hint() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static hint ( )
예제 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function hints()
     return array_merge(parent::hints(), ['generateModelClass' => 'This indicates whether the generator should generate the model class, this should usually be done only once. The model-base class is always generated.', 'tablePrefix' => 'Custom table prefix, eg <code>app_</code>.<br/><b>Note!</b> overrides <code>yii\\db\\Connection</code> prefix!', 'useTranslatableBehavior' => 'Use <code>2amigos/yii2-translateable-behavior</code> for tables with a relation to a translation table.', 'languageTableName' => 'The name of the table containing the translations. <code>{{table}}</code> will be replaced with the value in "Table Name" field.', 'languageCodeColumn' => 'The column name where the language code is stored.', 'generateHintsFromComments' => 'This indicates whether the generator should generate attribute hints
                 by using the comments of the corresponding DB columns.', 'useTimestampBehavior' => 'Use <code>TimestampBehavior</code> for tables with column(s) for created at and/or updated at timestamps.', 'createdAtColumn' => 'The column name where the created at timestamp is stored.', 'updatedAtColumn' => 'The column name where the updated at timestamp is stored.', 'useBlameableBehavior' => 'Use <code>BlameableBehavior</code> for tables with column(s) for created by and/or updated by user IDs.', 'createdByColumn' => "The column name where the record creator's user ID is stored.", 'updatedByColumn' => "The column name where the record updater's user ID is stored."], SaveForm::hint());
예제 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function hints()
     return array_merge(parent::hints(), ['providerList' => 'Choose the providers to be used.', 'viewPath' => 'Output path for view files, eg. <code>@backend/views/crud</code>.', 'pathPrefix' => 'Customized route/subfolder for controllers and views eg. <code>crud/</code>. <b>Note!</b> Should correspond to <code>viewPath</code>.', 'modelMessageCategory' => 'Model message categry.'], SaveForm::hint());