예제 #1
 public static function dateInput($config)
     // month, day, year, required, and error message are optional
     $config['month'] = isset($config['month']) ? $config['month'] : '';
     $config['day'] = isset($config['day']) ? $config['day'] : '';
     $config['year'] = isset($config['year']) ? $config['year'] : '';
     $config['required'] = isset($config['required']) ? $config['required'] : false;
     $config['errorMessage'] = isset($config['errorMessage']) ? $config['errorMessage'] : null;
     $string = '<div class="usa-date-of-birth">';
     $string .= DateInput::buildInput('Month', $config['name'], '0?[1-9]|1[012]', 1, 12, $config['month'], $config['required'], $config['errorMessage']);
     $string .= DateInput::buildInput('Day', $config['name'], '0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01]', 1, 31, $config['day'], $config['required'], $config['errorMessage']);
     $string .= DateInput::buildInput('Year', $config['name'], '[0-9]{4}', 1900, 2000, $config['year'], $config['required'], $config['errorMessage']);
     $string .= '</div>';
     return $string;
예제 #2
  * To allow the greatest flexibility in the definition of this element,
  * a keyed array is passed.
  * Note: There is an issue when display errors, and a float-fix <code>div</code> has been added.
  * Required keys
  * * **label:** The legend of the fieldset.
  * * **name:** The name of the field for POST data. Note: The name will be appended with 1, 2, 3, for month, day, and year, respectively.
  * Optional keys
  * * **required:** true|false (default is false) - Whether the field is required or not.
  * * **hint:** An arbitrary non-block HTML string describing the purpose of the field.
  * * **errorMessage:** An arbitrary non-block HTML string describing the error found.
  * * **month:** The value of the month field.
  * * **day:** The value of the day field.
  * * **year:** The value of the year field.
  * @param  [type] $config [description]
  * @return [type]         [description]
 public static function dateInput($config)
     return DateInput::build($config);