public function isGranted($route = "ibrows_simple_cms_content", $parameters=array()) { try { if (false === $this->securityContext->isGranted($this->globalRole)) { return false; } } catch (AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException $e){ return true; } if(isset($parameters['type']) && key_exists($parameters['type'], $this->securityMap)){ $roles = $this->securityMap[$parameters['type']]; foreach($roles as $roletype => $role){ if(stripos($route, $roletype) !== false || $roletype == 'general') { if(false === $this->securityContext->isGranted($role)){ return false; } } } } return true; }
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) { if (HttpKernel::MASTER_REQUEST != $event->getRequestType()) { // don't do anything if it's not the master request return; } $token = $this->context->getToken(); if (is_null($token)) { return; } $_route = $event->getRequest()->attributes->get('_route'); if ($this->context->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { if (!$token->getUser() instanceof PersonInterface) { // We don't have a PersonInterface... Nothing to do here. return; } if ($_route == 'lc_home' || $_route == 'fos_user_security_login') { $key = '_security.main.target_path'; #where "main" is your firewall name //check if the referer session key has been set if ($this->session->has($key)) { //set the url based on the link they were trying to access before being authenticated $url = $this->session->get($key); //remove the session key $this->session->remove($key); } else { $url = $this->router->generate('lc_dashboard'); } $event->setResponse(new RedirectResponse($url)); } else { $this->checkUnconfirmedEmail(); } } }
/** * Assigns the Security token's user to the vote. * * @param VoteEvent $vote * @return void */ public function blame(VoteEvent $event) { $vote = $event->getVote(); if (null === $this->securityContext) { if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->debug("Vote Blamer did not receive the security.context service."); } return; } if (!$vote instanceof SignedVoteInterface) { if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->debug("Vote does not implement SignedVoteInterface, skipping"); } return; } if (null === $this->securityContext->getToken()) { if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->debug("There is no firewall configured. We cant get a user."); } return; } if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { $vote->setVoter($this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser()); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $builder->add('gridName', 'hidden', ['required' => false])->add('entityClass', 'hidden', ['required' => false])->add('entityId', 'hidden', ['required' => false])->add('from', 'oro_email_email_address_from', ['required' => true, 'label' => '', 'attr' => ['class' => 'from taggable-field']])->add('to', 'oro_email_email_address_recipients', ['required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'taggable-field forged-required']])->add('cc', 'oro_email_email_address_recipients', ['required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'taggable-field']])->add('bcc', 'oro_email_email_address_recipients', ['required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'taggable-field']])->add('subject', 'text', ['required' => true, 'label' => ''])->add('body', 'oro_resizeable_rich_text', ['required' => false, 'label' => ''])->add('template', 'oro_email_template_list', ['label' => '', 'required' => false, 'depends_on_parent_field' => 'entityClass', 'configs' => ['allowClear' => true]])->add('type', 'choice', ['label' => '', 'required' => true, 'data' => 'html', 'choices' => ['html' => '', 'txt' => ''], 'expanded' => true])->add('attachments', 'oro_email_attachments', ['type' => 'oro_email_attachment', 'required' => false, 'allow_add' => true, 'prototype' => false, 'options' => ['required' => false]])->add('bodyFooter', 'hidden')->add('parentEmailId', 'hidden')->add('signature', 'hidden')->add('contexts', 'oro_activity_contexts_select', ['tooltip' => '', 'read_only' => !$this->securityContext->isGranted('EDIT', 'entity:Oro\\Bundle\\EmailBundle\\Entity\\EmailUser'), 'configs' => ['containerCssClass' => 'taggable-email', 'route_name' => 'oro_activity_form_autocomplete_search', 'route_parameters' => ['activity' => 'emails', 'name' => 'emails']]]); $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, [$this, 'initChoicesByEntityName']); $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, [$this, 'fillFormByTemplate']); $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SUBMIT, [$this, 'initChoicesByEntityName']); }
/** * Render js inclusion for create.js and dependencies and bootstrap code. * * THe hallo editor is bundled with create.js and available automatically. * To use aloha, you need to download the zip, as explained in step 8 of * the README. * * @param string $editor the name of the editor to load, currently hallo and aloha are supported */ public function includeJSFilesAction($editor = 'hallo') { if ($this->securityContext && false === $this->securityContext->isGranted($this->requiredRole)) { return new Response(''); } // We could inject a list of names to template mapping for this // to allow adding other editors without changing this bundle $view = new View(); switch ($editor) { case 'hallo': if ($this->coffee) { $view->setTemplate('SymfonyCmfCreateBundle::includecoffeefiles-hallo.html.twig'); } else { $view->setTemplate('SymfonyCmfCreateBundle::includejsfiles-hallo.html.twig'); } break; case 'aloha': $view->setTemplate('SymfonyCmfCreateBundle::includejsfiles-aloha.html.twig'); break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown editor '{$editor}' requested"); } $view->setData(array('cmfCreateStanbolUrl' => $this->stanbolUrl, 'cmfCreateImageUploadEnabled' => (bool) $this->imageClass)); return $this->viewHandler->handle($view); }
/** * Get the customer. * * @throws \RuntimeException * * @return \Sonata\Component\Customer\CustomerInterface */ public function get() { $customer = null; $user = null; if (true === $this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) { // user is authenticated $user = $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser(); if (!$user instanceof UserInterface) { throw new \RuntimeException('User must be an instance of FOS\\UserBundle\\Model\\UserInterface'); } $customer = $this->customerManager->findOneBy(array('user' => $user->getId())); } if (!$customer) { $basket = $this->getBasket(); if ($basket && $basket->getCustomer()) { $customer = $basket->getCustomer(); } } if (!$customer) { $customer = $this->customerManager->create(); } if (!$customer->getLocale()) { $customer->setLocale($this->locale); } if ($user && $customer) { $customer->setUser($user); } return $customer; }
public function previewContentAction( $contentId, $versionNo, $language, $siteAccessName = null ) { try { $content = $this->contentService->loadContent( $contentId, array( $language ), $versionNo ); $location = $this->previewHelper->getPreviewLocation( $contentId ); } catch ( UnauthorizedException $e ) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } if ( !$this->securityContext->isGranted( new AuthorizationAttribute( 'content', 'versionread', array( 'valueObject' => $content ) ) ) ) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $siteAccess = $this->previewHelper->getOriginalSiteAccess(); // Only switch if $siteAccessName is set and different from original if ( $siteAccessName !== null && $siteAccessName !== $siteAccess->name ) { $siteAccess = $this->previewHelper->changeConfigScope( $siteAccessName ); } $response = $this->kernel->handle( $this->getForwardRequest( $location, $content, $siteAccess ), HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST ); $response->headers->remove( 'cache-control' ); $response->headers->remove( 'expires' ); $this->previewHelper->restoreConfigScope(); return $response; }
/** * Check if the node on the event is published, otherwise skip it. * * @param CreateMenuItemFromNodeEvent $event */ public function onCreateMenuItemFromNode(CreateMenuItemFromNodeEvent $event) { $node = $event->getNode(); if (!$this->publishWorkflowChecker->isGranted($this->publishWorkflowPermission, $node)) { $event->setSkipNode(true); } }
/** * @return bool */ private function isUserAuthenticated() { // IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY inherits from IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED. // User can be either authenticated by providing credentials during current session // or by "remember me" if available. return $this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED'); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function consume(TokenInterface $token, Request $request) { if (!$this->security->isGranted(AbstractTokenVoter::CONSUME, $token)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } return parent::consume($token, $request); }
/** * @param string $role * * @return bool */ protected function isGranted($role) { if (!$this->securityContext) { $this->securityContext = $this->getSecurityContext(); } return $this->securityContext->isGranted($role); }
/** * Gets customer based on currently logged user. * * @return CustomerInterface|null */ public function getCustomer() { if ($this->securityContext->getToken() && $this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED') && $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser() instanceof UserInterface) { return $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser()->getCustomer(); } return null; }
/** * @{inheritDoc} */ public function can($transition) { $transition = $transition instanceof TransitionInterface ? $transition : $this->getTransition($transition); if (!$this->securityContext->isGranted($transition->getName(), $this->getObject())) { return false; } return parent::can($transition); }
public function countImagesList($listParams) { if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) { return $this->imgRepository->count($listParams); } else { return 0; } }
private function addConfiguration() { if ($this->securityContext->isGranted("ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN")) { $configuration = $this->menu->addChild($this->translator->trans('Configuration'), array('route' => 'HexMediaConfigurationDisplay'))->setAttribute('icon', 'fa fa-cogs'); // $configuration->addChild($this->translator->trans("List"), array('route' => 'HexMediaConfigurationDisplay')); $configuration->addChild($this->translator->trans("Add"), array('route' => 'HexMediaConfigurationAdd')); } }
/** * @return Boolean - returns if a user is logged in */ public function isLoggedIn() { if ($this->getUser() && $this->security->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isGranted(MediaInterface $media, Request $request) { try { return $this->security->isGranted($this->roles); } catch (AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException $e) { // The token is not set in an AuthorizationCheckerInterface object return false; } }
public function viewPostAction(Post $contentDocument, $contentTemplate = null) { $post = $contentDocument; if (true !== $this->securityContext->isGranted($this->publishWorkflowPermission, $post)) { throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('Post "%s" is not published', $post->getTitle())); } $contentTemplate = $contentTemplate ?: 'CmfBlogBundle:Blog:view_post.html.twig'; return $this->renderResponse($contentTemplate, array('post' => $post)); }
public function blame(EventInterface $event) { $token = $this->securityContext->getToken(); if (null === $token) { throw new \RuntimeException('You must configure a firewall for this route'); } if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { $event->setOrganizer($token->getUser()); } }
/** * @param GetResponseEvent $event */ public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) { if (null === $this->securityContext) { return; } $token = $this->securityContext->getToken(); if (null !== $token && $this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { $this->versionManager->setUsername($token->getUser()->getUsername()); } }
/** * @param mixed $attributes * @param object $object * @return bool * @throws MissingDependencyException * @throws NotAuthenticatedException */ public function isGranted($attributes, $object = null) { if (null === $this->securityContext) { throw new MissingDependencyException('No security context present.'); } if (!$this->securityContext->getToken()) { throw new NotAuthenticatedException('User not authenticated.'); } return $this->securityContext->isGranted($attributes, $object); }
/** * @param BuildVersionEvent $event * * @return BuildVersionEvent */ public function preBuild(BuildVersionEvent $event) { if (null === $this->securityContext) { return $event; } $token = $this->securityContext->getToken(); if (null !== $token && $this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { $event->setUsername($token->getUser()->getUsername()); } return $event; }
/** * Handle article PUT */ public function putDocumentAction(Request $request, $subject) { if ($this->securityContext && false === $this->securityContext->isGranted($this->requiredRole)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } $model = $this->getModelBySubject($request, $subject); $type = $this->typeFactory->getTypeByObject($model); $result = $this->restHandler->run($request->request->all(), $type, null, RestService::HTTP_PUT); $view = View::create($result)->setFormat('json'); return $this->viewHandler->handle($view, $request); }
public function testIgnoreRoleNotHas() { $doc = $this->getMock('Symfony\\Cmf\\Bundle\\CoreBundle\\Tests\\Functional\\PublishWorkflow\\PublishModel'); $doc->expects($this->any())->method('isPublishable')->will($this->returnValue(false)); $roles = array(new Role('OTHER_ROLE')); $token = new UsernamePasswordToken('test', 'pass', 'testprovider', $roles); $tokenStorage = $this->getContainer()->get('security.token_storage'); $tokenStorage->setToken($token); $this->assertFalse($this->publishWorkflowChecker->isGranted(PublishWorkflowChecker::VIEW_ATTRIBUTE, $doc)); $this->assertFalse($this->publishWorkflowChecker->isGranted(PublishWorkflowChecker::VIEW_ANONYMOUS_ATTRIBUTE, $doc)); }
/** * Assigns the Security token's user to the vote. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException when the vote does not implement SignedVoteInterface * @throws RuntimeException When the firewall is not properly configured * @param VoteInterface $vote * @return void */ public function blame(VoteInterface $vote) { if (!$vote instanceof SignedVoteInterface) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The vote must implement SignedVoteInterface'); } if (null === $this->securityContext->getToken()) { throw new RuntimeException('You must configure a firewall for this route'); } if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { $vote->setVoter($this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser()); } }
/** * Actions may be performed if there is a securityContext having a token * and granting the required role. * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function check(Request $request) { try { return $this->securityContext && $this->securityContext->getToken() && $this->securityContext->isGranted($this->requiredRole); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->error($e, array('exception' => $e)); } // ignore and return false } return false; }
public function topicData(\Symbb\Core\EventBundle\Event\ApiDataEvent $event) { $topic = $event->getObject(); if (is_object($topic)) { $forum = $topic->getForum(); $createSurvey = $this->securityContext->isGranted(RatingVoter::CREATE_RATING, $forum); $event->addAccessData('createRating', $createSurvey); $createSurvey = $this->securityContext->isGranted(RatingVoter::VIEW_RATING, $forum); $event->addAccessData('viewRating', $createSurvey); $this->addExtensionData($event, $topic->getMainPost()); } }
/** * In this method you can add children for a specific parent, but also remove and change the already created children * * @param MenuBuilder $menu The MenuBuilder * @param MenuItem[] &$children The current children * @param MenuItem $parent The parent Menu item * @param Request $request The Request */ public function adaptChildren(MenuBuilder $menu, array &$children, MenuItem $parent = null, Request $request = null) { if (!is_null($parent) && 'KunstmaanAdminBundle_settings' == $parent->getRoute() && $this->security->isGranted('ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN')) { $menuItem = new MenuItem($menu); $menuItem->setRoute('KunstmaanSeoBundle_settings_robots')->setLabel('Robots')->setUniqueId('robots_settings')->setParent($parent); if (stripos($request->attributes->get('_route'), $menuItem->getRoute()) === 0) { $menuItem->setActive(true); $parent->setActive(true); } $children[] = $menuItem; } }
/** * @param Request $request * @param string $name * @param string $redirectUrl Optional * @param array $extraParameters Optional * * @return string */ public function getAuthorizationUrl(Request $request, $name, $redirectUrl = null, array $extraParameters = array()) { $resourceOwner = $this->getResourceOwner($name); if (null === $redirectUrl) { if (!$this->connect || !$this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) { $redirectUrl = $this->httpUtils->generateUri($request, $this->ownerMap->getResourceOwnerCheckPath($name)); } else { $redirectUrl = $this->getServiceAuthUrl($request, $resourceOwner); } } return $resourceOwner->getAuthorizationUrl($redirectUrl, $extraParameters); }
/** * Present a form to the user to accept or not to share * its information with the consumer. */ public function allowAction(Request $request) { $oauth_token = $request->get('oauth_token', null); $oauth_callback = $request->get('oauth_callback', null); if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY')) { $token = $this->tokenProvider->loadRequestTokenByToken($oauth_token); if ($token instanceof RequestTokenInterface) { $this->tokenProvider->setUserForRequestToken($token, $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser()); return new Response($this->engine->render('BazingaOAuthServerBundle::authorize.html.twig', array('consumer' => $token->getConsumer(), 'oauth_token' => $oauth_token, 'oauth_callback' => $oauth_callback))); } } throw new HttpException(404); }