예제 #1
  * Imports an SVG file as a new <symbol>
  * @param  string $file The name of the file to import from
  * @return void
 private final function _createSymbol($file, $id)
     if (!is_string($file)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('%s expects a string but got a %s', __MEHTOD__, gettype($file)));
     } else {
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             throw new \Exception(sprintf('%s not found', $file), 1);
     // Create a new SVG from the file
     $svg = parent::loadSVG($file);
     $symbol = $this->documentElement->appendChild($this->createElement('symbol'));
     $symbol->id = is_string($id) ? $id : basename($file, '.svg');
     // Attempt to set `viewBox` from either SVG's viewBox or dimensions
     if (isset($svg->documentElement->viewBox)) {
         $symbol->viewBox = $svg->documentElement->viewBox;
     } else {
         if (isset($svg->documentElement->width, $svg->documentElement->height)) {
             $symbol->viewBox = "0 0 {$svg->documentElement->width} {$svg->documentElement->height}";
     // Import and append SVG's childNodes
     foreach ($svg->documentElement->childNodes as $node) {
         $symbol->appendChild($this->importNode($node, true));
예제 #2
function loadDialog()
    $size = ['height' => 60, 'width' => 60];
    $package = json_decode(file_get_contents('package.json'));
    $dialog = \shgysk8zer0\DOM\HTML::getInstance()->createElement('dialog');
    $dialog->id = 'contact-dialog';
    $dialog->append('button', null, ['type' => 'button', 'data-close' => "#{$dialog->id}"]);
    $dialog->append('a', null, ['href' => "mailto:{$package->author->email}?Subject={$package->name}", 'title' => 'Email'])->import(SVG::useIcon('mail-read', $size), true);
    $dialog->append('a', null, ['href' => 'tel:+17603793667', 'title' => 'Call'])->import(SVG::useIcon('device-mobile', $size));
    $dialog->append('a', null, ['href' => 'https://gitter.im/KVSun/ad-insertion', 'target' => '_blank', 'title' => 'Chat on Gitter'])->import(SVG::useIcon('comment', $size), true);
    $dialog->append('a', null, ['href' => str_replace('.git', null, $package->repository->url), 'target' => '_blank', 'title' => 'GitHub'])->import(SVG::useIcon('mark-github', $size), true);
    $dialog->append('a', null, ['href' => $package->bugs->url, 'target' => '_blank', 'title' => 'Open Issue'])->import(SVG::useIcon('issue-opened', $size), true);
    return $dialog;
예제 #3
function loadFooter()
    $size = ['height' => 50, 'width' => 50];
    $params = new \shgysk8zer0\Core\URLSearchParams();
    $params->load = 'readme';
    $footer = DOM\HTML::getInstance()->createElement('footer');
    $footer->append('a', null, ['title' => 'View README/documentation', 'href' => "?{$params}", 'role' => 'button'])->import(DOM\SVG::useIcon('info', $size));
    $contact = $footer('contact_dialog')[0];
    $footer->append('button', null, ['title' => 'Contact info', 'data-show-modal' => "#{$contact->id}"])->import(DOM\SVG::useIcon('organization', $size));
    $params->load = 'login';
    $footer->append('a', null, ['href' => "?{$params}", 'title' => 'login', 'role' => 'button'])->import(DOM\SVG::useIcon('sign-in', $size));
    $params->load = 'ad_insertion';
    $footer->append('a', null, ['href' => "?{$params}", 'title' => 'Ad Insertion', 'role' => 'button'])->import(DOM\SVG::useIcon('smiley', $size));
    return $footer;
예제 #4
function buildForm()
    $form = \shgysk8zer0\DOM\HTML::getInstance()->createElement('form');
    $form->name = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
    $form->method = 'POST';
    $form->action = \shgysk8zer0\Core\URL::getInstance();
    $form->append('label', 'Email', ['for' => "{$form->name}[user]"]);
    $form->append('input', null, ['type' => 'email', 'name' => "{$form->name}[user]", 'id' => "{$form->name}[user]", 'placeholder' => '*****@*****.**', 'required' => '']);
    $form->append('label', 'Password', ['for' => "{$form->name}[password]"]);
    $form->append('input', null, ['type' => 'password', 'name' => "{$form->name}[password]", 'id' => "{$form->name}[password]", 'placeholder' => '************', 'required' => '']);
    $form->append('button', null, ['type' => 'submit', 'title' => 'Submit'])->import(\shgysk8zer0\DOM\SVG::useIcon('check', ['height' => 30, 'width' => 30]));
    $form->append('button', null, ['type' => 'reset', 'title' => 'Reset'])->import(\shgysk8zer0\DOM\SVG::useIcon('x', ['height' => 30, 'width' => 30]));
    return $form;
예제 #5
function loadAdInsertion()
    $size = ['width' => 30, 'height' => 30];
    $form = DOM\HTML::getinstance()->createElement('form');
    $form->name = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
    $form->action = '.';
    $form->method = 'POST';
    $section = $form->append('fieldset', null, ['form' => $form->name]);
    $section->append('legend', 'Section');
    $section->append('label', 'Date: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[date]']);
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'date', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[date]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[date]', 'placeholder' => 'YYYY-mm-dd', 'require' => true]);
    $section->append('label', 'By: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[by]']);
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[by]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[by]', 'pattern' => '[A-z ]+', 'placeholder' => 'Your name', 'required' => true]);
    $section->append('label', 'A', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[section][a]']);
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[section][a]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[section][a]']);
    $section->append('label', 'B', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[section][b]']);
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[section][b]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[section][b]']);
    $section->append('label', 'C', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[section][c]']);
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[section][c]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[section][c]']);
    $section->append('label', 'D', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[section][d]']);
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[section][d]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[section][d]']);
    $section->append('label', ' Classification', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[classification]']);
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[classification]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[classification]', 'placeholder' => '???', 'required' => true]);
    $section->append('label', null, ['for' => 'ad-insertion[special-edition]'])->append('i', 'Special Edition');
    $section->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[special-edition]', 'placeholder' => '???', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[special-edition]']);
    $contact = $form->append('fieldset', null, ['for' => 'ad-insertion']);
    $contact->append('legend', 'Contact Info');
    $contact->append('label', 'Account name: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[acct-name]']);
    $contact->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[acct-name]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[acct-name]', 'pattern' => '[\\w ]+', 'placeholder' => 'Business name', 'required' => '']);
    $contact->append('label', 'Contact: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[contact]']);
    $contact->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[contact]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[contact]', 'placeholder' => 'First Last', 'pattern' => '[A-z \\.]+', 'required' => '']);
    $contact->append('label', 'Phone: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[phone]']);
    $contact->append('input', null, ['type' => 'tel', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[phone]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[phone]', 'placeholder' => '123456789', 'required' => '']);
    $contact->append('label', 'Address: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[address]']);
    $contact->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[address]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[address]', 'pattern' => '[\\w \\.]+', 'placeholder' => '123 Easy St.', 'required' => '']);
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    $charges->append('legend', 'Charges');
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    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'number', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[rate]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[rate]', 'min' => '0', 'step' => 0.01, 'value' => '0', 'placeholder' => '50.00', 'required' => '']);
    $charges->append('label', 'Color Rate: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[color-rate]']);
    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'number', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[color-rate]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[color-rate]', 'min' => '0', 'step' => 0.01, 'value' => '0', 'placeholder' => 5.25, 'required' => '']);
    $charges->append('label', 'Full ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[q][full]']);
    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'radio', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[q]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[q][full]', 'value' => 'full', 'placeholder' => '???']);
    $charges->append('label', '1 ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[q][1]']);
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    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'number', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[size][height]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[size][height]', 'min' => '1', 'max' => '21', 'step' => '0.5', 'placeholder' => 5, 'required' => '']);
    $charges->append('h2', 'Run Dates');
    $charges->append('label', 'From: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[run][start]']);
    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'week', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[run][start]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[run][start]', 'placeholder' => 'YYYY-W##', 'required' => '']);
    $charges->append('label', 'To: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[run][end]']);
    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'week', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[run][end]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[run][end]', 'placeholder' => 'YYYY-W##', 'required' => '']);
    $charges->append('label', null, ['for' => 'ad-insertion[sheets]'])->append('b')->append('abbr', 'TFN', ['title' => 'Tile Further Notice']);
    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[sheets]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[sheets]', 'placeholder' => '???']);
    $charges->append('label', null, ['for' => 'ad-insertion[pu]'])->append('abbr', 'P/U', ['title' => 'Pick-Up']);
    $charges->append('input', null, ['type' => 'text', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[pu]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[pu]', 'placeholder' => '???']);
    $info = $form->append('fieldset');
    $info->append('legend', 'Ad Description &amp; Info');
    $info->append('textarea', null, ['name' => 'ad-insertion[info]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[info]', 'placeholder' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricies a non tortor.', 'required' => '']);
    $info->append('label', 'Attachments: ', ['for' => 'ad-insertion[attachments]']);
    $info->append('input', null, ['type' => 'file', 'name' => 'ad-insertion[attachments]', 'id' => 'ad-insertion[attachments]']);
    $form->append('button', null, ['type' => 'submit', 'title' => 'Submit'])->import(DOM\SVG::useIcon('check', $size));
    $form->append('button', null, ['type' => 'reset', 'title' => 'Reset'])->import(DOM\SVG::useIcon('x', $size));
    return $form;