initialize the position map:
                 $posMap = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ContentMovingPagePositionMap::class);
                 $posMap->moveOrCopy = $this->makeCopy ? 'copy' : 'move';
                 $posMap->cur_sys_language = $this->sys_language;
                 // Headerline for the parent page: Icon, record title:
                 $headerLine = '<span ' . BackendUtility::getRecordToolTip($pageInfo, 'pages') . '>' . $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord('pages', $pageInfo, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</span>';
                 $headerLine .= BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pageInfo, true);
                 // Load SHARED page-TSconfig settings and retrieve column list from there, if applicable:
                 // SHARED page-TSconfig settings.
                 // $modTSconfig_SHARED = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->pageId, 'mod.SHARED');
                 $colPosArray = GeneralUtility::callUserFunction(\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\BackendLayoutView::class . '->getColPosListItemsParsed', $this->page_id, $this);
                 $colPosIds = array();
                 foreach ($colPosArray as $colPos) {
                     $colPosIds[] = $colPos[1];
                 // Removing duplicates, if any
                 $colPosList = implode(',', array_unique($colPosIds));
                 // Adding parent page-header and the content element columns from position-map:
                 $code = $headerLine . '<br />';
                 $code .= $posMap->printContentElementColumns($this->page_id, $this->moveUid, $colPosList, 1, $this->R_URI);
                 // Print a "go-up" link IF there is a real parent page (and if the user has read-access to that page).
                 $code .= '<br /><br />';
                 if ($pageInfo['pid']) {
                     $pidPageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($pageInfo['pid'], $this->perms_clause);
                     if (is_array($pidPageInfo)) {
                         if ($backendUser->isInWebMount($pidPageInfo['pid'], $this->perms_clause)) {
                             $code .= '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(GeneralUtility::linkThisScript(array('uid' => (int) $pageInfo['pid'], 'moveUid' => $this->moveUid))) . '">' . $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIcon('actions-view-go-up', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pidPageInfo, true) . '</a><br />';
                         } else {
                             $code .= $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord('pages', $pidPageInfo, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('pages', $pidPageInfo, true) . '<br />';
                 // Create the position tree (for pages):
                 $code .= $posMap->positionTree($this->page_id, $pageInfo, $this->perms_clause, $this->R_URI);
         // Add the $code content as a new section to the module:
         $this->content .= '<h2>' . $lang->getLL('selectPositionOfElement') . '</h2>';
         $this->content .= '<div>' . $code . '</div>';
     // Setting up the buttons and markers for docheader
     // Build the <body> for the module
예제 #25
     * Recursively look for children for page version with $pid
     * @param int $pid UID of page record for which to look up sub-elements following that version
     * @param int $c Counter, do not set (limits to 100 levels)
     * @return string Table with content if any
    public function pageSubContent($pid, $c = 0)
        $tableNames = ArrayUtility::removeArrayEntryByValue(array_keys($GLOBALS['TCA']), 'pages');
        $tableNames[] = 'pages';
        $content = '';
        foreach ($tableNames as $table) {
            // Basically list ALL tables - not only those being copied might be found!
            $mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', $table, 'pid=' . (int) $pid . BackendUtility::deleteClause($table), '', $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] ? $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['sortby'] : '');
            if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_num_rows($mres)) {
                $content .= '
					<table class="table">
							<th class="col-icon">' . $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord($table, array(), Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</th>
							<th class="col-title">' . $GLOBALS['LANG']->sL($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['title'], true) . '</th>
                while ($subrow = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
                    $ownVer = $this->lookForOwnVersions($table, $subrow['uid']);
                    $content .= '
							<td class="col-icon">' . $this->moduleTemplate->getIconFactory()->getIconForRecord($table, $subrow, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() . '</td>
							<td class="col-title">' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($table, $subrow, true)) . '</td>
							<td>' . ($ownVer > 1 ? '<a href="' . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('web_txversionM1', array('table' => $table, 'uid' => $subrow['uid']))) . '">' . ($ownVer - 1) . '</a>' : '') . '</td>
							<td class="col-control">' . $this->adminLinks($table, $subrow) . '</td>
                    if ($table == 'pages' && $c < 100) {
                        $sub = $this->pageSubContent($subrow['uid'], $c + 1);
                        if ($sub) {
                            $content .= '
									<td width="98%">' . $sub . '</td>
                $content .= '</table>';
        return $content;
예제 #26
     * Draws the preview content for a content element
     * @param array $row Content element
     * @return string HTML
     * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
    public function tt_content_drawItem($row)
        $out = '';
        $outHeader = '';
        // Make header:
        if ($row['header']) {
            $infoArr = array();
            $this->getProcessedValue('tt_content', 'header_position,header_layout,header_link', $row, $infoArr);
            $hiddenHeaderNote = '';
            // If header layout is set to 'hidden', display an accordant note:
            if ($row['header_layout'] == 100) {
                $hiddenHeaderNote = ' <em>[' . $this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.hidden', true) . ']</em>';
            $outHeader = $row['date'] ? htmlspecialchars($this->itemLabels['date'] . ' ' . BackendUtility::date($row['date'])) . '<br />' : '';
            $outHeader .= '<strong>' . $this->linkEditContent($this->renderText($row['header']), $row) . $hiddenHeaderNote . '</strong><br />';
        // Make content:
        $infoArr = array();
        $drawItem = true;
        // Hook: Render an own preview of a record
        $drawItemHooks =& $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php']['tt_content_drawItem'];
        if (is_array($drawItemHooks)) {
            foreach ($drawItemHooks as $hookClass) {
                $hookObject = GeneralUtility::getUserObj($hookClass);
                if (!$hookObject instanceof PageLayoutViewDrawItemHookInterface) {
                    throw new \UnexpectedValueException('$hookObject must implement interface ' . \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\View\PageLayoutViewDrawItemHookInterface::class, 1218547409);
                $hookObject->preProcess($this, $drawItem, $outHeader, $out, $row);
        // If the previous hook did not render something,
        // then check if a Fluid-based preview template was defined for this CType
        // and render it via Fluid. Possible option:
        // mod.web_layout.tt_content.preview.media = EXT:site_mysite/Resources/Private/Templates/Preview/Media.html
        if ($drawItem) {
            $tsConfig = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($row['pid'], 'mod.web_layout.tt_content.preview');
            if (!empty($tsConfig['properties'][$row['CType']])) {
                $fluidTemplateFile = $tsConfig['properties'][$row['CType']];
                $fluidTemplateFile = GeneralUtility::getFileAbsFileName($fluidTemplateFile);
                if ($fluidTemplateFile) {
                    try {
                        /** @var StandaloneView $view */
                        $view = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(StandaloneView::class);
                        if (!empty($row['pi_flexform'])) {
                            /** @var FlexFormService $flexFormService */
                            $flexFormService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlexFormService::class);
                            $view->assign('pi_flexform_transformed', $flexFormService->convertFlexFormContentToArray($row['pi_flexform']));
                        $out = $view->render();
                        $drawItem = false;
                    } catch (\Exception $e) {
                        // Catch any exception to avoid breaking the view
        // Draw preview of the item depending on its CType (if not disabled by previous hook):
        if ($drawItem) {
            switch ($row['CType']) {
                case 'header':
                    if ($row['subheader']) {
                        $out .= $this->linkEditContent($this->renderText($row['subheader']), $row) . '<br />';
                case 'bullets':
                case 'table':
                    if ($row['bodytext']) {
                        $out .= $this->linkEditContent($this->renderText($row['bodytext']), $row) . '<br />';
                case 'uploads':
                    if ($row['media']) {
                        $out .= $this->linkEditContent($this->getThumbCodeUnlinked($row, 'tt_content', 'media'), $row) . '<br />';
                case 'menu':
                    $contentType = $this->CType_labels[$row['CType']];
                    $out .= $this->linkEditContent('<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($contentType) . '</strong>', $row) . '<br />';
                    // Add Menu Type
                    $menuTypeLabel = $this->getLanguageService()->sL(BackendUtility::getLabelFromItemListMerged($row['pid'], 'tt_content', 'menu_type', $row['menu_type']));
                    $menuTypeLabel = $menuTypeLabel ?: 'invalid menu type';
                    $out .= $this->linkEditContent($menuTypeLabel, $row);
                    if ($row['menu_type'] !== '2' && ($row['pages'] || $row['selected_categories'])) {
                        // Show pages if menu type is not "Sitemap"
                        $out .= ':' . $this->linkEditContent($this->generateListForCTypeMenu($row), $row) . '<br />';
                case 'shortcut':
                    if (!empty($row['records'])) {
                        $shortcutContent = array();
                        $recordList = explode(',', $row['records']);
                        foreach ($recordList as $recordIdentifier) {
                            $split = BackendUtility::splitTable_Uid($recordIdentifier);
                            $tableName = empty($split[0]) ? 'tt_content' : $split[0];
                            $shortcutRecord = BackendUtility::getRecord($tableName, $split[1]);
                            if (is_array($shortcutRecord)) {
                                $icon = $this->iconFactory->getIconForRecord($tableName, $shortcutRecord, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render();
                                $icon = BackendUtility::wrapClickMenuOnIcon($icon, $tableName, $shortcutRecord['uid'], 1, '', '+copy,info,edit,view');
                                $shortcutContent[] = $icon . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($tableName, $shortcutRecord));
                        $out .= implode('<br />', $shortcutContent) . '<br />';
                case 'list':
                    $hookArr = array();
                    $hookOut = '';
                    if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php']['list_type_Info'][$row['list_type']])) {
                        $hookArr = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php']['list_type_Info'][$row['list_type']];
                    } elseif (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php']['list_type_Info']['_DEFAULT'])) {
                        $hookArr = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['cms/layout/class.tx_cms_layout.php']['list_type_Info']['_DEFAULT'];
                    if (!empty($hookArr)) {
                        $_params = array('pObj' => &$this, 'row' => $row, 'infoArr' => $infoArr);
                        foreach ($hookArr as $_funcRef) {
                            $hookOut .= GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($_funcRef, $_params, $this);
                    if ((string) $hookOut !== '') {
                        $out .= $hookOut;
                    } elseif (!empty($row['list_type'])) {
                        $label = BackendUtility::getLabelFromItemListMerged($row['pid'], 'tt_content', 'list_type', $row['list_type']);
                        if (!empty($label)) {
                            $out .= $this->linkEditContent('<strong>' . $this->getLanguageService()->sL($label, true) . '</strong>', $row) . '<br />';
                        } else {
                            $message = sprintf($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.noMatchingValue'), $row['list_type']);
                            $out .= GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessage::class, htmlspecialchars($message), '', FlashMessage::WARNING)->render();
                    } elseif (!empty($row['select_key'])) {
                        $out .= $this->getLanguageService()->sL(BackendUtility::getItemLabel('tt_content', 'select_key'), true) . ' ' . $row['select_key'] . '<br />';
                    } else {
                        $out .= '<strong>' . $this->getLanguageService()->getLL('noPluginSelected') . '</strong>';
                    $out .= $this->getLanguageService()->sL(BackendUtility::getLabelFromItemlist('tt_content', 'pages', $row['pages']), true) . '<br />';
                    $contentType = $this->CType_labels[$row['CType']];
                    if (isset($contentType)) {
                        $out .= $this->linkEditContent('<strong>' . htmlspecialchars($contentType) . '</strong>', $row) . '<br />';
                        if ($row['bodytext']) {
                            $out .= $this->linkEditContent($this->renderText($row['bodytext']), $row) . '<br />';
                        if ($row['image']) {
                            $out .= $this->linkEditContent($this->getThumbCodeUnlinked($row, 'tt_content', 'image'), $row) . '<br />';
                    } else {
                        $message = sprintf($this->getLanguageService()->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.noMatchingValue'), $row['CType']);
                        $out .= GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessage::class, htmlspecialchars($message), '', FlashMessage::WARNING)->render();
        // Wrap span-tags:
        $out = '
			<span class="exampleContent">' . $out . '</span>';
        // Add header:
        $out = $outHeader . $out;
        // Return values:
        if ($this->isDisabled('tt_content', $row)) {
            return '<span class="text-muted">' . $out . '</span>';
        } else {
            return $out;
예제 #27
  * Prepare items from itemArray to be transferred to the TCEforms interface (as a comma list)
  * @return string
 public function readyForInterface()
     if (!is_array($this->itemArray)) {
         return false;
     $output = array();
     $titleLen = (int) $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['titleLen'];
     foreach ($this->itemArray as $val) {
         $theRow = $this->results[$val['table']][$val['id']];
         if ($theRow && is_array($GLOBALS['TCA'][$val['table']])) {
             $label = GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(strip_tags(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($val['table'], $theRow)), $titleLen);
             $label = $label ? $label : '[...]';
             $output[] = str_replace(',', '', $val['table'] . '_' . $val['id'] . '|' . rawurlencode($label));
     return implode(',', $output);
예제 #28
  * TCA config "foreign_table" evaluation. Add them to $items
  * Used by TcaSelectItems and TcaSelectTreeItems data providers
  * @param array $result Result array
  * @param string $fieldName Current handle field name
  * @param array $items Incoming items
  * @return array Modified item array
 protected function addItemsFromForeignTable(array $result, $fieldName, array $items)
     // Guard
     if (empty($result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['foreign_table']) || !is_string($result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['foreign_table'])) {
         return $items;
     $languageService = $this->getLanguageService();
     $database = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
     $foreignTable = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['foreign_table'];
     $foreignTableQueryArray = $this->buildForeignTableQuery($result, $fieldName);
     $queryResource = $database->exec_SELECT_queryArray($foreignTableQueryArray);
     // Early return on error with flash message
     $databaseError = $database->sql_error();
     if (!empty($databaseError)) {
         $msg = htmlspecialchars($databaseError) . '<br />' . LF;
         $msg .= $languageService->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:error.database_schema_mismatch');
         $msgTitle = $languageService->sL('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:error.database_schema_mismatch_title');
         /** @var $flashMessage FlashMessage */
         $flashMessage = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessage::class, $msg, $msgTitle, FlashMessage::ERROR, true);
         /** @var $flashMessageService FlashMessageService */
         $flashMessageService = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(FlashMessageService::class);
         /** @var $defaultFlashMessageQueue FlashMessageQueue */
         $defaultFlashMessageQueue = $flashMessageService->getMessageQueueByIdentifier();
         return $items;
     $labelPrefix = '';
     if (!empty($result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['foreign_table_prefix'])) {
         $labelPrefix = $result['processedTca']['columns'][$fieldName]['config']['foreign_table_prefix'];
         $labelPrefix = $languageService->sL($labelPrefix);
     $iconFieldName = '';
     if (!empty($result['processedTca']['ctrl']['selicon_field'])) {
         $iconFieldName = $result['processedTca']['ctrl']['selicon_field'];
     $iconPath = '';
     if (!empty($result['processedTca']['ctrl']['selicon_field_path'])) {
         $iconPath = $result['processedTca']['ctrl']['selicon_field_path'];
     $iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
     while ($foreignRow = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($queryResource)) {
         BackendUtility::workspaceOL($foreignTable, $foreignRow);
         if (is_array($foreignRow)) {
             // Prepare the icon if available:
             if ($iconFieldName && $iconPath && $foreignRow[$iconFieldName]) {
                 $iParts = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $foreignRow[$iconFieldName], true);
                 $icon = '../' . $iconPath . '/' . trim($iParts[0]);
             } else {
                 $icon = $iconFactory->mapRecordTypeToIconIdentifier($foreignTable, $foreignRow);
             // Add the item
             $items[] = [$labelPrefix . htmlspecialchars(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($foreignTable, $foreignRow)), $foreignRow['uid'], $icon];
     return $items;
예제 #29
  * Renders the HTML header for a foreign record, such as the title, toggle-function, drag'n'drop, etc.
  * Later on the command-icons are inserted here.
  * @param string $parentUid The uid of the parent (embedding) record (uid or NEW...)
  * @param string $foreign_table The foreign_table we create a header for
  * @param array $rec The current record of that foreign_table
  * @param array $config content of $PA['fieldConf']['config']
  * @param boolean $isVirtualRecord
  * @return string The HTML code of the header
  * @todo Define visibility
 public function renderForeignRecordHeader($parentUid, $foreign_table, $rec, $config, $isVirtualRecord = FALSE)
     // Init:
     $objectId = $this->inlineNames['object'] . self::Structure_Separator . $foreign_table . self::Structure_Separator . $rec['uid'];
     // We need the returnUrl of the main script when loading the fields via AJAX-call (to correct wizard code, so include it as 3rd parameter)
     // Pre-Processing:
     $isOnSymmetricSide = RelationHandler::isOnSymmetricSide($parentUid, $config, $rec);
     $hasForeignLabel = !$isOnSymmetricSide && $config['foreign_label'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $hasSymmetricLabel = $isOnSymmetricSide && $config['symmetric_label'] ? TRUE : FALSE;
     // Get the record title/label for a record:
     // Try using a self-defined user function only for formatted labels
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$foreign_table]['ctrl']['formattedLabel_userFunc'])) {
         $params = array('table' => $foreign_table, 'row' => $rec, 'title' => '', 'isOnSymmetricSide' => $isOnSymmetricSide, 'options' => isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$foreign_table]['ctrl']['formattedLabel_userFunc_options']) ? $GLOBALS['TCA'][$foreign_table]['ctrl']['formattedLabel_userFunc_options'] : array(), 'parent' => array('uid' => $parentUid, 'config' => $config));
         // callUserFunction requires a third parameter, but we don't want to give $this as reference!
         $null = NULL;
         GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($GLOBALS['TCA'][$foreign_table]['ctrl']['formattedLabel_userFunc'], $params, $null);
         $recTitle = $params['title'];
         // Try using a normal self-defined user function
     } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$foreign_table]['ctrl']['label_userFunc'])) {
         $params = array('table' => $foreign_table, 'row' => $rec, 'title' => '', 'isOnSymmetricSide' => $isOnSymmetricSide, 'parent' => array('uid' => $parentUid, 'config' => $config));
         // callUserFunction requires a third parameter, but we don't want to give $this as reference!
         $null = NULL;
         GeneralUtility::callUserFunction($GLOBALS['TCA'][$foreign_table]['ctrl']['label_userFunc'], $params, $null);
         $recTitle = $params['title'];
     } elseif ($hasForeignLabel || $hasSymmetricLabel) {
         $titleCol = $hasForeignLabel ? $config['foreign_label'] : $config['symmetric_label'];
         $foreignConfig = $this->getPossibleRecordsSelectorConfig($config, $titleCol);
         // Render title for everything else than group/db:
         if ($foreignConfig['type'] != 'groupdb') {
             $recTitle = BackendUtility::getProcessedValueExtra($foreign_table, $titleCol, $rec[$titleCol], 0, 0, FALSE);
         } else {
             // $recTitle could be something like: "tx_table_123|...",
             $valueParts = GeneralUtility::trimExplode('|', $rec[$titleCol]);
             $itemParts = GeneralUtility::revExplode('_', $valueParts[0], 2);
             $recTemp = BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL($itemParts[0], $itemParts[1]);
             $recTitle = BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($itemParts[0], $recTemp, FALSE);
         $recTitle = BackendUtility::getRecordTitlePrep($recTitle);
         if (trim($recTitle) === '') {
             $recTitle = BackendUtility::getNoRecordTitle(TRUE);
     } else {
         $recTitle = BackendUtility::getRecordTitle($foreign_table, $rec, TRUE);
     $altText = BackendUtility::getRecordIconAltText($rec, $foreign_table);
     $iconImg = IconUtility::getSpriteIconForRecord($foreign_table, $rec, array('title' => htmlspecialchars($altText), 'id' => $objectId . '_icon'));
     $label = '<span id="' . $objectId . '_label">' . $recTitle . '</span>';
     $ctrl = $this->renderForeignRecordHeaderControl($parentUid, $foreign_table, $rec, $config, $isVirtualRecord);
     $thumbnail = FALSE;
     // Renders a thumbnail for the header
     if (!empty($config['appearance']['headerThumbnail']['field'])) {
         $fieldValue = $rec[$config['appearance']['headerThumbnail']['field']];
         $firstElement = array_shift(GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $fieldValue));
         $fileUid = array_pop(BackendUtility::splitTable_Uid($firstElement));
         if (!empty($fileUid)) {
             $fileObject = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceFactory::getInstance()->getFileObject($fileUid);
             if ($fileObject && $fileObject->isMissing()) {
                 $flashMessage = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\Utility\BackendUtility::getFlashMessageForMissingFile($fileObject);
                 $thumbnail = $flashMessage->render();
             } elseif ($fileObject) {
                 $imageSetup = $config['appearance']['headerThumbnail'];
                 $imageSetup = array_merge(array('width' => '45', 'height' => '45c'), $imageSetup);
                 $processedImage = $fileObject->process(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ProcessedFile::CONTEXT_IMAGECROPSCALEMASK, $imageSetup);
                 // Only use a thumbnail if the processing was successful.
                 if (!$processedImage->usesOriginalFile()) {
                     $imageUrl = $processedImage->getPublicUrl(TRUE);
                     $thumbnail = '<img class="t3-form-field-header-inline-thumbnail-image" src="' . $imageUrl . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($altText) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($altText) . '">';
     if (!empty($config['appearance']['headerThumbnail']['field']) && $thumbnail) {
         $headerClasses = ' t3-form-field-header-inline-has-thumbnail';
         $mediaContainer = '<div class="t3-form-field-header-inline-thumbnail" id="' . $objectId . '_thumbnailcontainer">' . $thumbnail . '</div>';
     } else {
         $headerClasses = ' t3-form-field-header-inline-has-icon';
         $mediaContainer = '<div class="t3-form-field-header-inline-icon" id="' . $objectId . '_iconcontainer">' . $iconImg . '</div>';
     $header = '<div class="t3-form-field-header-inline-wrap' . $headerClasses . '">' . '<div class="t3-form-field-header-inline-ctrl">' . $ctrl . '</div>' . '<div class="t3-form-field-header-inline-body">' . $mediaContainer . '<div class="t3-form-field-header-inline-summary">' . $label . '</div>' . '</div>' . '</div>';
     return $header;
 function main(&$backRef, $menuItems, $tableID, $srcId)
     $this->backRef = $backRef;
     $this->beUser = $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
     $this->LANG = $GLOBALS['LANG'];
     if (($tableID == 'dragDrop_tt_news_cat' || $tableID == 'tt_news_cat_CM') && $srcId) {
         $table = 'tt_news_cat';
         $rec = BackendUtility::getRecordWSOL($table, $srcId);
         // fetch page record to get editing permissions
         $lCP = $this->beUser->calcPerms(BackendUtility::getRecord('pages', $rec['pid']));
         $doEdit = $lCP & 16;
         //			if ($doEdit && $tableID == 'dragDrop_tt_news_cat') {
         //				$dstId = intval(GeneralUtility::_GP('dstId'));
         //				$menuItems['moveinto'] = $this->dragDrop_moveCategory($srcId,$dstId);
         //				$menuItems['copyinto'] = $this->dragDrop_copyCategory($srcId,$dstId);
         //			}
         if ($tableID == 'tt_news_cat_CM') {
             $menuItems = array();
             if ($doEdit) {
                 $menuItems['edit'] = $this->DB_edit($table, $srcId);
                 $menuItems['new'] = $this->DB_new($table, $rec);
                 $menuItems['newsub'] = $this->DB_new($table, $rec, true);
             $menuItems['info'] = $this->backRef->DB_info($table, $srcId);
             if ($doEdit) {
                 $menuItems['hide'] = $this->DB_hideUnhide($table, $rec, 'hidden');
                 $elInfo = array(GeneralUtility::fixed_lgd_cs(BackendUtility::getRecordTitle('tt_news_cat', $rec), $this->beUser->uc['titleLen']));
                 $menuItems['spacer2'] = 'spacer';
                 $menuItems['delete'] = $this->DB_delete($table, $srcId, $elInfo);
     return $menuItems;