예제 #1
  * @Route("/rooms/{id}", name="showRoom")
  * @param string $id
  * @param Request $request
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function roomsAction($id, Request $request)
     if ($id == 'random') {
         $page = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Pages')->getRandomPage();
         if (!$page) {
             return $this->render('default/empty.html.twig');
     } else {
         $page = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppBundle:Pages')->find($id);
         if (!$page) {
             throw $this->createNotFoundException('No page found for request param ' . $id);
     $imagesCollector = new ImagesViewCollector();
     $bookingEntity = new Booking();
     $calculator = new Calculator();
     $context = new CalculationContext();
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $context->setCheckOutDate($now->modify('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d'));
     $calcResult = $calculator->calculate($context);
     $form = $this->createForm(new BookingForm('/add-booking/' . $page->getId()), $bookingEntity);
     return $this->render('default/index.html.twig', array('page' => $page, 'images' => $imagesCollector->collect($page), 'bookingCalc' => $calcResult, 'form' => $form->createView()));
  * @return WorkingMonth[]
 public function findProspectiveWorkingMonths()
     $startMonth = new \DateTime();
     $startMonth->modify('first day of this month');
     $qb = parent::createQueryBuilder('e');
     $qb->where('e.date >= :startMonth')->andWhere('e.isDeleted = 0')->setParameter('startMonth', $startMonth->format('Y-m-d'));
     return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
예제 #3
  * Printa un calendario según el año y mes que se le pasan del qual se puede realizar una reserva.
  * @Route("/show/{year}/{mes}", name="calendario_mes")
 public function mesAction($year, $mes)
     //Objeto DateTime para ponerlo al primer dia del año y mes determinados
     $data = new \DateTime();
     $data->setDate($year, $mes, 1);
     $cantidad_dias = $data->format('t');
     //array con los dias del mes en formato [1]Miércoles, [2]Jueves según mes y año
     $diasMes = [];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $cantidad_dias; $i++) {
         $dia = $this->traduccionDia($data->format('l'));
         $diasMes[$i] = $dia;
         //añade el primer dia del mes según Martes, Lunes...
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     //array de las fiestas de un año y mes determinados
     $fiestas = $em->getRepository('CineticExcepcionBundle:Fiesta')->findAllFromYearAndMonth($year, $mes);
     //array de las excepciones en un año y mes determinados
     $excepciones = $em->getRepository('CineticExcepcionBundle:Excepcion')->findAllFromYearAndMonth($year, $mes);
     //array de las reservas en un año y mes determinados
     $reservas = $em->getRepository('CineticReservaBundle:Reserva')->findAllFromYearAndMonth($year, $mes);
     //array que relaciona numero del dia con las franjas o no del objeto
     $diasObjeto = [];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $cantidad_dias; $i++) {
         //en primer lugar miro si existe una fiestaObjeto en este dia numero $i
         $fiestaObjeto = $this->buscarDia($fiestas, $i);
         if ($fiestaObjeto) {
             $diasObjeto[$i] = $fiestaObjeto;
         } else {
             //en segundo lugar miro si existe una ExcepcionObjeto en esta dia numero $i
             $excepcionObjeto = $this->buscarDia($excepciones, $i);
             if ($excepcionObjeto) {
                 $diasObjeto[$i] = $excepcionObjeto;
             } else {
                 $diasObjeto[$i] = $em->getRepository('CineticDiaBundle:Dia')->findOneByNombre($diasMes[$i]);
     //array que mira si hay dias reservados en este mes
     $diasReservados = [];
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $cantidad_dias; $i++) {
         $reservaObjeto = $this->buscarDia($reservas, $i);
         if ($reservaObjeto) {
             $diasReservados[$i] = $reservaObjeto;
     return $this->render('calendario/mes.html.twig', array('year' => $year, 'mes' => $mes, 'diasMes' => $diasMes, 'diasObjeto' => $diasObjeto, 'diasReservados' => $diasReservados));
  * Exibe os detalhes do produto e seuas estatisticas
  * @Route("/{id}", name="produto_show")
  * @Method("GET")
  * @Template()
 public function showAction($id)
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $entity = $em->getRepository('ProdutoBundle:Produto')->find($id);
     $data = new \DateTime();
     $data->modify('+1 month');
     //starta o indicador como 0
     $indicador = 0;
     //retorna o indicador baseado no mes seguinte
     $indicadorProxMes = $em->getRepository('ProdutoBundle:EstatisticaMes')->findOneBy(array('mes' => $data->format('m')));
     if (is_object($indicadorProxMes)) {
         $indicador = $indicadorProxMes->getIndicador();
     //Busca o total de vendas dando um SUM pela qtdVenda dos produtos
     $totVendas = $em->getRepository('ProdutoBundle:Produto')->getTotVendas();
     //calculo do mix (tot_venda_produto/tot_venda)
     $mix = $entity->getQtdVenda() / $totVendas * 100;
     //multiplica o mix pelo indicador
     $estatistica = $mix * $indicadorProxMes->getIndicador();
     if (!$entity) {
         throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find Produto entity.');
     $deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($id);
     return array('entity' => $entity, 'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(), 'indicador' => $indicador, 'tot_vendas' => $totVendas, 'part_produto' => $mix, 'estatistica' => $estatistica);
예제 #5
  * @Route("/addincome",name= "addincome")
  * @Method("POST")
  * @Template()
  * */
 public function addincomeAction(Request $request)
     $billpg = $this->container->getParameter('cod.billpg');
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $saleid = $this->get('request')->request->get('saleid');
     $value = $this->get('request')->request->get('value');
     $parc = $this->get('request')->request->get('parc');
     $tpay = $this->get('request')->request->get('tpay');
     $date = $this->get('request')->request->get('date');
     $dat = new \DateTime($date);
     $dat->setTime(date("H"), date("i"));
     $tpayment = $em->getRepository('UerptpaymentBundle:tpayment')->find($tpay);
     $valueb = $value / $parc;
     $tax = $tpayment->getTax() * $valueb / 100;
     $valuel = $valueb - $tax;
     $status = $tpayment->getDefaultstatus();
     $idays = $tpayment->getDays();
     // $dat->modify("+".$idays." days");
     $entitya = $em->getRepository('UerpBankBundle:BankAccount')->find($tpayment->getBank());
     if (!$entitya) {
         throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find account entity.');
     $bal = 0.0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $parc; $i++) {
         $datd = new \DateTime($date);
         $datd->setTime(date("H"), date("i"));
         $p = $i + 1;
         $addday = $idays * $p;
         $datd->modify("+" . $addday . " days");
         // dump($da); die;
         $incomes = new incomes();
         $bal = $bal + $valuel;
         $incomes->setParc($p . "/" . $parc);
     if ($status->getId() == $billpg) {
         $balance = $entitya->getBalance() + $bal;
     $response = new Response();
     $response->setContent(json_encode(array('id' => $incomes->getId())));
     $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return $response;
예제 #6
  * @Route("/create", name="admin.frontend.attendance.create")
  * @Template()
 public function createAction(Request $request)
     $breadcrumbs = $this->get("white_october_breadcrumbs");
     $breadcrumbs->addItem('Dashboard', $this->get("router")->generate("admin.frontend.dashboard"));
     $breadcrumbs->addItem('Attendance', $this->get("router")->generate("admin.frontend.attendance.index"));
     $breadcrumbs->addItem('Week of attendance');
     $session = $this->get('session');
     $staffId = $session->get('staffId');
     $week = $session->get('week');
     /** @var  $em EntityManager */
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     /** @var  $staff Staff */
     $staff = null;
     if ($staffId) {
         $staff = $em->getRepository('AdminFrontendBundle:Staff')->find($staffId);
     $selectDate = new \DateTime($week);
     $filterForm = $this->createForm(AttendanceCreateFilterType::class, ['staff' => $staff, 'week' => $week]);
     if ($filterForm->isSubmitted() && $filterForm->isValid()) {
         $staff = $filterForm->get('staff')->getData();
         $week = $filterForm->get('week')->getData();
         $session->set('staffId', $staff->getId());
         $session->set('week', $week);
         return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('admin.frontend.attendance.create'));
     $form = null;
     $weekDates = [];
     if ($staff && $week) {
         $data = [];
         $week = $selectDate->format("W");
         $week_number = $week;
         $year = $selectDate->format('Y');
         for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) {
             $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($year . "W" . $week_number . ($day + 1)));
             $dateFormat = date('d.m.Y', strtotime($year . "W" . $week_number . ($day + 1)));
             $weekDates[] = $dateFormat;
             $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
             $query = $qb->select('a')->from('AdminFrontendBundle:Attendance', 'a')->where('a.staff = :staff')->andWhere('DATE(a.startTime) = :startTime')->setParameter('startTime', $date)->setParameter('staff', $staff);
             $results = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
             for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
                 /** @var  $attendance Attendance */
                 $attendance = isset($results[$i]) ? $results[$i] : null;
                 $project = $attendance ? $attendance->getProject() : null;
                 $timeFrom = $attendance ? $attendance->getStartTime()->format('H:i') : null;
                 $timeTo = $attendance ? $attendance->getEndTime()->format('H:i') : null;
                 $km = $attendance ? $attendance->getAmountOfKm() : null;
                 $payType = $attendance ? $attendance->getPayType() : null;
                 $data['project_' . $i . '_' . $day] = $project;
                 $data['time_from_' . $i . '_' . $day] = $timeFrom;
                 $data['time_to_' . $i . '_' . $day] = $timeTo;
                 $data['km_' . $i . '_' . $day] = $km;
                 $data['pay_type_' . $i . '_' . $day] = $payType;
         $form = $this->createForm(AttendaceType::class, $data, ['weekDates' => $weekDates]);
         if ($form->isSubmitted()) {
             if ($form->isValid()) {
                 for ($day = 0; $day < 7; $day++) {
                     $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($year . "W" . $week_number . ($day + 1)));
                     $qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
                     $query = $qb->select('a')->from('AdminFrontendBundle:Attendance', 'a')->where('a.staff = :staff')->andWhere('DATE(a.startTime) = :startTime')->setParameter('startTime', $date)->setParameter('staff', $staff);
                     $results = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
                     /** @var  $attendance Attendance */
                     foreach ($results as $attendance) {
                         $attendanceLog = new AttendanceLog();
                         if ($attendance->getAmountOfKm()) {
                         $attendanceLog->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime());
                     for ($index = 0; $index < 5; $index++) {
                         $projecField = 'project_' . $index . '_' . $day;
                         $timeFromField = 'time_from_' . $index . '_' . $day;
                         $timeToField = 'time_to_' . $index . '_' . $day;
                         $kmField = 'km_' . $index . '_' . $day;
                         $payTypeField = 'pay_type_' . $index . '_' . $day;
                         /** @var  $project Project */
                         $project = $form->has($projecField) ? $form->get($projecField)->getData() : null;
                         $timeFrom = $form->has($timeFromField) ? $form->get($timeFromField)->getData() : null;
                         $timeTo = $form->has($timeToField) ? $form->get($timeToField)->getData() : null;
                         $km = $form->has($kmField) ? $form->get($kmField)->getData() : null;
                         $payType = $form->has($payTypeField) ? $form->get($payTypeField)->getData() : null;
                         if ($project && $timeFrom && $timeTo) {
                             $timeFromDate = new \DateTime($date . ' ' . $timeFrom . ':00');
                             $timeToDate = new \DateTime($date . ' ' . $timeTo . ':00');
                             if ($timeToDate < $timeFromDate) {
                                 $timeToDate->modify('+1 day');
                             $attendance = new Attendance();
                             $attendance->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime());
                             if ($km) {
                             $attendanceLog = new AttendanceLog();
                             if ($km) {
                             $attendanceLog->setCreatedAt(new \DateTime());
                 $this->addFlash('success', $this->get('translator')->trans('Attendance was save'));
                 return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('admin.frontend.attendance.create'));
     return ['form' => $form ? $form->createView() : $form, 'filterForm' => $filterForm->createView(), 'selectedDate' => $selectDate->format('Y-m-d'), 'weekDates' => $weekDates, 'staff' => $staff];
예제 #7
  * @Template()
  * Note la meteo: pluie + soleil
  * http://localhost/Wind/web/app_dev.php/admin/BO/ajax/spot/meteo/note/save/1
 public function spotSaveMeteoNoteAction($id)
     $em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
     $spot = $em->find('LaPoizWindBundle:Spot', $id);
     if (!$spot) {
         return $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse('LaPoizWindBundle:Default:errorBlock.html.twig', array('errMessage' => "Spot not find !"));
     $tabNotes = array();
     $tabListePrevisionDate = array();
     // tableau des liste des PrevisionDate, cahque cellule correspondant à une dateprev
     // Pour les 7 prochains jours
     $day = new \DateTime("now");
     for ($nbPrevision = 0; $nbPrevision < 7; $nbPrevision++) {
         $tabNotes[$day->format('Y-m-d')] = -1;
         $tabListePrevisionDate[$day->format('Y-m-d')] = array();
         $day->modify('+1 day');
     //********** Meteo **********
     // On efface les vielle données
     ManageNote::deleteOldData($spot, $em);
     //list des PrevisionDate pour les prochain jour, pour le spot pour tous les websites
     $listALlPrevisionDate = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('LaPoizWindBundle:PrevisionDate')->getPrevDateAllWebSiteNextDays($spot);
     foreach ($listALlPrevisionDate as $previsionDate) {
         // ajouter au tableau de la cellule du jour de $tabListePrevisionDate
         $tabListePrevisionDate[$previsionDate->getDatePrev()->format('Y-m-d')][] = $previsionDate;
     foreach ($tabNotes as $keyDate => $note) {
         if ($tabListePrevisionDate[$keyDate] != null && count($tabListePrevisionDate[$keyDate]) > 0) {
             $noteDate = ManageNote::getNotesDate($spot, \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $keyDate), $em);
     return $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse('LaPoizWindBundle:BackOffice/Spot/Ajax:displayNote.html.twig', array('spot' => $spot, 'message' => "", 'saveSuccess' => true));
 private function watchWaiting(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>%s</info>', 'Check waiting jobs'));
     $i = 0;
     while ($jobs = $this->loadWaitingJobs($i)) {
         foreach ($jobs as $job) {
             // check sapi connection
             if (!$this->sapiPing($job, $this->encryptor)) {
                 $message = 'SAPI connect failed';
                 $this->logger->info($message, array('job' => $job->getId(), 'project' => $job->getProject(), 'params' => $job->getRawParams()));
                 $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=red>[ERROR] %s</fg=red>', $job->getId(), $message));
             $sapiClient = $this->createJobSapiClient($job);
             $jobManager = $this->jobManagerFactory->createJobManager(new StorageApi\Token($sapiClient));
             try {
                 $esJob = $jobManager->findJobByIdForWatchdog($job->getId());
                 if (!$esJob) {
                     $message = 'Job load from ES failed';
                     $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=red>[ERROR] %s</fg=red>', $job->getId(), $message));
             } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                 $message = 'Job load from ES failed';
                 $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=red>[ERROR] %s</fg=red>', $job->getId(), $message));
             // clean jobs of deleted orchestrations
             $orchestration = $this->orchestrationManager->findDeletedOrchestrations(array('id' => $esJob->getOrchestrationId()), false);
             $orchestration = reset($orchestration);
             if ($orchestration) {
                 $updateJob = $this->syrupJobMapper->get($esJob->getId());
                 if ($updateJob->getComponent() !== KeboolaOrchestratorBundle::SYRUP_COMPONENT_NAME) {
                 $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=yellow>[deleted orchestration]</fg=yellow> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
             $orchestrations = $this->orchestrationManager->findOrchestrations(array('id' => $esJob->getOrchestrationId()), false);
              * @var Orchestration $orchestration
             $orchestration = reset($orchestrations);
             if (!$orchestration) {
                 $message = 'Orchestration load failed';
                 $this->logger->critical($message, array('job' => $job->getId(), 'orchestrationId' => $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), 'projectId' => $esJob->getProjectId(), 'project' => $esJob->getTokenOwnerName()));
                 $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=red>[ERROR] %s</fg=red>', $job->getId(), $message));
             $componentsList = new KbcComponentsList($sapiClient);
             // waiting duration check
             if ($esJob->getInitializedBy() === 'manually') {
                  * @var StorageApi\Notification[] $notifications
                 $notifications = array_filter($orchestration->getNotifications(), function (StorageApi\Notification $row) {
                     return $row->getChannel() === Metadata\Job::STATUS_WAITING;
                 if ($notifications) {
                     foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
                         if ($notification->getEmail() !== $esJob->getInitiatorTokenDesc()) {
                         $date = new \DateTime($job->getCreatedTime());
                         $date->modify(sprintf('+%d minutes', $notification->getParameter('timeout', 0)));
                         if ($date > $now) {
                         $events = StorageApi\EventLoader::longWaitingEvents($esJob, $notification, $sapiClient);
                         if ($events) {
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=yellow>[already notified]</fg=yellow> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
                         } else {
                             $this->mailer->sendLongWaitingMessage($esJob, $orchestration, $notification, $componentsList);
                             $this->logLongWaiting($esJob, $sapiClient, $notification);
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=green>[notified]</fg=green> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
                 } else {
                     // log waiting for default timeout
                     $date = new \DateTime($job->getCreatedTime());
                     $date->modify(sprintf('+%d minutes', self::WAIT_LIMIT_MINUTES));
                     if ($date <= $now) {
                         $events = StorageApi\EventLoader::longWaitingEventsAll($esJob, $sapiClient);
                         if ($events) {
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=yellow>[system already notified]</fg=yellow> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
                         } else {
                             $this->logLongWaiting($esJob, $sapiClient, null);
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=green>[system notified]</fg=green> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
             } else {
                  * @var StorageApi\Notification[] $notifications
                 $notifications = array_filter($orchestration->getNotifications(), function (StorageApi\Notification $row) {
                     return $row->getChannel() === Metadata\Job::STATUS_WAITING;
                 if ($notifications) {
                     foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
                         $date = new \DateTime($job->getCreatedTime());
                         $date->modify(sprintf('+%d minutes', $notification->getParameter('timeout', 0)));
                         if ($date > $now) {
                         $events = StorageApi\EventLoader::longWaitingEvents($esJob, $notification, $sapiClient);
                         if ($events) {
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=yellow>[already notified]</fg=yellow> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
                         } else {
                             $this->mailer->sendLongWaitingMessage($esJob, $orchestration, $notification, $componentsList);
                             $this->logLongWaiting($esJob, $sapiClient, $notification);
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=green>[notified]</fg=green> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
                 } else {
                     // log waiting for default timeout
                     $date = new \DateTime($job->getCreatedTime());
                     $date->modify(sprintf('+%d minutes', self::WAIT_LIMIT_MINUTES));
                     if ($date <= $now) {
                         $events = StorageApi\EventLoader::longWaitingEventsAll($esJob, $sapiClient);
                         if ($events) {
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=yellow>[system already notified]</fg=yellow> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
                         } else {
                             $this->logLongWaiting($esJob, $sapiClient, null);
                             $output->writeln(sprintf('<fg=white>%s</fg=white> <fg=green>[system notified]</fg=green> <fg=white>%s %s</fg=white>', $esJob->getId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationId(), $esJob->getOrchestrationName()));
 public function findCurrentEditionBySchool($schoolId)
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('e')->where('e.dateOfEvent <= :today')->setParameter('today', $now->format("Y-m-d"))->andWhere('e.dateOfEvent >= :fourDaysAgo')->setParameter('fourDaysAgo', $now->modify('-4 day')->format("Y-m-d"))->join('e.schools', 's')->andWhere('s.id = :schoolId')->setParameter('schoolId', $schoolId)->orderBy('e.dateOfEvent', 'DESC');
     return $qb->getQuery()->getSingleResult();