  * @param PageInterface $page
  * @param PageInterface $currentPage
  * @param array         $choices
  * @param int           $level
 private function childWalker(PageInterface $page, PageInterface $currentPage = null, &$choices, $level = 1)
     if (!($currentPage && $currentPage->getId() == $page->getId())) {
         $choices[$page->getId()] = $page->getLongName();
         foreach ($page->getChildren() as $child) {
             $this->childWalker($child, $currentPage, $choices, $level + 1);
예제 #2
  * @param PageInterface $page
  * @param PageInterface $currentPage
  * @param array         $choices
  * @param int           $level
 private function childWalker(PageInterface $page, PageInterface $currentPage = null, &$choices, $level = 1)
     foreach ($page->getChildren() as $child) {
         if ($currentPage && $currentPage->getId() == $child->getId()) {
         if ($child->isDynamic()) {
         $choices[$child->getId()] = $child;
         $this->childWalker($child, $currentPage, $choices, $level + 1);
예제 #3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function loadPageBlocks(PageInterface $page)
     if (isset($this->pageBlocksLoaded[$page->getId()])) {
         return array();
     $blocks = $this->getBlocksById($page);
     foreach ($blocks as $block) {
         $parent = $block->getParent();
         if (!$parent) {
     $this->pageBlocksLoaded[$page->getId()] = true;
     return $blocks;
예제 #4
  * Get children
  * @param \Sonata\PageBundle\Model\PageInterface $parent
  * @return Collection
 public function getChildren(PageInterface $parent)
     if (!isset($this->children[$parent->getId()])) {
         $date = new \Datetime();
         $parameters = array('publicationDateStart' => $date, 'publicationDateEnd' => $date, 'parentId' => $parent->getId());
         $snapshots = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder()->select('s')->from('Application\\Sonata\\PageBundle\\Entity\\Snapshot', 's')->where('s.parentId = :parentId and s.enabled = 1')->andWhere('s.publicationDateStart <= :publicationDateStart AND ( s.publicationDateEnd IS NULL OR s.publicationDateEnd >= :publicationDateEnd )')->orderBy('s.position')->setParameters($parameters)->getQuery()->execute();
         $pages = array();
         foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) {
             $page = new SnapshotPageProxy($this, $snapshot);
             $pages[$page->getId()] = $page;
         $this->children[$parent->getId()] = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection($pages);
     return $this->children[$parent->getId()];
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getBlocksById(PageInterface $page)
     $blocks = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery(sprintf('SELECT b FROM %s b INDEX BY b.id WHERE b.page = :page ORDER BY b.position ASC', $this->blockManager->getClass()))->setParameters(array('page' => $page->getId()))->useResultCache(true, 300)->execute();
     return $blocks;
예제 #6
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function cleanup(PageInterface $page, $keep)
     if (!is_numeric($keep)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Please provide an integer value, %s given', gettype($keep)));
     $tableName = $this->getTableName();
     $platform = $this->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform()->getName();
     if ('mysql' === $platform) {
         return $this->getConnection()->exec(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s
                 page_id = %d
                 AND id NOT IN (
                     SELECT id
                     FROM (
                         SELECT id, publication_date_end
                         FROM %s
                             page_id = %d
                         ORDER BY
                             publication_date_end IS NULL DESC,
                             publication_date_end DESC
                         LIMIT %d
                     ) AS table_alias
             )', $tableName, $page->getId(), $tableName, $page->getId(), $keep));
     if ('oracle' === $platform) {
         return $this->getConnection()->exec(sprintf('DELETE FROM %s
                 page_id = %d
                 AND id NOT IN (
                     SELECT id
                     FROM (
                         SELECT id, publication_date_end
                         FROM %s
                             page_id = %d
                             AND rownum <= %d
                         ORDER BY publication_date_end DESC
                     ) AS table_alias
             )', $tableName, $page->getId(), $tableName, $page->getId(), $keep));
     throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('The %s database platform has not been tested yet. Please report us if it works and feel free to create a pull request to handle it ;-)', $platform));
예제 #7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getChildren(PageInterface $parent)
     if (!isset($this->children[$parent->getId()])) {
         $date = new \Datetime();
         $parameters = array('publicationDateStart' => $date, 'publicationDateEnd' => $date, 'parentId' => $parent->getId());
         $manager = $this->registry->getManagerForClass($this->snapshotManager->getClass());
         if (!$manager instanceof EntityManagerInterface) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid entity manager type');
         $snapshots = $manager->createQueryBuilder()->select('s')->from($this->snapshotManager->getClass(), 's')->where('s.parentId = :parentId and s.enabled = 1')->andWhere('s.publicationDateStart <= :publicationDateStart AND ( s.publicationDateEnd IS NULL OR s.publicationDateEnd >= :publicationDateEnd )')->orderBy('s.position')->setParameters($parameters)->getQuery()->execute();
         $pages = array();
         foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) {
             $page = new SnapshotPageProxy($this->snapshotManager, $this, $snapshot);
             $pages[$page->getId()] = $page;
         $this->children[$parent->getId()] = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection($pages);
     return $this->children[$parent->getId()];
  * @param PageInterface $page
  * @param PageInterface $currentPage
  * @param array         $choices
  * @param int           $level
 private function childWalker(PageInterface $page, PageInterface $currentPage = null, &$choices, $level = 1, $addNotGrantedPage = false)
     if (!($currentPage && $currentPage->getId() == $page->getId())) {
         if ($level > 1 || $this->isEditor || $this->securityContext->isGranted('EDIT', $page) || $addNotGrantedPage) {
             $choices[$page->getId()] = $page->getLongName();
         foreach ($page->getChildren() as $child) {
             if ($this->isEditor || $this->securityContext->isGranted('EDIT', $child)) {
                 $this->childWalker($child, $currentPage, $choices, $level + 1);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getChildren(PageInterface $parent)
     if (!isset($this->children[$parent->getId()])) {
         $date = new \Datetime();
         $parameters = array('publicationDateStart' => $date, 'publicationDateEnd' => $date, 'parentId' => $parent->getId());
         $manager = $this->registry->getManagerForClass($this->snapshotManager->getClass());
         if (!$manager instanceof EntityManagerInterface) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid entity manager type');
         $snapshots_query = $manager->createQueryBuilder()->select('s')->from($this->snapshotManager->getClass(), 's')->where('s.parentId = :parentId and s.enabled = 1')->andWhere('s.publicationDateStart <= :publicationDateStart AND ( s.publicationDateEnd IS NULL OR s.publicationDateEnd >= :publicationDateEnd )')->orderBy('s.position')->setParameters($parameters)->getQuery();
         $snapshots_query->setHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Gedmo\\Translatable\\Query\\TreeWalker\\TranslationWalker');
         $snapshots_query->setHint(\Gedmo\Translatable\TranslatableListener::HINT_TRANSLATABLE_LOCALE, $parent->getSite()->getLocale());
         $snapshots = $snapshots_query->execute();
         $pages = array();
         foreach ($snapshots as $snapshot) {
             $page = new SnapshotPageProxy($this->snapshotManager, $this, $snapshot);
             $pages[$page->getId()] = $page;
         $this->children[$parent->getId()] = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection($pages);
     return $this->children[$parent->getId()];