예제 #1
 public function create($values)
     $page = \reasg\ui_views::createDefaultView();
     $recordView = \reasg\ui_template::create("record.view");
     $recordView->set("record_title", "New Employee Record");
     $ds = \reasg\ui_datasource::createDataset('student_record');
     //Settings items individually
     $ds->items['std_sn'] = '812150001';
     $ds->items['std_name'] = 'Joe Cuevas Garcia';
     $ds->items['std_ssn'] = ['123', '45', '6789'];
     $ds->items['std_dob'] = '09/22/1998';
     $ds->items['std_sex'] = 'm';
     $ds->items['languages'] = ['sp', 'en'];
     //bind this ds to fields in a view with
     //the same name as this ds
예제 #2
 public function edit($values)
     $page = \reasg\ui_views::createDefaultView();
     $ds = \reasg\ui_datasource::createDataset('employee');
     //Settings items individually
     $ds->items['email'] = 'jose.cuevas';
     $ds->items['emp_name'] = 'Jose';
     $ds->items['emp_mname'] = 'L';
     $ds->items['emp_lname'] = 'Cuevas Garcia';
     $ds->items['emp_state'] = 'pr';
     $ds->items['emp_city'] = 'mc';
     $ds->items['field_enabled'] = '0';
     $ds->items['start_date'] = '09/20/2015';
     $ds->items['field_checkbox01'] = ['1', '2'];
     $ds->items['field_radio01'] = '2';
     //populate a repeater table
     $ds->items['records2'] = [['id' => '001', 'school_name' => 'Vilmari Sanchez', 'town' => 'ri', 'date_created' => '09/20/2015', 'amount' => '18,000'], ['id' => '002', 'school_name' => 'Jose Cuevas', 'town' => 'ag', 'date_created' => '09/21/2015', 'amount' => '18,000'], ['id' => '003', 'school_name' => 'Joe Cuevas', 'town' => 'mc', 'date_created' => '09/22/2015', 'amount' => '18,000']];
     //setting an attribute to a binded field
     $ds->field('emp_tax_rate')->readonly()->placeholder('FICA NOT REQUIRED');
     //bind this ds to fields in a view with
     //the same name as this ds
     $f = \reasg\appBundle::create("test", "@assets");
     \reasg\client_controller::importController('employee_controller', $f->js->child('employee.controller.js')->url);
     global $app_controller;
     $ui = $this->controller->client();
     //$ui->showAlertError("This is big alert 2!");
     $a = ['start_date' => '09/27/2015'];
     $ui->populateSelectorWithDataset("employee", $a);
     //$page->js->write("//hello jose");
     //$o = \reasg\client_controller::when("employee.email")->changed()->val('jose.cuevas')->done();
     //global $app_state;
     //reasg_dev_dump($app_state['current_interaction'], '$app_state');
     $recordView = \reasg\ui_template::create("record.view");
     $recordView->set("record_title", "Employee Record");
예제 #3
 public function client()
     global $ui_default_interaction, $ui_default_view;
     if (is_null($ui_default_interaction)) {
         $ui_default_interaction = new client_interaction();
         $view = \reasg\ui_views::getDefaultView();
         if (!is_null($view)) {
             $m = function () use($view, $ui_default_interaction) {
                 error_log("here client commit 1");
                 $js = 'var init_interactions = ' . $ui_default_interaction->toJSON() . ";\n";
                 $js .= 'var promise = {success: undefined,failure: undefined, data: undefined};' . "\n";
                 $js .= 'rea_controller.backend.handleResponseJSON(init_interactions,promise);' . "\n";
                 error_log("here client commit to view 2");
             $this->on('default_view_commit', $m);
         } else {
             $m = function () use($ui_default_interaction) {
                 global $app_controller;
                 error_log("here client commit 2");
                 $app_controller->header('Content-Type', 'text/json');
                 $s = $ui_default_interaction->toJSON();
             $this->on('app_send_output', $m);
     error_log("returning client");
     return $ui_default_interaction;
예제 #4
 function bindToSelector($sel)
     global $app_controller;
     $uid = $this->uid;
     $name = $this->name;
     $view = \reasg\ui_views::getDefaultView();
     $js = "var ds = ui_datasource_controller.createDataSourceWithObject('" . $this->name . "', " . $this->getHTML() . ");\n";
     error_log("@bindToSelector {$sel}::default_view_commit =========");
     $m = function ($view) use($uid, $name, $sel, $js) {
         error_log("@closure default_view_commit =========");
         $s = "ui_datasource_controller.populateSelectorWithDataset(\"{$sel}\", ui_datasource_controller.getDatsourceWithName(\"{$name}\") );\n";
     $app_controller->on('default_view_commit', $m);