public function analyse() { $analyser = new PHPLOCAnalyser(); $finder = new FinderFacade([$this->findSourceRoot()]); $files = $finder->findFiles(); return $analyser->countFiles($files, true); }
/** * @param TombstoneExtractor $tombstoneExtractor * @param string $sourcePath */ public function __construct(TombstoneExtractor $tombstoneExtractor, $sourcePath, $excludeDirs, $excludeFiles, $ignoreErrors) { $this->ignoreErrors = $ignoreErrors; $this->tombstoneExtractor = $tombstoneExtractor; $finder = new FinderFacade(array($sourcePath), $excludeDirs, array('*.php'), $excludeFiles); $this->files = $finder->findFiles(); }
/** * Run the task. * * @param array &$options Additional options. * * @return integer Number of errors. */ public function run(&$options) { $finder = new FinderFacade(array(realpath($this->_config->getPath()))); $files = $finder->findFiles(); $analyser = new PHPLOC\Analyser(); $count = $analyser->countFiles($files, true); $this->_printResult($count); }
/** * Run the task. * * @param array &$options Additional options. * * @return integer Number of errors. */ public function run(&$options) { $finder = new FinderFacade(array(realpath($this->_config->getPath() . '/lib'))); $files = $finder->findFiles(); $detector = new PHPDCD\Detector(); $result = $detector->detectDeadCode($files, true); $this->_printResult($result); }
/** * Run the task. * * @param array &$options Additional options. * * @return integer Number of errors. */ public function run(&$options) { $finder = new FinderFacade(array(realpath($this->_config->getPath() . '/lib'))); $files = $finder->findFiles(); $detector = new PHPCPD\Detector\Detector(new PHPCPD\Detector\Strategy\DefaultStrategy()); $clones = $detector->copyPasteDetection($files, 5, 70); $this->_printResult($clones); return count($clones); }
/** * Handle provided directory * * Optionally an existing result file can be provided * * If a valid file could be generated the file name is supposed to be * returned, otherwise return null. * * @param Project $project * @param string $existingResult * @return string */ public function handle(Project $project, $existingResult = null) { $zipFile = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../data/'; $archive = new \ZipArchive(); $archive->open($zipFile, \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE | \ZipArchive::CREATE); $finder = new FinderFacade(array($project->baseDir), $project->excludes, array('*.php')); foreach ($finder->findFiles() as $existingResult) { $archive->addFile($existingResult, ltrim(str_replace($project->baseDir, '', $existingResult), '/')); } $archive->close(); }
/** * Handle provided directory * * Optionally an existing result file can be provided * * @param string $dir * @param array $excludes * @param string $file * @return void */ public function handle($dir, array $excludes, $file = null) { $zipFile = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../data/'; $archive = new \ZipArchive(); $archive->open($zipFile, \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE | \ZipArchive::CREATE); $finder = new FinderFacade(array($dir), $excludes, array('*.php')); foreach ($finder->findFiles() as $file) { $archive->addFile($file, ltrim(str_replace($dir, '', $file), '/')); } $archive->close(); }
/** * Executes the current command. * * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance * * @return null|integer null or 0 if everything went fine, or an error code */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $mergedCoverage = new PHP_CodeCoverage(); $finder = new FinderFacade(array($input->getArgument('directory')), array(), array('*.cov')); foreach ($finder->findFiles() as $file) { $_coverage = (include $file); $mergedCoverage->merge($_coverage); unset($_coverage); } $this->handleReports($mergedCoverage, $input, $output); }
/** * * @return int 0 if success, otherwise failure */ public function run() { try { list($includePaths, $includeFiles) = $this->fillPathsAndFiles('include_paths'); list($excludePaths, $excludeFiles) = $this->fillPathsAndFiles('exclude_paths'); $finder = new FinderFacade($includePaths, $excludePaths, $includeFiles, $excludeFiles); $files = $finder->findFiles(); if (empty($files)) { return 0; } $this->analyze($files); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->errorWriter->write($e->getMessage()); return 1; } return 0; }
/** * Executes the current command. * * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance * * @return null|int null or 0 if everything went fine, or an error code */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $finder = new FinderFacade($input->getArgument('values'), $input->getOption('exclude'), $this->handleCSVOption($input, 'names'), $this->handleCSVOption($input, 'names-exclude')); $files = $finder->findFiles(); if (empty($files)) { $output->writeln('No files found to scan'); exit(1); } $quiet = $output->getVerbosity() == OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET; $detector = new Detector(); $result = $detector->detectDeadCode($files, $input->getOption('recursive')); if (!$quiet) { $printer = new Text(); $printer->printResult($output, $result); $output->writeln(\PHP_Timer::resourceUsage()); } }
/** * Handle provided directory * * Optionally an existing result file can be provided * * @param string $dir * @param array $excludes * @param string $file * @return void */ public function handle($dir, array $excludes, $file = null) { $currentDir = getcwd(); chdir($dir); if ($excludes) { $finder = new FinderFacade(array($dir), array(), $excludes); $excludes = array_map(function ($path) use($dir) { $path = substr($path, strlen($dir) + 1); return is_file($path) ? $path : $path . '/*'; }, $finder->findFiles()); array_unshift($excludes, '-x'); } $zipFile = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../data/'; if (file_exists($zipFile)) { unlink($zipFile); } $this->shell->exec('zip', array_merge(array('-r', $zipFile, './', '-i', '*.php'), $excludes)); chdir($currentDir); }
/** * Executes the current command. * * @param InputInterface $input An InputInterface instance * @param OutputInterface $output An OutputInterface instance * * @return null|integer null or 0 if everything went fine, or an error code */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $finder = new FinderFacade($input->getArgument('values'), $input->getOption('exclude'), $this->handleCSVOption($input, 'names'), $this->handleCSVOption($input, 'names-exclude')); $files = $finder->findFiles(); if (empty($files)) { $output->writeln('No files found to scan'); exit(1); } $progressHelper = null; if ($input->getOption('progress')) { $progressHelper = $this->getHelperSet()->get('progress'); $progressHelper->start($output, count($files)); } $strategy = new DefaultStrategy(); $detector = new Detector($strategy, $progressHelper); $quiet = $output->getVerbosity() == OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET; $clones = $detector->copyPasteDetection($files, $input->getOption('min-lines'), $input->getOption('min-tokens'), $input->getOption('fuzzy')); if ($input->getOption('progress')) { $progressHelper->finish(); $output->writeln(''); } if (!$quiet) { $printer = new Text(); $printer->printResult($output, $clones); unset($printer); } $logPmd = $input->getOption('log-pmd'); if ($logPmd) { $pmd = new PMD($logPmd); $pmd->processClones($clones); unset($pmd); } if (!$quiet) { print \PHP_Timer::resourceUsage() . "\n"; } if (count($clones) > 0) { exit(1); } }
/** * @throws \Exception */ public function handle() { \Log::info('QA::PHPCPD Run copy past detector'); $detector = new Detector(new DefaultStrategy()); $finder = new FinderFacade(['app'], []); $files = $finder->findFiles(); foreach ($files as $key => $value) { if (!is_file($value)) { unset($files[$key]); } } $clones = $detector->copyPasteDetection($files); if ($this->getOutput()->getVerbosity() > 1) { $printer = new Text(); $printer->printResult($this->getOutput(), $clones); unset($printer); } $percentage = floatval($clones->getPercentage()); if ($percentage > $this->option('limit')) { $this->error('[Shame] The copy/paste percentage is ' . $percentage); throw new \Exception('Your code is bad, and you should feel bad'); } }
/** * @param LogReader $logReader * @param string $logDir */ public function __construct(LogReader $logReader, $logDir) { $this->logReader = $logReader; $finder = new FinderFacade(array($logDir), array(), array('*.tombstone')); $this->files = $finder->findFiles(); }
/** * Processes a directory * * @param array $arguments * @param $excludes * @param $names * @param $namesExclude * @param $countTests * @return array|bool */ private function count(array $arguments, $excludes, $names, $namesExclude, $countTests) { try { $finder = new FinderFacade($arguments, $excludes, $names, $namesExclude); $files = $finder->findFiles(); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $ex) { return false; } if (empty($files)) { return false; } $analyser = new Analyser(); return $analyser->countFiles($files, $countTests); }
<?php /** * Generate report * adopted and modified version from */ require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use SebastianBergmann\FinderFacade\FinderFacade; $finder = new FinderFacade(array('build/coverage'), array(), array('*.cov')); foreach ($finder->findFiles() as $key => $filename) { if (isset($codeCoverage)) { $_coverage = (include $filename); $codeCoverage->filter()->addFilesToWhitelist($_coverage->filter()->getWhitelist()); $codeCoverage->merge($_coverage); unset($_coverage); } else { $codeCoverage = (include $filename); } } print "\nGenerating code coverage report in Clover format ..."; $writer = new PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Clover(); $writer->process($codeCoverage, 'build/logs/clover.xml'); print "Generating code coverage report in Clover format done\n";
/** * Main method. */ public function main() { $input = new \ezcConsoleInput(); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'exclude', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING, array(), TRUE)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('h', 'help', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE, NULL, FALSE, '', '', array(), array(), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'log-pmd', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'min-lines', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT, 5)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'min-tokens', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_INT, 70)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'names', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING, '*.php', FALSE)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'quiet', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE, NULL, FALSE)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('v', 'version', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE, NULL, FALSE, '', '', array(), array(), FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'progress', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE)); $input->registerOption(new \ezcConsoleOption('', 'verbose', \ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_NONE)); try { $input->process(); } catch (\ezcConsoleOptionException $e) { print $e->getMessage() . "\n"; exit(1); } if ($input->getOption('help')->value) { $this->showHelp(); exit(0); } else { if ($input->getOption('version')->value) { $this->printVersionString(); exit(0); } } $arguments = $input->getArguments(); if (empty($arguments)) { $this->showHelp(); exit(1); } $excludes = $input->getOption('exclude')->value; $logPmd = $input->getOption('log-pmd')->value; $minLines = $input->getOption('min-lines')->value; $minTokens = $input->getOption('min-tokens')->value; $names = explode(',', $input->getOption('names')->value); $quiet = $input->getOption('quiet')->value; $verbose = $input->getOption('verbose')->value; array_map('trim', $names); if ($input->getOption('progress')->value !== FALSE) { $output = new \ezcConsoleOutput(); } else { $output = NULL; } $this->printVersionString(); $finder = new FinderFacade($arguments, $excludes, $names); $files = $finder->findFiles(); if (empty($files)) { $this->showError("No files found to scan.\n"); } $strategy = new DefaultStrategy(); $detector = new Detector($strategy, $output); $clones = $detector->copyPasteDetection($files, $minLines, $minTokens); $printer = new ResultPrinter(); $printer->printResult($clones, !$quiet, $verbose); unset($printer); if ($logPmd) { $pmd = new PMD($logPmd); $pmd->processClones($clones); unset($pmd); } if (count($clones) > 0) { exit(1); } }
/** * @param TombstoneExtractor $tombstoneExtractor * @param string $sourcePath * @param array $regularExpressions Match source files against passed patterns. Defaults to ['*.php'] */ public function __construct(TombstoneExtractor $tombstoneExtractor, $sourcePath, $regularExpressions = array('*.php')) { $this->tombstoneExtractor = $tombstoneExtractor; $finder = new FinderFacade(array($sourcePath), array(), $regularExpressions); $this->files = $finder->findFiles(); }
private function count(array $arguments, $excludes, $names, $namesExclude, $countTests) { $finder = new FinderFacade($arguments, $excludes, $names, $namesExclude); $files = $finder->findFiles(); if (empty($files)) { return FALSE; } $analyser = new Analyser(); return $analyser->countFiles($files, $countTests); }
/** * @return array */ public function getDuplicatedCode() { $finder = new FinderFacade(array($this->getRealPath()), array(), array('*.php')); $detector = new Detector(new DefaultStrategy()); $clones = $detector->copyPasteDetection($finder->findFiles()); $numClones = count($clones); $summary = array(); if ($numClones > 0) { $files = array(); $locations = array(); $lines = 0; foreach ($clones as $clone) { foreach ($clone->getFiles() as $file) { $filename = $file->getName(); if (!isset($files[$filename])) { $files[$filename] = true; } } $lines += $clone->getSize() * (count($clone->getFiles()) - 1); foreach ($clone->getFiles() as $file) { $locations[] = sprintf("%s:%d-%d", $file->getName(), $file->getStartLine(), $file->getStartLine() + $clone->getSize()); } } $summary = array('num_clones' => $numClones, 'duplicated_lines' => $lines, 'num_files' => count($files), 'locations' => $locations); } $summary['percentage'] = $clones->getPercentage(); $summary['total_loc'] = $clones->getNumLines(); return $summary; }
/** * @covers SebastianBergmann\FinderFacade\FinderFacade::loadConfiguration */ public function testFilesCanBeFoundBasedOnXmlConfiguration() { $facade = new FinderFacade(); $facade->loadConfiguration($this->fixtureDir . 'test.xml'); $this->assertEquals(array($this->fixtureDir . 'bar.phtml', $this->fixtureDir . 'foo' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bar.php'), $facade->findFiles()); }
#!/usr/bin/env php <?php if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) { die('You need to set up the project dependencies using the following commands:' . PHP_EOL . 'wget' . PHP_EOL . 'php composer.phar install' . PHP_EOL); } require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use SebastianBergmann\FinderFacade\FinderFacade; $finder = new FinderFacade(array(__DIR__ . '/../example/src'), array(), array('*.php')); print 'digraph G {' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($finder->findFiles() as $file) { $file = new PHP_Token_Stream($file); foreach ($file->getClasses() as $className => $class) { if ($class['parent'] == 'AbstractDoorState') { foreach ($class['methods'] as $methodName => $method) { if (!in_array($methodName, array('open', 'close', 'lock', 'unlock'))) { continue; } $annotations = array('return' => array()); if (preg_match_all('/@(?P<name>[A-Za-z_-]+)(?:[ \\t]+(?P<value>.*?))?[ \\t]*\\r?$/m', $method['docblock'], $matches)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); ++$i) { $annotations[$matches['name'][$i]][] = $matches['value'][$i]; } } foreach ($annotations['return'] as $return) { printf(' "%s" -> "%s";' . PHP_EOL, str_replace(array('Door', 'State'), array(' Door', ''), $className), str_replace(array('Door', 'State'), array(' Door', ''), $return)); } } } } } print '}' . PHP_EOL;