setEmail() 공개 메소드

Set email.
public setEmail ( string $email ) : Email
$email string
리턴 Email
  * @param User $user
  * @param ContactInterface $contact
 protected function archiveEmail(User $user, ContactInterface $contact)
     if ($contact->getMainEmail() !== $user->getEmail()) {
         if ($contact->getMainEmail()) {
             $hasEmail = false;
             /** @var Email $email */
             foreach ($contact->getEmails() as $email) {
                 if ($email->getEmail() === $contact->getMainEmail()) {
                     $hasEmail = true;
             if (!$hasEmail) {
                 $email = new Email();
                 /** @var EmailType $emailType */
                 $emailType = $this->entityManager->getRepository(EmailType::class)->find(1);
                 if ($emailType) {
예제 #2
 protected function initOrm()
     $contact = new Contact();
     $emailType = new EmailType();
     $email = new Email();
     $role1 = new Role();
     $user = new User();
     $userRole1 = new UserRole();
     $userRole1->setLocale(json_encode(['de', 'en']));
     $permission1 = new Permission();
     $permission1->setContext('Context 1');
     $tag1 = new Tag();
     $tag2 = new Tag();
     $tag3 = new Tag();
     $tag4 = new Tag();
예제 #3
  * @Given the contact :firstName :lastName with :typeName email :email exists
 public function theContactExists($firstName, $lastName, $typeName, $emailAddress)
     $type = $this->getEntityManager()->getRepository('SuluContactBundle:EmailType')->findOneByName($typeName);
     if (!$type) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('No email type "%s" found', $typeName));
     $contact = new Contact();
     $email = new Email();
예제 #4
 public function initOrm()
     $contact = new Contact();
     $contact->setSalutation('Sehr geehrter Herr Dr Mustermann');
     $this->contact = $contact;
     $title = new ContactTitle();
     $position = new Position();
     $account = new Account();
     $account1 = new Account();
     $phoneType = new PhoneType();
     $phone = new Phone();
     $emailType = new EmailType();
     $email = new Email();
     $faxType = new FaxType();
     $this->faxType = $faxType;
     $fax = new Fax();
     $country1 = new Country();
     $country2 = new Country();
     $country2->setName('United States');
     $addressType = new AddressType();
     $address = new Address();
     $contactAddress = new ContactAddress();
     $note = new Note();
예제 #5
  * Updates the given email address.
  * @param Email $email The email object to update
  * @param array $entry The entry with the new data
  * @return bool True if successful, otherwise false
  * @throws EntityNotFoundException
 protected function updateEmail(Email $email, $entry)
     $success = true;
     $emailType = $this->em->getRepository(self::$emailTypeEntityName)->find($entry['emailType']['id']);
     if (!$emailType) {
         throw new EntityNotFoundException(self::$emailTypeEntityName, $entry['emailType']['id']);
     } else {
     return $success;
예제 #6
 public function setUp()
     $this->em = $this->db('ORM')->getOm();
     $emailType = new EmailType();
     $email1 = new Email();
     // Contact
     $contact1 = new Contact();
     $this->contact1 = $contact1;
     $email = new Email();
     $contact2 = new Contact();
     $this->contact2 = $contact2;
     $contact3 = new Contact();
     $this->contact3 = $contact3;
     $role1 = new Role();
     $this->role1 = $role1;
     $role2 = new Role();
     $this->role2 = $role2;
     // User 1
     $user = new User();
     $this->user1 = $user;
     // User 2
     $user1 = new User();
     $this->user2 = $user1;
     $userRole1 = new UserRole();
     $userRole1->setLocale(json_encode(['de', 'en']));
     $userRole2 = new UserRole();
     $userRole2->setLocale(json_encode(['de', 'en']));
     $userRole3 = new UserRole();
     $userRole3->setLocale(json_encode(['de', 'en']));
     $permission1 = new Permission();
     $permission1->setContext('Context 1');
     $permission2 = new Permission();
     $permission2->setContext('Context 2');
     // user groups
     $group1 = new Group();
     $this->group1 = $group1;
     $group2 = new Group();
     $this->group2 = $group2;
 private function initOrm()
     $this->account = new Account();
     $urlType = new UrlType();
     $url = new Url();
     $emailType = new EmailType();
     $email = new Email();
     $phoneType = new PhoneType();
     $phone = new Phone();
     $faxType = new FaxType();
     $fax = new Fax();
     $country = new Country();
     $addressType = new AddressType();
     $address = new Address();
     $accountAddress = new AccountAddress();
     $contact = new Contact();
     $accountContact = new AccountContact();
     $note = new Note();
예제 #8
 private function prepareUser($username, $password, $enabled = true, $locked = false)
     $emailType = new EmailType();
     $email = new Email();
     $contact1 = new Contact();
     $user = new User();
     $role = new Role();
     $userRole = new UserRole();
     return $user;
예제 #9
 private function initOrm()
     $contact = new Contact();
     $contact->setSalutation('Sehr geehrter Herr Dr Mustermann');
     $this->contact = $contact;
     $title = new ContactTitle();
     $position = new Position();
     $account = new Account();
     $this->account = $account;
     $account1 = new Account();
     $this->account1 = $account1;
     $phoneType = new PhoneType();
     $this->phoneType = $phoneType;
     $phone = new Phone();
     $this->phone = $phone;
     $emailType = new EmailType();
     $this->emailType = $emailType;
     $email = new Email();
     $this->email = $email;
     $faxType = new FaxType();
     $this->faxType = $faxType;
     $fax = new Fax();
     $this->fax = $fax;
     $country1 = new Country();
     $this->country = $country1;
     $country2 = new Country();
     $country2->setName('United States');
     $this->country2 = $country2;
     $addressType = new AddressType();
     $this->addressType = $addressType;
     $address = new Address();
     $this->address = $address;
     $contactAddress = new ContactAddress();
     $this->contactAddress = $contactAddress;
     $note = new Note();
     $this->note = $note;
     /* First Category
     $category = new Category();
     $this->category = $category;
     // name for first category
     $categoryTrans = new CategoryTranslation();
     $categoryTrans->setTranslation('First Category');
     // meta for first category
     $categoryMeta = new CategoryMeta();
     $categoryMeta->setValue('Description of Category');
     /* Second Category
     $category2 = new Category();
     $this->category2 = $category2;
     // name for second category
     $categoryTrans2 = new CategoryTranslation();
     $categoryTrans2->setTranslation('Second Category');
     // meta for second category
     $categoryMeta2 = new CategoryMeta();
     $categoryMeta2->setValue('Description of second Category');
     $this->contactTitle = $title;
     $this->contactPosition = $position;