public function testRememberMeMultipleDevices()
     $m1 = $this->objFromFixture('SilverStripe\\Security\\Member', 'noexpiry');
     // First device
     Cookie::set('alc_device', null);
     // Second device
     // Hash of first device
     $firstHash = RememberLoginHash::get()->filter('MemberID', $m1->ID)->First();
     // Hash of second device
     $secondHash = RememberLoginHash::get()->filter('MemberID', $m1->ID)->Last();
     // DeviceIDs are different
     $this->assertNotEquals($firstHash->DeviceID, $secondHash->DeviceID);
     // re-generates the hashes so we can get the tokens
     $firstHash->Hash = $firstHash->getNewHash($m1);
     $firstToken = $firstHash->getToken();
     $secondHash->Hash = $secondHash->getNewHash($m1);
     $secondToken = $secondHash->getToken();
     // Accessing the login page should show the user's name straight away
     $response = $this->get('Security/login', $this->session(), null, array('alc_enc' => $m1->ID . ':' . $firstToken, 'alc_device' => $firstHash->DeviceID));
     $message = _t('Member.LOGGEDINAS', "You're logged in as {name}.", array('name' => $m1->FirstName));
     $this->assertContains($message, $response->getBody());
     $this->session()->inst_set('loggedInAs', null);
     // Accessing the login page from the second device
     $response = $this->get('Security/login', $this->session(), null, array('alc_enc' => $m1->ID . ':' . $secondToken, 'alc_device' => $secondHash->DeviceID));
     $this->assertContains($message, $response->getBody());
     // Logging out from the second device - only one device being logged out
     RememberLoginHash::config()->update('logout_across_devices', false);
     $response = $this->get('Security/logout', $this->session(), null, array('alc_enc' => $m1->ID . ':' . $secondToken, 'alc_device' => $secondHash->DeviceID));
     $this->assertEquals(RememberLoginHash::get()->filter(array('MemberID' => $m1->ID, 'DeviceID' => $firstHash->DeviceID))->Count(), 1);
     // Logging out from any device when all login hashes should be removed
     RememberLoginHash::config()->update('logout_across_devices', true);
     $response = $this->get('Security/logout', $this->session());
     $this->assertEquals(RememberLoginHash::get()->filter('MemberID', $m1->ID)->Count(), 0);
예제 #2
  * Log the user in if the "remember login" cookie is set
  * The <i>remember login token</i> will be changed on every successful
  * auto-login.
 public static function autoLogin()
     // Don't bother trying this multiple times
     if (!class_exists('SilverStripe\\Dev\\SapphireTest', false) || !SapphireTest::is_running_test()) {
         self::$_already_tried_to_auto_log_in = true;
     if (!Security::config()->autologin_enabled || strpos(Cookie::get('alc_enc'), ':') === false || Session::get("loggedInAs") || !Security::database_is_ready()) {
     if (strpos(Cookie::get('alc_enc'), ':') && Cookie::get('alc_device') && !Session::get("loggedInAs")) {
         list($uid, $token) = explode(':', Cookie::get('alc_enc'), 2);
         if (!$uid || !$token) {
         $deviceID = Cookie::get('alc_device');
         /** @var Member $member */
         $member = Member::get()->byID($uid);
         /** @var RememberLoginHash $rememberLoginHash */
         $rememberLoginHash = null;
         // check if autologin token matches
         if ($member) {
             $hash = $member->encryptWithUserSettings($token);
             $rememberLoginHash = RememberLoginHash::get()->filter(array('MemberID' => $member->ID, 'DeviceID' => $deviceID, 'Hash' => $hash))->first();
             if (!$rememberLoginHash) {
                 $member = null;
             } else {
                 // Check for expired token
                 $expiryDate = new DateTime($rememberLoginHash->ExpiryDate);
                 $now = DBDatetime::now();
                 $now = new DateTime($now->Rfc2822());
                 if ($now > $expiryDate) {
                     $member = null;
         if ($member) {
             Session::set("loggedInAs", $member->ID);
             // This lets apache rules detect whether the user has logged in
             if (Member::config()->login_marker_cookie) {
                 Cookie::set(Member::config()->login_marker_cookie, 1, 0, null, null, false, true);
             if ($rememberLoginHash) {
                 $tokenExpiryDays = RememberLoginHash::config()->get('token_expiry_days');
                 Cookie::set('alc_enc', $member->ID . ':' . $rememberLoginHash->getToken(), $tokenExpiryDays, null, null, false, true);
             // Audit logging hook
     * Constructor
     * @skipUpgrade
     * @param Controller $controller The parent controller, necessary to
     *                               create the appropriate form action tag.
     * @param string $name The method on the controller that will return this
     *                     form object.
     * @param FieldList $fields All of the fields in the form - a
     *                                   {@link FieldList} of {@link FormField}
     *                                   objects.
     * @param FieldList|FormAction $actions All of the action buttons in the
     *                                     form - a {@link FieldList} of
     *                                     {@link FormAction} objects
     * @param bool $checkCurrentUser If set to TRUE, it will be checked if a
     *                               the user is currently logged in, and if
     *                               so, only a logout button will be rendered
    public function __construct($controller, $name, $fields = null, $actions = null, $checkCurrentUser = true)
        // This is now set on the class directly to make it easier to create subclasses
        // $this->authenticator_class = $authenticatorClassName;
        $customCSS = project() . '/css/member_login.css';
        if (Director::fileExists($customCSS)) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['BackURL'])) {
            $backURL = $_REQUEST['BackURL'];
        } else {
            $backURL = Session::get('BackURL');
        if ($checkCurrentUser && Member::currentUser() && Member::logged_in_session_exists()) {
            $fields = FieldList::create(HiddenField::create("AuthenticationMethod", null, $this->authenticator_class, $this));
            $actions = FieldList::create(FormAction::create("logout", _t('Member.BUTTONLOGINOTHER', "Log in as someone else")));
        } else {
            if (!$fields) {
                $label = Member::singleton()->fieldLabel(Member::config()->unique_identifier_field);
                $fields = FieldList::create(HiddenField::create("AuthenticationMethod", null, $this->authenticator_class, $this), $emailField = TextField::create("Email", $label, null, null, $this), PasswordField::create("Password", _t('Member.PASSWORD', 'Password')));
                if (Security::config()->remember_username) {
                } else {
                    // Some browsers won't respect this attribute unless it's added to the form
                    $this->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
                    $emailField->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
                if (Security::config()->autologin_enabled) {
                    $fields->push(CheckboxField::create("Remember", _t('Member.KEEPMESIGNEDIN', "Keep me signed in"))->setAttribute('title', sprintf(_t('Member.REMEMBERME', "Remember me next time? (for %d days on this device)"), RememberLoginHash::config()->get('token_expiry_days'))));
            if (!$actions) {
                $actions = FieldList::create(FormAction::create('dologin', _t('Member.BUTTONLOGIN', "Log in")), LiteralField::create('forgotPassword', '<p id="ForgotPassword"><a href="' . Security::lost_password_url() . '">' . _t('Member.BUTTONLOSTPASSWORD', "I've lost my password") . '</a></p>'));
        if (isset($backURL)) {
            $fields->push(HiddenField::create('BackURL', 'BackURL', $backURL));
        // Reduce attack surface by enforcing POST requests
        $this->setFormMethod('POST', true);
        parent::__construct($controller, $name, $fields, $actions);
        $this->setValidator(RequiredFields::create('Email', 'Password'));
        // Focus on the email input when the page is loaded
        $js = <<<JS
\t\t\t(function() {
\t\t\t\tvar el = document.getElementById("MemberLoginForm_LoginForm_Email");
\t\t\t\tif(el && el.focus && (typeof jQuery == 'undefined' || jQuery(el).is(':visible'))) el.focus();
        Requirements::customScript($js, 'MemberLoginFormFieldFocus');