private function __readPropertySets() { $offset = 0; while ($offset < strlen($this->entry)) { $d = substr($this->entry, $offset, self::PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE); $nameSize = ord($d[self::SIZE_OF_NAME_POS]) | ord($d[self::SIZE_OF_NAME_POS + 1]) << 8; $type = ord($d[self::TYPE_POS]); $startBlock = ExelReaderHelper::GetInt4d($d, self::START_BLOCK_POS); $size = ExelReaderHelper::GetInt4d($d, self::SIZE_POS); $name = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $nameSize; $i++) { $name .= $d[$i]; } $name = str_replace("", "", $name); $this->props[] = ['name' => $name, 'type' => $type, 'startBlock' => $startBlock, 'size' => $size]; if (strtolower($name) == "workbook" || strtolower($name) == "book") { $this->wrkbook = count($this->props) - 1; } if ($name == "Root Entry") { $this->rootentry = count($this->props) - 1; } $offset += self::PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE; } }
private function _getCellDetails($spos, $numValue, $column) { $xfindex = ord($this->data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 5]) << 8; $xfrecord = $this->xfRecords[$xfindex]; $type = $xfrecord['type']; $format = $xfrecord['format']; $formatIndex = $xfrecord['formatIndex']; $fontIndex = $xfrecord['fontIndex']; $formatColor = ""; $rectype = ''; $string = ''; $raw = ''; if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])) { $format = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1]; } if ($type == 'date') { // See $rectype = 'date'; // Convert numeric value into a date $utcDays = floor($numValue - ($this->nineteenFour ? self::SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS1904 : self::SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS)); $utcValue = $utcDays * self::SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY; $dateinfo = ExelReaderHelper::gmgetdate($utcValue); $raw = $numValue; $fractionalDay = $numValue - floor($numValue) + 1.0E-7; // The .0000001 is to fix for php/excel fractional diffs $totalseconds = floor(self::SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY * $fractionalDay); $secs = $totalseconds % 60; $totalseconds -= $secs; $hours = floor($totalseconds / (60 * 60)); $mins = floor($totalseconds / 60) % 60; $string = date($format, mktime($hours, $mins, $secs, $dateinfo["mon"], $dateinfo["mday"], $dateinfo["year"])); } else { if ($type == 'number') { $rectype = 'number'; $formatted = $this->_format_value($format, $numValue, $formatIndex); $string = $formatted['string']; $formatColor = $formatted['formatColor']; $raw = $numValue; } else { if ($format == "") { $format = $this->_defaultFormat; } $rectype = 'unknown'; $formatted = $this->_format_value($format, $numValue, $formatIndex); $string = $formatted['string']; $formatColor = $formatted['formatColor']; $raw = $numValue; } } return ['string' => $string, 'raw' => $raw, 'rectype' => $rectype, 'format' => $format, 'formatIndex' => $formatIndex, 'fontIndex' => $fontIndex, 'formatColor' => $formatColor, 'xfIndex' => $xfindex]; }