예제 #1
 public function runListIssuetypes(framework\Request $request)
     $issuetypes = entities\Issuetype::getAll();
     $return_array = array();
     foreach ($issuetypes as $issuetype) {
         $return_array[] = $issuetype->getName();
     $this->issuetypes = $return_array;
예제 #2
 public static function loadFixtures(\thebuggenie\core\entities\Scope $scope)
     $scheme = new IssuetypeScheme();
     $scheme->setName("Default issuetype scheme");
     $scheme->setDescription("This is the default issuetype scheme. It is used by all projects with no specific issuetype scheme selected. This scheme cannot be edited or removed.");
     framework\Settings::saveSetting(framework\Settings::SETTING_DEFAULT_ISSUETYPESCHEME, $scheme->getID(), 'core', $scope->getID());
     foreach (Issuetype::getAll() as $issuetype) {
         if ($issuetype->getIcon() == 'developer_report') {
             $scheme->setIssuetypeRedirectedAfterReporting($issuetype, false);
         if (in_array($issuetype->getIcon(), array('task', 'developer_report', 'idea'))) {
             $scheme->setIssuetypeReportable($issuetype, false);
     return $scheme;
예제 #3
  * Returns an array of regular expressions that should be used for matching
  * the issue numbers and workflow transitions in a VCS commit.
  * Each element of an array is a single regular expression that will be
  * applied against the incoming commit message. Each regular expression
  * should have two named patterns - one denoting the issue number (should
  * include prefix if used in project), and one denoting workflow
  * transitions.
  * Simple example would be:
  * '#fixes issue #(?P<issues>([A-Z0-9]+\-)?\d+) (?P<transitions> \(.*?\))?#i'
  * @return array
 public static function getIssueRegex()
     // Try getting the regexes from cache first.
     if (!($regex = framework\Context::getCache()->get(framework\Cache::KEY_TEXTPARSER_ISSUE_REGEX))) {
         // List of keywords that are expected to prefix the issue number in a
         // commit message (these are _not_ project prefixes).
         $issue_strings = array('bug', 'issue', 'ticket', 'fix', 'fixes', 'fixed', 'fixing', 'applies to', 'closes', 'references', 'ref', 'addresses', 're', 'see', 'according to', 'also see', 'story');
         // Add the issue types as prefixes as well.
         foreach (\thebuggenie\core\entities\Issuetype::getAll() as $issuetype) {
             $issue_strings[] = $issuetype->getName();
         // Construct the OR'ed (|) regex out of issue prefixes.
         $issue_string = join('|', $issue_strings);
         $issue_string = html_entity_decode($issue_string, ENT_QUOTES);
         $issue_string = str_replace(array(' ', "'"), array('\\s{1,1}', "\\'"), $issue_string);
         // Store all regular expressions for mathces in an array.
         $regex = array();
         // This regex will match messages that contain template like "KEYWORD
         // (#)ISSUE_NUMBER (TRANSITIONS)" (parenthesis means optional). For
         // example:
         // "Resolves issue #2 (Resolve issue)"
         $regex[] = '#( |^)(?<!\\!)((' . $issue_string . ')\\s\\#?(?P<issues>([A-Z0-9]+\\-)?\\d+))( \\((?P<transitions>.*?)\\))?#i';
         // This regex will match messages that contain template at the beginning
         // of message in format "ISSUE_NUMBER: (TRANSITIONS)".
         $regex[] = '#^(?<!\\!)((?P<issues>([A-Z0-9]+\\-)?\\d+)):( \\((?P<transitions>.*?)\\))?#i';
         // Add the constructed regexes to cache.
         framework\Context::getCache()->add(framework\Cache::KEY_TEXTPARSER_ISSUE_REGEX, $regex);
     // Return the regular expressions.
     return $regex;
예제 #4
  * Populates the internal array with unassigned user stories for the scrum page
 protected function _populateUnassignedStories()
     if ($this->_unassignedstories === null) {
         $this->_unassignedstories = array();
         $issuetypes = array();
         foreach (Issuetype::getAll() as $issuetype) {
             if ($issuetype->getIcon() == 'developer_report') {
                 $issuetypes[] = $issuetype->getID();
         if (count($issuetypes) > 0) {
             if ($res = tables\Issues::getTable()->getByProjectIDandNoMilestoneandTypesAndState($this->getID(), $issuetypes, Issue::STATE_OPEN)) {
                 while ($row = $res->getNextRow()) {
                     $this->_unassignedstories[$row->get(tables\Issues::ID)] = new \thebuggenie\core\entities\Issue($row->get(tables\Issues::ID));
예제 #5
 public static function getAvailableViews($target_type)
     $i18n = framework\Context::getI18n();
     $searches = array('info' => array(), 'searches' => array());
     switch ($target_type) {
         case self::TYPE_USER:
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_LOGGED_ACTIONS] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__("What you've done recently"), 'description' => $i18n->__('A widget that shows your most recent actions, such as issue edits, wiki edits and more')));
             if (framework\Context::getUser()->canViewComments()) {
                 $searches['info'][self::VIEW_RECENT_COMMENTS] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Recent comments'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Shows a list of your most recent comments')));
             $searches['searches'][self::VIEW_PREDEFINED_SEARCH] = array(\thebuggenie\core\entities\SavedSearch::PREDEFINED_SEARCH_MY_REPORTED_ISSUES => array('title' => $i18n->__('Issues reported by me'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Shows a list of all issues you have reported, across all projects')), \thebuggenie\core\entities\SavedSearch::PREDEFINED_SEARCH_MY_ASSIGNED_OPEN_ISSUES => array('title' => $i18n->__('Open issues assigned to me'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Shows a list of all issues assigned to you')), \thebuggenie\core\entities\SavedSearch::PREDEFINED_SEARCH_MY_OWNED_OPEN_ISSUES => array('title' => $i18n->__('Open issues owned by me'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Shows a list of all issues owned by you')), \thebuggenie\core\entities\SavedSearch::PREDEFINED_SEARCH_TEAM_ASSIGNED_OPEN_ISSUES => array('title' => $i18n->__('Open issues assigned to my teams'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Shows all issues assigned to any of your teams')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECTS] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__("Your projects"), 'description' => $i18n->__('A widget that shows projects you are involved in')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_MILESTONES] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__("Upcoming milestones / sprints"), 'description' => $i18n->__('A widget that shows all upcoming milestones or sprints for any projects you are involved in')));
         case self::TYPE_PROJECT:
             $searches['statistics'] = array();
             $issuetype_icons = array();
             foreach (Issuetype::getAll() as $id => $issuetype) {
                 $issuetype_icons[$id] = array('title' => $i18n->__('Recent issues: %issuetype', array('%issuetype' => $issuetype->getName())), 'description' => $i18n->__('Show recent issues of type %issuetype', array('%issuetype' => $issuetype->getName())));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_INFO] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('About this project'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Basic project information widget, showing project name, important people and links')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_TEAM] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Project team'), 'description' => $i18n->__('A widget with information about project developers and the project team and their respective project roles')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_CLIENT] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Project client'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Shows information about the associated project client (if any)')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_SUBPROJECTS] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Subprojects'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Lists all subprojects of this project, with quick links to report an issue, open the project wiki and more')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_RECENT_ACTIVITIES] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Recent activities'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Displays project timeline')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_UPCOMING] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Upcoming milestones and deadlines'), 'description' => $i18n->__('A widget showing a list of upcoming milestones and deadlines for the next three weeks')));
             $searches['info'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_DOWNLOADS] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Latest downloads'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Lists recent downloads released in the release center')));
             $searches['statistics'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_STATISTICS_LAST15] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Graph of closed vs open issues'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Shows a line graph comparing closed vs open issues for the past 15 days')));
             $searches['statistics'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_STATISTICS_PRIORITY] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Statistics by priority'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Displays a bar graph of open and closed issues grouped by priority')));
             $searches['statistics'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_STATISTICS_SEVERITY] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Statistics by severity'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Displays a bar graph of open and closed issues grouped by severity')));
             $searches['statistics'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_STATISTICS_CATEGORY] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Statistics by category'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Displays a bar graph of open and closed issues grouped by category')));
             $searches['statistics'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_STATISTICS_STATUS] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Statistics by status'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Displays a bar graph of open and closed issues grouped by status')));
             $searches['statistics'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_STATISTICS_RESOLUTION] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Statistics by resolution'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Displays a bar graph of open and closed issues grouped by resolution')));
             $searches['statistics'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_STATISTICS_WORKFLOW_STEP] = array(0 => array('title' => $i18n->__('Statistics by workflow step'), 'description' => $i18n->__('Displays a bar graph of open and closed issues grouped by current workflow step')));
             $searches['searches'][self::VIEW_PROJECT_RECENT_ISSUES] = $issuetype_icons;
     return $searches;
예제 #6
 public function getAvailableValues()
     switch ($this->getFilterKey()) {
         case 'issuetype':
             return framework\Context::isProjectContext() ? framework\Context::getCurrentProject()->getIssuetypeScheme()->getIssuetypes() : Issuetype::getAll();
         case 'status':
             return Status::getAll();
         case 'category':
             return Category::getAll();
         case 'priority':
             return Priority::getAll();
         case 'severity':
             return Severity::getAll();
         case 'reproducability':
             return Reproducability::getAll();
         case 'resolution':
             return Resolution::getAll();
         case 'project_id':
             return \thebuggenie\core\entities\Project::getAll();
         case 'build':
             return $this->_getAvailableBuildChoices();
         case 'component':
             return $this->_getAvailableComponentChoices();
         case 'edition':
             return $this->_getAvailableEditionChoices();
         case 'milestone':
             return $this->_getAvailableMilestoneChoices();
         case 'subprojects':
             $filters = array();
             $projects = Project::getIncludingAllSubprojectsAsArray(framework\Context::getCurrentProject());
             foreach ($projects as $project) {
                 if ($project->getID() == framework\Context::getCurrentProject()->getID()) {
                 $filters[$project->getID()] = $project;
             return $filters;
         case 'owner_user':
         case 'assignee_user':
         case 'posted_by':
             return $this->_getAvailableUserChoices();
         case 'owner_team':
         case 'assignee_team':
             return $this->_getAvailableTeamChoices();
             $customdatatype = CustomDatatype::getByKey($this->getFilterKey());
             if ($customdatatype instanceof \thebuggenie\core\entities\CustomDatatype && $customdatatype->hasCustomOptions()) {
                 return $customdatatype->getOptions();
             } else {
                 switch ($this->getFilterType()) {
                     case CustomDatatype::COMPONENTS_CHOICE:
                         return $this->_getAvailableComponentChoices();
                     case CustomDatatype::RELEASES_CHOICE:
                         return $this->_getAvailableBuildChoices();
                     case CustomDatatype::EDITIONS_CHOICE:
                         return $this->_getAvailableEditionChoices();
                     case CustomDatatype::MILESTONE_CHOICE:
                         return $this->_getAvailableMilestoneChoices();
                     case CustomDatatype::USER_CHOICE:
                         return $this->_getAvailableUserChoices();
                     case CustomDatatype::TEAM_CHOICE:
                         return $this->_getAvailableTeamChoices();
                     case CustomDatatype::CLIENT_CHOICE:
                         return $this->_getAvailableClientChoices();
                     case CustomDatatype::STATUS_CHOICE:
                         return Status::getAll();
                         return array();
예제 #7
                                    <table class="cleantable">
echo __('Name');
echo __('ID');
foreach (\thebuggenie\core\entities\Issuetype::getAll() as $item) {
    echo $item->getName();
    echo $item->getID();
                                <div class="csv_data_box">
예제 #8
 public function runConfigureWorkflowScheme(framework\Request $request)
     $this->workflow_scheme = null;
     $this->mode = $request->getParameter('mode', 'list');
     try {
         $this->workflow_scheme = entities\WorkflowScheme::getB2DBTable()->selectById($request['scheme_id']);
         $this->issuetypes = entities\Issuetype::getAll();
         if (framework\Context::getScope()->isCustomWorkflowsEnabled() && $this->mode == 'copy_scheme') {
             if ($new_name = $request['new_name']) {
                 $new_scheme = new entities\WorkflowScheme();
                 foreach ($this->issuetypes as $issuetype) {
                     if ($this->workflow_scheme->hasWorkflowAssociatedWithIssuetype($issuetype)) {
                         $new_scheme->associateIssuetypeWithWorkflow($issuetype, $this->workflow_scheme->getWorkflowForIssuetype($issuetype));
                 return $this->renderJSON(array('content' => $this->getComponentHTML('configuration/workflowscheme', array('scheme' => $new_scheme))));
             } else {
                 $this->error = $this->getI18n()->__('Please enter a valid name');
         } elseif (framework\Context::getScope()->isCustomWorkflowsEnabled() && $this->mode == 'delete_scheme') {
             return $this->renderJSON(array('success' => true, 'message' => $this->getI18n()->__('The workflow scheme was deleted')));
         } elseif (framework\Context::getScope()->isCustomWorkflowsEnabled() && $request->isPost()) {
             foreach ($request->getParameter('workflow_id', array()) as $issuetype_id => $workflow_id) {
                 $issuetype = entities\Issuetype::getB2DBTable()->selectById($issuetype_id);
                 if ($workflow_id) {
                     $workflow = entities\Workflow::getB2DBTable()->selectById($workflow_id);
                     $this->workflow_scheme->associateIssuetypeWithWorkflow($issuetype, $workflow);
                 } else {
             return $this->renderJSON(array('success' => true, 'message' => $this->getI18n()->__('Workflow associations were updated')));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($request->getRequestedFormat() == 'json') {
             return $this->renderJSON(array('success' => false, 'message' => $this->getI18n()->__('An error occured'), 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
         } else {
             $this->error = $this->getI18n()->__('This workflow scheme does not exist');
예제 #9
 public function componentFilter()
     $pkey = framework\Context::isProjectContext() ? framework\Context::getCurrentProject()->getID() : null;
     $i18n = framework\Context::getI18n();
     $this->selected_operator = isset($this->selected_operator) ? $this->selected_operator : '=';
     $this->key = isset($this->key) ? $this->key : null;
     $this->filter = isset($this->filter) ? $this->filter : null;
     if (in_array($this->filter, array('posted', 'last_updated'))) {
         $this->selected_value = $this->selected_value ? $this->selected_value : NOW;
     } else {
         $this->selected_value = isset($this->selected_value) ? $this->selected_value : 0;
     $this->filter_info = isset($this->filter_info) ? $this->filter_info : null;
     $filters = array();
     $filters['status'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Status'), 'options' => entities\Status::getAll());
     $filters['category'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Category'), 'options' => entities\Category::getAll());
     $filters['priority'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Priority'), 'options' => entities\Priority::getAll());
     $filters['severity'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Severity'), 'options' => entities\Severity::getAll());
     $filters['reproducability'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Reproducability'), 'options' => entities\Reproducability::getAll());
     $filters['resolution'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Resolution'), 'options' => entities\Resolution::getAll());
     $filters['issuetype'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Issue type'), 'options' => entities\Issuetype::getAll());
     $filters['component'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Component'), 'options' => array());
     $filters['build'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Build'), 'options' => array());
     $filters['edition'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Edition'), 'options' => array());
     $filters['milestone'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Milestone'), 'options' => array());
     if (framework\Context::isProjectContext()) {
         $filters['subprojects'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Include subproject(s)'), 'options' => array('all' => $this->getI18n()->__('All subprojects'), 'none' => $this->getI18n()->__("Don't include subprojects (default, unless specified otherwise)")));
         $projects = entities\Project::getIncludingAllSubprojectsAsArray(framework\Context::getCurrentProject());
         foreach ($projects as $project) {
             if ($project->getID() == framework\Context::getCurrentProject()->getID()) {
             $filters['subprojects']['options'][$project->getID()] = "{$project->getName()} ({$project->getKey()})";
     } else {
         $projects = array();
         foreach (entities\Project::getAllRootProjects() as $project) {
             entities\Project::getSubprojectsArray($project, $projects);
     if (count($projects) > 0) {
         foreach ($projects as $project) {
             foreach ($project->getComponents() as $component) {
                 $filters['component']['options'][] = $component;
             foreach ($project->getBuilds() as $build) {
                 $filters['build']['options'][] = $build;
             foreach ($project->getEditions() as $edition) {
                 $filters['edition']['options'][] = $edition;
             foreach ($project->getMilestones() as $milestone) {
                 $filters['milestone']['options'][] = $milestone;
     $filters['posted_by'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Posted by'));
     $filters['assignee_user'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Assigned to user'));
     $filters['assignee_team'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Assigned to team'));
     $filters['owner_user'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Owned by user'));
     $filters['owner_team'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Owned by team'));
     $filters['posted'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Date reported'));
     $filters['last_updated'] = array('description' => $i18n->__('Date last updated'));
     $this->filters = $filters;