예제 #1
  * Constructor
  * @param $atk Atk
  * @return IndexPage
 public function __construct(Atk $atk)
     global $ATK_VARS;
     $this->atk = $atk;
     $this->m_page = Page::getInstance();
     $this->m_ui = Ui::getInstance();
     $this->m_output = Output::getInstance();
     $this->m_user = SecurityManager::atkGetUser();
     $this->m_flags = array_key_exists('atkpartial', $ATK_VARS) ? Page::HTML_PARTIAL : Page::HTML_STRICT;
예제 #2
파일: EventLog.php 프로젝트: sintattica/atk
  * This method handles the storage of the action in the database.
  * @param string $action The action being performed
  * @param array $record The record on which the action is performed
 public function actionPerformed($action, $record)
     $user = SecurityManager::atkGetUser();
     $userid = $user[Config::getGlobal('auth_userpk')];
     if ($userid == '') {
         $userid = 0;
     // probably administrator
     $node = $this->m_node->atkNodeUri();
     $db = $this->m_node->getDb();
     $primarykey = $db->escapeSQL($this->m_node->primaryKey($record));
     $db->query('INSERT INTO atkeventlog (id, userid, stamp, node, action, primarykey)
                 VALUES(' . $db->nextid('atkeventlog') . ", {$userid}, " . $db->func_now() . ", '{$node}', '{$action}', '{$primarykey}')");
예제 #3
  * Handle the error.
  * @param string $errorMessage
  * @param string $debugMessage
 public function handle($errorMessage, $debugMessage)
     $sessionManager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     $sessionData =& SessionManager::getSession();
     $txt_app_title = Tools::atktext('app_title');
     if ($this->params['mailto'] != '') {
         // only if enabled..
         $atk = Atk::getInstance();
         $subject = '[' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "] {$txt_app_title} error";
         $defaultfrom = sprintf('%s <%s@%s>', $txt_app_title, Config::getGlobal('identifier', 'atk'), $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
         $from = Config::getGlobal('mail_sender', $defaultfrom);
         $body = "Hello,\n\nAn error seems to have occurred in the atk application named '{$txt_app_title}'.\n";
         $body .= "\nThe errormessage was:\n\n" . implode("\n", is_array($errorMessage) ? $errorMessage : array()) . "\n";
         $body .= "\nA detailed report follows:\n";
         $body .= "\nPHP Version: " . phpversion() . "\n\n";
         $body .= "\nDEBUGMESSAGES\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         $lines = [];
         for ($i = 0, $_ = count($debugMessage); $i < $_; ++$i) {
             $lines[] = $this->_wordwrap(Tools::atk_html_entity_decode(preg_replace('(\\[<a.*</a>\\])', '', $debugMessage[$i])));
         $body .= implode("\n", $lines);
         if (is_array($_GET)) {
             $body .= "\n\n_GET\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
             foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         if (function_exists('getallheaders')) {
             $request = getallheaders();
             if (count($request) > 0) {
                 $body .= "\n\nREQUEST INFORMATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
                 foreach ($request as $key => $value) {
                     $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         if (is_array($_POST)) {
             $body .= "\n\n_POST\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
             foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         if (is_array($_COOKIE)) {
             $body .= "\n\n_COOKIE\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
             foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nATK CONFIGURATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
             if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'config_') {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nMODULE CONFIGURATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         foreach ($atk->g_modules as $modname => $modpath) {
             $modexists = file_exists($modpath) ? ' (path exists)' : ' (PATH DOES NOT EXIST!)';
             $body .= $this->_wordwrap($modname . ':' . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($modname))) . var_export($modpath, 1) . $modexists) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nCurrent User:\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         $user = SecurityManager::atkGetUser();
         if (is_array($user) && count($user)) {
             foreach ($user as $key => $value) {
                 $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         } else {
             $body .= "Not known\n";
         if (is_object($sessionManager)) {
             $body .= "\n\nATK SESSION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70);
             $body .= "\nNamespace: " . $sessionManager->getNameSpace() . "\n";
             if (isset($sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['stack'])) {
                 $stack = $sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['stack'];
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($stack); ++$i) {
                     $body .= "\nStack level {$i}:\n";
                     $item = isset($stack[$i]) ? $stack[$i] : null;
                     if (is_array($item)) {
                         foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
                             $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
             if (isset($sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['globals'])) {
                 $ns_globals = $sessionData[$sessionManager->getNameSpace()]['globals'];
                 if (count($ns_globals) > 0) {
                     $body .= "\nNamespace globals:\n";
                     foreach ($ns_globals as $key => $value) {
                         $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
             if (isset($sessionData['globals'])) {
                 $globals = $sessionData['globals'];
                 if (count($globals) > 0) {
                     $body .= "\nGlobals:\n";
                     foreach ($globals as $key => $value) {
                         $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 30 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         $body .= "\n\nSERVER INFORMATION\n" . str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
         foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
             $body .= $this->_wordwrap($key . str_repeat(' ', max(1, 20 - strlen($key))) . ' = ' . var_export($value, 1)) . "\n";
         //TODO: replace with some mailer object
         mail($this->params['mailto'], $subject, $body, "From: {$from}");
예제 #4
  * Determine the export selections that should be displayed.
  * @return array
 protected function getExportSelections()
     $where = ' nodetype = "' . $this->m_postvars['atknodeuri'] . '"';
     if ('none' !== strtolower(Config::getGlobal('authentication'))) {
         $user = SecurityManager::atkGetUser();
         if ('administrator' !== strtolower($user['name'])) {
             $where .= ' AND user_id IN( 0, ' . (int) $user[Config::getGlobal('auth_userpk')] . ' )';
     $db = Db::getInstance();
     return $db->getRows($query = 'SELECT id, name FROM atk_exportcriteria WHERE ' . $where . ' ORDER BY name');
예제 #5
  * Returns a piece of html code that can be used in a form to edit this
  * attribute's value.
  * @param array $record The record that holds the value for this attribute.
  * @param string $fieldprefix The fieldprefix to put in front of the name
  *                            of any html form element for this attribute.
  * @param string $mode The mode we're in ('add' or 'edit')
  * @return string A piece of htmlcode for editing this attribute
 public function edit($record, $fieldprefix, $mode)
     $user = SecurityManager::atkGetUser();
     $page = Page::getInstance();
     $icons = "var ATK_PROFILE_ICON_OPEN = '" . Config::getGlobal('icon_plussquare') . "';";
     $icons .= "var ATK_PROFILE_ICON_CLOSE = '" . Config::getGlobal('icon_minussquare') . "';";
     $page->register_script(Config::getGlobal('assets_url') . 'javascript/class.atkprofileattribute.js');
     $result = '<div align="right">
               [<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="profile_checkAll(\'' . $this->fieldName() . '\'); return false;">' . Tools::atktext('check_all') . '</a> | <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="profile_checkNone(\'' . $this->fieldName() . '\'); return false;">' . Tools::atktext('check_none') . '</a> | <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="profile_checkInvert(\'' . $this->fieldName() . '\'); return false;">' . Tools::atktext('invert_selection') . '</a>]</div>';
     $isAdmin = $user['name'] == 'administrator' || $this->canGrantAll();
     $allActions = $this->getAllActions($record, true);
     $editableActions = $this->getEditableActions($record);
     $selectedActions = $this->getSelectedActions($record);
     foreach ($allActions as $section => $modules) {
         $result .= '<div class="profileSection">';
         $result .= "<span onclick=\"profile_swapProfileDiv('div_{$section}');\" style=\"cursor: pointer; font-size: 110%; font-weight: bold\">";
         $result .= '  <i class="' . Config::getGlobal('icon_plussquare') . "\" id=\"img_div_{$section}\"></i> " . Tools::atktext(array("title_{$section}", $section), $section);
         $result .= '</span><br/>';
         $result .= "<div id='div_{$section}' name='div_{$section}' style='display: none; padding-left: 15px' class='checkbox'>";
         $result .= "  <input type='hidden' name=\"divstate['div_{$section}']\" id=\"divstate['div_{$section}']\" value='closed' />";
         $result .= '  <div style="font-size: 80%; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px" >
               [<a  style="font-size: 100%" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="profile_checkAllByValue(\'' . $this->fieldName() . '\',\'' . $section . '.\'); return false;">' . Tools::atktext('check_all', 'atk') . '</a> | <a  style="font-size: 100%" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="profile_checkNoneByValue(\'' . $this->fieldName() . '\',\'' . $section . '.\'); return false;">' . Tools::atktext('check_none', 'atk') . '</a> | <a  style="font-size: 100%" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="profile_checkInvertByValue(\'' . $this->fieldName() . '\',\'' . $section . '.\'); return false;">' . Tools::atktext('invert_selection', 'atk') . '</a>]';
         $result .= '  </div>';
         $result .= '  <br>';
         foreach ($modules as $module => $nodes) {
             foreach ($nodes as $node => $actions) {
                 $showBox = $isAdmin || count(array_intersect($actions, is_array($editableActions[$module][$node]) ? $editableActions[$module][$node] : array())) > 0;
                 if ($showBox) {
                     $result .= '<b>' . Tools::atktext($node, $module) . '</b><br>';
                 $tabs_str = '';
                 $display_tabs_str = false;
                 // Draw action checkboxes
                 foreach ($actions as $action) {
                     $temp_str = '';
                     $isEditable = $isAdmin || Tools::atk_in_array($action, $editableActions[$module][$node]);
                     $isSelected = isset($selectedActions[$module][$node]) && in_array($action, $selectedActions[$module][$node]);
                     if ($isEditable) {
                         if (substr($action, 0, 4) == 'tab_') {
                             $display_tabs_str = true;
                         $temp_str .= '<label>';
                         $temp_str .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $this->fieldName() . '[]" ' . $this->getCSSClassAttribute('atkcheckbox') . ' value="' . $section . '.' . $module . '.' . $node . '.' . $action . '" ';
                         $temp_str .= ($isSelected ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . '>';
                         $temp_str .= ' ' . $this->permissionName($action, $node, $module);
                         $temp_str .= '</label>';
                     if (substr($action, 0, 4) == 'tab_') {
                         $tabs_str .= $temp_str;
                     } else {
                         $result .= $temp_str;
                 if ($display_tabs_str) {
                     $result .= '<br>Tabs:&nbsp;';
                 $result .= $tabs_str;
                 if ($showBox) {
                     $result .= "<br /><br />\n";
         $result .= '  </div>';
         // end div_$section
         $result .= '</div>';
         // end profileSection
     return $result;
예제 #6
  * This method is overridden to make sure that when a form is posted ('save' button), the
  * current record is refreshed so the output on screen is accurate.
  * @return array Array with userinfo, or "" if no user is logged in.
 public function initialValue()
     $fakeRecord = array($this->fieldName() => SecurityManager::atkGetUser());
     return $fakeRecord[$this->fieldName()];
예제 #7
파일: Language.php 프로젝트: sintattica/atk
  * Get the selected language of the current user if he/she set one,
  * otherwise we try to get it from the browser settings and if even THAT
  * fails, we return the default language.
  * @static
  * @return string
 public static function getUserLanguage()
     $supported = self::getSupportedLanguages();
     $sessionmanager = SessionManager::getInstance();
     if (!empty($sessionmanager)) {
         $userinfo = SecurityManager::atkGetUser();
         $fieldname = Config::getGlobal('auth_languagefield');
         if (isset($userinfo[$fieldname]) && in_array($userinfo[$fieldname], $supported)) {
             return $userinfo[$fieldname];
     // Otherwise we check the headers
     if (Config::getGlobal('use_browser_language', false)) {
         $headerlng = self::getLanguageFromHeaders();
         if ($headerlng && in_array($headerlng, $supported)) {
             return $headerlng;
     // We give up and just return the default language
     return Config::getGlobal('language');