예제 #1
  * This method is called when all object are loaded into container for initialization
  * @param Container $container
  * @return null
 public function containerInitialization(Container $container)
     // Split server 'REQUEST_URI' on "?" char. So on next steps we will work only with parameters from URL not from GET
     $cleanAndHttpParams = explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     // split server 'SCRIPT_NAME' into field
     $scriptPathFragments = explode("/", str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']));
     // Last two field items contains main run file "index.php" and hidden dir "www" in which is request redirected by apache
     //remove "index.php"
     //remove redirect "www" directory
     // Build up base url with requested SCHEME (it may be HTTP or HTTPS) server name.
     // Rest of path is build from existing directory structure which is common for server and access from web.
     // NOTE: Some mess can be made, if in some upper directory is also redirection through .htaccess
     $this->baseUrl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . "://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . implode("/", $scriptPathFragments);
     // Break params from url to array
     $this->params = explode("/", reset($cleanAndHttpParams));
     // Clean params from existing directory structure
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($scriptPathFragments); $i++) {
     // Check strings, so they are safe to use in application
     // Now router tries to define which router is called and which action -> method will run
     // As first we need config for default controller and action
     /** @var Configurator $config */
     $config = $container->get(EnumCoreElements::config);
     // get un-filtered name of controller from request. If is present as part of url, name is corrected from URL state to class correct name
     // e.g. url name of controller 'some-my-control' to class type SomeMyControl
     $this->control = isset($this->params[0]) && !empty($this->params[0]) ? $this->transformNameFromUrl($this->params[0]) . "Control" : $config->get("www.defaultControlClass");
     // process action name from URL
     $this->action = $this->transformNameFromUrl(isset($this->params[1]) && !empty($this->params[1]) ? $this->params[1] : "Default");
예제 #2
파일: Render.php 프로젝트: thevajko/vf-core
  * This method is called when all object are loaded into container for initialization
  * @param Container $container
  * @return null
 public function containerInitialization(Container $container)
     //load object for template finding
     $this->scriptFinder = $container->get(EnumCoreElements::scriptFinder);
     /** @var IRouter $router */
     $router = $container->get(EnumCoreElements::router);
     //set base url to template
     $this->baseUrl = $router->getBaseUrl();
     $controlNameParts = explode("\\", $router->getControllerName());
     $this->controlName = end($controlNameParts);
     $this->action = $router->getControllerAction();