use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File; use Swagger\Swagger; $app->get(config(''), function ($page = 'api-docs.json') { $filePath = config('') . "/{$page}"; if (File::extension($filePath) === '') { $filePath .= '.json'; } if (!File::exists($filePath)) { App::abort(404, "Cannot find {$filePath}"); } $content = File::get($filePath); return new Response($content, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'application/json']); }); $app->get(config('swagger-lume.routes.api'), function () { if (config('swagger-lume.generate_always')) { \SwaggerLume\Generator::generateDocs(); } if (config('swagger-lume.proxy')) { $proxy = (new Request())->server('REMOTE_ADDR'); (new Request())->setTrustedProxies([$proxy]); } $extras = []; $conf = config('swagger-lume'); if (array_key_exists('validatorUrl', $conf)) { // This allows for a null value, since this has potentially // desirable side effects for swagger. See the view for more // details. $extras['validatorUrl'] = $conf['validatorUrl']; } //need the / at the end to avoid CORS errors on Homestead systems. $response = new Response(view('swagger-lume::index', ['apiKeyPrefix' => config('swagger-lume.api.auth_token_prefix'), 'apiKey' => config('swagger-lume.api.auth_token'), 'apiKeyVar' => config('swagger-lume.api.key_var'), 'apiKeyInject' => config('swagger-lume.api.key_inject'), 'secure' => (new Request())->secure(), 'urlToDocs' => url(config('')), 'requestHeaders' => config('swagger-lume.headers.request')], $extras), 200);
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function fire() { $this->info('Regenerating docs'); Generator::generateDocs(); }