public function request($name) { if (Request::env('POST')->{$name}->exists()) { return Request::env('POST')->{$name}->val(); } return isset($this->{$name}) ? $this->{$name} : null; }
public static function get() { $alert = self::$alerts; unset(Request::env('SESSION')->alerts); self::$alerts = null; return $alert; }
public static function has($type = 'REQUEST') { if (Request::env($type)->token->eq(self::get(Router::getToken()))) { return true; } return false; }
public function delete() { if (Request::env('REQUEST')->{Admin::getInstance()->getPrimaryKey()}->val() == 1) { Alert::set(I18n::__('Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer cet administrateur.')); Http::redirect(Router::linkBack(Router::$controller)); } parent::delete(new Admin()); }
public function display() { header('Content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8'); if (Request::env('REQUEST')->callback->exsist()) { echo Request::env('REQUEST')->callback->val() . '(' . json_encode($this->callback()) . ');'; } else { echo json_encode($this->callback()); } exit; }
public static function secure() { $rc = new \ReflectionClass(self::model()); $modelName = $rc->getShortName(); if (Router::$controller !== $modelName . '\\Auth') { if (!self::model()->isLogged()) { http_response_code(401); Http::redirect(Router::link(Router::$interface, $modelName . '\\Auth', array('redirect' => Request::env('SERVER')->REQUEST_URI->val()))); } } elseif (self::model()->isLogged() && !Router::$method) { Http::redirect(Router::link()); } }
public function signin() { if (Request::env('POST')->email->exists()) { if (Request::env('POST')->password->exists()) { if ($id = self::model()->exists(Request::env('POST')->email->val(), Request::env('POST')->password->val())) { Logger::getInstance()->info('Signin {admin}', array('admin' => Request::env('POST')->email->val())); self::model()->session()->id = $id; self::model()->session()->token = Token::get($id); $url = SJO_BASEHREF; if (preg_match('#^(\\./|/)#', Request::env('GET')->redirect->val())) { $url = Request::env('GET')->redirect->val(); } Http::redirect($url); } else { Alert::set(Lib\I18n::__('Les informations de connexion sont incorrects')); } } else { Alert::set(Lib\I18n::__('Veuillez renseigner votre mot de passe')); } } else { Alert::set(Lib\I18n::__('Veuillez renseigner votre identifiant')); } }
/** * @param $dest * * @throws \sJo\File\UploadException * @return bool */ public function copy($dest) { $src = Request::env('FILES')->{$this->requestName}->tmp_name->val(); list($width, $height, $type) = getimagesize($src); $newWidth = $width; $newHeight = $height; $source = null; switch ($type) { case IMG_GIF: $source = imagecreatefromgif($src); break; case IMG_JPG: $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); break; case IMG_PNG: $source = imagecreatefrompng($src); break; } if (is_null($source)) { throw new UploadException(I18n::__('Error image mime')); } if ($height > self::IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT) { $newWidth = self::IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT / $height * $width; $newHeight = self::IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT; } if ($width > self::IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH) { $newHeight = self::IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH / $width * $height; $newWidth = self::IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH; } $img = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight); imagecopyresampled($img, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height); if (!imagejpeg($img, $dest, static::IMAGE_QUALITY)) { throw new UploadException(I18n::__('Error image create.')); } return true; }
private static function loadMethod() { self::$method = Request::env('REQUEST')->{self::$__map['method']['name']}->val(self::$__map['method']['default'], true); }
/** * Logs with an arbitrary level. * * @param mixed $level * @param string $message * @param array $context * @return null */ public function log($level, $message, array $context = array()) { File::append(SJO_ROOT_LOG . '/app.' . $level . '.log', date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\t" . Request::env('SERVER')->REQUEST_URI->val() . "\t" . self::interpolate($message, $context) . "\n"); }
/** * @param $dest * * @return bool */ public function copy($dest) { return File::copy(Request::env('FILES')->{$this->requestName}->tmp_name->val(), $dest); }
public static function getPrimaryRequest($type = 'GET') { return Request::env($type)->{static::getInstance()->getPrimaryKey()}->val(); }
public static function cookie() { return Request::env('COOKIES')->{__CLASS__}; }
?> " /> <title><?php Lib\I18n::_e('Authentification'); ?> </title> <meta name="description" content="<?php Lib\I18n::_e('Authentification'); ?> "> <?php if (Helper\Style::hasRegistry()) { ?> <?php Helper\Style::applyRegistry(); ?> <?php } ?> <style type="text/css"> body{background:#333} form{background:#fff;width:300px;margin:150px auto 0;padding:0 20px 20px;border:5px solid #000;border-radius:10px;box-shadow:0 0 10px #000} </style> </head> <body> <?php Helper\Form::create(array(Helper\Fieldset::create(array(Helper\Token::create(Router::getToken('signin')), Helper\Container::create(array('tagname' => 'h2', 'attributes' => array('class' => 'form-signin-heading'), 'elements' => Lib\I18n::__('Authentification'))), Helper\Alert::create(), Helper\Input::create(array('attributes' => array('name' => 'email', 'value' => Request::env('POST')->email->val(), 'placeholder' => Lib\I18n::__('Adresse email'), 'autofocus' => true))), Helper\Input::create(array('attributes' => array('type' => 'password', 'name' => 'password', 'placeholder' => Lib\I18n::__('Mot de passe')))), Helper\Button::create(array('attributes' => array('class' => 'btn-lg btn-block btn-primary', 'value' => Lib\I18n::__('Connexion'))))))))->render(); ?> </body> </html>
public function display() { $render = null; if (Router::$method) { switch (Request::env('GET')->content_type->val()) { case 'json': header('Content-type:application/json; charset=' . SJO_CHARSET); if (method_exists(Router::$controllerClass, Router::$method)) { if (Token::has()) { echo json_encode($this->instance->{Router::$method}()); } else { $this->ErrorDocument('http403', Lib\I18n::__('Warning ! Prohibited queries.')); } } exit; break; default: header('Content-type:text/html; charset=' . SJO_CHARSET); if (method_exists(Router::$controllerClass, Router::$method)) { if (Request::env('POST')->exists()) { if (Token::has()) { $render = $this->instance->{Router::$method}(); } else { $this->ErrorDocument('http403', Lib\I18n::__('Warning ! Prohibited queries.')); } } else { $render = $this->instance->{Router::$method}(); } } break; } } $this->event('loadedView'); $this->view->display($render); $this->event('displayedView'); }
/** * @return bool */ protected function validateForm() { foreach ($this->getFormFields() as $name => $attr) { // Get field label $label = $this->getFieldLabel($name); if (isset($attr['validate'])) { if (Validate::isCallable($attr['validate'])) { call_user_func($attr['validate'], $attr, $name, $label); } elseif (preg_match("#^:([[:alnum:]]+)\$#", $attr['validate'], $match)) { if (Request::env('POST')->{$name}->val() !== Request::env('POST')->{$match[1]}->val()) { $this->setError($name, I18n::__('The field %s must be identical to %s.', '<strong>' . $label . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $this->getFieldLabel($match[1]) . '</strong>')); } } } } return !$this->hasErrors(); }