예제 #1
 public function testFindAllWithGetParamsQueryConditions()
     $conditions = ConditionFactory::build();
     $conditions->addCondition('name', '=', 'John Doe');
     $conditions->addCondition('email', '=', '*****@*****.**');
     $conditions->addCondition('id', '>=', 100);
     $this->assertEquals(http_build_query($conditions->toArray()), $conditions->toQueryString(), "Expected query string to look different");
     $this->assertEquals(Config::get('query_condition.and_operator'), $conditions->getLogicalOperatorAnd());
     $this->assertEquals(Config::get('query_condition.or_operator'), $conditions->getLogicalOperatorOr());
     $found = User::all($conditions);
     //get objects to assert on
     $history = $this->getHttpClientHistory();
     $request = $history->getLastRequest();
     $response = $history->getLastResponse();
     $this->makeGuzzleAssertions('GET', $base_uri, $uri, $conditions->toArray());
     //assert that the HTTP RESPONSE is what is expected
     $this->assertEquals($response_body, $response->getBody(true));
     $this->assertTrue($found instanceof Collection);
     $this->assertEquals(5, $found->size(), "expected count is wrong");
     $this->assertEquals(1234, $found->first()->id);
     $this->assertEquals('John Doe', $found->first()->name);
예제 #2
  * Function to find an instance of an Entity record
  * @param  Trucker\Resource\Model $model       Model to use for URL generation etc.
  * @param  int           $id          The primary identifier value for the record
  * @param  array         $getParams   Array of GET parameters to pass
  * @return Trucker\Resource\Model              An instance of the entity requested
 public function fetch($model, $id, $getParams = array())
     $instance = null;
     //get a request object
     $request = RequestFactory::build();
     //init the request
     $request->createRequest(Config::get('request.base_uri'), UrlGenerator::getInstanceUri($model, [':' . $model->getIdentityProperty() => $id]), 'GET');
     //add auth if it is needed
     if ($auth = AuthFactory::build()) {
     //set any get parameters on the request
     //actually send the request
     $response = $request->sendRequest();
     if (!ResponseInterpreterFactory::build()->success($response)) {
         return null;
     //kraft the response into an object to return
     $data = $response->parseResponseToData();
     $instance = new $model($data);
     //inflate the ID property that should be guarded
     $id = $instance->getIdentityProperty();
     if (array_key_exists($id, $data)) {
         $instance->{$id} = $data[$id];
     return $instance;
예제 #3
  * Function to fetch a collection of Trucker\Resource\Model object
  * from the remote API.
  * @param  Model                      $model       Instance of entity type being fetched
  * @param  QueryConditionInterface    $condition   Query conditions for the request
  * @param  QueryResultOrderInterface  $resultOrder Result ordering requirements for the request
  * @param  array                      $getParams   Additional GET parameters to send w/ request
  * @return Trucker\Responses\Collection
 public function fetch(Model $model, QueryConditionInterface $condition = null, QueryResultOrderInterface $resultOrder = null, array $getParams = [])
     //get a request object
     $request = RequestFactory::build();
     //init the request
     $request->createRequest(Config::get('request.base_uri'), UrlGenerator::getCollectionUri($model), 'GET');
     //add auth if it is needed
     if ($auth = AuthFactory::build()) {
     //add query conditions if needed
     if ($condition) {
     //add result ordering if needed
     if ($resultOrder) {
     //set any get parameters on the request
     //actually send the request
     $response = $request->sendRequest();
     //get api response
     $data = $response->parseResponseToData();
     //make an array to hold results
     $records = array();
     //figure out wether a collection key is used
     $collection_key = Config::get('resource.collection_key');
     //if collection key is a CLosure, call the closure
     if ($collection_key instanceof \Closure) {
         $collection_key = $collection_key($model);
     //set records array appropriatley
     if (isset($collection_key)) {
         $recordCollection = $data[$collection_key];
     } else {
         $recordCollection = $data;
     //create an array of popuplated results
     foreach ($recordCollection as $values) {
         $instance = new $model($values);
         //inflate the ID property that should be guarded
         $id = $instance->getIdentityProperty();
         if (array_key_exists($id, $values)) {
             $instance->{$id} = $values[$id];
         //add the instance to the records array
         $records[] = $instance;
     //end foreach
     //create a collection object to return
     $collection = new Collection($records);
     // if there was a collection_key, put any extra data that was returned
     // outside the collection key in the metaData attribute
     if (isset($collection_key)) {
         $collection->metaData = array_diff_key($data, array_flip((array) array($collection_key)));
     return $collection;
 public function testCreateInvalidQueryConditionDriver()
     $this->swapConfig(['trucker::query_condition.driver' => 'invalid']);
     $foo = ConditionFactory::build();
예제 #5
 public function testCreateInvalidRequest()
     $this->swapConfig(['trucker::request.driver' => 'invalid']);
     $foo = RequestFactory::build();
 public function testCreateInvalidTransporter()
     $this->swapConfig(['trucker::error_handler.driver' => 'invalid']);
     $foo = ErrorHandlerFactory::build();
 public function testSetsAuthOnRequest()
     $this->swapConfig(['trucker::auth.driver' => 'basic', 'trucker::auth.basic.username' => 'myUsername', 'trucker::auth.basic.password' => 'myPassword']);
     $request = m::mock('Guzzle\\Http\\Message\\Request');
     $request->shouldReceive('setAuth')->with('myUsername', 'myPassword')->once();
     $auth = new BasicAuthenticator($this->app);
  * Function to take the response object and return 
  * an array of errors
  * @param  Trucker\Responses\Response $response - response object
  * @return array - array of string error messages
 public function parseErrors(\Trucker\Responses\Response $response)
     $result = $response->parseResponseStringToObject();
     $error_key = Config::get('error_handler.errors_key');
     if (property_exists($result, $error_key)) {
         return $result->errors;
     } else {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Error key [{$error_key}] does not exist in response");
예제 #9
 public function testGetOption()
     $config = m::mock('Illuminate\\Config\\Repository');
     $app = m::mock('Illuminate\\Container\\Container');
     $transporter = Config::get('transporter.driver');
     $this->assertEquals('json', $transporter);
예제 #10
  * Function to execute a raw request on the base URI with the given uri path
  * and params
  * @param  string $uri       uri to hit (i.e. /users)
  * @param  string $method    Request method (GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, etc.)
  * @param  array  $params    PUT or POST parameters to send
  * @param  array  $getParams Querystring parameters to send
  * @param  array  $files     PUT or POST files to send (key = name, value = path)
  * @param  array  $headers   Optional headers to use
  * @return \Trucker\Responses\RawResponse
 public function rawRequest($uri, $method, $params = array(), $getParams = array(), $files = array(), $headers = array())
     $this->request = self::createRequest(Config::get('request.base_uri'), $uri, $method);
     //encode the request body
     /** @var \Trucker\Transporters\TransporterInterface $transporter */
     $transporter = TransporterFactory::build();
     $transporter->setRequestBody($this, $params);
     // Trucker\Response
     $response = $this->sendRequest();
     //handle clean response with errors
     if (ResponseInterpreterFactory::build()->invalid($response)) {
         //get the errors and set them to our local collection
         $errors = (array) ErrorHandlerFactory::build()->parseErrors($response);
         return new RawResponse(false, $response, $errors);
     //end if
     return new RawResponse(true, $response);
예제 #11
  * Swap the current config
  * @param  array $config
  * @return void
 protected function swapConfig($config)
     $this->app['config'] = $this->getConfig($config);
예제 #12
  * Function to add the necessary authentication
  * to the request
  * @param Guzzle\Http\Message\Request $request Request passed by reference
  * @return  void
 public function authenticateRequest(&$request)
     $username = Config::get('auth.basic.username');
     $password = Config::get('auth.basic.password');
     $request->setAuth($username, $password);
예제 #13
  * Function to return the string representation of the driver
  * itslef based on a value fetched from the config file.  This
  * function will itself access the config, and return the driver
  * setting
  * @return string
 public function getDriverConfigValue()
     return Config::get('result_order.driver');
  * Function to return the string representation of the driver 
  * itslef based on a value fetched from the config file.  This
  * function will itself access the config, and return the driver
  * setting
  * @return string
 public function getDriverConfigValue()
     return Config::get('response.driver');
예제 #15
  * Function to return the string representation of the driver 
  * itslef based on a value fetched from the config file.  This
  * function will itself access the config, and return the driver
  * setting
  * @return string
 public function getDriverConfigValue()
     return Config::get('auth.driver');
  * Function to convert the conditions and
  * logical operator represented in this class
  * to an array, this is useful for testing
  * @return array
 public function toArray()
     $conatiner = Config::get('query_condition.get_array_params.container_parameter');
     $property = Config::get('query_condition.get_array_params.property');
     $operator = Config::get('query_condition.get_array_params.operator');
     $value = Config::get('query_condition.get_array_params.value');
     $params = [];
     $x = 0;
     foreach ($this->conditions as $condition) {
         $params["{$conatiner}[{$x}][{$property}]"] = $condition[self::PROPERTY];
         $params["{$conatiner}[{$x}][{$operator}]"] = $condition[self::OPERATOR];
         $params["{$conatiner}[{$x}][{$value}]"] = $condition[self::VALUE];
     //end foreach $findConditions
     if (isset($this->logicalOperator)) {
         $params[Config::get('query_condition.get_array_params.logical_operator')] = $this->logicalOperator;
     return $params;
  * Function to return a boolean value indicating whether
  * the provided status is matched by the configured setting.
  * Currently supports:
  * @param $option
  * @param $status
  * @return bool
 protected function matchesStatus($option, $status)
     $configValue = Config::get($option);
     if (is_array($configValue)) {
         return Config::contains($option, $status);
     return Str::is($configValue, $status);
예제 #18
  * Function to return the string representation of the driver 
  * itslef based on a value fetched from the config file.  This
  * function will itself access the config, and return the driver
  * setting
  * @return string
 public function getDriverConfigValue()
     return Config::get('query_condition.driver');
예제 #19
  * Function to return the name of the URI to hit based on
  * the interpreted name of the class in question.  For example
  * a Person class would resolve to /people
  * @param  Trucker\Resource\Model
  * @return string   The URI to hit
 public function getURI($model)
     if ($uri = $model->getURI()) {
         return $uri;
     $uri = Inflector::pluralize(Inflector::tableize($model->getResourceName()));
     $uriResult = [];
     if (!empty($model->nestedUnder)) {
         $nesting = array_map(function ($item) {
             return explode(':', trim($item));
         }, explode(',', $model->nestedUnder));
         $modelAttr = $model->attributes();
         foreach ($nesting as $nest) {
             list($klass, $entityIdSegment) = $nest;
             if (!is_numeric($entityIdSegment)) {
                 // @TODO - allow a custom 'isIdNumber' Closure function to be entered in config file.
                 if (array_key_exists($entityIdSegment, $modelAttr)) {
                     $entityIdSegment = $modelAttr[$entityIdSegment];
                 } else {
                     $entityIdSegment = ":{$entityIdSegment}";
             $entityTypeSegment = Inflector::pluralize(Inflector::tableize($klass));
             $uriResult[] = $entityTypeSegment;
             $uriResult[] = $entityIdSegment;
         $uri = implode("/", $uriResult) . "/{$uri}";
     $prefix = Config::get('request.path_prefix', '/');
     return "{$prefix}{$uri}";
예제 #20
  * Function to return the name of the URI to hit based on
  * the interpreted name of the class in question.  For example
  * a Person class would resolve to /people
  * @param  Trucker\Resource\Model
  * @return string   The URI to hit
 public function getURI($model)
     if ($uri = $model->getURI()) {
         return $uri;
     $uri = $model->pluralize();
     $uriResult = [];
     if (!empty($model->nestedUnder)) {
         $nesting = array_map(function ($item) {
             return explode(':', trim($item));
         }, explode(',', $model->nestedUnder));
         foreach ($nesting as $nest) {
             list($klass, $entityIdSegment) = $nest;
             if (!is_numeric($entityIdSegment)) {
                 $entityIdSegment = ":{$entityIdSegment}";
             $entityTypeSegment = Inflector::pluralize(Inflector::tableize($klass));
             $uriResult[] = $entityTypeSegment;
             $uriResult[] = $entityIdSegment;
         $uri = implode("/", $uriResult) . "/{$uri}";
     $prefix = Config::get('request.path_prefix', '/');
     return "{$prefix}{$uri}";
예제 #21
파일: Model.php 프로젝트: cdyweb/trucker
  * Function to delete an existing entity
  * @return Boolean  Success of the delete operation
 public function destroy()
     //get a request object
     $request = RequestFactory::build();
     //init the request
     $request->createRequest(Config::get('request.base_uri'), UrlGenerator::getDeleteUri($this, [':' . $this->getIdentityProperty() => $this->getId()]), 'DELETE', [], Config::get('request.http_method_param'));
     //add auth if it is needed
     if ($auth = AuthFactory::build()) {
     //actually send the request
     $response = $request->sendRequest();
     //clean up anything no longer needed
     $interpreter = ResponseInterpreterFactory::build();
     //handle clean response with errors
     if ($interpreter->success($response)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($interpreter->invalid($response)) {
             //get the errors and set them to our local collection
             $this->errors = ErrorHandlerFactory::build()->parseErrors($response);
     //end if-else
     return false;
예제 #22
  * Function to return the string representation of the driver 
  * itslef based on a value fetched from the config file.  This
  * function will itself access the config, and return the driver
  * setting
  * @return string
 public function getDriverConfigValue()
     return Config::get('error_handler.driver');
예제 #23
  * Function to return the string representation of the driver 
  * itslef based on a value fetched from the config file.  This
  * function will itself access the config, and return the driver
  * setting
  * @return string
 public function getDriverConfigValue()
     return Config::get('request.driver');
예제 #24
  * Function to return the string representation of the driver 
  * itslef based on a value fetched from the config file.  This
  * function will itself access the config, and return the driver
  * setting
  * @return string
 public function getDriverConfigValue()
     return Config::get('transporter.driver');
예제 #25
  * Function to convert the directives represented in this class
  * to an array, this is useful for testing
  * @return array
 public function toArray()
     $order_by = Config::get('result_order.get_params.order_by');
     $order_dir = Config::get('result_order.get_params.order_dir');
     $params = [];
     $params[$order_by] = $this->orderByField;
     $params[$order_dir] = $this->orderDirection;
     return $params;
예제 #26
  * Helper function to test various aspects of a Guzzle
  * request / response
  * @param  string $method      HTTP method expected
  * @param  string $baseUri     Base URL expected in request
  * @param  string $uri         URI expected for request
  * @param  array  $queryParams Assoc array of querystring params expected
  * @param  array  $postParams  Assoc array of post params expected
  * @param  array  $fileParams  Assoc array (name => path) of files expected
  * @return void
 protected function makeGuzzleAssertions($method, $baseUri, $uri, $queryParams = [], $postParams = [], $fileParams = [])
     //get objects to assert on
     $history = $this->getHttpClientHistory();
     $request = $history->getLastRequest();
     $response = $history->getLastResponse();
     //assert the HTTP REQUEST is manufactured as it should be
     $this->assertEquals(last(explode('/', $baseUri)), $request->getHost(), "The request host is wrong");
     $this->assertEquals($uri, $request->getPath(), "The request path is wrong");
     $this->assertTrue($this->arraysAreSimilar($queryParams, $request->getQuery()->toArray()), "The query parameters didn't match as expected");
     //if request can have post / files
     if (!in_array($method, ['GET', 'HEAD', 'TRACE', 'OPTIONS'])) {
         //test the post parameters
         $this->assertEquals($postParams, $request->getPostFields()->getAll(), "The post params are wrong");
         //test the files
         $files = $request->getPostFiles();
         $this->assertCount(count($fileParams), $files, "The file upload count is wrong");
         $this->assertEquals(array_keys($fileParams), array_keys($files), "The file upload fields are wrong");
         foreach ($fileParams as $field => $path) {
             $this->assertArrayHasKey($field, $files, "The file upload fields appear to be missing: {$field}");
             if (array_key_exists($field, $files)) {
                 $postFileObj = $files[$field][0];
                 $this->assertEquals($path, $post->getFilename(), "The filename is wrong for the '{$field}' file");
     //end if request can have post / files
     $this->assertEquals($method, $request->getMethod(), "The HTTP method is wrong");
     $this->assertEquals(Config::get('transporter.driver'), last(explode('/', $request->getHeader('Accept'))), "The transport language is wrong");
예제 #27
 public function testDestroyShouldFailWithoutErrorsKey()
     $invalid_status = Config::get('response.http_status.invalid');
     //setup our creation mocks, expected results etc
     $this->setupIndividualTest($this->getSaveErrorTestOptions(), [], $invalid_status);
     $u = new User();
     $u->id = 1;
     $result = $u->destroy();
     //get objects to assert on
     $history = $this->getHttpClientHistory();
     $request = $history->getLastRequest();
     $response = $history->getLastResponse();
     $this->assertFalse($result, 'Expected destroy() to return false');
     $this->assertEquals($invalid_status, $response->getStatusCode(), "Expected different response code");
     $this->assertCount(2, $u->errors(), 'Expected 2 errors');
예제 #28
  * Create a request to use with the specified request type & any additional text after the url
  * @param $requestType (GET/POST/DELETE/PATCH/PUT)
  * @param string $urlSuffix (anything else to add after the url)
 protected function createRequest($requestType, $urlSuffix = '')
     //get a request object
     $request = RequestFactory::build();
     // find the method to use for url generation based on the request type
     $methodToFnMap = ['POST' => 'getCreateUri', 'GET' => 'getInstanceUri', 'DELETE' => 'getDeleteUri', 'PUT' => 'getUpdateUri'];
     if (!isset($methodToFnMap[strtoupper($requestType)])) {
         throw new Exception('Request type "' . $requestType . '" not supported');
     $fnName = $methodToFnMap[strtoupper($requestType)];
     // put together the url options to pass in
     $urlOptions = [];
     if ($this->getId()) {
         $urlOptions[':' . $this->getIdentityProperty()] = $this->getId();
     // get the url to use
     $url = call_user_func([UrlGenerator::class, $fnName], $this, $urlOptions) . $urlSuffix;
     //init the request
     $request->createRequest(Config::get('request.base_uri'), $url, $requestType, [], Config::get('request.http_method_param'));
     return $request;