public function addTo(Set $set) { $setBean = $set->getBean(); $recordBean = $this->newBean(); foreach ($this->directives as $directive) { $recordBean->{$directive->field->cleanName} = $directive->value; } $setBean->{'own' . ucfirst($this->cleanName) . 'List'}[] = $recordBean; R::storeAll([$recordBean, $setBean]); return $this; }
public static function create($module, $component, $group) { if (self::isUnique($module, $component, $group->name)) { $bean = R::dispense('perm'); $groupBean = $group->bean(); $bean->groupName = $group->name; $bean->module = $module; $bean->component = $component; $groupBean->sharedPermList[] = $bean; R::storeAll([$bean, $groupBean]); return new Perm($module, $component, $group); } return null; }
public static function checkOut($number, Publisher $publisher) { if (R::count('record', ' number = :number AND isnull(`in`) ', ['number' => $number]) > 0) { return null; } $territoryBean = R::findOne('territory', ' number = :number ', ['number' => $number]); if ($territoryBean === null) { return null; } $bean = R::dispense('record'); $bean->number = $number; $bean->out = time(); $bean->in = null; $bean->checkOutBy = App::user()->id; $record = new Record($number, $bean); $territoryBean->sharedRecordList[] = $bean; $publisherBean = $publisher->bean(); $publisherBean->ownRecordList[] = $bean; R::storeAll([$bean, $territoryBean, $publisherBean]); $publisher->records[] = $record; return $record; }
public function __invoke($school_id) { $school = $this->schoolService->getSchool($school_id); try { $equipment = $this->inventoryService->getUnitEquipment($school['registry_no']); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->error(sprintf('Problem retrieving assets from inventory for school %s', $school_id)); $this->logger->debug('Exception', [$e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString()]); return false; } $labTypes = $this->getLabTypes(); $assetTypes = $this->getAssetTypes(); try { $locations = $this->getLocations($school_id, $equipment, $labTypes, $assetTypes); R::storeAll($locations); $this->logger->info(sprintf('Add assets from inventory for school %s', $school_id)); return $this->labService->getLabsBySchoolId($school_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->error(sprintf('Problem inserting assets for school %s in database', $school_id)); $this->logger->debug('Exception', [$e->getMessage(), $e->getTraceAsString()]); return false; } }
public function addToSet(Set $set) { $setBean = $set->getBean(); if (R::count('skemafield', ' name = ? and skemaset_id = ? ', [$this->name, $setBean->getID()]) > 0) { if (Set::$strict) { throw new \Exception('Already exists on set'); } return $this; } $fieldBean = $this->newBean(); $set->fields[$this->cleanName] = $this; $this->set = $set; $setBean->ownSkemafieldList[] = $fieldBean; R::storeAll([$fieldBean, $setBean]); return $this; }