예제 #1
  * Get an array of Hydrators needed by the specified collection
  *    'field_name' => AbstractHydrator
  * @param  \rsanchez\Deep\Collection\AbstractTitleCollection $collection
  * @return array                                             AbstractHydrator[]
 public function getHydrators(AbstractTitleCollection $collection, array $extraHydrators = array())
     $hydrators = new HydratorCollection();
     if ($collection->hasCustomFields()) {
         // add the built-in ones
         foreach ($this->hydrators as $type => $class) {
             if ($collection->hasFieldtype($type)) {
                 $hydrators->put($type, $this->newHydrator($collection, $hydrators, $type));
     foreach ($extraHydrators as $type) {
         if (isset($this->hydrators[$type])) {
             $hydrators->put($type, $this->newHydrator($collection, $hydrators, $type));
     return $hydrators;
예제 #2
  * Parse a plugin tag pair equivalent to channel:entries
  * @param  AbstractTitleCollection $entries   a collection of entries
  * @param  string                  $tagdata   the raw template to parse
  * @param  array                   $params    channel:entries parameters
  * @param  array                   $varPair   array of pair tags from ee()->functions->assign_variables
  * @param  array                   $varSingle array single tags from ee()->functions->assign_variables
  * @return string
 protected function parseEntryCollection(AbstractTitleCollection $entries, $tagdata, array $params = array(), array $varPair = array(), array $varSingle = array())
     $disabled = empty($params['disable']) ? array() : explode('|', $disable);
     $offset = isset($params['offset']) ? $params['offset'] : 0;
     $absoluteResults = isset($params['absolute_results']) ? $params['absolute_results'] : $entries->count();
     $customFieldsEnabled = !in_array('custom_fields', $disabled);
     $memberDataEnabled = !in_array('member_data', $disabled);
     $categoriesEnabled = !in_array('categories', $disabled);
     $categoryFieldsEnabled = $categoriesEnabled && !in_array('category_fields', $disabled);
     if (!empty($params['var_prefix'])) {
         $prefix = rtrim($params['var_prefix'], ':') . ':';
         $prefixLength = strlen($prefix);
     } else {
         $prefix = '';
         $prefixLength = 0;
     $singleTags = array();
     $pairTags = array();
     foreach (array_keys($varSingle) as $tag) {
         $spacePosition = strpos($tag, ' ');
         if ($spacePosition !== false) {
             $name = substr($tag, 0, $spacePosition);
             $tagparams = ee()->functions->assign_parameters(substr($tag, $spacePosition));
         } elseif (preg_match('#^([a-z_]+)=([\\042\\047]?)?(.*?)\\2$#', $tag, $match)) {
             $name = $match[1];
             $tagparams = $match[3] ? array($match[3]) : array('');
         } else {
             $name = $tag;
             $tagparams = array();
         if ($prefix && strncmp($name, $prefix, $prefixLength) !== 0) {
         $singleTags[] = (object) array('name' => $prefix ? substr($name, $prefixLength) : $name, 'key' => $tag, 'params' => $tagparams, 'tagdata' => '');
     foreach ($varPair as $tag => $tagparams) {
         $spacePosition = strpos($tag, ' ');
         $name = $spacePosition === false ? $tag : substr($tag, 0, $spacePosition);
         if ($prefix && strncmp($name, $prefix, $prefixLength) !== 0) {
         preg_match_all('#{(' . preg_quote($tag) . '}(.*?){/' . preg_quote($name) . ')}#s', $tagdata, $matches);
         foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $key) {
             $pairTags[] = (object) array('name' => $prefix ? substr($name, $prefixLength) : $name, 'key' => $key, 'params' => $tagparams ?: array(), 'tagdata' => $matches[2][$i]);
     $variables = array();
     foreach ($entries as $i => $entry) {
         $row = array($prefix . 'absolute_count' => $offset + $i + 1, $prefix . 'absolute_results' => $absoluteResults, $prefix . 'category_request' => isset($params['category_request']) ? $params['category_request'] : false, $prefix . 'not_category_request' => isset($params['category_request']) ? !$params['category_request'] : true, $prefix . 'channel' => $entry->channel->channel_name, $prefix . 'channel_short_name' => $entry->channel->channel_name, $prefix . 'comment_auto_path' => $entry->channel->comment_url, $prefix . 'comment_entry_id_auto_path' => $entry->channel->comment_url . '/' . $entry->entry_id, $prefix . 'comment_url_title_auto_path' => $entry->channel->comment_url . '/' . $entry->url_title, $prefix . 'entry_site_id' => $entry->site_id, $prefix . 'forum_topic' => (int) (bool) $entry->forum_topic_id, $prefix . 'not_forum_topic' => (int) (!$entry->forum_topic_id), $prefix . 'page_uri' => $entry->page_uri, $prefix . 'page_url' => ee()->functions->create_url($entry->page_uri), $prefix . 'entry_id_path' => array($entry->entry_id, array('path_variable' => true)), $prefix . 'permalink' => array($entry->entry_id, array('path_variable' => true)), $prefix . 'title_permalink' => array($entry->url_title, array('path_variable' => true)), $prefix . 'url_title_path' => array($entry->url_title, array('path_variable' => true)), $prefix . 'profile_path' => array($entry->author_id, array('path_variable' => true)));
         foreach ($pairTags as $tag) {
             if ($tag->name === 'parents' || $tag->name === 'siblings') {
                 $value = $entry->{$tag->name};
                 $tag->params['var_prefix'] = $prefix . $tag->name;
                 $tag->vars = ee()->functions->assign_variables($tag->tagdata);
                 if (!empty($tag->params['field'])) {
                     $fieldRepository = $this->app->make('FieldRepository');
                     $fieldIds = array();
                     foreach (explode('|', $tag->params['field']) as $fieldName) {
                         if ($fieldRepository->hasField($fieldName)) {
                             $fieldIds[] = $fieldRepository->getFieldId($fieldName);
                     if ($fieldIds) {
                         $tag->params['field_id'] = implode('|', $fieldIds);
                 $row[$tag->key] = $this->parseEntryCollection($value($tag->params), $tag->tagdata, $tag->params, $tag->vars['var_pair'], $tag->vars['var_single']);
             } elseif ($categoriesEnabled && $tag->name === 'categories') {
                 $categories = array();
                 foreach ($entry->categories->tagparams($tag->params) as $categoryModel) {
                     $category = $categoryModel->toArray();
                     unset($category['cat_id'], $category['cat_name'], $category['cat_description'], $category['cat_image'], $category['cat_url_title'], $category['group_id']);
                     $categoryUri = ee()->config->item('use_category_name') === 'y' ? '/' . ee()->config->item('reserved_category_word') . '/' . $categoryModel->cat_url_title : '/C' . $categoryModel->cat_id;
                     $regex = '#' . preg_quote($categoryUri) . '(\\/|\\/P\\d+\\/?)?$#';
                     $category['active'] = (bool) preg_match($regex, ee()->uri->uri_string());
                     $category['category_description'] = $categoryModel->cat_description;
                     $category['category_group'] = $categoryModel->group_id;
                     $category['category_id'] = $categoryModel->cat_id;
                     $category['category_image'] = $categoryModel->cat_image;
                     $category['category_name'] = $categoryModel->cat_name;
                     $category['category_url_title'] = $categoryModel->cat_url_title;
                     $category['path'] = array($categoryUri, array('path_variable' => true));
                     array_push($categories, $category);
                 // @TODO parse the file path at the model attribute level using upload pref repository
                 $row[$tag->key] = $categories ? ee()->typography->parse_file_paths(ee()->TMPL->parse_variables($tag->tagdata, $categories)) : '';
             } elseif ($customFieldsEnabled && $entry->channel->fields->hasField($tag->name)) {
                 $row[$tag->key] = '';
                 $value = $entry->{$tag->name};
                 if ($value instanceof AbstractTitleCollection) {
                     // native relationships are prefixed by default
                     if ($value instanceof RelationshipCollection) {
                         $tag->params['var_prefix'] = $tag->name;
                     $tag->vars = ee()->functions->assign_variables($tag->tagdata);
                     $value = $this->parseEntryCollection($value($tag->params), $tag->tagdata, $tag->params, $tag->vars['var_pair'], $tag->vars['var_single']);
                 } elseif ($value instanceof FilterableInterface) {
                     $value = $value($tag->params)->toArray();
                 } elseif (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, 'toArray')) {
                     $value = $value->toArray();
                 } elseif ($value) {
                     $value = (string) $value;
                 if ($value) {
                     if (is_array($value)) {
                         $row[$tag->key] = ee()->TMPL->parse_variables($tag->tagdata, $value);
                         if (isset($tag->params['backspace'])) {
                             $row[$tag->key] = substr($row[$tag->key], 0, -$tag->params['backspace']);
                     } else {
                         $row[$tag->key] = $value;
         foreach ($singleTags as $tag) {
             if ($customFieldsEnabled && $entry->channel->fields->hasField($tag->name)) {
                 $row[$tag->key] = (string) $entry->{$tag->name};
             if ($entry->{$tag->name} instanceof DateTime) {
                 $format = isset($tag->params['format']) ? preg_replace('#%([a-zA-Z])#', '\\1', $tag->params['format']) : 'U';
                 $row[$tag->key] = $entry->{$tag->name}->format($format);
         foreach ($entry->getOriginal() as $key => $value) {
             $row[$prefix . $key] = $value;
         foreach ($entry->channel->toArray() as $key => $value) {
             $row[$prefix . $key] = $value;
         $row[$prefix . 'allow_comments'] = (int) ($entry->allow_comments === 'y');
         $row[$prefix . 'sticky'] = (int) ($entry->sticky === 'y');
         if ($memberDataEnabled) {
             foreach ($entry->author->toArray() as $key => $value) {
                 $row[$prefix . $key] = $value;
             $row[$prefix . 'author'] = $entry->author->screen_name ?: $entry->author->username;
             $row[$prefix . 'avatar_url'] = $entry->author->avatar_filename ? ee()->config->item('avatar_url') . $entry->author->avatar_filename : '';
             $row[$prefix . 'avatar_image_height'] = $entry->author->avatar_height;
             $row[$prefix . 'avatar_image_width'] = $entry->author->avatar_width;
             $row[$prefix . 'avatar'] = (int) (bool) $entry->author->avatar_filename;
             $row[$prefix . 'photo_url'] = $entry->author->photo_filename ? ee()->config->item('photo_url') . $entry->author->photo_filename : '';
             $row[$prefix . 'photo_image_height'] = $entry->author->photo_height;
             $row[$prefix . 'photo_image_width'] = $entry->author->photo_width;
             $row[$prefix . 'photo'] = (int) (bool) $entry->author->photo_filename;
             $row[$prefix . 'signature_image_url'] = $entry->author->sig_img_filename ? ee()->config->item('sig_img_url') . $entry->author->sig_img_filename : '';
             $row[$prefix . 'signature_image_height'] = $entry->author->sig_img_height;
             $row[$prefix . 'signature_image_width'] = $entry->author->sig_img_width;
             $row[$prefix . 'signature_image'] = (int) (bool) $entry->author->sig_img_filename;
             $row[$prefix . 'url_or_email'] = $entry->author->url ?: $entry->author->email;
             $row[$prefix . 'url_or_email_as_author'] = '<a href="' . ($entry->author->url ?: 'mailto:' . $entry->author->email) . '">' . $row[$prefix . 'author'] . '</a>';
             $row[$prefix . 'url_or_email_as_link'] = '<a href="' . ($entry->author->url ?: 'mailto:' . $entry->author->email) . '">' . $row[$prefix . 'url_or_email'] . '</a>';
         $variables[] = $row;
     if (preg_match('#{if ' . preg_quote($prefix) . 'no_results}(.*?){/if}#s', $tagdata, $match)) {
         $tagdata = str_replace($match[0], '', $tagdata);
         ee()->TMPL->no_results = $match[1];
     if (!$variables) {
         return ee()->TMPL->no_results();
     $output = ee()->TMPL->parse_variables($tagdata, $variables);
     if (!empty($params['backspace'])) {
         $output = substr($output, 0, -$params['backspace']);
     return $output;