예제 #1
  * Get the slug of a string in AJAX
  * @param   $request    The request. String to slug must be sent in $request['toSlug'] 
  * @return  $response   Response 
 public function getSlugAction(Request $request)
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         if ($toSlug = $request->get('toSlug')) {
             $slug = $this->container->get('lch.seo.tools')->getSlug($toSlug);
             $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
             $currentSite = $request->getSession()->get('currentSite');
             if (class_exists('\\LCH\\CatalogBundle\\Entity\\' . $request->get('className'))) {
                 $entitySlug = $em->getRepository('LCHCatalogBundle:' . $request->get('className'))->findOneBySlug($slug);
             } elseif (class_exists('\\LCH\\ModuleBundle\\Entity\\' . $request->get('className'))) {
                 $entitySlug = $em->getRepository('LCHModuleBundle:' . $request->get('className'))->findOneBySlug($slug);
             } else {
                 throw new NotFoundHttpException("Class " . $request->get('className') . " no exists");
             // if slug already exists
             $response = new JsonResponse();
             $id = $request->get('id') != "" ? $request->get('id') : "0";
             $url = $this->container->get('lch.seo.tools')->getFrontUrlRedirection($id, $slug, $request->get('className'));
             if ($entitySlug) {
                 if ($request->get('id') == $entitySlug->getId()) {
                     // If the slug comes from the same entity
                     $response->setData(array('slug' => $slug, 'message' => $this->container->get('translator')->trans('seo.form.url.infos') . " " . $url));
                 } else {
                     $response->setData(array('slug' => $slug, 'error' => $this->container->get('translator')->trans("app.slugexists")));
             } else {
                 $response->setData(array('slug' => $slug, 'message' => $this->container->get('translator')->trans('seo.form.url.infos') . " " . $url));
             return $response;
예제 #2
 public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
     $exception = $event->getException();
     $response = new JsonResponse(['errorMessage' => $event->getException()->getMessage(), 'stackTrace' => $event->getException()->getTraceAsString()]);
     if ($exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface) {
     } else {
         if ($exception instanceof AuthenticationException) {
             $response->setData(['errorMessage' => 'You don\'t have permissions to do this.']);
         } else {
             if ($exception instanceof InvalidFormException) {
                 $errors = [];
                 foreach ($exception->getForm()->getErrors(true) as $error) {
                     if ($error->getOrigin()) {
                         $errors[$error->getOrigin()->getName()][] = $error->getMessage();
                 $data = ['errors' => $errors, 'errorMessage' => ''];
             } else {
예제 #3
  * Process Ajax Form to create/update virtual product
  * @param int $idProduct
  * @param Request $request
  * @return string
 public function saveAction($idProduct, Request $request)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $legacyContext = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context');
     $adminProductWrapper = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.admin.wrapper.product');
     $productAdapter = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.data_provider.product');
     //get product
     $product = $productAdapter->getProduct((int) $idProduct, true);
     if (!$product || !$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         return $response;
     $form = $this->createForm('PrestaShopBundle\\Form\\Admin\\Product\\ProductVirtual', null, array('csrf_protection' => false));
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         $data = $form->getData();
         $res = $adminProductWrapper->updateDownloadProduct($product, $data);
         $res->file_download_link = $res->filename ? $legacyContext->getAdminBaseUrl() . $res->getTextLink(true) : '';
         $product->is_virtual = 1;
     } else {
     return $response;
 public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
     $exception = $event->getException();
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $detail = sprintf("Message: %s\nFile: %s:%s", $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine());
     $data = ['type' => '#0', 'code' => 0, 'title' => 'Internal Server Error', 'status' => JsonResponse::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, 'detail' => $detail];
     if ($exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface) {
     if ($exception instanceof HttpException) {
         $data = ['type' => '#' . $exception->getCode(), 'code' => $exception->getCode(), 'title' => $exception->getMessage(), 'status' => JsonResponse::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, 'detail' => $exception->getDetails()];
     if ($exception instanceof AccessDeniedHttpException) {
         $event->setResponse(new Response("", 403));
     } else {
     if (!in_array($this->kernel->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
 public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
     $exception = $event->getException();
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $response->setData(['message' => $exception->getMessage()]);
     if ($exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface) {
     } else {
     if ('RuntimeException' === get_class($exception)) {
     if ($exception instanceof ArrayErrorsException) {
         $response->setData(['formErrors' => $exception->getErrors()]);
     if ($exception instanceof AuthenticationException) {
         $response->setData(['message' => $exception->getMessageKey()]);
     if ($exception instanceof InsufficientAuthenticationException) {
         $response->setData(['message' => $this->translator->trans('error.insufficient_authentication')]);
예제 #6
  * Process Ajax Form to add a simple category (name and parent category)
  * @param Request $request
  * @return string
 public function addSimpleCategoryFormAction(Request $request)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $tools = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.tools');
     $shopContext = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.shop.context');
     $shopList = $shopContext->getShops(false, true);
     $currentIdShop = $shopContext->getContextShopID();
     $form = $this->createFormBuilder()->add('category', 'PrestaShopBundle\\Form\\Admin\\Category\\SimpleCategory')->getForm();
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         $data = $form->getData();
         $_POST = ['submitAddcategory' => 1, 'name_1' => $data['category']['name'], 'id_parent' => $data['category']['id_parent'], 'link_rewrite_1' => $tools->link_rewrite($data['category']['name']), 'active' => 1, 'checkBoxShopAsso_category' => $currentIdShop ? [$currentIdShop => $currentIdShop] : $shopList];
         $adminCategoryController = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.admin.controller.category')->getInstance();
         if ($category = $adminCategoryController->processAdd()) {
             $response->setData(['category' => $category]);
         if ($request->query->has('id_product')) {
             $productAdapter = $this->get('prestashop.adapter.data_provider.product');
             $product = $productAdapter->getProduct($request->query->get('id_product'));
     } else {
     return $response;
  * Controller to return the access token when a refresh token is provided.
  * @todo: Get some flood protection for this, since the request is uncacheable
  * because of the expire counter. Also, there has to be some other better way
  * to render JSON. Investigate that too!
 public function refresh()
     $account = $this->currentUser()->getAccount();
     // If the account is not a token account, then bail.
     if (!$account instanceof TokenAuthUserInterface) {
         // TODO: Set the error headers appropriately.
         return NULL;
     $refresh_token = $account->getToken();
     if (!$refresh_token || !$refresh_token->isRefreshToken()) {
         // TODO: Set the error headers appropriately.
         return NULL;
     // Find / generate the access token for this refresh token.
     $access_token = $refresh_token->get('access_token_id')->entity;
     if (!$access_token || $access_token->get('expire')->value < REQUEST_TIME) {
         // If there is no token to be found, refresh it by generating a new one.
         $values = ['expire' => $refresh_token::defaultExpiration(), 'user_id' => $refresh_token->get('user_id')->target_id, 'auth_user_id' => $refresh_token->get('auth_user_id')->target_id, 'resource' => $access_token ? $access_token->get('resource')->target_id : 'global', 'created' => REQUEST_TIME, 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME];
         /* @var AccessTokenInterface $access_token */
         $access_token = $this->entityManager()->getStorage('access_token')->create($values);
         // This refresh token is no longer needed.
         // Saving this token will generate a refresh token for that one.
     return $this->response;
  * Manage form add product attachment
  * @param int $idProduct
  * @param Request $request
  * @return string
 public function addAction($idProduct, Request $request)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $legacyContext = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.legacy.context');
     $adminProductWrapper = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.admin.wrapper.product');
     $productAdapter = $this->container->get('prestashop.adapter.data_provider.product');
     //get product
     $product = $productAdapter->getProduct((int) $idProduct);
     if (!$product || !$request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         return $response;
     $form = $this->createForm('PrestaShopBundle\\Form\\Admin\\Product\\ProductAttachement', null, array('csrf_protection' => false));
     if ($form->isValid()) {
         $data = $form->getData();
         $res = $adminProductWrapper->processAddAttachment($product, $data, $legacyContext->getLanguages());
         if ($res) {
             $res->real_name = $data['name'];
     } else {
     return $response;
  * Request reset user password: submit form and send email
 public function sendEmailAction(Request $request)
     $username = $request->get('username');
     $template = $request->get('template');
     $routereset = $request->get('routereset');
     $type = $request->get('type');
     if (empty($template)) {
         $template = str_replace('::', ':', $this->container->getParameter('sfynx.auth.theme.login')) . 'Resetting:request.html.twig';
     $user = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getRepository('SfynxAuthBundle:User')->findOneBy(array('username' => $username));
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         $response = new JsonResponse();
         if (null === $user) {
             return $response->setData(json_encode(array('text' => 'Identifiant inconnu', 'error' => true, 'type' => 'unknown')));
         } else {
             if ($user->isPasswordRequestNonExpired($this->container->getParameter('fos_user.resetting.token_ttl')) && $type == 'send') {
                 return $response->setData(json_encode(array('text' => 'Vous devez au préalable activer votre compte en cliquant sur le mail de Confirmation d\'inscription reçu', 'error' => true, 'type' => '24h')));
             } else {
                 $tokenGenerator = $this->container->get('fos_user.util.token_generator');
                 $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
                 $this->container->get('session')->set(PiMailerManager::SESSION_EMAIL, $this->container->get('sfynx.auth.mailer')->getObfuscatedEmail($user));
                 $this->container->get('sfynx.auth.mailer')->sendResettingEmailMessage($user, $routereset);
                 $user->setPasswordRequestedAt(new \DateTime());
                 return $response->setData(json_encode(array('text' => 'Un email vous a été envoyé pour créer un nouveau mot de passe sur le site', 'error' => false)));
     } else {
         if (null === $user) {
             return $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse($template, array('invalid_username' => $username));
         if ($user->isPasswordRequestNonExpired($this->container->getParameter('fos_user.resetting.token_ttl'))) {
             return $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse(str_replace('::', ':', $this->container->getParameter('sfynx.auth.theme.login')) . 'Resetting:passwordAlreadyRequested.html.twig');
         $tokenGenerator = $this->container->get('fos_user.util.token_generator');
         $em = $this->container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
         $this->container->get('session')->set(PiMailerManager::SESSION_EMAIL, $this->container->get('sfynx.auth.mailer')->getObfuscatedEmail($user));
         $this->container->get('sfynx.auth.mailer')->sendResettingEmailMessage($user, $routereset);
         $user->setPasswordRequestedAt(new \DateTime());
         try {
             return $this->container->get('templating')->renderResponse($template, array('success' => true));
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $response = new RedirectResponse($this->container->get('router')->generate('fos_user_resetting_check_email'));
         return $response->getContent();
예제 #10
 public function expiredAction($id)
     $utilis = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('GenericBundle:User')->find($id);
     $reponse = new JsonResponse();
     if ($utilis->isExpired()) {
         $reponse->setData(array('succes' => '0'));
     } else {
         $reponse->setData(array('succes' => '1'));
     return $reponse;
예제 #11
 public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
     $exception = $event->getException();
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     if ($exception instanceof HttpExceptionInterface) {
         $response->setData(array('message' => $exception->getMessage()));
     } else {
         $response->setData(array('message' => 'An internal server error occurred. Sorry for the inconvenience.'));
  * @param \Dafiti\Silex\Response $controllerResponse
  * @return HttpFoundation\Response
 protected function transform(\Dafiti\Silex\Response $controllerResponse)
     $response = new HttpFoundation\JsonResponse();
     $response->headers->add(['Content-Type' => self::CONTENT_TYPE]);
     if ($this->hasError()) {
         $content = ['message' => $controllerResponse->getErrorMessage()];
         return $response;
     $content = $this->getContent($controllerResponse);
     return $response;
예제 #13
 function edit(City $city)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $id = $city->getId();
     $object = $this->repository->getOneById($id);
     if ($object == null) {
         $response->setData(array('flag' => false, 'info' => "Error! No object for given id"));
         return $response;
     $response->setData(array('flag' => true, 'info' => "ok"));
     return $response;
예제 #14
  * @Route("/check-connection", name="check-db-connection")
 public function asyncDBCheck(Request $request)
     if ($request->isXMLHttpRequest()) {
         $databaseArgs = array('name' => $request->request->get('name'));
         $connectionStatus = $this->checkConnection($databaseArgs);
         $response = new JsonResponse();
         if ($connectionStatus) {
             $response->setData(array('action' => 'db_check', 'status' => 'success'));
         } else {
             $response->setData(array('action' => 'db_check', 'status' => 'failure'));
         return $response;
     return new Response('This is not ajax!', 400);
예제 #15
  * Deletes a Comment entity.
  * @Route("/comment/{id}", name="front_comment_delete")
  * @Method("DELETE")
  * @param Request $request
  * @param Comment $comment
  * @return JsonResponse
 public function deleteCommentAction(Request $request, Comment $comment)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     // check for "edit" access: calls all voters
     $perm = $this->isGranted('edit', $comment);
     if ($perm) {
         $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
         $response->setData(['success' => true]);
     } else {
         $response->setData(['success' => false]);
     return $response;
예제 #16
 function edit(Club $club)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $object = $this->repository->getOneById($club->getId());
     if ($object == null) {
         $response->setData(array('flag' => false, 'info' => "Error! No object for given id"));
         return $response;
     $city = $this->cityManager->getOneById($club->getCity()->getId());
     $response->setData(array('flag' => true, 'info' => "ok"));
     return $response;
예제 #17
 public function acceptCookiesAction($id)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $response->setData(['message' => 'Cookiewall block added to session']);
     return $response;
예제 #18
 public function dbAction(Db $db, JsonResponse $response)
     $conn = $db->getConnection();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM test";
     $stmt = $conn->query($sql);
     return $response->setData($stmt->fetchAll());
예제 #19
 public function menuAction()
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $allRegionsCities = $em->getRepository('KvartiriBundle:Regions')->findAll();
     if ($allRegionsCities) {
         $data = array();
         $cpt = 0;
         foreach ($allRegionsCities as $regionCities) {
             $cpt1 = 0;
             $data[$cpt]['label'] = $regionCities->getName();
             $data[$cpt]['id'] = $regionCities->getId();
             $child = array();
             foreach ($regionCities->getCities() as $city) {
                 $child[$cpt1]['label'] = $city->getName();
                 $child[$cpt1]['id'] = $city->getId();
             $data[$cpt]['children'] = $child;
     } else {
         $data = null;
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     return $response->setData(array('data' => $data));
예제 #20
 public function RefreshNotificationAction($id, Request $request)
     if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
         // si on appele depuis une requette ajax
         $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
         $Allnotifs = $em->getRepository('OCNotificationBundle:Notification')->findByPourAgent($id);
         if ($Allnotifs) {
             $notifs = array();
             foreach ($Allnotifs as $notif) {
                 $interval = $notif->getDateCreation()->diff(new \DateTime('now'));
                 if ($interval->format('%a') == "0") {
                     $date = "aujourd'hui";
                 } elseif ($interval->format('%a') == "1") {
                     $date = "hier";
                 } else {
                     $date = $interval->format('%a jours');
                 if ($notif->getEventAssocie() !== null) {
                     $nom_agent = $notif->getEventAssocie()->getAgent()->getNomCanonique();
                 } else {
                     $nom_agent = $notif->getHSFAssocie()->getAgent()->getNomCanonique();
                 $notifs[$notif->getId()] = array($notif->getId(), $nom_agent, $notif->getTitle(), $notif->getVisionee(), $date);
         } else {
             $notif = null;
         $response = new JsonResponse();
         return $response->setData(array('notifs' => $notifs));
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Vous n'etes pas censés être ici ! Cassez vous !");
예제 #21
  * Preparing a JsonResponse
  * @param array $data
  * @param integer $statusCode
 protected function prepareJsonResponse($data = array(), $statusCode = Response::HTTP_OK)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     return $response;
  * @inheritdoc
 public function start(Request $request, AuthenticationException $authException = null)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $response->setData(['ok' => false, 'error' => 'Accessing this resource requires authorization']);
     return $response;
예제 #23
  * Search for the specified entity by its property
  * @Route("/choices/{class}/{property}", name="BluemesaCoreBundle_ajax_choices")
  * @param  Request   $request
  * @param  string    $class     Entity class to search for
  * @param  string    $property  Property to lookup in search
  * @return Response
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function choicesAction(Request $request, $class, $property)
     $query = $request->query->get('query');
     $repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository($class);
     if (!$repository instanceof EntityRepository) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException();
     $qb = $repository->createQueryBuilder('b');
     $terms = explode(" ", $query);
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         $qb = $qb->andWhere("b." . $property . " like '%" . $term . "%'");
     $found = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
     $propertyPath = null !== $property ? new PropertyPath($property) : null;
     $propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor();
     $options = array();
     foreach ($found as $entity) {
         if (null !== $propertyPath) {
             $options[] = (string) $propertyAccessor->getValue($entity, $propertyPath);
         } else {
             $options[] = (string) $entity;
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     return $response;
예제 #24
 public function updateAction(Request $request)
     $params = [];
     $requestBody = $this->get("request")->getContent();
     if (!empty($requestBody)) {
         $params = json_decode($requestBody, true);
         $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
         $user = $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser();
         //$slices = explode(':', $params['grid']);
         $grid = $params['grid'];
         $fields = implode('|', $params['fields']);
         //$layout = $this->get('app_core.grid_layout_repository')
         $layout = $em->getRepository('CoreBundle:GridLayout')->findUserLayout($grid, $user->getId());
         if (is_null($layout)) {
             $layout = new GridLayout();
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $responseBody = [];
     return $response;
예제 #25
  * @Route("/evento/get", name="get_event")
 public function retrieveEvent()
     $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
     $from = $request->query->get('from');
     $to = $request->query->get('to');
     if ($from && $to) {
         $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
         $q = "SELECT e FROM AppBundle\\Entity\\Evento e WHERE (e.fechainicio>=:from AND e.fechainicio<=:to) OR (e.fechafin>=:from AND e.fechafin<=:to)";
         $query = $em->createQuery($q);
         $query->setParameter('from', date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $from / 1000));
         $query->setParameter('to', date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $to / 1000));
         $events = $query->getResult();
         $jevents = array();
         foreach ($events as $ev) {
             $jevents[] = array("id" => $ev->getIdEvento(), "title" => $ev->getDescripcion(), "url" => "http://example.com", "class" => "event-important", "start" => 1000 * strtotime($ev->getFechainicio()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')), "end" => 1000 * strtotime($ev->getFechafin()->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
         $result = array("success" => 1, "result" => $jevents);
         $response = new JsonResponse();
         return $response;
     } else {
         $result = array("success" => 1, "result" => array());
         $response = new JsonResponse();
         return $response;
 public function menuappAction()
     $menuItems = $this->container->get('app_core.menu')->getMenu();
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $json = $this->createResponse($menuItems);
     return $response->setData($json);
예제 #27
 public function datePromotionsAction($hotelId, $dateStart)
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     $hotel = $em->getRepository('KvartiriBundle:Hotels')->find($hotelId);
     $test = '';
     if ($hotel) {
         $date = new \DateTime($dateStart);
         $now = new \DateTime();
         $diff = date_diff($date, $now);
         $daysDiff = $diff->y * 365.25 + $diff->m * 30 + $diff->d + $diff->h / 24 + $diff->i / 60;
         $checkValue = 0;
         $getPromotion = "";
         foreach ($hotel->getPromotionEarlyBooking() as $promotion) {
             $numbreDaysPromotionDB = $promotion->getDays();
             if ($numbreDaysPromotionDB && $daysDiff >= $numbreDaysPromotionDB && $checkValue < $numbreDaysPromotionDB) {
                 $checkValue = $numbreDaysPromotionDB;
                 $getPromotion = $promotion->getDiscount() * 100;
                 $getPromotion = "You have " . $getPromotion . "% discount";
             } else {
                 $getPromotion = "we can not offer you a promotion";
         //            $promotion = $date->diff($now)->format("%d days, %h hours and %i minuts");
     } else {
         $test = null;
     //        return $this->render('UsersBundle:ClientsRequests:promotions.html.twig', array('getPromotion' => $getPromotion));
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     return $response->setData(array('getPromotion' => $getPromotion));
 public function onKernelView(GetResponseForControllerResultEvent $event)
     if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     if ('json' !== $request->getRequestFormat()) {
     $result = $event->getControllerResult();
     if (null === $result) {
         $event->setResponse(new JsonResponse(null, 204));
     if ($result instanceof Response) {
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
     if (!is_scalar($result)) {
         $result = $this->getSerializer()->normalize($result, null, ['groups' => $this->options['serialization_default_groups']]);
 public function jsonAction()
     $repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AppTruckingBundle:Trucks');
     $result = $repository->getTrucksToJson();
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     return $response->setData($result);
예제 #30
 public function getJSONError($error)
     $response = new JsonResponse();
     $data = array('success' => false, 'error' => $error);
     return $response;