예제 #1
파일: Swagger.php 프로젝트: latrell/swagger
 public function fire()
     $projectPaths = $this->realpaths($this->paths);
     $excludePaths = $this->realpaths($this->exclude);
     $outputPath = head((array) $this->output) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
     $swagger = new \Swagger\Swagger($projectPaths, $excludePaths);
     $resourceList = $swagger->getResourceList(['output' => 'array', 'suffix' => $this->suffix, 'apiVersion' => $this->default_api_version, 'swaggerVersion' => $this->default_swagger_version, 'template' => $this->api_doc_template]);
     $resourceOptions = ['output' => 'json', 'defaultSwaggerVersion' => $resourceList['swaggerVersion'], 'defaultBasePath' => $this->default_base_path];
     if (isset($resourceList['apiVersion'])) {
         $resourceOptions['defaultApiVersion'] = $resourceList['apiVersion'];
     $resourceName = false;
     $output = [];
     foreach ($swagger->getResourceNames() as $resourceName) {
         $json = $swagger->getResource($resourceName, $resourceOptions);
         $resourceName = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '-', ltrim($resourceName, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
         $output[$resourceName] = $json;
     if (!$output) {
         throw new SwaggerException('no valid resources found');
     if (file_exists($outputPath) && !is_dir($outputPath)) {
         throw new SwaggerException(sprintf('[%s] is not a directory', $outputPath));
     } elseif (!file_exists($outputPath) && !mkdir($outputPath, 0755, true)) {
         throw new SwaggerException(sprintf('[%s] is not writeable', $outputPath));
     if (!file_exists($outputPath . '/.gitignore')) {
         file_put_contents($outputPath . '/.gitignore', "*\n!.gitignore");
     $filename = $outputPath . 'api-docs.json';
     if (file_put_contents($filename, \Swagger\Swagger::jsonEncode($resourceList, true))) {
         $this->logger('Created ' . $filename);
     foreach ($output as $name => $json) {
         $name = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '-', ltrim($name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
         $filename = $outputPath . $name . '.json';
         $this->logger('Created ' . $filename);
         file_put_contents($filename, $json);
예제 #2
 public function assertOutputEqualsJson($outputFile, $json, $message = '')
     if (file_exists($this->outputDir($outputFile))) {
         $outputFile = $this->outputDir($outputFile);
     $expected = json_decode(file_get_contents($outputFile));
     $error = json_last_error();
     if ($error !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
         $this->fail('File: "' . $outputFile . '" doesn\'t contain valid json, error ' . $error);
     if (is_string($json) === false) {
         $this->fail('Not a (json) string');
     $actual = json_decode($json);
     $error = json_last_error();
     if ($error !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
         $this->fail('invalid json, error ' . $error);
     $expectedJson = Swagger::jsonEncode($this->sort($expected, '"' . $outputFile . '" '), true);
     $actualJson = Swagger::jsonEncode($this->sort($actual, 'generated json '), true);
     return $this->assertEquals($expectedJson, $actualJson, $message);
예제 #3
  * Test the examples against the json files in ExamplesOutput.
  * @group examples
  * @dataProvider getExampleDirs
  * @param string $exampleDir
 public function testExample($exampleDir)
     $swagger = new Swagger($this->examplesDir($exampleDir));
     $dir = new \DirectoryIterator($this->outputDir($exampleDir));
     $options = array('output' => 'json');
     foreach ($dir as $entry) {
         if ($entry->getExtension() === 'json') {
             $name = $entry->getBasename('.json');
             if (isset($swagger->registry['/' . $name])) {
                 // Resource?
                 $this->assertOutputEqualsJson($entry->getPathname(), $swagger->getResource('/' . $name, $options), 'Resource "/' . $name . '" doesn\'t match expected output in "' . $entry->getPathname() . '"');
             } elseif ($name === 'api-docs') {
                 // Listing?
                 $this->assertOutputEqualsJson($entry->getPathname(), $swagger->getResourceList($options), 'Resource listing  doesn\'t match expected output in "' . $entry->getPathname() . '"');
             } elseif (isset($swagger->models[$name])) {
                 // Model
                 $this->assertOutputEqualsJson($entry->getPathname(), Swagger::jsonEncode($swagger->models[$name]), 'Model "' . $name . '" doesn\'t match expected output in "' . $entry->getPathname() . '"');
             } else {
                 $this->fail('Resource or model "' . $name . '" not detected in "' . $this->examplesDir($exampleDir) . '"');
예제 #4
파일: routes.php 프로젝트: Lazybin/huisa
         $defaultBasePath = Config::get('swagger.default-base-path');
         $defaultApiVersion = Config::get('swagger.default-api-version');
         $defaultSwaggerVersion = Config::get('swagger.default-swagger-version');
         $excludeDirs = Config::get('swagger.excludes');
         $swagger = new Swagger($appDir, $excludeDirs);
         $resourceList = $swagger->getResourceList(array('output' => 'array', 'apiVersion' => $defaultApiVersion, 'swaggerVersion' => $defaultSwaggerVersion));
         $resourceOptions = array('output' => 'json', 'defaultSwaggerVersion' => $resourceList['swaggerVersion'], 'defaultBasePath' => $defaultBasePath);
         $output = array();
         foreach ($swagger->getResourceNames() as $resourceName) {
             $json = $swagger->getResource($resourceName, $resourceOptions);
             $resourceName = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '-', ltrim($resourceName, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
             $output[$resourceName] = $json;
         $filename = $docDir . '/api-docs.json';
         file_put_contents($filename, Swagger::jsonEncode($resourceList, true));
         foreach ($output as $name => $json) {
             $name = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '-', ltrim($name, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
             $filename = $docDir . '/' . $name . '.json';
             file_put_contents($filename, $json);
 if (Config::get('swagger.behind-reverse-proxy')) {
     $proxy = Request::server('REMOTE_ADDR');
 Blade::setEscapedContentTags('{{{', '}}}');
 Blade::setContentTags('{{', '}}');
 //need the / at the end to avoid CORS errors on Homestead systems.
 $response = response()->view('swagger::index', array('secure' => Request::secure(), 'urlToDocs' => url(Config::get('swagger.doc-route')), 'requestHeaders' => Config::get('swagger.requestHeaders')));