예제 #1
  * Saves a single customer. If no customer id passed,
  * the save function creates a new customer model and persist
  * it by the shopware model manager.
  * The sub models billing, shipping and debit will be filled
  * by the passed parameter arrays billing, shipping and debit.
 public function saveAction()
     $id = $this->Request()->getParam('id', null);
     $paymentId = $this->Request()->getParam('paymentId', null);
     /** @var $namespace Enlight_Components_Snippet_Namespace */
     $namespace = Shopware()->Snippets()->getNamespace('backend/customer');
     //customer id passed? If this is the case the customer was edited
     if (!empty($id)) {
         //check if the user has the rights to update an existing customer
         if (!$this->_isAllowed('update', 'customer')) {
             $this->View()->assign(array('success' => false, 'data' => $this->Request()->getParams(), 'message' => $namespace->get('no_edit_rights', 'You do not have sufficient rights to edit a customer.')));
         $customer = $this->getRepository()->find($id);
         $paymentData = $this->getManager()->getRepository('Shopware\\Models\\Customer\\PaymentData')->findOneBy(array('customer' => $customer, 'paymentMean' => $paymentId));
     } else {
         //check if the user has the rights to create a new customer
         if (!$this->_isAllowed('create', 'customer')) {
             $this->View()->assign(array('success' => false, 'data' => $this->Request()->getParams(), 'message' => $namespace->get('no_create_rights', 'You do not have sufficient rights to view create a customer.')));
         $customer = new Customer();
     try {
         $params = $this->Request()->getParams();
         if (!$paymentData instanceof PaymentData && !empty($params['paymentData']) && array_filter($params['paymentData'][0])) {
             $paymentData = new PaymentData();
         $params = $this->prepareCustomerData($params, $customer, $paymentData);
         //set parameter to the customer model.
         $password = $this->Request()->getParam('newPassword', null);
         //encode the password with md5
         if (!empty($password)) {
         $this->View()->assign(array('success' => true, 'data' => $this->getCustomer($customer->getId())));
     } catch (\Doctrine\ORM\ORMException $e) {
         $this->View()->assign(array('success' => false, 'data' => $this->Request()->getParams(), 'message' => $e->getMessage()));